
Chapter 308: Reward


Mikel's intention was that they would not delay in being able to solve the problem that is happening in the city of Gruyères, in the country of Switzerland. The cows apparently are not producing as much milk as it is supposed to be, also at the time of review they realized that the cows were let's say that in their normal build, they were not so fat but not so skinny, but if there were some that they could observe where it was noticeable that some were as it were, somewhat underweight, but it was nothing serious. Cliston had not noticed this because at first he did not have a reference as such, he did not know much about the subject, although Mikel at first told him to check on his own, in the end the latter ended up guiding Cliston to what he believed to be correct and knew about the matter.

He came to the conclusion that it could not be something natural, I mean how is it that the cows are producing little milk in most or all farms, with the mind that there are immigrants in Europe, that dangerous religion seeks refuge to do what things, Mikel was so into it that before so many thoughts and what he had, he concluded that the cause could be these immigrants from the Middle East, he does not like to say it so simple or direct because in the world where we live today to refer to it without questioning it, can become offensive.

『(That's all I have, is that everything hints at that, since they came the cows started to produce less milk, they don't know the right maneuvers or jobs, the appearance and look is too obvious if we compare them with the inhabitants of the country, also what makes me doubt the most is that they seem to stay away from us or they are afraid of us, afraid of Cliston because he is present, maybe they want us not to meddle so we don't know something else, but as I would like to be there in person, I could observe more and feel the atmosphere, Giovane Cliston said that it is hot, will it be true? )』

Doing nothing more, Cliston was happily going through the meadows and mountains to see if he could find some mushrooms to eat, getting some Matsutakes would be nice, it would bring him a little reminder of what it's like to be home. While Mikel was still looking for a way to solve this, his doubts were making him dizzy in his mind, he was always characterized of being able to read people, both their gestures and their actions, their way of speaking and behavior, but seeing all that reflected from a screen, is not the same as seeing it directly being present outside.

『Look Mikel, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before or been in such a natural place, I can clearly see everything, the city in the middle of the meadows and mountains, the lake you told me about, the clear sky, a wind that helps me fight this heat, how good it feels to be in the middle of nature』.

Cliston had walked a long way up a hill that when he turned around he realized he had a great view of the place where he was, you could notice how his eyes were fluttering because of what he was seeing, he had never seen anything like this before, he had never gone to a place so connected with nature like this before, it was like feeling that your body was just looking for relaxation and enjoying the moment. Cliston wanted to share it with Mikel that he saw it behind the screen, and asked Cliston one thing.

『How do you feel Giovane Cliston, do you like it?』

『Yes, I like it very much, it feels very relaxed and I would like to come back here again』.

『*smile*I'm happy for you Giovane Cliston (When was the last time I could be in front of a landscape like this, it was a long time ago, I'm glad I could give you that chance and you enjoy it, right now I envy you very much Giovane Cliston)』

『Back here again with my friends and family, it would be so much fun to be all of us, so when we have time, let's come back here Mikel』.

Although he already knew, he was made happy by Cliston's words, it was too obvious that this boy sees for his friends and family as well, he doesn't think about them all the time nor does he want to spend all the time with them, but in the things that he enjoys or find fun, that's where he wants to be with them the most so that everyone can enjoy this moment even more. Mikel smiled as he told him that he better look for the mushrooms before it's too late, it may be something simple in words but in action we don't know.

『You can use the glasses, in there it will give you the information you need』.

Mikel warns Cliston of the tip, where the latter says he completely forgot, but how does he do it? he just says it like it's some search engine or something? Encouraged but also nervous, Cliston would ask how the Matsutake mushrooms would get in where they are. Quickly the information was coming into the glasses and projecting the same way on the glasses, quickly a loquendo voice could be heard over the headphones telling him everything he needed.

『Right now in the locality where you are, do not grow such Matsutake mushrooms, for its part in this region due to the mild climate that there is, it would be normal to find Reishi mushrooms, these are edible and can be found in tree trunks as well as in the land itself near these, you would have to approach a forest to find them, the nearest is about 5 kilometers, I leave a marker so you do not get lost』.

