
Chapter 316: The Little Soldier 5

E͇l͇ ͇S͇o͇l͇d͇a͇d͇i͇t͇o͇ ͇5͇

Arnicania was a small district in the West of France, being close to the sea it has its fishing ports as well as a large supply of shellfish and molluscs, and in turn they also have a large production of salt. That was its main source of economy in the district of Arnicania, what was once a small but proud district, now only remains its few settlers who continue to strive not to drop the name of what it means to be a person of Arnicania.

You could hear them calling through the streets with the horns they had, the enemy soldiers shouting to make a call to every soldier in the center of the city of Arnicania. Quickly many soldiers, most of them only young men between 12 to 16 years old, left their homes, while others who were in the streets, quickly put on their military clothing to run as fast as they could. This was a routine that was repeated daily at a certain time of the day, since what they received was a basic training as well as new teachings by the enemies, and if they saw that someone managed to have a little potential or stood out among the others, they took him to their military area that they managed to settle in the port, there they already receive better training as well as a harder and straighter teaching, all in order to be useful and of course, perhaps a little to implant external ideas that they possess.

『(Fuck, I can't even have some time to rest, in the morning until the time I return to the orphanage, they sent us back to get rid of what they destroyed, to see how with my own hands the rubble of my city is disposed of. ...is something that hurts me a lot...They force us to do the hard work while they expand more through our territory *tsch* You will see one day, if no one comes to help us I will have to do it myself)』

Fari was adjusting his modified military uniform so that he won't receive punishment, since as always brute force is what they use to be able to subdue others, seeing how because of the dirt that is inside his clothes, Fari was scratching his arms as well as his legs, it is becoming a habit that he hopes to one day end. But in one of those moments that he was scratching, he quickly felt a serious pain in his arm, this made him stop in the middle of the street, his face explained everything, he was already fed up with how his life is right now.

『Don't stand still Fari, you don't want to be punished for being late, I don't want to be punished...』

Ann had appeared at his side who this just by looking at him was more than tired, since he started with this being a double spy, the effort he has to make is also enormous, accompanied that he does not have a good life nor a good diet, in this month that passed you can see only in his face that he is extremely exhausted, quickly Ann rubbed his eyes to remove the lashes he had, just as he had a patch on his cheek, at the words of his friend, Fari with a simple movement of his face, both were heading to the square.

『And when are you going to stop the nonsense you are doing, you are not gaining anything with what you are doing, it is worse, just look at you, in just one month you already look different』.

『You think so? I don't even notice the difference anymore, the only thing that affects me now is seeing people being violent towards others and towards me, I...I don't want to see any of that...when I see someone being violent or abrupt, saying things that I know are bad.... .for some reason I want to do it too, abusing others must feel good for them to do it...I want to feel good too, tell me Fari tonight again do you want to go to the Well...I need to let off steam so I don't lose my head or my heart....』

Fari knew it, his friend Ann who is 15 years old, is being consumed in a fast way with the ravages of war, it's been half a year since all this started, accompanied by how all this started, it has also been a great trigger among the villagers. At the words of his friend who is still standing, Fari still felt discomfort in his arms that even if it hurts this one anyway decided to scratch to satisfy himself momentarily .

『Yeah, I'm going to go in the evening too, anyway the last thing I heard left me more annoyed than satisfied』 .

Ann seeing that her friend was scratching his arm a lot, she raised her face dejectedly to see her friend's, she could see in his expression that he is always angry, like there is always something bothering him, she quickly deduced what is wrong with her friend, telling him that his arm is hurting, but at the same time she was giving him a precautionary advice.

『Don't scratch it, it will be worse now, especially when we do the training, if they notice that you are flagging, who knows what they will do to you, just like what you are planning, if you are not in your best shape it won't work』.

