
Chapter 148: I Promise You I'll Be Back

While our M and his other companions went through daily and dangerous moments, in everything they lived, a little boy who wanted to be a full-fledged magician in the future, never gave up and continued working since the young man set him such a goal.

Since that day Shouta has been working on a way to improve or make some small changes to make the portal much more efficient and that M can use it again to go directly to his home world.

With the knowledge that his family has, the child gradually discovered more of this spell, the first few days was limited to discover what kind of spell was this and what can be compatible, he discovered that it came from the demons, this worried him a lot, because if the spell comes from the demons, then the only compatible thing would be the dark energy or dark spell, dark art, that thought the child to have discovered, could not do anything if that is handled, but then the more he thought of another way to move forward, his father noticed him struggling and that he had stagnated. He approached his son and also took a look at his work, the father confirmed that it was a spell created and demonic origin, but there were no signs of dark energy, but rather the opposite and different things, at first it seemed strange, if it comes from demons why not use dark energy? but then remembered that there are beings who were born as the "bad" but have nothing to do with it, the boy found the energy and spells that could be compatible with the spell and continued his work.

With doubts every day he advanced slowly but surely in his project, that if the others recognize it, could give him much success in the future, mostly he did all the work, but in the things that could be missing he asked for help to the others, especially to Lucoa since she is an Ex-Goddess, she surely has the ability to manifest different powers, while one day that he needed her help, suddenly she disappeared, his work was almost finished after all this time, maybe it was the first time that he looked for her and he even worried where she could have been "when I finally need her she is not there. ...." the boy accepted it and decided to continue with the work and have to wait for Lucoa to come back, as he felt that, if one day she appeared out of nowhere, and left out of nowhere, then she will come back out of nowhere, and so on for the rest of his life.

Mostly this work was done at night because to test the spell as it goes, Shouta conjures it, but in doing so it robs you of your strength and you are too exhausted, so after finishing everything, he falls into his bed ready to sleep and do his things the next day. At school he also noticed that Kanna was not there, he began to think, with the help of his father he discovered that he did not feel any dragon in the world, all had disappeared, no one, there is no one, does not exist, this worried him a lot and asked his father if he knew anything about this, where the adult replied that a few days ago there was a trace of magic throughout the city, he was referring to the dome that Lami used to enclose the city, and he had also felt that in the city there was a battle of dragons, he only knew that. Shouta missed this, he knew that something had happened and that it was related to the dragons, with his friends, that must be the reason why there are no dragons in the world, where they have gone, the answer was clear, they also have problems to solve.

After several days the boy continued with his project, just as he thought Lucoa had appeared out of nowhere and with the last touch he was missing, he could finally finish it, he was really happy, his heart was beating by a thousand, his smile of achievement did not disappear, it was the most he could do, it was the top of his work, that night he quickly dialed the phone, while waiting for him to answer ,the boy could no longer hide his joy, the phone was answered.

"Hello? I'm sorry to interrupt』

『Shouta, is that you? Why the call so late.....』

Shouta couldn't hold back anymore, his breathing was ragged and his cheeks red.

『I complete it....improve the spell of traveling between worlds』 -He was happy Shouta, I could feel it in his words-『You can continue your journey now!

The boy said it, he finally completed his project, something that you worked hard and daily finally bore fruit, after that the boy could not stand it anymore and hung up, he was very tired and went to sleep. He wanted his joy to also be contagious for M, since the boy gave him an important mission and project that he was able to achieve, but while one went to sleep with a smile, the other went to sleep with doubts and even sad.


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I was in shock when I heard him tell me that, so many things happened, I lived so many experiences with the people who became my friends, so much time passed since I first stepped on this world, that I forgot that I had asked Shouta for that favor, but why.....if it is something that I already know is going to happen....why I feel bad anyway...why I feel my chest empty and my body without strength.... it's like the first time, yes, it's like that feeling, when Tatsumaki came and said he would take me to my world, that time I refused completely, what did they expect, I was a little boy who still didn't know how to choose what was best, then the second time it was my own decision, just like the third time, that someone told you.....maybe that's the problem. ..or maybe because this world reminds me of my world, everything so normal in many ways.....No! I must stop making excuses.....just like I did before, I must not get stuck, no matter how well I did, what good friends I got, everything I lived and everything I got, it doesn't matter.....I must go on with my journey.


Like any other day, the next day I did my things as I normally do, I got up early and started to make breakfast until Elma woke up, I was in my Lucario Form while I heard some small noises in the living room. My partner was already dressed ready to go to work, she only needed to eat and everything would go normally, while eating,no, long before she missed herself.

