
Chapter 232: Pastime 10

S͇o͇b͇r͇e͇v͇i͇v͇i͇r͇ ͇2͇

This stray puppy had something special since he was born, at the moment he was born, he was just like his brothers, he was only controlled by his survival instincts, the only thing he thought about was to survive no matter what. But quickly when he noticed the nauseating place of this alley full of garbage, he began to realize that something was wrong, his sight was still cloudy, he could not open his eyes completely, in the animal kingdom, many creatures at birth, the first thing they catalog when they see, is the mother, no matter if it is the same species or not, the affection was already given, it is the first experience they have, But when the canine was finally able to open his eyes completely, with nothing cloudy around him, the first thing he saw was how his canine mother, crazy to survive, did not care about anything else, even if it had not been for the student's actions, she would have eaten one of her offspring, she would have done a repulsive act for her own well being.

It is as if it had been a ray !!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ that made him understand in a way everything that was happening, made him now control his instincts to survive, he saw how his brothers were desperate to eat, he saw how his mother still regained consciousness perhaps of his natural state, and he also saw how one of his brothers was leaving with a human, to have a better life than all those who stayed here.

In the short time, which will be a few days, the cub was forced to grow up on his own, in what was like the others, he sat straight outside the alley, and began to observe everything around him, he began to think about how this thing worked or how the humans of this world were, but the latter brought him an ugly disappointment, The human who passed by and saw the canine, did not avoid to be disgusted and continue his journey in a hurry, the stray puppy just looked seriously and continued with his study of the outside world, he wanted to have more intelligence and use it in his favor, somehow, his instinct, his thinking told him that this will be his best weapon in his life.

That's how he started what was told for days by himself, his canine mother escaped to her death, it was time for him to take the leadership of his brothers, he knows that his chances of surviving alone are very low, but if he has additional lives, cannon fodder like his brothers, maybe his goal of getting a human who loves him, is closer than he thinks.

He had many brothers, so he wouldn't mind using one to make the others trust him, the stray puppy already had studied the traffic lights, so he used it to his advantage, ending the life of the first of his brothers, when he saw this there was a deep silence in him, thinking about what he just did, he really killed one of his brothers just as he thought, his instinct to survive told him to do it, or he did it himself.

『ICOPY00Yo.....Yo.....yo....I have a chance』

The street puppy whispered to himself, where it seems that he did not feel sorry for his brother, and he was implying that this was necessary for him to help him, giving him the first example and the others follow him without hesitation. In the first days on the street, they looked for a place to stay, which was not at all defined, they could one day be in another alley and another in a park, everything they did was planned by the stray puppy.

When they saw a human being around, the puppies wanted to go for him, hoping that he would be someone good and accept them, but the street puppy would tell them that this person was bad, that he only painted as good for his own benefit.

『Don't just go by appearance, even attitude and personality, anyone can mold you to like someone, in reality the person in front of us, is just as we know...I told you to choose your humans well, don't make me repeat myself, just listen to me, understood?』

All the other puppies brothers, lowered their heads accepting and understanding the words of their brother, they could not refuse him, since they know that he is the most intelligent and capable of all, besides since they follow his words, they have been able to get food and a place to sleep even if it is temporary, but he is fulfilling it at least, he is helping them to survive. The belly of one of the canines sounded so loud, it was a chain in reaction, quickly all the brothers were saying that they were hungry where they were asking their brother for help.

『All right, let's look for food, these first few days we only look in the garbage, I'm sick of this, I want to have a taste, even a tiny one of that good life that awaits us, the advantage of us is that we are many and we can help each other, brothers, today we will eat like in the future!!!』

The stray puppy gave a little speech for his brothers, where these blinded by his humble words in their minds, wholeheartedly supported their brother. But out of nowhere, this street puppy felt that his jaw muscles were moving, as if he wanted to make a gesture, this he did not understand well, as he was always serious, but every time he sees one of his brothers do as he thought or do something bad, that movement in his face wants to appear, just like when he saw his brother on the track, he felt that he had to represent with something the evil he did. So this he would try and open his mouth just like that, but no, it was not the gesture his whole being was telling him to do.