Already nights ago while they were doing night work such as guarding the area so that no one escapes, Fari told his friend that he was planning something, that eventually he plans to gather other people and take by surprise the settlement where it seems that there is staying the representative of the invading country, his goal is simple, kill him so that all this ends. For Fari this seems to be a simple solution to the problems, but of course, this is not a measure that will save them completely, he knows, it is only a representative, surely they will send another and another after another, this would never end, besides it is not like the soldiers stay still, surely when Fari kills the representative, they will end up killing him.

『It's a silly idea, killing the boss won't solve anything, it will make it worse, I'm clear about that』.

『So what do you want me to do, stand by while I watch Arnicania being taken over by invaders!!! it's better what I do than to follow their orders forever, it may be foolish, but more foolish is not trying!!!』

『Hey don't shout...I don't like noise....』

『Eh???? Then how do you want me to say it!!! Yes friends, I will live happily here with my invaders, they will bring me a better life, OF COURSE NOT IDIOT!!!!! THEY KILLED OUR FAMILIES, THEY KILLED THE MEN WHO OPPOSED THEM, THEY KILLED THE WOMEN, THEY TOOK THEM AWAY. !!!! ONLY THE INFANTS AND US ARE LEFT!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT WANT ME TO SCREAM IN THE FACE OF SO MUCH TRAGEDY!!!』

『Don't say it...don't keep saying it....why....because you're too direct!!!!!』

Before the outburst of rage that Fari had, Ann was enduring not to get out of control or fall before the negative of the moment, but before his pleas just kept hearing that his friend was yelling and facing him, he had no choice but Ann himself to shut him up with blows, it could be heard and was starting another night fight between friends, the enemy shadows that were roaming around the place, saw this and could be heard as they laughed and even encouraged them to continue hitting each other.

『Don't say things that make me sad!!!』

『But it's the truth!!!! How do you plan to go on with your life if you don't accept the facts at face!!!! Instead of using that strength against me, you should use it against those idiots that right now just like 6 months ago, they were laughing while we were fighting each other for any stupidity! CALM THE FUCK DOWN ALREADY!!!』

Fari gave a hard punch on his friend's face that left him with a red hot bruise, this punch seemed to have calmed Ann down, as her movements slowed down but trying to stand up, Fari likewise was tired but was still eager to keep talking.

『We are citizens of Arnicania!!! We are strong and proud, but we are not very good at reasoning with things we don't know, the outside or new ideas, we reject them because of how foreign it is, but just like before someone who treats us well, we easily fall for their words, we don't avoid feeling comfortable and in trusting, my father had a funny comparison realizing that, he said that the citizens of Arnicania are like a stray dog, they see only for their life and are oblivious to what they consider dangerous, they bark to intimidate and bite for fear that something bad will happen to them, but when they receive affection, they leave aside who they are to trust that person, I was annoyed because, how can he compare us with a stray dog? But now I see, we trusted the wrong person, don't you think it's too much punishment just because of a mistake, don't you want to take revenge for what they did to us!!!』

POM!!!! From what Fari was discussing, he quickly received a punch in the stomach from his friend Ann.

『I had a puppy, don't make me remember it!!!』-『Besides what does it mean to trust, don't start bringing in your personal business that no one asked you about』.

The shadows that were watching this, were enjoying the show, hearing their laughter in the background only made Fari not fall on his feet, falling collapsed to the ground while being seen by these people, would certainly be the worst humiliation he could receive in his life, the blow had made him run out of air, where it seems that his friend has some words to say to him.

『Enseriously you tell me? I was chosen from first to be a soldier who is in the battlefield, while you all these months for how you were, you were only a soldier who was in charge of cleaning the debris of the city, I am in a higher position than you!!!!! You should be the one who listens to me!!!! and of course I want revenge....of course I have a lot of hatred...but I'm scared to be involved in all this.... I'm losing my way....』

Ann had said loud and clear, the shadows were still watching waiting as was the result, so Fari looked sideways, so he prepared his blow to go straight for his friend,who Ann would also do the same with tears in his eyes, there was a crossing of blows in the face POM!!!!! both hit each other in the cheeks, blow that made them fall to the ground, the shadows seeing that the fun was over, they were retreating to another place to see if they can have fun with something else. Ann fell backwards to the ground, while Fari got to his knees but still held on, he was making an incredible effort not to fall defeated to the ground.