『M, is it a special day or what's wrong?』-Elma turned to me-『The food is more...more delicious than before, and you also prepared more than usual』.

『Eh?』-I was in my Human Form-.

I hadn't noticed but there was a lot more on the table and the taste was much better than I was used to, at his questions I only limited myself to smile.

『That's right! It's a special dayヾ(@^▽^@)ノ from now on you're going to have to learn to cook by yourself! It's something necessary in life, believe it or not (゚<|\(・ω・)/| >゚) I'm sorry but you're going to have to try a little harder』-『I'm planning to have my own apartment, and I've saved and waited for a lot, of course, I'll still be helping you』 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶.

『Ah! I see, you want your privacy, I don't know what I did but I guess you got tired of being with me and attending me hahahaha』 ヾ(・ω・・。)シ

『No no no, it's not that,(^▽^;) just that it's necessary, I'm glad you're happy with what I do, seeing your little face while you eat is kind of relaxing and satisfying』 (;^ω^)-I was worried-.

『Wait.... was that a compliment? If so I don't know how I should act...it's the first time I've been told that』-(*'ω`*)-.

After our conversation that was longer, we went together to the city, we walked together until our paths separated, I told her if tonight I could go to Kobayashi's house where she accepted to go, although I was too direct with Elma, it seems that she still did not understand what I wanted to tell her, for the blue dragon was like a normal conversation, I will not deny it, but I like that touch of silly that she has, I would have liked to take Kanna to school, but I prefer early to go to my work.

I am always the first to come to work, but to my surprise I was the second, my partner, the same one who asked me and the one who tried to hit that delinquent, was sweeping the place with the help of the Boss.

『Good morning M, this time I beat you』(*^__^*) -My partner was addressing me-.

『Good Morning Young man-kun, as early as always, I hope I can count on your help today too 』(✿ヘᴥヘ)-The Boss was also kind-.

『Yes, good morning, I'm sorry but today.....』-After greeting them I lowered my head-『Today....today I will work like I have never worked before!!!!!』o.(+・`ω・+).o-I was drawing flames for my moods-.

『That's the way I like it!(‿)ノ That you're hot! I wish you were like that every day』 (◕ᴥ◕)

The Chief was also too animated, where my partner and I watched him carefully as if judging his soul.(・-・)Meanwhile the Chief was worried.(・・;)

『We'll pretend we never heard that』(・-・).

『Never of the never』(・-・).

Something not, strange we started this new work day, the customers were already starting to come as well as the other colleagues, we all met with our uniform ready, and with the words of the Boss we started to do our labors in that new and last day for me, everything went normal, work for here, work for there, although the more I worked the more it brought back memories and sentimentality, I felt that I was going to miss and remember fondly the days I was here, after all, with this I earned my living and survived, I could have done something else, but as I said, it is what I had to do and although I was with doubts, I ended up accepting this job.

I want to leave a big stain and a memory so that nobody forgets that I was here, although I don't know if to say stain was right..... with what Iruru did that day...(-"-;A

Taking advantage of the fact that it was already lunchtime, we closed the establishment for a short time, my other companions were leaving, but I had something to tell the people I trust the most in this place, I was in the middle of the Spa with my companion and the Boss.

『Yo, I QUIT!!!!!!!』(>囗< )

I shouted at the top of my lungs, as much as my partner and the Boss were shocked by what I said Σ ( Д )ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙ (✿☉。☉)

『(But how good it feels to say that!)』- (*'ω`*)-I always wanted to say those words-.

Both boys listening to me were shocked by such a revelation I told them, but quickly the mood changed with his words.

『It was to be expected, I already suspected that you would say that one day』-My partner was calm-』.

『Seeing you so cheerful when you arrived, the first thing that came to my mind is that it would be the last time I would see you like that』-The Boss was also calm, I was confused by how they took it-『You are not the only one, this place had many employees and everyone at the time or most of them worked with more affection and responsibility, Before they say they would leave, either because they got the necessary money, got a better job, or just quit, I'm surprised every time I hear them, but more it makes me happy to know that I could help them and I hope they had a good time while they were here』-『Tell me Young-kun, what's the reason why you are leaving』.

Before the Boss's words made me feel and know that he is a good person, maybe of the best bosses I could have ever had.

『I will go to resume my journey』-I said without hesitation.

