
Chapter 189: Glimpses into the Past (Part 3)

World 3: The world that I have come to appreciate the most.

Arc 4: Life with Syl.

After spending a long time living with my brother in his home, also accompanied by those non-humans who became my friends, of forming beautiful moments and memories, of re-experiencing a daily life different from what I am used to, that I could understand that even that which has no conscience of itself, can come to have a feeling towards another that is not its main objective, having made me a new friend and who left me the task of taking care of her, it was time to leave.

But for sure right now that parasite that possessed me, would be very upset with me (-∧-;) He left me the task of taking care of Ron, for that very reason I was spending the most time with her until my time comes, I know I can't stay here and I must move on, I must return to my home.

I can still hear his complaints from Ron when I said it that night, but what memories, it's like it was yesterday, that day we went to the mountains to spend the day, we played in the river, we cooked outdoors, we had fun chatting, and at night we did a test of courage with everyone, I think that day there was a meteor shower and that's why we all took the day off, everyone was happy, everyone was happy, everyone had that smile mark on their faces, and without further ado I said it.

I thought about it, to take Ron with me on my trip, but the answer was more than clear, I would not take Ron with me, nobody knows what is behind the portal, I would not want to put someone like her in danger, if something happened to her, I feel that parasite would come and give me a few good blows.

They had a party that day I was leaving, I think it was my birthday, the whole atmosphere was fun, it didn't feel like a goodbye, it wasn't sad or spiteful, they encouraged me to continue and not give up, with their good attitude, they were telling me that we would see each other again.

I created the portal in the middle of the party, I started to remember everything I learned while I was here, if in the previous world I learned to fight and defend myself, here I learned everyday and homemade things, they made me remember and prepare me of what is the duty of living in a home. I said goodbye to everyone swearing that one day I would come back, swearing to Ron that I would come back and this time we would live together, ah!!!! Of course, the confession I was going to tell Papi, what happened to it? Well, as I'm telling you, I think I remember that in the end it came to nothing, now that I'm telling you this, I don't think I feel the same way towards her.

When I was inside the portal traveling I asked myself many questions, they were the simplest that could come to your mind, what awaits me behind the door, if this will be where I return to my home, what strange adventures awaited me, all this was going around again and again, ¡¡¡¡¡ !!!!! .... I quickly got a strong dizziness, my body felt heavy and tired, my eyes closed but although I struggled I could not avoid falling asleep in the middle of the trip, at that time I did not know the consequences of using the spell of the portal.

It was an ordinary forest, something very typical when I use a trip, in it appeared the portal where I came out of it and fell to the ground, I was still asleep and did not seem to wake up in a long time, where a person who was passing around managed to find me, must be a very good person, She couldn't leave me in the middle of the forest, I was alone and it didn't seem that someone would come for me, and without further ado that person took me with her arms, and put them behind her back, and took me to a place where I would be safe, that person was Syl.

At the moment where she was making me react, she wanted to help me by getting inside my mind to know if I have a relative or where I live, she never used this ability with her ties to spy on people's secrets, but innocently and without knowing she found out the truth of this boy and with that she also saw a possible future that could happen.

Syl brought me to her apartment in that big building, I still remember, she was the president of a charity organization that she inherited from her grandfather, she always helped those in need, she always looked out for the good of others than for herself, besides she was very capable since she has been managing the organization in a perfect and correct way for years, as many would say, Syl was an angel.

Syl was worried about this and without further ado she called one of her sisters, Maya, to come and do her some small favors, her sister Maya, who was passing through town, heeded her older sister's request and came as quickly as possible, and when they were both in the living room she told her about the situation she had encountered.

In short, she asked him to replace his memories, to rewrite them, that this is his Original World, that this is his home, that he used to live in this city, that he used to live in this apartment, that he believes that he was born in this World.

Maya didn't understand her sister's request and told her why she would have to do that, it wouldn't be very cruel of her, it's very different from her way of being she was telling her, in general she always tries to help others, why would she be deceiving a simple unknown boy.