『They're gone....』

Ann commented, in that what Fari was resisting, he ended up falling face down on the ground, both friends were more than tired from the fight they had, there was no need to go to the Well anymore if they would end up fighting anyway. Ann looked at the night out there, she was the stars watching and didn't avoid remembering those nights with her family watching the stars together, at that she had finally calmed down and giving her friend an answer.

『I'm scared, but I see that you're not Fari, go on with what you have planned, I....hare everything I can to help you』.

『You're such an idiot, it cost you so much to say you were going to help me...but thanks for having to make an effort, one day I'll do it even if it takes years...my stomach...you really hit hard Ann...』

『You left a bruise on my cheek, can't you see that you ruin my beautiful face?』

『¿?.... jajajaja *laughs*』

At the random comment of his friend Ann, Fari did not avoid laughing at such words, just as his friend was laughing to move on to a better moment, Ann was getting up just to help his friend to get up, both have planned one day to have to end this with their own hands, an act which will take years for their own people, since most of them are now only children, the fear to overcome is one of the most difficult things for everyone.

Returning to where we have stayed, in the square of Arnicania it was seen that all the soldiers, or rather, only shadows were seen in the place, some with faces, others smiling, but they only indicated that they were enjoying this, they had gathered, they were already finishing by an invading elite shadow, the speech that always has to make to the people of Arnicania, always spoke boasting of why they did, why they have had to take necessary measures, and why this had to happen. You could easily distinguish the invading soldiers, which were just that, I repeat and repeat, shadows, all the same, all being bad, the one who always gives the speech and the one who makes the teachings, seems to be a shadow of high rank, while the soldiers of Arnicania wore their typical uniform but with different details, of course, for many there were no measures, so they were modified in different ways, where in the process they added things they had at hand, either a cloth, an ornament or even parts of a toy, they were already very distinguished, but in turn for them to realize that they are subjected, if they go out on the street, that they always carry a bandana on his left arm, this bandanas are scarce, have them all Arnicania soldiers, some adults like the old , while the smaller ones do not, so by obligation they should not leave their homes or rather orphanages, because if they discover them walking the streets without the respective bandana, nothing will happen.

『I repeat again, those under 11 years old and below will not receive any punishment, we are not monsters to kill them or give them hard labor, we only give the necessary punishment so that they understand that it is right or wrong, they are free to do what they want, Of course, escape and other illegal things are forbidden, you know what will happen if they disobey us, not a single inhabitant of Arnicania will be left, as they love and appreciate their people, if one day they manage to escape, let them live with the thought that more people died for their act of bravery, they understood. Children are free, of course when they are alone, but if they run into one of our patriots, we have total freedom to do whatever we want with you, I say total but killing them is also forbidden, there are many infants that we want to grow up to be useful to us, so this also goes for my compatriots, abuse but not to the extreme *smiles*』

His words always come to be like that, somehow they always have to come out winning to not look bad, before more verbiage he said, quickly began the training time, everyone had to exercise to gain stamina and thus be even more useful, they did all kinds of exercises, where in the middle of the push-ups they did, if they saw that one was not doing well, in addition to physical abuse such as blows, they used another tactic as well, they simply approached a shadow, it could be anyone who is watching the square, whispered something in his ears and just with that act made that boy who is flagging, somehow make an effort to stay in shape.

『(They know our weakness and that's why they don't skimp on using it...that's how our district fell)』.

