
Chapter 191: Glimpses into the Past (Final Part)

Arc 7: Isekai Anomenos

The first member we would meet of the Anomenos Family would be Lami, a dragon who decided to lose his emotions rather than lose himself, although he doesn't show any expression, he truly lives the moment more than anyone else. He appeared in this world with a mission that was entrusted to him, and that was to receive help from a member of the Harmony Faction.

It was a normal day, at the time the sky was grayish, it was as if the day itself was telling us that something bad was going to happen, without knowing of Lami's presence we did our daily things, we were getting ready to go to work, study or just play. The fact that none of the other dragons felt her presence must mean that she knew how to control her power well, or maybe because she had no emotions it was imperceptible.

Lami did not want anyone in this world to be harmed or somehow get involved in all this matter, he respects and loves this world even though he does not express it, as a measure to prevent this from happening, he decided to create a large dome of energy that enveloped the city, those who were outside could not enter and would pretend that nothing happened, while those inside were swallowed by the thick black waters of Lami, although everything showed that he was eating them, in reality he only left them asleep and put them in a safe place.

Elma and I were inside the city, and we witnessed that something was not right, that dragon Lami was present, due to misunderstandings on the part of both and the seriousness that Elma takes in situations like this, there was quickly a confrontation, thinking that we were a 2 against 1, it would be easy to end this, but Lami had use of very elusive and strong skills that complicated us in the end, I was even a nuisance for Elma, since both were specialized in water.

While the fight was going on, Kobayashi was also entering the city, he was able to enter normally despite the barrier, this was due to the power inside him.

In the middle of the fight I started to think about many things, about how that dragon Lami really was, since he first asked for our help, and he didn't show any signs of fighting seriously, he was only defending himself from Elma's strength, I wanted to somehow understand him and even empathize with him after witnessing the memories of the brothers Latios and Latias, I thought he was not a bad person after Elma told me who they really are and what they did.

Without further ado the situation led to another one where I was able to protect Elma from being robbed of her strength, but the arrow was pierced and reached Kobayashi, who was coming to the place where there was a mess. Lami was alarmed by this as he did not think that there were more involved, especially humans from this world, Lami knew the danger Kobayashi was in, he quickly wanted to take the human with him to help her.

At that moment he heard a familiar voice, it was Fafnir who appeared next to Lami, he asked him who he was, if he did all this, Fafnir was upset because he did not receive an answer immediately, Lami when he saw him just stood still, as if he was scared to death, he quickly wrapped himself in his black water and left the place creating a portal.

After taking measures of the disaster that Lami left when he came to this world, we had a meeting at Kobayashi's home, where we became more aware of the situation, Lucoa told us about the past of his world many, many years ago, how the Anomenos Family, where the Demon King was also a member, wanted to bring peace to his world, They wanted to bring peace to their world, going so far as to surpass limits that at that time were impossible, they talked so much with all factions and races, they were doing something that was not believed to exist in a world like theirs, they even had the audacity to face the Gods themselves.

Everything seemed to be going well, but soon the truth of the story came out, everything before was destroyed overnight, they massacred races and with the death of great authorities of both factions, they had declared war on the world, thanks to everyone united they managed to end the threat, or so they believed, the Demon King was still alive and the Anomenos Family was dedicated this time to gather energy from both factions, all in order to one day awaken the being cataloged as the strongest and unimaginable.

Listening to the story I had even more doubts, if it is what the story says, listening to the denials of that member Lami, it was like we did not know the truth at all. That was the least of it, the arrow with which Kobayashi was stabbed, was to steal energy, a being without power or magic would die in a short time. But that was not the case of Kobayashi, being so close and living her daily life surrounded by fantasy beings, she unconsciously received part of the power of the dragons, we saw how that arrow was stealing that power that none of us had realized before, if we did not do something soon, Kobayashi could die at any time.

The only thing we could do was to go to the other world, to get that bird that only appears from time to time and give it to Kobayashi, that bird would annul the curse. Quickly, without wasting time, we all prepared to go to the other world, with the same purpose or maybe different ones.