The glasses spoke where Cliston was surprised as if he was an old man and congratulating how technology advances, just as it was said, Cliston could clearly see how the glasses fixed him the place to go, and the truth if it is a little far away. This would normally discourage him a lot, but just being here and walking, encouraged him to continue walking until perhaps reaching the goal, that is if he does not get tired before.

『The Reishi mushrooms? Those are not mushrooms from China? if memory serves me correctly they were used as medicine mushrooms to treat obesity, I also remember that they used them on animals, eh? wait? on animals?

Mikel quickly made his brain think and in looking for another assumption he has, he remembered that the owners of the farms showed him how they feed the cows, he saw it clearly, at no time they gave them something like a fungus or related to it, but they do apply free grazing, but that they grow this kind of fungus in this region of meadow and mountains, where they are far from the forests, it would be unlikely to happen. While Cliston was walking, he saw a cow wagging its tail and grazing, Cliston was so happy that he went to approach it so he could touch it and pet it, but quickly the cow went to another place to continue eating, Cliston followed it because he wanted to be more in contact with it.

『Now that no one sees me, maybe I can get on the cow, the ones we saw looked so calm that I felt like doing it, so I can tell my friends that I got on one, the mechanical bulls and normal bulls, you have to be careful with them』.

He was walking with the courage to commit his plan, where the cow seemed to be walking through the meadow, but it was also following something fixed that Cliston had not noticed, it seemed to be going to the same place that the glasses indicated, until at one point the cow stopped and began to graze the place, Cliston was going to take advantage of this when he saw that it stayed still, he wasn't going to jump from behind, you don't want me to kick him in the balls for reaction, so he better got on the side, but when he tried to get on, he realized that he couldn't reach and that he lacked hands.

Meanwhile Mikel was thinking about a possible answer, when he saw Cliston trying to climb on the cow, he did not avoid asking him what he was doing, where Cliston, no matter how much effort he put in, finally managed to climb on the cow, he quickly raised his arm as if shouting victory, and then caressed the animal's belly with total joy.

『I can feel its bones clearly, its belly is warm and a little hard, although it smells really bad here too.』

He peeked out to see what the cow was eating, since it hasn't moved after all the attempts Cliston made, Cliston quickly commented that these cows are really big eaters, remembering that they have 3 stomachs.

『¿?!!!! Get off Giovane Cliston and see what he is eating』.

『Eh? But it took me a long time to get on...』

Not very comfortable with the decision, Cliston got off the cow, it seems that Mikel managed to see something that ended up surprising him, quickly Cliston was trying to see what the cow was eating, where by pushing aside some leaves and grass, he was able to see what the cow was eating and finishing.

『What is that?』

He couldn't see clearly what it was eating since it was finishing it, but Mikel knew it wasn't eating simple grass like there is here, he could see and zoom in on his monitor to get a better look, that thing there was definitely not a stalk of grass, it was too thick for a small leaf. The cow was going to another place where Mikel quickly told Cliston to follow the cow, where Cliston made clear to Mikel's favor and followed him, when they were walking they noticed that other cows were both returning and going in the same direction, this was getting weirder and weirder or something was going on. At that Cliston broke into a trot to gain a bit of speed, as he seemed to come to a clear meadow area where cows seemed to be constantly coming. Cliston turned to look at the cow he was following and seemed to find another one of those mushrooms, where he didn't hesitate to eat it.

『But why? Why are these mushrooms growing here?』

This seems to puzzle Mikel, since just as the information told him the lenses, these mushrooms grow in forests, on the low logs and on the ground near these, but they just found that these mushrooms are growing near the city, near where the cows graze.