『I see, I hope you will be lucky in it, and know that you will always be welcome here, next time you come back as a customer, we will give you a 70% discount of our best specialty 』 (✿ヘᴥヘ)

『70%!!!!! Now that's a great deal, I mustn't pass it up』 (*゚O゚*)

『Of course, I'll be the one in charge』 (人◕ω◕)

『Yes, I definitely won't come back here, it was nice everything and I'm very grateful but if it's going to be that, my image of the good Boss he is will change completely』( ̄⊿ ̄) -Quickly and without feeling I replied to my Boss-.

『But what's wrong with it!』ヾ(*ゝω・*)ノ

『It's got everything wrong with it! If it's already too gross to have your friend affectionately rubbing your hand! Imagine if your Boss is giving you a naked back rub! I'm sorry but I am what science considers normal in society!』Σ(-△-●)

After again speaking my mind without any qualms, I looked at the Chief and after thinking it over I think if I went too far, especially with the last thing, the Chief was surprised by my words (∩╹□╹∩) But quickly.

『Jajajajajajajajaja that little mouth if that has no compassion, I see you didn't change at all, you are still the same boy who came that first day』 (✿╹◡╹)

『....All right, if given the chance I'll come back.....but it'll only be 5 minutes with you! If you go too far or do weird things...(what can you threaten a guy like that with.....) uhmmmmm I'll make him read the bible and that you were always wrong!!!!』 -It was the first thing that came to my mind-.

『Seriously! Don't worry, it'll be the best 5 min of your life』 (▰∀◕)ノ

Faced with what I said to him before I felt I had to fix it somehow or another, because most of what my Boss says sounds like it's about something else, well, if he does other things or plays more than enough, let him get ready and cut the crap. ( ̄^ ̄).

『You're going to be missed here by all of us M』 -My companion was addressing me-『Good luck with your trip』.

I was already at the door about to leave, I didn't avoid giving him a quick little glance again and noticing that I won't be working here anymore, well, at least with this I learned how to give massages, I don't know what it will be good for, well, it will be good for pampering the lolis, yes, (人◕ω◕) the lolis (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ). ..NO! ....It seems that after all the Boss infected me a little bit.....I turned to look at my companions for the last time.

『Have a good time in this place, see you later Boss, or better I should say Takeshi, keep being the good man that you are』-『And also to you Hiroki, keep striving to fulfill your goal』.

I retired saying goodbye or see you later to this workplace, as much as my Boss Takeshi and my partner Hiroki were quiet, knowing that again another guy is leaving that they hope they could have helped him.


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Now I was meeting Kanna who was picking her up from school, as expected we were also being accompanied by Saikawa, this suits me perfectly as with her I want to talk, shortly on the way to Kobayashi's apartment, I told Kanna if she can go alone, where she fearlessly said yes, now I was alone with Saikawa.

『*sigh* Perfect, now we are alone...Riko...』

Saikawa noticing all this, the sigh, the slight voice with what I said and above all.

『(Riko! Again she called me by my name!!!! What do you mean we're alone now?! Wait! Did he!)(-゚д゚-)』-Saikawa watched as M knelt down in front of her-『(Seriously!!!! Why am I getting nervous!!!! If the one I love is Kanna!!!! Maybe I'm imagining things....si, that must be it, there's no way M would ask me that, plus that would be illegal!!!! and also cool!!!What?!!!! I don't know what to say anymore!!!! well, let's calm down, I don't think so, let's observe everything, it's impossible for him to say "I need something to tell you, you could....." )』 (*'I`*)

『Riko.....I need something to tell you, after knowing you for all this time I think you're the one....』 -M started to speak-

『(It can't be!!!! He's seriously going to ask me!!!! Why I'm getting red and boiling!!!! Kanna is....Kanna is the one.....but that day when I told Kanna that, M declared that she would conquer us both.....will that be that day?!!!! I'm scared....)』-Saikawa couldn't think clearly anymore-.

『You're thoughtful, always caring, a little bit looking for fights, but you have a big heart like the girl you are, and I really like that about you, you're the only one I've noticed so I can say this, and I hope you'll accept it because you'll do it to her!』

『(He's already declaring it!!!!! If he really tells me I don't know what to do.....I don't know what to think anymore.....if he really noticed me and how I am.....I don't care about the rest!!!)(-゚д゚-)』

『Could you.....Please take care of Kanna!!!!!!』-I shouted with all my strength and determination-.

『Yes I accept!!!!!(⺣◡⺣)♡*...Eh?! EH?!!!!!!!!』∑(。・Д・。。)????