Being already in the other world, where these dragons originally are and belong, there were many emotions and events that passed very fast, others felt nostalgic and were happy to return, for Kobayashi it was something new, while looking around he realized that in the distance it seems that there was an uprising of flames. Our first stop was to go straight to the Harmony Faction, Elma was sure that The Sovereign of Life knew where that Ex-Fenix Bird was.

We all entered except Fafnir, he is not given to these things, as we went straight to the palace, the dragons congratulated Elma, they were happy of her arrival, but we also heard the murmur of other dragons who spoke ill of us. When we arrived at the center we met the highest rank and the most important of all the Dragons of the Harmony Faction, The Sovereign of Life, who at first glance seemed to me a serious guy, but the only thing I wanted was to be able to be calm.

Everything was going well, the one who brought us problems was his assistant who did not agree to help us because we were accompanied by members of the Faction of Chaos, really this girl came to bring us problems and even threatened to snatch the Soul Stone of Tohru. If it wasn't that the Sovereign finally acted and made himself respected, it would have ended all this in a bad way, although I'm curious how a fight between Tohru and that assistant would have been, it was obvious that it wasn't just words.

The Sovereign had more of a teenager air, in the end he knew nothing of the Ave and we retired empty-handed, I still remember the complaint that Elma received from Tohru (^~^).

And quickly without wasting any time, we were already in the Chaos Faction, this somehow felt much more familiar than the previous one, it must have been since we knew Tohru's dad from before.

As we got to stand in front of him, the atmosphere became tense, as the last time Tohru and his father saw each other, they had a fight. We told him about what we are doing and why we are here, seeing Tohru so worried and showing that side only to Kobayashi, I think he was jealous that it didn't take him long to show again the threat he was. We realized that getting along could be complicated, if it wasn't for Kobayashi who proposed that they tell each other everything and finally solve their family problems.

They were able to reconcile, where it is as if our efforts had been compensated, since the Emperor did know information of the whereabouts of the Bird. We were going to retire where he called us to talk to the Emperor, I did not know what it was about, but Kanna is more than clear what it was.

Outside the Faction were the others waiting for us to leave the Faction, just around the place there was a horde of undead, beings that only guide and roam the world in search of great sources of power. Elma, Lucoa and Fafnir decided to finish them to not bring trouble, this worried Kobayashi as she felt she was in danger, but upon receiving a seal from Lucoa she would be fine.

While she was resting next to a tree, she would meet another member of the Anomenos Family, Arnna. At first she got along well with Kobayashi, it could even be said that they would become friends, between their conversation appeared an undead who wanted to attack them, if it wasn't for Kobayashi's actions they would have attacked Arnna, but she paid the price of receiving a cut on her arm.

At that moment, Elma, Lucao and Fafnir appeared, who saw the scene and quickly became defensive and confused everything, they believed that Arnna had attacked Kobayashi and wanted to take her away with threats.

They took the situation to such an extent in their favor that Arnna ended up releasing her flames in the form of flowers, besides Arnna could not stand people with great attributes. Arnna knew that they will never be listened to by others and that they will never receive help from them, she wanted to help Kobayashi in any way, she would take her with her to save her life. Arnna, rather than fighting, only limited herself to defend herself and escape taking Kobayashi with her, obviously the others would not allow it and as they had the advantage, they would take advantage to finish her off once and for all. Arnna was being slaughtered by the other dragons, but she didn't have to allow this, as she really wanted to save her friend, if it meant going through that form again.

Before she could release all her power, her brother appeared to save her from the clutches of those who were attacking her, with his swords and the great handling he had, everything turned from bad to good.

Dux appeared to save his sister, both would take Kobayashi to save her, both sides had the same objective, but because they did not listen to each other and talk about it, they ended up facing each other. The fight with the arrival of Dux became more equal and even had an advantage, the skills and power of Dux were so superior that he left Fafnir and Lucoa on the floor agonizing.