Syl, would take a deep breath to say what she thought of all this, that if this boy would continue traveling, at some point he would end up breaking, he would end up corrupting himself, little by little he would generate a darkness in his mind and soul, if they swallow him, he would be born a being completely full of negativity and bad thoughts that everyone possesses, he would be guided only by suffering and by his own philosophy that he will believe, accompanied by the fact that he possesses the knowledge of traveling between worlds, it literally turns him into the greatest enemy, that would happen if he continues with his journey which does not have an established end, it is most likely that it will happen with time, this boy has many doubts, he does not know if he is really strong, he does not know if his life as a human will be enough, he does not know if with each failure and passage of time, how he would take it, his ashes so to speak. ...he would end up succumbing and that would generate the worst person in him, this boy would become the one who would bring more havoc to everything we know.

Maya was very confused and worried, she avoided being scared just thinking if what her older sister Syl said could become real, but still apparently Maya didn't want to believe this, that it is just an assumption of her sister, it doesn't have to happen what she would be saying, Maya also saw it going into her mind, she had many doubts and questions too.

In the end, Maya ended up agreeing to rewrite everything the boy thinks, but she also wondered what would happen if she found out about the lie, making him believe a happy ending when it is not, living a lie is one of the worst punishments according to her, where Syl with a warm smile answered that she would accept it without further ado, one must reap what one sowed from the beginning.

Syl was always like that with everyone, no matter how lost or bad they are, she will always try to see them as an equal to be helped, she does not care that he is a stranger, no one deserves to suffer, Syl did not want this boy who is just in the youth of his life, to destroy himself and end up making his life a hell for himself as well as for others. In the end they both accepted that it was better this, a lie, than the destruction of everything.

And so was the process, Maya with her psychic abilities managed to overwrite the memories and thoughts of the boy, now this would be his world, now this would be his home, here he grew up, here he lived, in this city he studied and made his life and finally he could return home, maybe it was the first time Maya did this kind of things, but she could not completely overwrite the mind of the young man.

¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!! I managed to wake up, I moved my head and I could still feel a slight dizziness for having used the portal, I looked around and it was a room, for some strange reason it was very familiar to me, I felt as if I had been here, while I walked through the passageway memories came to my mind, of a smaller me running around with my sister, I saw the other rooms and other memories also came to me, little by little my confusion was becoming clearer, my eyes were shining with hope and joy, without further ado I went down the stairs, I could see the dining room where the clearest memory of all came to me, my family, I could see them clearly, those days when I was together with them, without further ado I started to shed tears silently, accompanied by a smile.

『I already remember, this is my home, finally I could return, how happy I am, how happy.....How happy I am!!!!!! At last!!!! At last I could return home!!!!』

I could remember other things, like when I played with my strollers in my room, the days when I watched scary movies with my sister and I would pee, being in the kitchen somehow helping my mother, being among the first to greet my father when he arrived, everything, absolutely like a time bomb of memories, this was my home after all!!!! I was really happy, finally the trip was over as soon as it had started.

I started to look for my family in this big apartment where we all lived, I opened the doors, entered the rooms, absolutely everything, I looked everywhere, my smile did not disappear, but the more I looked the more I could not find them. "For sure they have gone out, when they come back I will welcome them in the best way *smile*."

Without further ado I went straight to the kitchen, again I had that feeling was that I knew the place but anyway it felt strange to be here, surely it's because I have not been home for a while, yes, that must be it, with the techniques I learned from my brother , e prepared dinner for when they return, everything was ready on the table, the only thing missing was that they come, I stayed waiting a few hours sitting, and until it became very night, in the end I stayed locked in my room playing on the computer..... They never came back.

I tried the other day to make breakfast, maybe they went on a trip and come tomorrow, I prepared a breakfast as I only know how to do and again I was waiting for them in the living room, the food I made before I had to wrap it and keep it in the refrigerator, I was in high spirits and happiness, I really wanted to see them again, my family and tell them everything that happened to me, but again time passed and they didn't come. .... was annoyed by this where without further ado I decided to look for him, with a spell from the book that the parasite used to locate me, I also used it where I could take a look and search around the world, I was frozen and cold, noticing that my family was nowhere to be found, here would begin the paranoia and depression.