『I knew it! I knew you wouldn't hesitate to answer 』

『(By that you meant.....and why do I feel sad, I should be happy)』-The little girl seems to be disappointed-『That I take care of Kanna? Is something wrong?』

『The truth is that I won't be able to be here for a while anymore, I have to leave to continue with certain things, as I saw that you always take care of Kanna I thought you could help her and protect her until the day I come back』.

『I see, just as you came one day you will also leave』-At the girl's words I just scratched my head-『All right, you can count on me to take care of Kanna, besides this is very convenient for me, if you are not here I can spend more time with Kanna and I will no longer have any rival, I will have Kanna all to myself and our friendship will become much stronger, for sure when you return Kanna will not want to be separated from me』-Saikawa was provoking me again-『I'm sure you will be able to help Kanna and I will have no rival, I will have Kanna all to myself and our friendship will become much stronger, for sure when you come back Kanna will not want to be separated from me』-Saikawa was provoking me again-』.

『...Then all the more reason to come back quickly, I'm not abandoning her, I'm just giving you a little time to be with her, because one day, the day I come back, I'll take Kanna with me, take advantage of my absence very well』- Me too, although it's more like a warning and even a threat-『By the way, what happened a while ago, you were very red and nervous』.

『....Nothing, nothing happened...』

Seeing her who was hiding something and again seeing her getting nervous, sweating and blushing the first thing that came to my mind is.

『Pervertida』( ̄^ ̄).

Where quickly Saikawa reaction in an altered form.

『How can you call a girl pervert!!』(-゚д゚-).

With her little steps she went to confront me where I quickly gave her a little finger smack on her forehead and again called her a pervert all over her face ( ̄^ ̄). But as a form of apology I rubbed his head to calm him down.

『I'm counting on you』(=^__^=).

The sun was already lowering ready for dusk to begin and night to come, entrusted my work to someone or even loves Kanna much more than me.


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Now there is only one thing left for me, and that is to wait for everyone to come to Kobayashi's house, right now I am here, in the living room helping Kanna with her homework, although I don't know if she really needs my help, this girl is also smart in this area, but well, taking advantage to spend all the time I have left with Kanna, besides it was good, since if there were things that Kanna needed help with, when I finished I approached Tohru, she was with a knife in her hand ready to slice, I placed myself on Tohru's back, I quickly held her tail and was going to cut it.


Before I could cut him Tohru quickly removed his tail and was hugging him.

『Don't cut my little tail』('ε`;)

『As usual you don't understand, do you remember that time? We promised that together we would cook your tail so that Kobayashi-san can eat it, it's now or never, so let me cut your little tail off (・・)』 -I explained everything to her where she at last agreed.

『Okay, but I'm going to cut it off myself and also..... stop looking at me like this.....』

Tohru put her tail on the board taking the knife out of my hands, she got a little uneasy noticing my look (⊙_⊙).

Dinner would be Tohru's tail, cooking it is not so complicated, it is like any other meat, the thing is just to extract all the poison and remove that appearance and texture that if you eat this you will get something, the poison practically became easy for me to remove it, with my aura I could detect all the poison and be able to remove it, now what is missing is the appearance, we decided to fry it since this way with the breading we would cover the outside, now with the inside. ...that's the real problem, that's where Kanna came in to help us when she saw that we were in trouble.

Kobayashi finally came accompanied by Makoto, Elma and Fafnir, who seemed to have come at the suggestion of his friend.

『Welcome Kobayashi-san』-Tohru as always is the first to welcome him.

『I'm back, they came like M said, ah, there's also Lucoa』-Kobayashi greeted-.

Tohru and I were surprised to see that Lucoa was on our backs all calm, for sure he used his magic to appear out of nowhere, as he always does, now that I think about it, how that Lucoa's ability works, I know it's different from Tohru's, since you can go to places you've never been..... damn goddess, you would have used your spells when we would have been in the other world.

Not to make it long first we all had dinner together, we had prepared another varied meal too , but there were the croquettes, the ones we cooked, we said it was pork croquettes where as everyone was eating, Kobayashi finally noticed them and decided to give it a taste.