『And what is this? It looks like an oyster』

Cliston looked at one as he turned his gaze and walked over to look at it, he didn't avoid comparing it to what he just said, he wondered if this was edible as he could tell it was a mushroom. Quickly Mikel already had the possible answer to all of this and the problem of the cows producing little milk, this one realizing it happened to sigh and look at the ceiling of his room, where he would proceed to tell him what he thought.

『This you see here, the one you said an oyster, is a Reishi mushroom or also known as Ganoderma lucidum, its main property is that it helps you lose weight and be in your right weight, as it alters the bacteria in the intestine, even if you eat a lot of fat but you also add this Reishi mushroom to your diet, you would keep your ideal weight, it was tested on mice, but in China they sell it as medicine for health problems. With what I have just told you, you will have an idea of where I am going』.

『This mushroom helps to lose weight? maybe I'll take some for Uncle Potter and Fuji』.

『That they grow here is normal, these mushrooms grow in a temperate climate and that's the kind of climate mostly in Europe, but what is not normal is that they do it here far from where they should be, also they don't have the color they should have, they look drier than normal (Could it be the climate? Giovane Cliston said that it is very hot, there is also the lake of the city, could this be an effect of the climate change?) Anyway, take one to investigate it, the inhabitants must know about it』.

Mikel had come up with a more concrete and correct supposition than the previous ones, now he had more evidence to support it than anything else, while the previous supposition had almost nothing and was just pure speculation of his own. Cliston was about to take the Reishi mushroom, but a cow beat him to it by eating the mushroom, perhaps as a game, he gently patted its huge stomach.

『And by the way, cows have 4 stomachs』.

『I'll try not to forget it』.

As he was returning to the farms, quickly Cliston could notice how a helper seems to be watching the area, when he saw the Fatty was returning, he quickly walked away from the place returning to the farm where he belonged. This simple action made Cliston a little thoughtful, since he did not want to generate fear and much less rejection, but what was he going to expect if the first thing he did was to destroy what other people believed and built for years. They went to the first farmer they met and asked him about it, the man received them with kindness and without any rejection, they showed him the fungus and asked him if he knew about it.

『Yes, these mushrooms grow in the nearby forests, we would like the cows to eat them so that they are in good health and ideal weight, but as you can see, taking them to graze there would be a waste, just as it would be a waste to collect some』.

They went on to tell him that the mushroom they have in hand, they found it near where the cows graze, they also told him to take a good look at both the color and the appearance it has. The owner went to observe carefully and if he found strange things in that fungus, Cliston would explain to Mikel's words that perhaps it is due to the climatic change that is happening, that the growth of these fungi by the meadows, perhaps due to a combination of the lake, the strong climate and especially the season of the year in which they are, thus producing that little by little are growing this type of fungi away from where it should be.

『If these mushrooms were already here for a long time growing slowly, the cows could be eating them by free grazing, its original property is that these help to lose weight, but if eaten in a row and perhaps by the appearance they have, color, may have other side effects that have made them produce less milk, these also alter the bacteria in the body, especially in the stomach, and I also think that the mushrooms being so dry, will not absorb the milk, perhaps』.

Cliston was talking where most of it was an explanation of Mikel's words to him, the only thing he really said and thought about the situation was the last thing. This was heard by the owner and he started to think about the issue, if the problem was these fungi then for there to be a solution would be to leave the grazing free and have them on the farms, let them feed them and so to speak also take care of these animals. But it was only an assumption, we would not know how to prove it, but quickly the owner poured himself a glass of water and went to drink it, but then he ate the Reishi mushroom that Cliston brought. This surprised Fatty who asked him why he did it.

『I got thirsty.』

This was what the owner said to the translation of the glasses, he poured himself another glass where his thirst was quenched, he thought about the shoe of his cows, if they eat it constantly and constantly, then it could be the reason for the little milk they produce. The owner looked at Cliston and seeing him innocent, seeing that he was the only person who could deal with the problem they had, he smiled and told him to wait a moment.

As Cliston left, he scratched his head wondering if this was the right thing to do or if this is really the solution to the problem, where Mikel quickly sent him to correct him.