Fari out of the corner of his eye watched as one of his companions was ostigated by one of the soldiers, telling him is something so horrible but effective especially for people like them, Arnicania was not a normal or ordinary people like the others, what stood out to them was that they are too patriotic, they love their own people very much, It is difficult that one of Arnicania will be with someone external, of power you can as mentioned before, but you have to be very insistent and show that you really want the achievement of trust, it is like digging little by little to go to the center reaching the heart, but what these soldiers use is another measure to destroy the layers and have control of everything. When all this started 8 months ago, the people of Arnicania were enjoying the peace that Adrien has been giving them and protecting them, but they were not even aware of the situation, they only lived for themselves and for them, did they need to depend on someone to be happy? Of course not, they only looked at themselves and no one else, so much was this that in all the time they lived they were growing with this feeling, which would bring them both benefits and prejudices, they were closed and every foreign thing that came, they were very aware of this, to look at others in a bad way was something traditional. How they solved problems? they were not very good at reasoning, the only thing they relied on were their traditions, you know, ancient measures or beliefs like natural medicines, true to their roots to sum it up. Contact with the outside world in a direct way was difficult, they were what they are, people far away from everything, and the only outside contact they had was gone.

One day they had simply run out of their livelihood, the sky suddenly became cloudy but there was no rain, so that as the days went by, fishing was becoming less and less, the responsible would be the war itself, that both chemical waste, before the environmental pollution that was generated, reached their sea and could be noticed that it went from a light blue to a dark one. They thought that this would be momentary and that later it would be solved, but seeing that nothing improved, they began to have little supply and their local economy began to collapse, this alarmed the citizens who were looking for a way to improve this, but with such a difference of ideas and for the same pride they ended up fighting among themselves. Some were in favor of continuing to wait for the problem to solve itself or to solve it themselves, while others, imagining that it could get worse, asked for outside help.

『Calling for help from outside? are you crazy? Here in Arnicania we solve our problems alone, we have our problems, getting involved with the outside will only bring us the problems from outside』『But then what do we do? no one here knows how to solve this, our measures were not ready for a problem we don't know about, the best thing to do is to ask for help from someone who knows, we are getting very alarmed about something that I think is simple, we should have other means and not just stay with what we have』『You are crazy, I am not going to leave what I am for years, we have been and done this for a long time and we always did well, horrible things are happening outside, for your children you don't want to know anything about it, if someone from outside wants to be in our lands, I will be the first to oppose』

There began to be completely contrary ideas and opinions, this would generate an enormous discussion between the adults and the older ones, who were the most rooted to their customs, and before the first aggression that there was, it is obvious that this would trigger a fight, from one moment to another, the same settlers were fighting among themselves, a fight that would last for many days. And as if it had been a surprise attack, from the same waters that gave them sustenance, came an enemy who was lucky enough to arrive at the right time, his plans were different, seeing that this land was at the beginning of collapse, why not generate even more conflicts? as if it were a poison generated more discussions, rumors that left others bad, hit simple and primitive feelings that had much weight, it was too easy to anger these villagers. These enemies were represented as shadows, since no one knew where they came from or why they were here, but they knew one thing, they would not be intimidated by strangers who came to their land, the battle would be won by the unknown enemy, they literally had everything for it. In less than half a year, because of their wrong thinking and anger, their village of Arnicania had been taken over, generating feelings that clashed with each other to at least believe they do the right thing.

『(How could this happen, one day we were calm, the next day fighting with each other, and the next day we ended up losing everything we know...I don't understand...how did this happen...damn you tell me why did you do this to us!!!』

Fari was still exercising, but his arm felt weaker, which he ignored all this time, his friend Ann was also in the same situation and he was trying hard not to give up. When Ann returned to Arnicania after his conversation with the Military Chief of France, he told him everything that had happened and that he was now a spy for his country, his Military Chief congratulated him for it, but at the same time he scolded him for having killed Adrien, the apologies were too much. But quickly the Military Chief of Arnicania could realize something, that they were not the main target, but it must be the oil, although they do not inform the invader, surely they already know, that must be the same reason that they were sent to bomb the place lending them their weapons, they could have done it themselves, but they liked more the idea that Arnicania itself would be the one to take the operation.