Tohru and I were tense and worried how this might turn out (^~^;)ゞ, here goes, Kobayashi looked at him a little, as if suspicious, Tohru and I were staring at Kobayashi where she notices our looks and we quickly turned ↷( ó╻ò). Kobayashi again seems to hesitate and looks at the kibble, the following was tense, she finally decided to take a bite, she slowly brought the kibble closer to her mouth, where Tohru we didn't avoid turning our gaze. Crack.....Kobayashi took a bite, the dragon and the human were surprised, Kobayashi chewed and swallowed it. We did it! We made Kobayashi ate Tohru's tail, Tohru was shedding tears of joy in front of this (இ﹏இ`。).

『Hoygan...they said this was pork kibble.....』

Kobayashi suddenly spoke, the dragoness and I became alert and afraid, he must have found out...it's impossible for him to have found out, but it's Kobayashi, I think we've had enough. Kobayashi saw inside the meat and his expression changed.

『I can't believe you 2...』-We felt the real fear then-『This is not pork...』-It was the end of our lives-『It's chicken』

・・(・.)ゞ 「(°ヘ°) We were confused at his words, he saw inside the meat and noticed that it was white and had the texture of a chicken, without further ado he proceeded to finish it.

『It's good, it's the best chicken I ate 』-Without hesitation Kobayashi confirmed.


Tohru rushed to hug Kobayashi for the joy she felt, while I was also happy for the success, I looked at Tohru with a thumbs up.(・ω・)b Where she in her joy smiled at me doing the same (b~_^)b. Thanks to Kanna that with her help, we were able to make the meat look white like chicken, we don't know how she did it, but who cares, the thing is that finally Kobayashi ate Tohru's tail, historical moment for history.

After we were all talking for a while and having fun as usual in these small meetings, the doorbell rang, when Tohru opened the door she saw that it was Shouta, I knew at that moment that it was time.

We were all on the rooftop, it was night but it wasn't that cold, the others still didn't know why this was happening, that's where Shouta approached me and said.

"I have the spell ready, you can continue your journey』.

That's where everyone finally understood of all this, I could tell how their expressions changed from everyone quickly upon hearing it.

『It's the best thing I could have done, I just got the spell to remember the previous worlds you've been to, you'll be able to go back to them without any problem, as well as the ones you'll go to in the future』-Those were the boy's words.

『I knew it, I knew you wouldn't let me down, well done Shouta』-Thanked the boy-.

『Also one thing, while researching I discovered that there is a way to go to the world the user wants to go to, but to do so you have to sacrifice quite a few lives...it's a horrible method but 100% accurate 』.

At the boy's words I could remember something, in the first world I've been to and everything that happened on Mysterious Island and about Carmis, he said that his goal was to see his beloved again and everything he did was for that, now he makes sense of why he killed so many innocent people, he wanted to go back to his world to be with her.

『Do I look like a genocide? I prefer to use the traditional method, thank you for telling me』- I answered sincerely.

The place was silent, Shouta told me the spell, it seems that the spell now has more words than I remembered, but it is still difficult to remember it, he gave me a sheet where was written there all the improved spell, I had everything I needed to continue with my trip, I had money in my wallet, some food, with this at least I could spend a few days in the new world, the only thing that was missing was to say the spell.....but before.

As I turned I could see it, I hadn't noticed it before, I knew they were silent, but I didn't see their faces, they were each with a sad look on their faces. I quickly approached each of them, I don't know how you guys do it, but I like to start with the problematic and then go to the easy and quiet.

I was in front of Lucoa, I didn't know what to say to him, but I only knew one thing.

『Thank you, thank you for your help and effort』-I was giving my bows to this Ex-Goddess.

『That's how you should treat a God, but remember that I'm also your friend』-Sincerely answered me the Ex-Goddess now that she has scars all over her body-.

I'm glad she still considers me a friend despite all the things I said to her and the way I treated her. I went over to see Elma where she couldn't take it anymore and ended up crying in front of me.

"Come on, why are you crying so much? I hope you can manage on your own now that I won't be here *sigh* in the living room you'll find a notebook, there you'll find everything, how to clean, how to cook, practically how to do housework, I wrote many recipes and everything necessary so that even a fool like you can understand, ah! also some money, use it when you have problems, take care of yourself a lot Elma, it was fun living with you』-In the morning I was in my Forma Luario, while cooking, my clones wrote down everything in a notebook in the living room-.

『So that's what you meant by leaving, yes I really am a fool』.

I stroked Elma's head where she looked up in surprise.

"That's right, you are a fool, but a responsible fool』.

The moments I spent with that blue dragoness were fun, although when it comes to serious things she is the first to step forward, that tenderness she has I hope it will still continue when she comes back. I approached Kuro-san, of all is the one who was normal, his face as always showed hatred and seriousness, I'm sure it will bother him that I say many things to him , so I simply.