『Oh, if I were there I'd smack you in the forehead!』

『Huh? Why? What did I do now?』

Mikel was upset because sometimes he thinks Cliston is dumb, but he really is or is it done, the one who truly made it come to this conclusion was Cliston with his assumption he made just now, him just saying that he wants to eat a Matsutake and commenting about the heat. Mikel thought that if he had been present and if he had noticed the weather, he would have discovered it without having to judge the other people, of course, he is not there, he does not feel, he is not there, he cannot see clearly nor can he move as he wants, whether he wants to or not, he is still locked in that place. Mikel may have come up with the explanation and the whole process, but Cliston was the one who laid the foundation for the possible answer, in other words, Cliston was the one who solved this problem in the most casual and even hungry way possible.

『(It must be this, but if this was the problem, the issue of the helpers still doesn't add up to me, they are all from the middle east, they acted with rejection of Giovane Cliston)』

PAM!!!!! Quickly Cliston had a huge wheel of cheese from the region in his hand, it was the owner who was giving them to him as a gift for helping him after a month with no one paying attention to him. He was bumping Cliston's shoulder with his hand while thanking him for having tried to find a solution, that he would talk about it with the other farmers and if his assumption was true, then he would count on him again for another occasion and if it was not true, that he would look for him wherever he was so that he would pay him for the cheese. Cliston was giving thanks and that he regrets that he will have to wait a while for the cows to give milk again as before, but Cliston was making a tremendous effort to hold the wheel of cheese, you could see how his one arm was shaking under the weight.

『Magnifique! It's a 35kg wheel of cheese, the one that cost the amount that I said Giovane Cliston』

『I'm so glad...but if I drop it I'll lose this free opportunity....』 ('Д`)ヾ

He was not going to be able to bear the weight that the wheel was going to fall, quickly the owner was able to give him a hand at the last moment, where he apologized and at the same time asked his assistant from the middle east to bring something to put the cheese in, and after a few seconds he returned with a basket where the cheese was placed, but in all this time he felt uneasy, nervous and worried, it was clear that he did not want to do this and much less to be near Cliston, but the latter went to him.

『I'm sorry』

This confused the middle eastern aide a lot who didn't understand why Cliston was saying such things, this also put Mikel in paying attention to the situation, where his smile appeared because he was about to see something that Fatty is capable of doing, maybe he is the only one capable of doing.

『If I destroyed or caused fear where you considered a home, I'm sorry, I was just doing what I thought was right which was to end their wars and battles, if you were involved in all of it, I'm sorry, but I'm glad a lot anyway, I don't remember if I saw you, although I'm not good at remembering either xd, but that you got away from that world and are having a second chance, I'm glad a lot, I stopped many organizations and bad groups, in most I hope I have influenced in a positive way and now they are like you, I wish you good luck my friend *smiles*』

The Fatty spoke sincerely with that assistant, he could clearly hear all the words of Cliston product of the translation of the glasses, as Mikel had thought, these people managed to escape or flee from fear for having someone who supposedly was hunting them, now being in a dangerous organization was now easily destroyed by someone. Many of these organizations, their members defected or went to other places, they did not want to have anything to do with what they were before, a small group managed to escape here where the villagers accepted them and gave a home to each one, before so much kindness that they did not receive for a long time, they wanted to give them back and show that they also had bad decisions like everyone else. The aide looked at Cliston where Cliston was smiling and likewise would answer him.

『I was afraid...I was always afraid...I was always persecuted as a child by the law, when I joined terrorism because I had no other choice, we were tormented by justice again and the person I turned to, when you appeared and the news came out that you were destroying us, I felt that for all the bad decisions I made, now I was persecuted by God who was going to make me pay for all my sins. ..I didn't want to do it.... I didn't...but I had no other way if I wanted to live.... this place is quiet, very quiet...I like it...so when I saw you...I thought only the worst.... I thought you were going to destroy my new life...please...don't do it...let me live quietly from zero...』

The assistant became very sentimental remembering whether he wanted to or not all the things he went through, he said it trembling and afraid, it seemed he was going to cry at any moment, as he said it, he had a lot of distrust towards the person he had in front of him, to the last thing he said, as if he had already thought it from the beginning, the Fatty answered.