『We were just one more step before their real objective, for sure they will continue using us so that they have control of the oil, being us who protect it, I am very sure that our own soldiers will avoid having to open fire, thus generating a guerrilla war that would have no end, and when they settle 100% in Arnicania, when everything is implemented, they will take control of the oil, they will only want to expand there, nothing else, the rest doesn't matter to them 』-『But how ironic, we see them as shadows looking for the dark gold』.

The Arnicania Military Chief was more than sure about this, Ann and her other companions were upset about this, they were not the fixed target of all this if not more than a simple stepping stone to something bigger and more important, more important than they could not forgive him. Ann was looking sideways at all the soldiers and the anger with which she was doing so was noticeable.

『(They are the worst thing I could ever meet, you will see, I will keep striving to defeat my fear)』.

But in the midst of his anger, he heard that someone had fallen, it had been Fari who's arm finally ended up getting exhausted, quickly he could hear how a shadow that was watching approached Fari, as if his mind was playing with fear, they saw how the shadow stretched deforming his body, to whisper in his ear.

『(You are a loser, if you show weakness again and that you are of no use to us, say goodbye to all the children living in the orphanage)』.

The words he heard, made Fari very upset, from his sore arm, he put too much strength and tried again to resume the exercise, where his friend Ann was looking at him with total pity. The training was over, everyone was completely sweating and sucking all over the body, in that the sun was already setting in the sea, it was already late giving way to the night in a matter of minutes, in that the elite shadow was addressing both Ann and Fari, that they for the effort they are giving, from tomorrow they will receive special training in the enemy camp. The friends said nothing, the tiredness was more than enough pretext for them not to say anything, and with this the teaching was finally over for today, as both of them were already treated better than the others, they will no longer have to watch at night and Fari will no longer have to be a soldier who picks up the debris, while the shadows saw it as bad news, since it means that the nights of fighting are over.

The friends parted in the middle of the road, but agreeing that later tonight they will be at the Well where they can celebrate that they moved up a position, Fari upon arrival quickly noticed how the orphanage was full of life and with a lot of noise, quickly his head was hurting that with an anger to be able to calm down, this one would shout.

『SHUT UP!!!』

Again the children to this became very depressed and would move away from the entrance where Fari was, he would quickly roll up his sleeves to be able to scratch himself, and that is where he saw that indeed, his arm was already showing bruises and red areas, this looked bad for the young man as he hopes to be able to continue resisting before his body collapsed completely. In that he would start looking for Mikel, as he still wants him to tell him how was that New World thing, he searched both in the dining room, in the main room, in the TV, but there was no trace of Mikel, but he also did not see anywhere Vie, so surely they must be together, the place came to his mind quickly.

『There are the 2 of them, I guess now you can talk to me properly』.

He found in one of the huge dormitories where there were many beds of different sizes, where in one of them was both Mikel and Vie, who were still playing at this hour, Mikel was doing his best with the yo-yo he has to try to do some trick, where Vie despite the mistakes he saw, encouraged him not to give up and that he liked the presentation very much.

『Very well done Mikel, you are a very smart boy *smiles* Fari is here, you two have things to talk about, meanwhile I will go to the other kids』.

At that time when Vie was about to leave, quickly Mikel grabbed her hand, and between the teary eyes and with fear told her not to leave, this pleased Vie very much, but she turned to look at Fari who this sighed saying that no matter this she too, of what she wants to hear is something that can be heard by everyone. So without further ado, Fari lay down on a bed, not caring if he was stinky or was badly accommodated, he just wanted to relax for a moment.

『Well Mikel, what is this New World』.