They started with the plan organized by his brother, the puppies in divided groups went to a mini supermarket, they learned that from there always or most of the people, come out with things to eat, and the most likely to fall into their plans, are women, as these are much more sensitive to emotions and seeing a helpless puppy, they will want to help him and that's how it would start.

The most groomed puppies would be the ones to distract the female students who were already out with their shopping, secretly the other puppies could see how their siblings managed to catch the attention of the humans.

『Okay, now for the next step』

Commented the stray puppy, 2 or 3 of his siblings, walked stealthily towards the students with their backs turned, these had come down so they could pet and play with the canines in front of them, commented perhaps if they could take one home, as they seem to be homeless.

¡¡¡¡!!!!! Quickly the student realized that they were kind of pulling her, stealing something from her shopping bag, and it was other puppies who with their little mouths were trying to take it from her, when they realized that the puppies had been discovered, they started to run with all their strength with what they stole between their teeth, while the student followed them.

In a turn of the street, the puppies passed without problems, where the largest group of puppies made their appearance, by the speed that the student was going in full turn of the street, she did not see that there was a pack of puppies passing, making her fall, but without trying to avoid it with her balance, she did not want to crush any puppy product of her fall. She wasn't going to fall, if she managed a little more, she wouldn't crush any puppies, but these out of nowhere, started to push off her foot to make her fall. POM!!! The student was able to react in time by stretching out her arms, why? besides saving herself, there was a puppy that had stayed in front of her, as if waiting for her to fall on top of it.

But anyway, the sudden movement made all her groceries fall to the ground, and all the puppies with the help of others took all the food and went to where the stray puppy was.

『We did it!!! Your plan worked brother!!!』

『This is no time to celebrate, quick everyone run!!!』

Quickly the street puppy was shouting to his brothers to escape as far away from here as possible, with the loot in their mouths, they ran to a shelter where no one can disturb them, but at that the brothers were wondering that a few of them were missing, when they remembered, they noticed that 2 brothers were still there as a distraction from the beginning to the end.

The student who was robbed, was returning sad about what happened to her, it seems she was the only one who noticed, as her other classmate was hugging the 2 puppies who had appeared to her with affection.

『I'm going to keep them 』.

I commented on having been completely in love with these two puppies, to hear those words of that human and finally have a home these two lucky brothers puppies, were very happy that they began to lick the face of that girl. At the end of this day everything went well, for these 2 brothers, they got a family to whom they will be able to make happy and give them back eternally the help they are going to give them.

But on the other side, the pack of puppies had hidden under a bridge, with the loot in their jaws, and no longer withstand the hunger they had, again their survival instincts called them, and as if they were growing beasts, they mercilessly tore mercilessly what they had in front of them.

『(Perfect, with what happened today, I gained more confidence with my brothers, but .... those 2 stayed and for sure they were taken in by those humans! damn traitors, the ones who should get an owner is me and not you! next time we should no longer do it in a group, I will not let my chances of having a good life slip away)』.

The stray puppy, was very upset that 2 of his siblings were able to get a human family, he was upset that they were able to escape from him, he didn't think they would be taken by humans, humans so far rejected them and now out of nowhere they take them in??¿¿¿¿ At that moment the stray puppy felt envious, he would have liked to have had to act and not just be the one to maneuver.

『(What envy what envy!!!! Those humans!!! would have been the one he would have gotten to love!!!!! Damn brothers!!! damn brothers!!!! Remember you're only disposable!!!! Don't get smart with me!!!!!)』-『(I get it, you have to be clean to please others, when we were muddy with garbage they even almost mistook us for other animals, but if we get our act together....I already see....COPY01con that the world, it has its requirements)』

The stray puppy's eyes filled with veins, he was really upset about the event, that one of his brothers who else to him, was worried and asked if he was well, when there was no answer, this brother brought him a piece of food just for him, he was offering his share to him.