『I never saw you as someone different *smiles*』

Cliston smiled being sincere from the bottom of his heart and from what he thought at the beginning, he just said something that was clear to him, for this the helper, to these words for some reason coming from the person who was going to put an end to his life, for some reason he found him not as a threat, but as a normal person who is also determined to give him a hand when he needs it. Mikel was surprised at this, he knew what was going to happen here but not in this way, in the way he said it or just acting normal from the beginning, being as he is the product of everything he lived so far, will bring not only to this person, but to most who know him, a little joy, and that few can achieve it on such a scale.

Cliston left thanking him for the cheese, while the owner also thanked him for helping him, whereupon both the owner and the helper returned to their work and to developing a plan to solve the problem of the cows and the fungus. Mikel was surprised by this, this was the real solution, it was the opposite of what he thought, he was happy that it had been a success, that it gave Cliston a little break for the place and let him do what he wanted.

『Seriously? that's nice, but I'd like to go back to the orphanage anyway, walking around with this wheel of cheese, my arm feels like it's going to break off』.

『I see you got your cheese wheel, good, I was thinking of buying it from you if I saw you again, but the stores don't want to sell me a whole one, they say they want their cheeses to be tasted by most of the people who have gone to such lengths to eat them』.

He had met again with that Russian foreigner from the beginning, this one had appeared after giving a tour of the city's castle, this one was telling Cliston about his experience where Fatty would have also liked to be able to go on that tour. But the Russian saw that Cliston was shaking his cheese in the basket, so he decided to help him while they took a short walk around the city.

『Let's go get some ice cream, it must be super yummy』.

The Russian suggested him, but quickly Cliston to this refused since now that he thinks about it he has no money to pay for things, at that Mikel remembered that he forgot to give him money for everything he needs, the next time he hopes to have a little better memory, the Russian got up from the seat and seeing Cliston's denial said.

『I told you come on, don't worry about the rest *smile*』.

To this answer, Fatty could do nothing, he even found this person pleasant, just as he said, the Russian paid for the ice cream which luckily there were, and also suggested himself that if he had walked around the lake, where to Cliston's answer is no, this one encouraged to tell him that they have to go take a look. On the way the Russian introduced himself as simply U, this seemed strange to Cliston since that is what he could be called.

『Mostly it's because of my father, he calls himself Mr. R or President R, while I call myself U or Son U because I'm his son, silly don't you think? they are just fake names to pretend to protect our identity, I would like to tell you my real name, but I feel I would get a big scolding if I do, besides when I say it, everyone already label me as the same as my father』.

『President R? Eh? So you're the son of a president? waos, that's unbelievable』

『Haha thanks but I wouldn't be too happy about it, but you have to be faster Hero of the world, my dad calls himself R, I'm U, and I also have brothers called Son S, Son I and the last one Son A, you know what I'm referring to, my dad is well patriotic to his nation』.

『R? U? S? I? A? I don't know what you mean, but you made me remember that a friend of mine calls himself M, is calling himself by letters becoming popular or what?

『¿?...Seriously you didn't understand, you just spelled it...more than fast you are slow, but leaving aside this that's why I didn't make this trip, what do you think about this place』.

They had walked so much walking their ice cream that they came to have a great view of the lake, this was huge and you could clearly see how the water reflected the natural landscape where they were, Cliston was happy with this that he quickly wanted to take a picture, so he quickly ate the ice cream quickly, where he instantly felt a headache from the cold, where U did not avoid laughing at this.