Mikel would start talking to him about what he remembered from the speech and that he would create in the future a kind of vigilantes all over the world and in every continent, he would talk what little he remembered, but the most basic and important thing he had already said, Fari would look at the ceiling commenting on the situation.

『Justiciars? don't give me that, if they can't even bring peace to their own continent now they want to do it to everyone? but...why are they looking at others, they have to do it to us, better I shouldn't have watched TV, now I just wish it was true...』

Fari was stinking so much that he decided to go take a bath for a while, taking advantage of the fact that there was still water left from the well, but when he thought about it he remembered that he had to go to that place, lying down on the bed brought him so much comfort that he did not want to do anything else, he wanted to stay and rest, but if he did not go that would only take away points to his confidence with his friend Ann and that is less what he wanted to do.

At dinner time all the children were gathered, the food was simple, a bread for each one and a stew with the ingredients they have left, when eating the food Mikel did not feel anything, he only ate out of obligation just like all the children, the only ones who ate differently were Vie and Fari, who seems to be that Vie is enjoying the food, while Fari was hurrying to eat as fast as possible to leave the orphanage, he did not have to be late, but at that Vie goes to his friend.

『You are very tired as well as injured, you should use this time to rest』.

『Using time to rest when you can use it for something productive, I'd rather use it to be something in life, my time to rest is long over』.

『Don't play hard to get, resting is for every age, also eating fast is bad, you don't chew well and that could--------』

『Ya shut up Vie, you're not my mother to go around saying such things, receiving complaints from a 7 year old girl, how low can I fall, I'm leaving now, and don't wait for me at the door, I plan to come back very late, today I also have to earn the trust of others』

Fari was leaving the place with an empty plate but with a bad digestion, this annoyed Vie who could not stop him even if she wanted to, Vie looked at him in a bad way saying that this is the way his mother had raised him. But on the other side was Mikel, who was eating slowly but too slowly, the food in his mouth was minutes there.

『You too Mikel should eat well, you are growing, because you are the only 2 who give me problems』.

Vie happened to look at the rest of the other children and they did eat of course out of obligation, but at least they ate like everyone else, the only one who was disjointed with this was Mikel, so as he is already learning to know him for this month, he quickly had a method to be able to improve it.

『If you finish all your food, I'll teach you...well I don't have anything that interests you, I just have some dolls that I managed to rescue...』

『Dolls?...the dolls are warm?...it gets cold at night and I don't like it...the blanket is not very warm』.

Mikel reacted to Vie's words, who upon hearing him had not noticed something like that or rather had not paid attention to it, she always sleeps with her doll for the same purpose, since it is like a coat or a companion that gives her warmth, she had not thought about it before but surely Mikel is not the only one who complains about the cold, Vie looked at the other children and already had an answer to her friend.

『That's right Mikel, they are very warm, for tonight I'll lend it to you, then I'll lend it to someone else and then to someone else and so on, I just hope they don't break it...』

『No, I wouldn't do something like that, I keep very fondly what they give me』.

Mikel replied to his companion's words, he said it just for the sake of saying it since it was true, since he came he always keeps both the yoyo and the destroyed spinning top very carefully, he always carries them with him in his pockets, Vie was glad for this telling him that she hopes he enjoys the company with the doll very much.

The days at the orphanage were all the same, the adults who were mostly old, were always out looking for a way to sustain the building, Fari would go off to do his soldier shifts and always come back for some reason annoyed, all the children there or mostly no older than 10 years old,including Mikel, these children still have the need to want to have a mother who loves and cares for them, but of course, there is not that at the moment, so Vie would take the role of mother of all and try to behave like one, always following the teachings or imagining how her mother would act in those circumstances, so it is also normal to see how she scolds or calls attention to whoever is doing something wrong, seeing her having conversations with Fari was something casual, and she is the only one with whom Fari talks, since the children escape from him because of the attitude he has. Vie is also in charge of helping as much as she can in the orphanage, either cleaning a little, correcting the children, but she can't do so much, even though she is free for them it is dangerous anyway, everyone knows that the shadows are getting stronger here and for some reason they also brought small shadows, they are expanding, just like the big shadows, they give off everything that scares them. There have already been cases where children from Arnicania would go out just for a walk, they would meet these special ones and they would start humiliating them in the worst way, why...it must be their nature the way they are and look, Vie is afraid of this just like she is afraid it will happen again to some of the children.