I started to think that if my family never existed, that maybe I was alone from the beginning here and there was never a father, there was never a mother, and there was never a sister, I began to feel a tremendous sadness and depression for not believing that this was real, I could not accept that my family did not exist, since the memories I have are very clear. It seems that Maya, not having mastered the technique of rewriting memories or washing them away, could not create images just for M that his family is there with him, in short, she could not make him have a schizophrenia of his family.

M could not believe he was alone, where he remembered his friend Menhera-chan, a girl he has known since he was a child and she was always with him, he remembered that they were neighbors of apartments, so without further haste he went to the other apartment, where M knocked on the door abruptly and quickly, a lady came out complaining why so much noise, M was confused, why a lady came out and not his friend, the boy asked about his friend, where she was from and described how she was, in the end the lady made it clear that there was never a Menhera or her family, that the boy created his childhood friend as company because he felt lonely, you know, it is normal when you are a child to have an imaginary friend.

When M knew the truth, he just got even more depressed and did not know anything about anything, he decided not to go back to study, it was not necessary, he spent these days as a Hikikomori locked in his room, one day before locking himself up he decided to walk around the city, Again he had that feeling of having been here, but anyway it was strange, while passing with a very bad attitude for what happened before, I saw in an alley how some bandits were harassing a girl who wore a hood, without further ado, I saved her from those bullies and I withdrew. I walked around the park, that would be the last day where I would go out on the streets.

I was secluded in my house for everything, I did not want to do anything, I was only there in my room and computer, why did I want to return to my Original World if there is nothing, I felt like a stupid for having returned, but little lasted that ugly feeling inside me, when I opened the refrigerator, the night before was empty but now is full, I looked lost and angry, where quickly the hopes returned to me, "I'm not alone!!!!!"

I shouted without further ado, there was someone who was taking care of me without me knowing it, that would explain everything, how I managed to live all this time alone, there was someone who was there for me, was the first thing I thought, I really did not want to think that I was always alone, and so time passed, more specifically a year, I was already 17 years old and I suffered a growth spurt, Well, I'm not that big but compared to what I was before I did grow a little bit, leaving that aside in this last year I spent the time trying to catch or meet the person who was taking care of me, I had already confirmed it, there was someone, that was my goal, I wanted with all my soul to be with that person. One night I had everything ready, this time I would not escape, but I heard a scream and blows in an alley, again the bullies were harassing a girl in the worst way, I would have simply ignored, I would have continued with my desire and desire to meet this person, but I just did it, I appeared again in that alley, as I had had enough and they ruined my plans, I killed them without holding back, so maybe in their other lives they will learn not to be bad people.

Maybe I didn't know it at the time, but now I think it was the best decision I made, the person I saved for the second time was the one I was looking for, the one who took care of me and protected me, the one who looked out for my welfare, I met Syl. My first impression I had with her was that...she is very big...I think she is twice my size, she is one of those who are big but very gentle...and big in size is not the only thing she has.... We were on my balcony, after I knew the truth and she had taken me in her arms, I finally had her in front of me, the person I wanted to see the most in my whole life, I jumped to take off her hood, I finally saw her as she was, I think it was the first time I saw someone with these eyes, I felt that if I am with her, everything will be fine, this is also where I gave her the name Syl, we would both start from scratch with a new life ahead of us.

I still don't understand why Syl decided to live with me, in many times I listened to what she said and she was always there for me, it made me very happy to be with her, but I think she felt guilty for what she did to me, it was like I discovered a piece of the truth, and she must be there so that I don't discover the rest.