Both brothers united to launch a great combined attack, Elma was the only one who could continue fighting, where she opposed with force to the attack of the brothers, here something very curious happened, Kobayashi had inside her the power that she had been accumulating all this time, when she saw that her friend Elma was in trouble, it is like that the energy that she had inside her passed it to Elma, thus obtaining more strength and being able to resist the attack of the brothers.

The fight at the end left so much without strength for both sides that fell to the ground, Kobayashi fell looking like no one could help her, where Tohru appeared flying as fast as she could, but it was too late, although both stretched their hands, a portal swallowed her along with the brothers, the Anomenos Family was able to get theirs.

While they were fighting, the Emperor told us about the curse that Kanna was carrying, because of her mischievousness and her revolts in the world, she has been exiled from here, if there is a way to return or if she wants to return here, it would activate a curse that her parents put on her, this consisted that if she returned she would die in a matter of days, I could see how Kanna's tail was burning and turning brown.

But even with this Kanna and consequently all of us, decided to follow the original plan, but as there was no time and our plans were complicated because the Anomenos Family took Kobayashi, we separated into 2 groups, one would go to the Demon King's Castle to retrieve Kobayashi, while the other would go to look for that Bird.

Tohru was really upset and only thought of killing them, if she allowed her to go to the castle, for sure there would be a confrontation that could end badly, so with her and Kanna we went to look for the bird.

In the middle of our journey we ran into Mira, a small dragon that the more excitement she felt the more powerful she became, it was like her power had no limit and for that reason she was a threat, we could get along well with her, Kanna and I felt that she was a nice girl, but her excitement reached such a point that she only wanted to have fun without measuring anything.

Mira had the abilities to create space and dimensions at will, they were very powerful powers and in her hands it was very dangerous, she locked Kanna with her ability and they started to "play", where Kanna opposed this, this bored and angered Mira who did everything possible for both to enjoy, I managed to enter her space where Mira was happy to see me, she would quickly do the same as with Kanna and use her ability with me.

It was a hit of nostalgia and made me remember my past, it made me feel more than joy, it brought back beautiful memories and why I have to go back, I thanked Mira for being able to show me this landscape. While outside, Tohru was destroying Mira's ability, making us go outside.

Mira again let herself be carried away by her emotions increasing her power even more, it was like she had no meter, Kanna and Tohru fought against Mira without holding back, since to provoke them and that emotion that they felt was more aroused, Mira had no better idea than to make them believe that she killed the Ex-Fenix Bird.

Now she achieved what she wanted, Mira had fun with her new friends, I did not want to fight against her since that was not what Mira really wanted. Her power reached such a point that portals were opening as if distorting reality, from them several little girls came out, Mira also wanted to make me enliven my excitement.

The fight reached its climax and Mira switched to her Dragon Form and without thinking she launched a huge attack against me, I could not dodge it, let alone endure it in my situation, if it were not for Kanna who managed to push me aside saving me, but she took the whole attack, being pierced all over her body.

It was like she made a tick, if what she wanted was to make me angry, well she did it, at that moment the only thing I thought after that one was just to kill her, my whole person said that I should not hold back, I was undoing my emotions and I just wanted her to suffer for having done that to Kanna, but by the call of the Demon King, Mira was retreating, I was even more upset, maybe I did not fight at all times but I will leave a memory that will always be present, without further ado I concentrated my energy to a fine shot, managing to hit Mira in the wings.

Soon after Mira returned home, her wings were clipped and disappeared into nothingness, they were being destroyed and no one could do anything about it. Mira lost her wings that day. I was able to return to my self, I quickly became alarmed and went to heal Kanna, she was in her Dragon Form and filled the whole place with her blood, there was a big hole in her, her organs were destroyed, her bones were destroyed and exposed. Seeing her in that state broke my heart, I was so worried and upset that I didn't know what to do, I had many options, I shouted to Tohru to help me, my healing is slow, I won't be able to save her, I needed more power. So I did something that I had not done before, and that was to use both forms at the same time, even if it lasted a short time, I could save Kanna if I concentrated.