『Please eat, without you we are nothing, we only have you....』

This brother was really worried about the stray puppy, where it seems that he finally shut up and quietly eat what his brother brought him, it was getting dark, so they will sleep over this day. In every night, so that they do not get cold, all the brothers huddled with each other, giving warmth to each other, where in the center was the stray puppy, where it seems that he will sleep, but his anger against his brothers and repudiation grew more and more.

『(You guys really suck, get away from me, I don't want this, I want a bed, a couch, free food, free water, I want affection, I want love, I will only get it from here, I will be the one who survives and wins in the end)』.

With that same thought every night, the stray puppy would go to sleep, where the following days he will have to stop using group methods, now he will only intervene personally if he wants his chances not to wear out.

『(Sure!!! I will use them as an extra life, where I can get rid of them on the spot, every time I call someone to be with me, I will be consuming a life, so that I can go all the way to the goal at the end, not only cats have extra lives, dogs do too)』

Again his jaw muscles felt funny, but since he was already overcome by sleep, it seems that this gesture will be left for later. The next day he was more cautious than before, yesterday was the first and last thing they will do as a group.

『From now on, in order to have a better chance of survival, I will train you one by one, so you will no longer depend on each other, I think I commented before, each of you should seek your happiness, trust whoever you love the most if that gives you a hand, I will gladly do it for you, who wants to be the first to be happy』.

It was now the new mentality of the stray puppy that wanted to embed them in his companions. He thought his brothers would reject his words or at least think about it longer, but they all obeyed without hesitation, the quick response from his brothers surprised him, where it made him happy that they did not doubt him. One brother barked in order to be the first one his brother would help, the thing was easy, and where they would solve everyone's problems fast, in every day that a brother would go with him, that same day he would get a new home, if the stray puppy came back alone, it meant that now the brother who followed him, is in a family that loves him very much.

When all the brothers heard that, they barked with joy that finally they will have a new home, the puppy with only one brother was going out of the hideout, out of that bridge to have more opportunities, and the difference of opportunities is different for each one, from one will increase, while the other will disappear.

This brother who went with him, he was very energetic and lively, he kept wagging his tail from side to side, where he asked who will be his human to take care of him, whether it will be this one or it will be the other one.

『I will choose your human for you, you just follow my words, you guys have bad eyesight, remember you are nothing without me 』.

The stray puppy, his words mostly were lies, it seems that the smell caught that brother's attention, it was a store where they sell meat, where he kept seeing all kinds of meat, and if he could stay and live here, he could never go hungry like now, the stray puppy looked wondering if his plan could work, he thought it would be a good idea to no longer go hungry.

『Yeah, that's a good idea』

He said of course to his brother, that if he manages to endear himself to the human owner of this store, he will never go hungry anymore, but before they act, the stray puppy, made his brother get into a garbage can, waste, even smeared him with hairs that were there, all to make him look like another animal very different from another dog. Instead the stray puppy, to what he thought before, he washed himself with the water that was there from the bridge, he wanted to be presentable for the moment.

『Perfect, this way he will love you very much, I already investigated the owner and if he likes them, dogs like you but with something special, the smell is to scare everyone away! So that only you and the owner can enjoy the food and no one will take it away from you, that's what you wanted right? eat and be happy together with your human, just look at you, I could even say that we don't look like brothers, good, now go in through the front door, start eating everything, you sure are hungry right? the owner is very good, so he will leave you in peace』.

He was saying nice things to his brother to make him believe that everything is fine, his brother no longer looked like a dog, but rather now he looked like a giant rodent, as the brother was energetic with the desire to eat, he entered the store pushing with the help of the stray puppy the door, and started running all over the place, taking big bites of every meat he saw. The owner already knew that something was happening in his store and luckily there were no customers, so when he managed to find the animal, the canine was very happy, saying with his barking that now they will be a family, but the owner saw by the appearance was a giant rat, so unconsciously, the owner to see that the animal threw himself at him, gave a kick to the canine that hit very hard, POM!! the puppy that was kicked could not believe it, the joy he had, suddenly became afraid. Now the only thing he wanted to do was to run away from here, the owner was running him all over the store, but he could not catch him because the puppy was much faster, the door through which he entered was close, he would escape from this mistake, he gave a big lunge to leave with force pushing the door. POM!