『See you later Kuro-san, I hope to play with you again another day』.

With a smile I said goodbye to my friend, as I expected I didn't get any response from him, next to him was Makoto where he kindly addressed me.

『I already knew you were something special, it seems like everyone I surround myself with is special』.

With his words I understood that he always knew what we really were, he just took it as something normal and that he could get along with everyone.

『Thank you so much Makoto, please take care of Kuro-san, he looks all bad and stuff, but he's someone good』-『Especially if you become his friend』.

『I'll keep that in mind, thanks also for all your help』.

As I was retreating from the place, I could notice a small speech.

『See you later...』

Hearing it I didn't stop and continued, I knew who had told me, I didn't turn around so I wouldn't give him away, but it brought out a joy that he told me. An adult human, who's specialty is games, but who is hard working and likes to be with friends, a dark dragon who doesn't socialize, gloomy and likes games, having something in common made them more friends and they learn things about each other that never even crossed their minds. As I looked down I got down on my knees, the moment I saw her it almost made my heart break, this was easy...where is easy...I too....wanted to shed a few tears.

『Kanna, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry』

I couldn't take it anymore and I ended up hugging Kanna just like she does the same, why is it so painful.....never happened to me before, crying so much when leaving someone, this.....this.....this is unfair.

『Stay...please stay..... fulfill my wish.....』-Kanna said in tears-.

『I'm sorry....I'm sorry...I would like too...I want to stay...I don't want to leave you...I want to spend more time with you.... you are...you are my daughter..... I love you Kanna』-As I looked at her I could see that she was still shedding tears just like me, at that moment I felt that she was sad because I was sad, I quickly wiped my tears and with encouragement I said-『I will come back, I promise I will come back, could you wait until then...I will also try my best to see you again』-I caressed Kanna's head, I could see how she clenched her fist in helplessness-

『Promise me.....promise me that you will come back to me...father』

Kanna showed me her little finger while she was also wiping her tears, with a smile and with much more reasons I accepted.

"I promise, and when I come back, would you like to come with me?』-Join my little finger with Kanna's.

"Yes, I'll be waiting for you』.

Her answer couldn't have made me happier, with much more reason to achieve my goal! that little albino dragon, if it wasn't for her for sure I don't know what would have happened with me, you extended me a hand with nothing in return, I will give you all the joy and love you deserve. I approached Tohru who was listening to everything, when I saw her I noticed that she was wiping away her tears and pretending to be strong.

"To be honest the first time I saw you I might have been a little angry with you, that bad attitude with me, that uncontrollable anger, and the way you treated me made me think a lot of bad things about you, there came a time when I hated you too, but now that I know how you are, much more kind, loving, nervous, silly, trusting, proud, I could see the two sides of the coin and I can conclude that』.

At what she said, Tohru was already confused, she didn't think I told her all that and that, before she can say something quickly I threw myself to hug her with all the affection, where Tohru , the green dragoness was left without how to react.

『I'm glad to have met you, and above all, to become your friend』-『If I spent more time with you, I think I would fall in love with you, little dragon』.

With the last Tohru it seems that her brain went boom, she was too red and nervous that I didn't even give her time so she could talk and tell me what she wanted to tell me, she surely thought I would tell her things to annoy her, it's like she got a short circuit. Well, Tohru, the dragon who hated me before and the one I love, a great friend I will never forget. I went all the way to Kobayashi where here if was more casual and normal than everyone.

『Thank you so much for everything, you are one of the few ordinary people that I really admire a lot even if you don't believe』 -『I said sincerely.

『Hahaha anyway, good luck with your journey and I hope you'll return to your world, it will be a little different without you around 』.

That's the last one I had to talk to, no.....there's still one left, someone who I think is much more eager to talk to me than anyone else.

『Good! Iruru come out of there, you've been watching us for a while now』 -I raised my voice so that he would hear me.

Iruru all this time has been listening and paying attention to the whole moment, as it was night no one could notice her, and as she proved before she is an expert in hiding her movements and presence. The little dragon came out of the shadows slowly, without further ado I approached her where I could see her nervously. I waited for her to say something to me so I could answer her, Iruru knew she had to say it now, it's her last chance.

『This....sorry.....I just wanted to....』 -Iruru without further ado was about to say it-.

『Let's be friends』 -Whereupon M without further ado spoke- 『Let's be friends

This to the little dragon seemed confusing, she didn't expect to be told that by the human.