『You Japanese are funny *smiles*』

Cliston took out his phone and looked for the best angle to take the picture, he managed to take the picture where he was smiling for this, he quickly asked U that if he can take a picture of him together with the lake, with full confidence he gave him his phone and Cliston stood in the picture, U told him that he is just going to stand still, he better strike some pose or do something to show that he is enjoying it.

『Eh? like this?』

Cliston not knowing what to do, gave the thumbs up sign, where U accepted it and gave the counter to take the picture, at the end they both sat on a wooden bridge where they took the pictures, U wanted to rest after being carrying the cheese.

『How nice it is to see a quiet place like this, away from the war, just you enjoying the wonders that gives the world and its inhabitants, I still remember how my home was the same, a place where everyone wanted to go to know, our culture, our food, our traditions, we even became famous for memes *smiles* But right now, we are going through the worst part of our history at present, before so many problems I decided to escape for a moment to contemplate lands where they do not reach their hands』.

『Me too, I also think the same way, it is better to enjoy what you do and want to do than to just stand by with nothing to do watching everything you see being destroyed』.

They were giving a story and message about what both people go through and think, it was obvious U's problem that with those details should be enough, but for Cliston this one didn't understand it thanks to his ignorance, but he also highlighted his own experience that he doesn't wish it to anyone, seeing that they had this in common and seeing that he was as normal as everyone, he told him straight what he thinks.

『How lucky I was to find you, you are a Hero who uses his strength, words and person to do the right thing, could you lend me a hand someday? I tried to do it, to talk about it but it is simply useless, my father R does not pay attention unless someone superior to him appears, although I have never seen him back down, we all have fear and that does not exclude him, with your power, I ask for your help』.

U was asking him for a favor since he had the chance to meet Cliston, he was being sincere with him that it really even makes it angry that Fatty doesn't realize it, but in the face of the emotions that U was going through, Cliston would never deny the help of whoever resorts to him or counts on him.

『Of course, but I don't intend to use my strength, I decided to do it another way, I will make my words reach your father』.

To Cliston's reply in a sincere way, although he said that he would not use his strength, but rather use his words, this made him look like someone who does not need his enormous power to do what he wants or get what he wants, he was showing that only by being him can he achieve such feats. Seeing that confidence and assurance in Cliston, U was so happy that he took out his phone and again they took a picture together, resulting in a confused Cliston and a boy with a smile of victory, he couldn't wait for the day when all this will finally be over.

『Your father is at war with whom?』

『I don't know whether to take it as a mockery, a joke, or that you mean it sincerely』.

『No no no, seriously I don't know, what's going on with your father?』

『(I wonder how he's doing in love with that cluelessness of yours Cliston)』

Seeing that Cliston didn't know anything at all, as a joking gesture, U withdrew leaving the cheese beside Cliston, he left while telling him that if he doesn't know, he better be surprised and decide to get serious when he knows, that he will be waiting for him and will do everything possible so that he can receive a conference with his father. If he is really going to go for his help, then the second time they meet, it will be to stop this whole conflict that has been going on for years. He withdrew as Cliston waved his hand in farewell.

『Well, I think it's already noon, it's time to go back 』

Cliston was able to arrive by lunchtime where Cliston upon entering the mess hall, realized that the kids were throwing him a sort of party or celebration for successfully completing his first mission here under Mikel's command. It was a little organized party, rather than a party, the only thing different about it was that the kids were wearing a party hat and just that, it was like saying it a sudden and humble event.

『Congratulations Giovane Cliston!!! Your first mission was a success!!!』

Mikel was also in his beanie and fearlessly exploded those piñata bombs in Fatty's face, the latter didn't understand what was going on, since how could they organize such a thing just for one mission. The children quickly pulled him to Cliston, thanks to this morning he understood that he should only let himself be carried away by the moment, the children made him sit in the seat where he always sits, but this time with the difference that on the wooden chair was drawn many things, both words like hero, drawings referring to him, stars, glasses, and even what seems to be a crown on top.