The puppy hit his head without being able to get out of the tent, he did not understand what had happened, when he opened his eyes, he realized that his brother was outside, he quickly did not understand why the door did not open if before pushing it from the outside if it could, but it was these doors that open in 2 directions, the force to open them was greater than that of a puppy. The brother who was trapped, was asking for help to the stray puppy to let him out, he pushed and pushed, but he did not move an inch, while the canine that was outside, sat there looking seriously, again that tic he has of wanting to show his malice appeared, seeing his brother who is lost, begging, begging for help, and the one who sent him to his end and could see his brother's suffering, it seems that something was being born from him, a new feeling or maybe old.


The stray puppy began to bark, from outside the door, this to get the attention of the owner of the store, that was what the owner heard, when he arrived he only heard barking, but with that barking, the stray puppy was telling the whole truth to his brother who trusted him.

『Did you really think I'd help you?!? Is his little head not capable of thinking that you were tricked?!?!! you stink!!!! you stink!!!! idiot!!!!! Nobody likes that!!!! Didn't you learn yesterday? You need to learn!!! so guys like me don't take advantage of your stupidity. You look like anything but a dog, if you're not a dog then you won't be loved, learn this! Even if I'm your blood family, I'll still use you for my benefit, look at me, I don't trust anyone, I smell better than you! I am a dog! Tell me! Who do you think they're going to love?

The stray puppy was telling what he really thought of his victim, in all his speech the stray puppy was worried, as he still didn't know how to express this emotion he feels with a gesture. While his brother who fell for his words, was so shocked by such an act of his brother, that he silently finally stopped his movements, while tears escaped his eyes.

Quickly upon arrival, the owner understood that the puppy outside stopped the "rat" inside, he quickly took a black bag and wrapped the animal inside.

"How did a rat get inside? If I always have good hygiene in my establishment, I should have a thorough check-up next week』.

Quickly the owner, wrapped several times with many black bags, again and again and again, so that no one would notice what he was carrying, walked out the back door of his store, walked fearful that people outside had seen that a rat got in, the movement that the canine made to free itself was slight because of the several fortified plastic capable, where in the end it reached the garbage can and threw it away without further ado.

『What's going on what's going on!!!! Brother....seriously you said all this.....I don't want to!!! I don't want to die!!!! help me!!! somebody!!!! I want to get out of here!!!! it feels weird!!!!! I can't breathe right!!!!』

The brother was screaming, but his bark was not heard, there was no one who can see or hear him and his brother who told him that he will bring him a good life, it was a lie, the air he consumed screaming was already running out, where suddenly he could no longer breathe anything, it was over, his eyes were closing little by little and no one noticed this.

While the owner who sells meat, saw the stray puppy outside his store and remembered who it was who alerted him of the "rat" that was there and who surely stopped him from escaping. The owner seeing that the puppy was cleaner and more groomed, but anyway it was noticeable that he had traces of dirt, but the owner did not mind so much, he quickly became fond of him, telling him to wait until closing time, but for the moment that seeing him skinny and without strength, he gave him pieces of meat that he would not use to feed him.

『OHH!!!! This is good!!!! You were right about one thing, brother idiot!!!! It's good to eat here!!!』

『Hell, really, if you had been any dirtier I would have mistaken you for a rat just like the one before, we already have a pet in my house, but I'll take you to the lock up to bathe you at least, what's that? do you want to try to smile like a human? hahaha it's like you were a naughty boy』.

The store owner was laughing at the way the canine was acting, since it was a normal one ,yes, the smile that every being that left their sanity had was being born little by little, the darkness, malice that they did something wrong, that feeling made them enjoy, the joy was unimaginable, while the stray puppy was eating the most good, his brother had already closed his eyes completely inside those garbage bags.