So time went by, living with Syl brought me back my spirits, talking with her, playing with her, just walking, ah! I remember fondly those times when we went to the meadow of the city, we walked through the grass and sat next to the only tree that was there, many things happened to us while we decided to live together, I finally decided to do something, for a long time I wanted to be a Mangaka, but I did not know how to draw, I spent many years learning where I finally succeeded, Syl was always by my side and seeing her always brings me joy, years went by and I was already an adult, I finished my manga and I don't think I did any more, I wasn't much for going out, but with Syl it became something very typical and common that I even liked, I still remember that day when we fought with monkeys in an air field hockey, it was very weird but I had a great time. I didn't know that while this city was quiet, others were being destroyed by a danger, these years always hid me from the truth of this world for the most part.

I also remember that day when we went to a school and because of strange things I ended up teaching children, it was very funny and I think that day I understood it, not for a long time I knew it, something in me was growing and just like her, what we felt for each other was more than inevitable, Syl maybe she was forced as a form of payment for what she did to the young man, and that is why she decided to be with him, but as time went by and I got to know him, that feeling towards the boy ended up becoming something else.

He was already more adult, the more I changed, Syl always kept the way I met her that day, Syl was returning from shopping where she again ran into some bandits, she does not like to harm others, even if it is to defend herself, she does not like violence, which should not be so, if you feel in danger, you should fight. I appeared without further ado in the alley, it was raining I remember, and so I faced the bandits, where in the end the leader overcame me and was about to kill me, if it had not been for the police I would have died from the stabbing he did to me.

I woke up in a hospital, the wound I had did not feel that it hurt, maybe they sedated me so I removed the bandages, but there was nothing, no trace of a scar, Syl was sleeping next to me lying her face on the bed, where she was the first to receive me, it was still very strange to me, because I do not have the wound, because she does not age, I knew that she was not someone normal, that day I proposed that we live in the forest.

We went to the forest, to a cabin that was there, we had come here before when I was younger, that day I remember that I regretted many things, I could no longer return to my God Form, I forgot the spell of the portal, I cried because I lost my power, that was the least of it, I cried because I forgot my friends that I swore to see them, I was crying for all of them, for Ron who had promised him that when I returned to my Original World I would bring her with me, that impotence made me fall defeated to the ground full of tears, where Syl could no longer bear to see me like that and insult me myself who went to console me.

When I was in the cabin, I looked at the shelf that was there, and on it there were photos in small pictures, where I saw a group of girls, it seems that they lived here, in the photo was also Syl, I asked her, she came quickly, where I found her upset and as if there was no turning back, she ended up telling me that all those girls were her sisters.

Life in the cabin and in the forest was good for us, I was tired of the annoying city and I just wanted to retire from all this, being with Syl I felt I didn't need anything else, although she was very capable in her work in her organization, in subjects like casual and common she became clumsy, I was the one who was in charge of the cabin because if Syl did it who knows what would happen, ah! She was always very gluttonous, she ate a lot really, but she looks very tender when she does it, it was nice to cook for her. At that time I also learned about Astronomy, studying the stars and space, maybe it will be useful to me at some point, every night taking advantage of us being in the forest, Syl and I would learn under the moonlight, I fell asleep where she held me, she carried me to bed, and I remember faintly, but I think Syl sang me a song, with that she said everything about us and me.

I was in a wheelchair, again I looked at Syl and she was still the same when I saw her for the first time, Syl learned to do housework, maybe she did it to take care of me, she always tries hard and even harder when it comes to others, tasting her food was like only she would do it. At the end of it all my life would only reach 115 years, I was hospitalized in my room where they prepared everything, I could not take it anymore, I was going to die soon, Syl is always the person who was with me from the beginning and also will be until the end, I do not remember much our last exchange of words, but I think I told her what I thought of her. .... and that she continues living, that she continues her life and that one day, she will fall in love and get married, that she doesn't have to be forced to seclude herself, that she always seemed to me a pretty girl and that the guy she chooses will be very lucky.

"I wouldn't want someone to hold on to me after my death』.