In the end our efforts were rewarded, and we were able to save Kanna from her death.

We met as quickly as possible with the other group, we told them what had happened to us and that the only option is to all go straight to the Demon King's Castle. I did not like the idea very much, since Tohru hates with his soul the Anomenos Family for everything they have done, I would have liked to go, but I had to solve another problem.

I find myself after days in front of a large army of humans, The King finally discovered the way and existence that there is another world and wants to conquer it, which is my mission to prevent it, first I tried to solve it with words, but this was more insults to them, without further ado there was a fight, me against a whole army. At first it was easy, but little by little it weakened me even more. And I was more indignant to discover that the cannon they used and are using to open and keep the portal open, the source of their power was the life of a little girl.

Before my outburst to put an end to this appeared the Hero, who without further ado I had a fight with him, at first despite being tired I could have an advantage over him. But when he destroyed his armor and showed his true form, it was literally a beating towards me. I managed to make him see reason with my Lucario Form where he decided to help me, he rescued the little girl from the canyon while threatening to end everything if they didn't accept my proposal.

The King and all his army left avoiding that both worlds collide, while I was healing the little girl it turned out that she wasn't as little as I thought.

In the Demon King's castle happened what was evident, both sides had a fight, in the first fight that was shown between Lami and Fafnir, they finally had their clash and would solve their problems, in the end Fafnir would win and Lami would be consumed by the darkness dying in the same way.

In the second confrontation of Doge and Kanna, at the beginning Doge was not satisfied to fight against a girl, since he is an explorer and likes real challenges, he felt that Kanna would not be someone capable of doing it, but he was wrong, in the end the little girl ended up surprising him and even managed to break several swords, but even with all this Kanna lost the fight and her wings.

In the third confrontation of Arnna and Lucoa, there were several clashes and more topics of conversation by Arnna, here she reveals her reason why she is like that, being a Goddess, sorry, Ex-Goddess, Lucao felt the obligation that at least Arnna should say goodbye without any regrets for not having had a peaceful life.

In the fourth confrontation between Mira and Elma, it was the most brutal and lively of all, since both did not even speak to each other and only sought to kill each other, although Elma had the ability and much more experience, she was no match for Mira, who ended up killing her in one of the fastest and most horrible ways possible.

In the last confrontation of King and Tohru, more than a fight it was more like a small training, King guided Tohru in getting a power and talked to him as if he had also been a father. In the end Tohru with the new power that King told him about ended up winning the fight, destroying the Mythic Claws and with that showing the true form of King who is an old man that disappeared.

In the end, Tohru, having Kobayashi safe, understood that what he did was wrong and that they were always good people after all. It seemed that everything was over, we managed to save Kobayashi, Dux explained more in detail why they did all this, that it was all because of Sora, who was the real Demon King.

Without further ado Mira appeared, as she did not accept the fact that she lost her family that she loved and loved so much, Dux was against her sister, who unconsciously Mira would end up ending her brother's life. Lucoa, Fafnir and Kanna went to stop Mira who managed to corner her, in that moment Mira had in her hands the Soul Stone of Elma and was about to use it, but M at the last moment intervened and he himself would be the one who would end Mira's life.

In the end we all met and the mission of the Anomenos Family also came to an end, Sora had awakened and would tell us the truth of the story that few or no one knows. In the end we all understood the truth of everything and that what we believed was a lie, Sora was the perfect person to bring harmony and chaos to the whole world, if there was someone who had to bring order, she would be the most suitable.

As a gift she revived Elma, who also understood that she was wrong all this time, in the end Sora would be reborn together with her family as new lives, leaving behind what they were before.

But this was not the end of the story, we embarked directly to confront Kanna's parents and remove the curse she carries, at first her father drove me crazy, and I was not the only one, we were all the same that we came to have a hatred for him, it felt very good when Tohru and I managed to give him our respective blows. In the end it all ended with Kanna beating her father in a fight to free him from the curse, and with a lot of effort and accepting his daughter, Kanna would end up winning.