Just as the owner said, when closing the store and giving a last check so that no one leaks, he took the stray puppy in his hands to take him away, gave him a bath and for only 2 days, he ate, slept in a home, had a small taste of what it is to have a human who loves you, what it is to have a home and the easy life he is looking for. He thought that maybe he had finally accomplished his mission and it only took him 2 sacrificed lives to achieve it, it was a great discount, the other lives he left behind did not matter the least to him, if he was well, that was enough.

For a few days he did not return to his brothers, where these despite his brother's words before leaving that they should fend for themselves, the stray puppy appeared out of nowhere.

『It's really beautiful brothers!!!! Life with good humans!!! is great!!!! Our brother is very happy!!! He made it!!! He will now never suffer anymore!!!! I really want it too, I want it all for myself, it will never be taken away from me again』.

The stray puppy arrived with those words under the bridge, where his brothers were waiting for him, but the truth of why he came back was because the health authorities managed to detect that there was a rat in the establishment of the owner who sold meat, even though he showed great hygiene and he didn't know how the rat got in, In the end they ended up closing his store, thus losing his income, but the puppy did not care about the problems of others, as long as he did not lower his current life, it was enough for him, but it only lasted a short time, since the event of why he returned was much deeper.

『(Not yet, I still haven't found the right human, this one threw me away when he realized what I did, what did you want me to do!!!! No one is going to snatch what I want from me! I'm still blind, that human was a rat, by not letting me stay with him, he missed out on a great dog he was going to grow up to be. But even if he chose the human wrong, after knowing what it's like to have a human family, I want it too, and I'm going to have it, I still have more lives to use, my chances to survive I still have)』

The stray puppy looked straight at his siblings with a smile finally already defined on his face, while his siblings were happy that he is back and that one of their siblings is in a better place, they were crying out, they were barking out that they wanted to be the next one to get that beautiful life as he just told them.

『(Sure, good things come at a giant price, if the price is what I just did with my brothers, then it's easier to get it than I thought) thank you brothers so much!!!! For always trusting me and standing by my side!!!!! Your lives!!! They will not be wasted』.

Here also was marked that mischievous smile of evil to the puppy, which he could define in his stay in the home of that human, he was very determined, he does not care about others as long as he is well, if that means having to do it with his own hands and get directly involved in the macabre act.

In the 2 days that he studied in the house of that human, the family of these treated him very well, and it is due that after taking a bath, this stray puppy saw himself in the mirror, and was amazed at how cute he can be with just a good rinse, soap, and above all, having a human who loves you.

『(This!!! This is what I wanted! But how handsome I am! Of course I am, idiot, I don't compare myself to the filth that my brothers are, I really am different, and it's because I have a human who loves me, it really changes your life completely, I want to stay here forever.

The stray puppy was very happy, he was sticking out his tongue while breathing with enthusiasm, where he felt a caress on his head from the owner, but as he came out of the bathroom together with the human in his arms, a thick and more imposing bark was heard. It was the family dog, a Doberman, barking again and again at the sight of the puppy along with his owner, where he also started jumping up to get a better look at him.

『Who are you!!!! Who are you!!! What are you doing here!!! Go away!!! Go away!!!! I will not give you this home! Go away! Those humans are mine!!!』

Was what the Doberman was saying with his barking, that he alone and the puppy could understand, he was really very crazy, jumping ,trying to catch up in size to his human, where the puppy listening to what he was saying, just mocked him.

『Stop barking you idiot, don't importune your humans, let me stay here, although it would be more comfortable if you leave, 2 dogs can't live together, or at least I』.

The small barks on the part of the puppy were directed to the Doberman, where seeing the insistence of the Doberman, the adult had no better idea than to throw the dog to the patio, in this night that is cold, this dog was more confused, since his human family never made him such an action, when he saw through the glass, He realized that the puppy was quickly gaining the affection and love of the whole family, this would not be a bad thing, but as most dogs that only stop at home, become very jealous if another dog comes to their property, he quickly felt jealous of the puppy and said that he would not take his family away from him.

The next day, he also noticed how the puppy was treated better than him, the leftover food that he used to receive as meat was now given to the puppy, absolutely everything that belonged to him before, toys, his dish, his humans, everything was taken by the new visitor.