『So it is forbidden to go out, don't do it, we will solve any problems there are』.

He always had to verse them to be able to solve the different problems of each child in the orphanage, the good thing is that it is only to calm their desire to play or encourage them, since many at the beginning like Mikel, could not face the reality in which they lived, the good thing is that so far no one has become ill, since in the circumstances in which they live they no longer have more medicines, but until.

One of the children has finished getting sick with fever, that child dawned with a strong heat on his forehead, his face was red and his hands were shaking, quickly Vie remembering what his mother did, put in plan what he learned.

『My mother always put a cloth on my forehead, made me eat honey and keep me as warm as possible, and also told me to isolate myself so that I wouldn't infect others』.

Vie quickly evicted all the children from the room, leaving only the sick one, she needed a clean cloth to soak him in water, but when she checked she only had the cloth to clean the house, so she quickly took the scissors and cut a piece of her own skirt, she would wash it as best she could with water to use it as a measure against the fever. When she touched the forehead, she noticed that it was hot and the child was very weak, probably sick because of the cold in the place and how poorly covered they were.

『I need honey but .... we don't have any』

Vie needed the last thing she remembered to be able to cure the boy, but where would she get such an ingredient, quickly this one decided on something, she is going to leave the orphanage in search of where they can give her honey, although this in itself is a danger, she risks being mistreated badly by the invaders and as she does not have a bandana even worse can be the mistreatment.

『Mommy.... I don't feel well...my body trembles....』

Vie was more than upset by this, seeing that child asking for help made her heart break, in that Vie hadn't noticed that Mikel had entered the room and with the doll that Vie had lent her night before, she was giving it to the sick child, just as she took her blanket from her bed and placed it on top of the child so that he would be warmer.

『You look bad, please get well, I would tell you to sleep in my bed...but the one that was warm is gone....』

Mikel was trying to give his best support, at the action Mikel did, Vie again was already more than determined to do no matter the danger.

『Quick Mikel, take all the blankets from the other beds and place them as you did before, one on top of the other, I on the other hand, will go get the honey, and thank you Mikel for caring and doing something *smiles*』.

Mikel didn't understand about what Vie is referring to, out of nowhere that little girl was leaving the orphanage on her way to ask for honey, she would go house to house of the elite people to get some honey, while Mikel would finish doing what he was told, seeing the sick child's face made Mikel too sick.

『Feeling better?』

『Yes...it's not so cold anymore...where did Vie go?...she always tells us that we are forbidden to go out...I hope she didn't do it...』

With little strength said the sick boy, this made him remember Vie's last words and action, Mikel quickly worried about this because although it seems that he is always down and does not pay attention to his surroundings, in reality he does and he also knows the danger if you go out, just thinking that his friend Vie could be in danger, made Mikel hurry to run as fast as he can until he gets to the door, but right there he stopped because he is afraid, he is very afraid, he doesn't understand why, if before going out of the house was the easiest thing in the world, when you went out you could play, when you went out you could see the blue sky, you could have a good time than just staying inside, the reason also why he liked to go out, was because he could spend time with Didiel, with his friend, so he built up his courage and from one moment to another Mikel was also running through the streets of Arnicania in search of Vie.

『( I don't want...I don't want to lose yet another friend....NO I DON'T WANT TO!!!』

Mikel was looking for Vie, while the little girl was trying to go house to house in order to get some honey, while the oldest of the orphanage that would be Fari, along with his friend Ann, were inside the enemy military camp ready for their new training to be useful in the future.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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