And with all the ends resolved we returned to our home, but there was an infiltrator in our ranks, without me realizing Iruru was living with Elma and me, this took me by surprise and this is where I realize that I changed the story a little, I should not have gotten involved and let Kobayashi take everything, but I did not think it was a bad decision after all.

The biggest problem Iruru brought me was when he made a massacre at my workplace, killing without holding back all the thieves, it was really a memory that I might not forget for a long time, that made us drift apart.

Shouta gave me good news and at the same time bad news, he finished adjusting the spell of traveling through worlds, my journey had to continue. Again there was this scenario that to be honest I don't like at all, I really want my next one not to be like this and to be much faster and simpler. I said goodbye to everyone swearing to come back, at the end I could also say goodbye to Iruru telling him that when he comes back we can be friends.

World 5: The last world of fucking furros that there will be xd

Arc 8: Walk through the Melody.

When I arrived here I had the first visions that would appear to me later, memories and even possible paths I took in any other story. When I woke up I noticed that I had animal ears and tails, this is not funny at all, they want to turn me into a furro by force, I will not let me!!!!

I could hear a music in the distance where I decided to go, right now I could use the portal again, but since I'm here it wouldn't be bad to take a look.

And I think there is no more to tell, it is the most recent arc and you should be well aware of what is going on here. I met Hiro who is another God of Destruction, the parasite Dagger together with Ailane, that all that would be the first part of this Arc, I managed to finish with that evil and little by little I formed a friendship with Ailane, but while that was happening I didn't realize that another evil was being born.

Hiro who was catalogued as a Super Hero had problems with his life and with many doubts that he had in his head that little by little were eating him up, this reached such a point that I ended up confronting him, it was good that he could come to his senses and be able to be himself again. The appearance of -A as the prototype of the new project that Xerzene has and finally the concert that seems more like the end of a children's movie, the ovas that tell more story and complement the arc even more.

No doubt when reviewing some caps I realized something.....And is that I use pacman a lot!!!!! Why do I use it so much!!!!!! Ptm what a shame, to be reading quietly and you get this blowjob out of nowhere :v WHAT IS THAT!!!!! What was my past self thinking about, UJUM, leaving that aside and my dark past, I think I did have an improvement in how to do my story and my way of writing.

At the beginning I paid a lot of attention to little things and that made it tiring, my characters talked a lot and it was something I didn't like, I highlighted every little action to make notice that they are doing just that...Que wea? And also in the arcs, the first arcs are very simple and not original at all, you know what will happen and that takes away the excitement to keep reading.

But little by little I learned from my mistakes and I eliminated them from one moment to another, I started to make more enjoyable arcs, my way of writing and telling the story showed an improvement, just compare this last arc and everything it entails with the first one. There is a big difference, isn't there? I hope at least that's the case, I'll try to improve even more so you can keep enjoying it and don't think it was a waste of time, because .... I'm sorry!!!! But I'm going to take a lot of your time and even your life!!!!!

Just think about it, if you are here from the beginning, I started writing the story at the end of 2019, now we are already at the end of 2021 and we are only 5 volumes finished out of 22 or even more that I have in mind, that gives you an idea of how long it will take me, it will take us to finish and put an end to this story. For sure when I put an end to this, nobody will know about it, but at least I will be happy, I finished a story and that is what counts, I could say that I left something ..... and it is not the only story I plan to write, I plan to do 2 more, if I finish and complete these 3 I can be satisfied in this Hobby goal. I could dedicate myself to this, but as things are going I don't think so, besides I started this as a fun relaxation, it wouldn't feel the same to turn what you like into an obligation...and get fed up with it. I'm more than fine taking it as a hobby :) It's really nice when you enjoy what you do. Sorry for bothering you, I'd better let you continue with the story, since I started this, it was the part I was looking forward to the most, by God! M is finally back to his world!!!! Can you imagine how many things you can do?!!!!




I told my mother everything that happened to me, we were in my room sitting on the bed, her expressions while telling were very nostalgic...her joy, her sadness, her surprise, her tears, everything made me very nostalgic, but I can't think that way anymore, because it's not anymore, I'm back.