『If you want to understand this world more, then let me help you, let's live like everyone else, we experience funny and weird things, let's help each other in our problems and learn to overcome them, I will be your first friend, and then you will have 2, then 4, ,6 , 8, 10 ,25, and so on until the number you want, let's get along, what do you say? do you accept?』-I offered him my fist as a token of our friendship-.

『Friends?..... can I be your friend?.... if so..... then I'd love it..... I want to be your friend!』-Iruru just accepted cheerfully, when she saw my fist, she also took out hers and bumped it with mine, she was happy just like me-『Hey, do you think we could be more than friends? I want to.... have a much stronger relationship!』

『Well, let's see what happens, if everything goes well you might get it one day』.

Hearing it, his smile became much bigger, but compared to before, this time he was showing pure joy with that gesture that only before he looked enjoyed. Everything is ready, I think I did not miss anyone, I walked forward where I also thanked Shouta for everything he did, I grabbed the paper where I started to say the words. A few seconds later the portal appeared, it is just as I remember, it seems to have remained unchanged, that black spiral with black and green masses, !!!! Suddenly I felt a strong attack on my chest, I quickly touched it, the others worried to see me like this, where with my hand I told them not to approach me, slowly , staggering I approached Tohru.

『After all...if it's going to happen.....』-Sighed with fear and worry-.

I kept touching my chest tightly, she was worried and was about to welcome me in her arms, when suddenly.

.....Everyone was confused and shocked by what they saw, everyone, absolutely everyone, Kobayashi smiled unconcernedly when she noticed it. Tohru was highly flushed by what happened, M....aquel human, that young man gave a kiss on the mouth to the dragon Tohru, fell without any problem in the performance of the boy who played the victim, after separating the boy just smiled at her and said.

『You fell』

And subsequently like a small child escaping from a problem, he jumped towards the portal where it quickly disappeared, everyone was left confused and still in shock as to what had happened, Tohru was in shock at what happened and kept repeating himself.

『I will kill you....I will kill you.....I will kill you...I will kill you.....I will kill you...M...I will kill you!!!』

Completely flushed and nervous she shouted to the sky, but her words didn't match the way she expressed herself, she said it with embarrassment, shyness and even affection. Kobayashi was laughing at what was happening, M who was already traveling through the portal was also laughing at what she did, what M did is put her hand between her lips, and create a kiss effect, it caught Tohru off guard and since she was already nervous from before, it was only that she took the bait.

『I already did, after all I promised Elma that I would prank Tohru』.

As I was retiring with my last joke I would make to the dragon, I was saying goodbye to a world that brought me many things, a world that made me feel again how it is to be in my home world, I made great friendships, we went through many things, we explored and faced different obstacles and overcame them, good or bad decisions brings us to a different future, I learned a lot from what I lived here, now fate knows what is in store for me at the end of the portal, whatever it is, I will receive it with my head held high.

End of the Fourth Volume

M's Stay in the Fourth World: 1 year and 5 days

M arrived on March 15.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

Author's Note: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Finally finished with the fourth volume!!!!! what a joyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! and also satisfaction. I didn't think it was going to last so long my fucking mother's cunt,but it was ok, a little kk the beginning since I repeated what was seen from the anime, but it's ok, well, as of now as you know, it's going to be a kind of "what would have happened if M was on behalf of the anime" but honestly it wasn't bad, I may have failed in many things, it's normal, I'm not a god or a professional, just a guy writing in his little house, but that if, who is making an effort in this project, well, not to make it long, the next world in case you didn't see it in the description, will be Show by Rock, the truth I don't know how it will be, specially in the parts where there is music, well, we will use what we use as kids "imagination" I will come up with a way to do it, or just ignore it, since how can you listen to a music by means of lyrics? or maybe..... but I'm being faithful to what I remember and that matters more!!! so next volume imagine it with furros animation, there are many furros in my story now that I think about it.....fucking little kid I was, weird tastes the truth xd. In the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z it will be: M becomes Furro????? Don't miss it.

Now let's get to some curious facts:

1. The only arc in Volume 4, which is Isekai Anomenos, was mainly going to last 10 to 12 chaps, but the thing kept extending for things and so on, since I saw that in those chaps I was not going to tell everything, and ideas appeared at the time that I ended up extending it to how long? 30 o 31?

2. In my opinion I think it is a decent and even good Arc, what did you expect, I am the author, the master, the admi, I have to like at least a little what I did, and sincerely I can say that yes, I really liked all the content of this one. I give it a 15 out of 10 on the nekos scale.