『à partir de maintenant ce sera votre siège, notre héros est spécial pour nous』

Étienne was the one who was speaking and presented the seat, Cliston had already taken off his glasses and headphones, so he could no longer understand anything, but Cliston took heed anyway, and went on to sit in the seat, the children quickly celebrated this by commenting that Cliston liked me very much, that his efforts were not in vain. Étienne was so happy with this that he would go to the kitchen, Mikel would approach him because it seemed that Cliston did not understand much about it.

『It was made by the little children, especially Étienne, apparently since early on when they found out that you were going to your first mission, they were sure that you would succeed, so as to celebrate the first heroic act of their hero, they decided to make a small party with the little they had, I did not notice since I was focused on the mission too, each drawing that you see was made by each child, you can look at the ones you can, Vie also made hers and is the one behind』.

Mikel commented to him about it, where Cliston was happy looking at the different drawings they did to his chair, it was a detail that only children would come up with, this really made him happy but he quickly remembered something else.

『What nice kids, my friends if they would draw something on my seat it would be to put a dick (*^-^)』

At that the Fatty stood up as he heard Mikel's laughter again, this made him strange because he was laughing again, so this time he wanted to know why he was laughing, he looked at the back of the chair and he didn't understand when he saw it, there was a specific drawing of a Tintin character. Specifically the character of Erik Björgenskjöld, which was drawn by Vie.

『Eh? why are you laughing? if he only wears glasses and is in front Ahh!!!!! I get it old man, you're grabbing me by your mule, you'll see, one day I'm going to return your jokes』

Cliston finally understood what Mikel's laughter was about, whereupon the old man moved on to look at Vie and make the symbol that he did a good job. As Cliston sat back down, he noticed Étienne coming over with a plate of food, which he unexpectedly put on his table and offered to him.

『Vous devez manger pour être en bonne santé et fort』.

『Thank you Étienne, then what I will do will be』.

Cliston got up from his seat and after a few seconds he had returned but this time handing the plate of food to Étienne, the boy was glad for this he asked for thanks and was quickly going to eat, but he noticed something else was on his plate, like something soft with holes all over it. Cliston had cut a slice of the cheese he had been given to give to the boy.

The boy ate calmly and when the cheese part came, he was very happy and shouted that it was delicious, this made Cliston very happy, but the other children were so excited that they also wanted that piece of cheese that Étienne has, quickly Mikel was ready to serve the plates, he called Cliston to come to the kitchen, to the part where they serve it.

『Eh? me? but I don't know how to do it』.

『How can you not know how to serve food? *smiles* You just have to cut the cheese and put it on the children's plate』

Cliston stood next to Mikel where he stood as if not knowing what to do or how to do it, as he looked ahead he noticed that the children had already lined up with their plates and empty trays to receive the food, looking at this made Cliston a little worried, but he quickly realized that he had the wheel of cheese in front of him, and next to him would appear Vie with a knife who would give it to him with both hands.

『Les enfants sont ravis *smiles*』

Old Vie smiled as she left Mikel and Cliston everything in her hands, Mikel made a call that they are going to serve the food now, he quickly served his portion to the first child, where Cliston didn't know what to do, the child came to him, his eyes were glowing, so as he did with Étienne, he cut a piece of cheese, what will have been, but now he is somewhat nervous and confused, he cut the cheese to the portion he thought was right and handed it to him on the plate. The boy looked at the cheese and then moved on to look at Cliston.

『(I cut it wrong? too small? too big? too big? what do you feel small?)』

『Thank you very much Cliston!』

The child said with joy, this surprised Fatty who even seemed to understand it perfectly what the child meant even if he didn't understand it, but that was how he interpreted it, that moment of joy, to be thanked for your work you did, the work you do and did for them, no doubt it was a moment not to be wasted, Mikel was happy as he said this is not over yet. The children came with their plates and each one returned to their seats with a joy in their hearts, with a cheese that will have them more than satisfied. This moment of welcome after having a mission, is something I didn't think would ever happen.

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