My mother is going to go out for a few moments, she will surely go to tell that finally her little son came back home, her happy face seemed to last forever, again before leaving she gave me a tight hug.

『This is not a dream, you really are my son, you really came back, I won't let you go through something like this again, your mother will always be thinking of you, she will never lose faith and love for you, never, Son...thank you...thank you...』

Her words accompanied by her crying made me also burst into tears, I also hugged my mother tightly as I cried leaning on her, finally I could get rid and release from all this suffering that I had kept all this time, I felt that I gave thanks for many factors, but especially that she could see me again, I am here, flesh and blood. That she can hug her son again, talk to him again, tell him that he is not alone, that he has a mother who has always fought for him.

My mother opened the door, wiped her tears and left with that smile that only a mother has, I wanted to continue crying, I told myself that I could come back, I am here, it is not a dream, I am really here, I was glad that finally everything is over, finally .... all over.

After a few minutes I could gather my courage and left the house, the landscape I saw was something nostalgic again, what else can I say, this residence that has its years, this apartment where I moved with my mother to have a place to live, although it is not the best of all, here I lived with my mother for a while, it was the only thing I needed at that time, to have someone to be with me. I walked a few meters from where I was, I touched without further ado the other apartment next door, that door..... walls.....todo again gave an air of nostalgia.....

Without further ado I felt and sounded that they would open the door, I became very nervous, I did not know what to say, I just had to do it, I wanted to see her again... e been so far away from home and in general that I do not know how to behave when I'm with her, I just gave a sigh and decided that I would act as I normally am.

Yes, who is it?『Yes, who is it?』

The door opened and I was shocked, my voice didn't come out, but my gesture of joy was there. An old and wrinkled lady came out after I knocked on the door, I still couldn't say anything, I froze, inside there was a lot of noise, little children were playing. The lady looked at me.

"Who are you? I thought I saw you somewhere』.

I was still in shock, nothing came out, I didn't have the strength to say anything, where without further ado I thought I had exhausted my tears and there would be no other reason to do so, I cried again. The tears ran down my face and fell delicately to the floor, the lady seeing this was confused and thought it was weird, with an ugly atmosphere without more the lady made that she saw nothing and closed her door softly without making any noise, meanwhile I was still crying, I could not blink, just cry, I touched my face with my hands and squatted in front of the door. The only thing that came to my mind was the one from that time, where the same thing happened to me and the lady told me that maybe it was a figment of my imagination.

『What if all this time it was always like this.....maybe she never existed....she was supposed to live here.....why.....why isn't she.....seriously.....seriously.....seriously she only exists in my imagination?.....it's very sad....it's very cruel....because I hurt myself.....』


In the middle of my suffering a familiar voice, very familiar and nostalgic I could hear, the way he said my name, there is only one person who tells me that way.....as I slowly turned around, with tears in my eyes I could see him. I don't know if there was wind, but a gust passed by us, that wind managed to move her hair and her clothes, that brown hair with that cut.....and that black sweatshirt that reaches almost to her knees.....those black socks in the same way.....and with that tone of calling only me...It was my friend...it was Menhera-chan....

Slowly I stood up, I was just looking at her, I did nothing but contemplate her, I still can't believe it was really her, she is a little bit bigger than I remember, she must have grown up, the shock of seeing her again left me without doing anything, surely the same thing happens to her, she just kept looking at me with her brown eyes.

I took the first step, I walked slowly towards her where she for some strange reason took a step back, I was confused by this, I thought it's really her or is it someone else, I took another step where again she stepped back, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to take more speed, where I heard a scream from her.


Without realizing it, I was being hugged by Menhera, I could tell, she had tears in her eyes, I also felt that they would come out again, she hugged me very tightly repeating my name over and over again, I got very nostalgic and an even stronger feeling, I also hugged her without holding back, I also said her name again, her real name. Finally I could return to my world and be reunited with my friend, there is nothing more I can say.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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