3.M at first saw Kanna and Saikawa as future girlfriends he might have, but then he understood that his feelings were more like a father's love, and ended up seeing Kanna as his daughter. (M re lolicon crazy, but not that crazy).

4.M here discovers that he sees lolis as daughters.

5.Dux never uses his dragon form since his specialty of this is swords, and as in a wyver or however you spell it, these dragons that have claws attached to wings, in that form he could not maneuver his swords.

6.Queen was the princess of the Harmony Faction.(At no time is it said that a Sovereign of Life or Emperor of Death are the Kings).

7.King was born from the mother of Damocles(Tohru's father) so that makes King Tohru's uncle and they are related in blood.

8.Sora would be Tohru's cousin in blood.

9.Now that I see it, Mira and Iruru have many things in common, take it as they would come to be different versions of each other.

10.Mira has an incredible growing power that has no limit, if not controlled she can destroy dimensions and multiverses, it wouldn't be weird at all if Mira is an Iruru from some alternate world that came to this one, it could also be the other way around, Iruru is a weaker version of Mira.

Every time the brothers said that Lami smiled it was because they could feel his energy and they saw that he transmitted joy.

Arnna needs to go to special help. (No cabron, pinche vieja loca y dependiente del Dux la meca esta)

13.The Hero is re Christian, you will see him in the future.

14.The Sovereign of Life is obviously a creation of mine, just like I did my versions of Kanna's Parents.

15.The Fusion Form will have much more relevance in the future story.

Kanna's father's name is Minos.

17.Kanna's mother's name is Amelia.

18.Demons exist, but they don't take much relevance in the story, practically because I didn't want to and that's it xd.

19.Sora is the most powerful being that exists so far in the whole story and will be so for a long, long time.

20.Kasper admired and loved his father very much.

21.The age of the Anomenos Family Brothers, Lami,Dux,Arnna and Mira, are all 21 years old in human appearance.

22.The age of Sora is 17 years old in Human appearance.

23.When King met Queen he was practically 0 years old, when he had Sora, King was about 4 years old, so in the whole arc of Isekai Anomenos, the siblings and King have the same age, 21 years old.

24.Queen when she met King she was 24 years old in human appearance.

25.That's why she tells him that she still has a long way to go, Queen knows that King is just growing up and that he is a young man compared to her. He has a whole life ahead of him.

26.They will talk about why time has passed and the family still looks young.

27.The Sovereign of the Ancient Life, which is told in the History of the Anomenos Family, his name is Gora.

28.The Emperor of Death Ancient, in which it is related in the History of the Anomenos Family, his name is Toffe.

The current Emperor of Life, the son of Kasper, his name is Mikael, yes, Mikael.

Here I will tell a little more about the characters:

1:King is 1.80 m / He was born on April 1st.

2:Queen is 1.75 m / Born May 1st

3:Sora is 1.78 m/ Born on 28th of June

4:Dux is 1.75 m / Born on February 28th

5:Arnna is 1.65 m / Born May 2nd

6:Lami is 1.67 m / She was born on November 1st.

7:Mira is 1.39 m / Born on September 6

8:Kasper is 1.80 m / Born on 31 July

9:The Hero with the armor is 1.77 m / Without armor he is 2.10 m / Born on January 1

10:Takeshi is 1.79 m tall / Born on February 9

11:Hiroki is 1.62 m / Born on June 17

12:M is the same height as one of those mentioned above.

Now a reminder of the Future Harem that M will have in the story!

1.Papi 4.Jolt 7.Latias

2.Suu. 5.Glace 8.¿¿¿???

3.Ron 6.Estela 9.Kanna

This volume will also have ovas, I guess you already know, that's right! Different Happenings! I take advantage of these to tell and fill in certain things that I couldn't add at the moment and also as a kind of relaxation for me, and that I can put random things xd.


The Other Ancient World | Latin America

-There is chaos and destruction ✔️ | -There is chaos and destruction ✔️

-There is death and discrimination ✔️ | -There is death and discrimination ✔️

-There is poverty and ignorance ✔️ | -There is poverty and ignorance ✔️

-There is corruption ✔️ | -There is corruption ✔️

-It is stolen ✔️ | -It is stolen ✔️

-It is a place of mrd ✔️ | -It is a place of mrd ✔️

-It's Fictitious ✔️ | -It's Fictitious❌

-They know a lot ✔️ | -They know a lot ❌💀


Next chapter