『(My humans are good, they brought you in out of pity, but nothing is said, as long as they don't say they will adopt you, I can swallow all my anger towards you)』

"What if we keep him? we have to adopt him』.

From how confident the Doberman was, it was as if life was laughing at him in his face, he heard how his humans when they went out for dinner on the street, before they left they said they would adopt the puppy, this shocked him so much, he quickly started to feel envy that would turn into anger, he is not going to let his humans be taken away from him just like that in just 2 days, overnight.

『Hi little guy, how have you been doing these 2 days you've been home? My humans are very good, aren't they? I love them very much, so that's why, you have to go』.

"What are you?』


"What are you? It's the first time I've seen a dog different from my mother and siblings, you look like that much....especial』

They started to have a conversation in the living room, where the Doberman was the first to lash out, but as if his threats didn't matter, the stray puppy imposed his words first, he wanted to know what was in front of him, this surprised the Doberman that his ego increased when he saw the difference there is.

『I see I see I see!!!! So that's what it is!!! Well look little guy, I'll tell you just so you understand, I'm a breed, a special dog, unique in its variety, with better characteristics and abilities, I can do better things than other dogs, that's right, I am a blessed dog!!!! 』-『Not like you, you are not of any breed, those like you are called street dogs, no chance, no hope, they are ugly, they smell bad, they have nothing special, they are useless compared to those who are purebred! they are the trash that nobody wants! Labrador retriever, Bulldog, German Shepherd, Poodle, Chihuahua, Great Dane, Bichon Friesian, and many more, we are all blessed dogs, we are from the cradle of gold. We have enviable skills that you will never have! Tell me your little classless little street dog, what ability do you have? if people pick them up it's out of pity! They don't captivate anyone! People who pick up dogs like you have no class! You have no taste! My masters are good because they took me!!!』

The ego blinded the Doberman as he was able to mock and compare himself to the street born puppy, he liked this feeling of being better than others and was not spending spit and drool to make it clear to him, the street puppy was silent, as all the information he told him, he was keeping it to himself.

『With that there are blessed dogs, pedigree dogs, so what? It doesn't matter, I have something better than them, I do have the true instinct to survive, you use your little head to grow your ego, I use it, to take advantage of others 』

『Go away....go away....go away.... I don't want to hear from you or see you one more second, I've been holding my breath....really...you won't mess up my blessings!!!』

The Doberman threw himself with all his strength against the stray puppy, who upon seeing the aggression would escape, it seems that he can no longer bear the envy, he just wants to throw him away or even kill him, he can't stand to see dogs that are not at his level in front of him. He started running it around the house, causing havoc worthy of a movie chase.

『I got you!!!』

POMM!!! The Doberman jumped hard, they were in the kitchen, where the stray puppy managed to dodge, but the movement made the cutlery, including knives fall to the floor, the stray puppy noticing that these are a danger in his way, stopped unable to move, he was cornered.

『You're just trash!!!! Street dogs like you!!! You must die!!! You don't live life!!! You live to survive!!!!』

Again he threw himself with all his strength against the street puppy, his jaws opened to grab it by the neck and throw it to the street, that was his plan at first, but the street dog learned with the little he saw, that desperate took with his jaws the knife that was on the floor and....

--------.......She felt something dripping on the floor, silence filled the kitchen, the home, when she opened her eyes, she realized that she impaled the knife to the Doberman and died instantly, the body fell to her forehead lifeless, and the pool of blood appeared, there was a silence again, where she made present again those movements in the mouth, it seems that she discovered it at last.

『In something you were not wrong idiot dog, and that is what I want to change, I am going to live to be happy with my humans, dogs like you, blessed, breed, all if all with like you, who are going to reproach me for being born in the garbage, then I will kill you, each one of you, and also those of the street, I will kill you all, neither the blessed ones!!!! Not even those who have no chance! They deserve to live! I alone! I must achieve happiness!!! This is a knife, isn't it? What a useful thing』

The stray puppy was more than happy, he was finally showing the crazy smile that his being wanted to bring out, here would be born the most destructive canine of all.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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