It was already night, Syl was crying holding my hand, and without further ado I took my last breath, it's like Syl ended up ignoring what I told her, what she felt for me, the strong bonds we formed, the feelings we felt for each other were so strong, Syl made a decision, she didn't want my life to end here, She regretted everything and she would give me back the life she took from me, that's how she felt, she would give me her life in exchange for mine, without further ado the change began, Syl threw herself on the bed with me and with her ties she wrapped her arms around my arm, while she aged I came back to life and rejuvenated, returning to the 17 year old appearance I had when we met. But it didn't stay just like that, from my Human Form I started to mutate, to change to a more blue dog-like Form, and without further Syl who was all wrinkled and smiling to see that it was a success, disappeared in the form of light.

Actually...what I think is...that I was a fool, I really was a fool, there was never someone to whom I have this same feeling in my heart as her, if I had a chance, if there was a miracle and I saw her again, this time I would not tell her the same, I would tell her what I really think of her, I would tell her everything I feel for her, I would confess what she was for me all this time, I would no longer retract, you were. ...you were..... the person.....you were the reason why I appreciate this world, you are the person I appreciate the most....I wish I could see you again, Syl....and this time answer your doubts.

Without further ado it was night, I woke up as strange as it is, I wondered why I am alive, in bed there was no one else, just me, I walked down the hallway until I got to the living room, I did not feel like I normally am, I felt stronger, with more energy, it was like I had returned to be me but without being me, there was a mirror in the place where the moonlight came through the balcony, I could see the new me. I was astonished, this blue dog is me? This Lucario is me? But why .....?

Maya appeared on the balcony to answer my doubts, she ended up explaining me what happened, who Syl was and who they are, the truth of this world and the truth ended up being revealed. She explained to me that they overwrote my memories to make me believe that this was my world, they hid many truths from me so that I would not doubt, Maya also regretted not having done her washing better, she came to feel that her older sister Syl was no longer alive, she still cannot believe that she gave her life for this boy, especially that day, Syl promised Maya that she would not give her life, and look at her just like that, breaking her promise, Maya faced M in a bad way, who just opened the eyes of this world.

M knew where she was, it was the Pokemon World....Wait...did I say Pokemon? NOOO!!!! NOOOO!!!! Nintendo!!!! Get your dick out of my ass------ so Nintendo doesn't find out that I add to the story things referring to their franchises, I don't want to have a debt of the chingadera xd. Maya explained to me that before the Pokemon World were common and calm, but by some scientist's acts they managed to change that stability forever, they were originally Eevees that evolved in their different types, all to get the eternal life, better known as Eternal Essence, that's why Syl never aged and neither did they, He also told that the "Awakening of the Metamorphosis" catalogued by other scientists, life in the world changed because of these scientists, who managed to alter the world by changing humans to pokemon and vice versa, they were their guinea pigs with whom they experimented everything.

They are of the first generation so to speak, who are pokemons that changed to humans and humans that changed to pokemons, this was many years ago, there are Second Generation, Third and Fourth Generation, and with each generation has been evolving to improve, the Second is the rarest in appearance, as they are Humanoid Pokemons, the Third already have more human traits, but retaining some many, whether horns, tail, and the Fourth literally look human, only with superior skills.

But that mattered less to me, the truth that it wasn't my world I finally knew, Maya was worried about this, how would be my reaction to know the truth, where I simply accepted it for good, Syl did it since it would be the best option, she always makes decisions thinking more towards others, besides if she hadn't done that, maybe I would have never met Syl.

While telling about her, with love and feeling, Maya knew that she became very fond of her Big Sister, the reason why Syl was with that boy for so long, M became very important for Syl and Syl herself. Maya didn't accept her sister's death either, surely her other sisters didn't either, where she told me that there is a possibility to bring her back and it is with a wish, where I was happy to answer that it doesn't matter, if there is a possibility even if it is a small one I will take it, this time I will tell Syl everything I think!!!!

That night many things happened, I have new Form, Syl died, I knew the truth of everything and I also knew an opportunity, we would embark on an adventure to bring the person we love the most, here would begin a new journey and history.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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