It has been a bit complicated, or at least that's how I saw it, having to teach Iruru the common sense of this world, but even though she is an adult she still has a lot to learn, I didn't think there was someone dumber than Tohru, well, I don't turn a blind eye either, since I gave her clothes when dragons use their scales as clothes, detail that I had forgotten, in the end it went well, I gave her ideas of how she has to be dressed, and also that when she goes out she should hide her claws and tail, the horns is not a problem, people think it's an accessory. How lucky I told her before going to the Onsen, but well, she learns fast and it's something that relieves me, in my eyes she's a girl, and also for that very reason I taught her how a...
『Well loli special, listen carefully because it's late and I don't plan to repeat it, there are important things to do in the mornings』(-,-).
『I see you're underestimating me, I can handle difficult spells and skills that few can, though they cost just as much.... besides having great power, being defeated is something that almost never happens to me (ง `ω')۶』-In a way that reminded me of Tohru, Iruru answered me-.
『Aja....and then how did you end up in possession of that empire?』 ( ̄^ ̄)
『They caught me by surprise, I didn't have a chance to prove who I really am, otherwise I would have destroyed them』 ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯
『Ah yes, then I'd like to see it』-I felt insecure seeing his attitude-『I'd better repeat it to you since I have meyo』. -(; ̄ー ̄A (Meyo=Fear)-.
They started with those words to teach him everything he has to know about this world, at least in the basics, like you can't do what you always want, respect places, be grateful, say thank you, be friendly, ignore strangers if they ask you for favors that sound weird, help if you can, that life is important and etc etc etc, practically what your mom tells you when you are just a kid who eats the snot. And so it was for days, Iruru did her things like walking around the city, jumping or flying from building to building or pole to pole, visiting Kobayashi's apartment and challenging Tohru several times already, and also because of her curiosity she goes to far away places to see what happens, because of my insecurity that I still had I was going to spy on her from afar and see what she does in my free time, and I could notice that everything is fine, while sneaking a peek at Iruru quickly she noticed me and looked at me, without me noticing the dragon was in front of me, face to face, I could see that her eyes were really huge and penetrating, as if she saw her prey, and her teeth like those of a shark, sharp and ready to tear you in one bite.
『Hey, you work right? You think I should work too since I'm in this world...There aren't many things I can do in this world...』
The special dragon loli Iruru was talking to me while I was face down, at her sudden question made me think about it, I thought about it a lot and I think it's not bad her idea.
『You're right, you should start earning your own money (plus it would leave me somewhat more at ease) But I can't imagine you in a company like Kobayashi-san or Elma....Huh( ̄^ ̄) maybe something easier where to start for you, like delivering flyers, or I even think working as a cashier in a small shop』-『Any little thing would be fine for you, though it wouldn't be bad to see you doing big things』.
We had a small conversation where I gave my opinion regarding her, maybe I was confusing but it was what came to my mind at the moment, I was saying goodbye to Iruru to do my things without first giving her a small allowance to buy whatever she wants.
Iruru no longer having to do and walk around the world no longer seemed interesting to him, besides the others he gets along with are busy, he was walking through the streets hiding only his tail and claws, horns for dragons is not so important. He was thinking about the conversation from before and about getting a job, while he was walking he didn't realize where he really was.
『(If I get a job I will get money, and then I could help M, he said helping is fine, he is determined, but with this, maybe our distance will be shortened?....I feel that he tries to keep distance, he doesn't treat me as I really am...I have to change his mind, he said I can do something small, but he also said I can also do something big, Ahhh!!!! This is very difficult)』
Iruru with his gestures showed signs of confusion, he was shaking his head from side to side and his look was confused and worried, the place where he actually was was a candy store he had entered to spend the money he had received from M, he was at the cashier in front of the young man who would serve him, the boy had waited a lot for minutes, but Iruru who was the customer was in his thoughts.
『Hey, hey, customer-san? could you pay for your purchase already』.
The young cashier decided to talk to Iruru who she had finally reacted, the young man was calm, he didn't feel annoyed, it must be since Iruru was the only one in the store and there was no problem with her taking a while, Iruru without further ado went on to pay for a few sweets she decided to buy to try them out.
『....Client-san? Is something wrong? She looked worried and was thinking hard』.
The young cashier since he had already started the conversation decided to continue and find out about this peculiar customer that appeared to him, Iruru did not respond since she seemed to continue to be in his mind, only the sound of the bag where the candy was introduced was heard, the young cashier did not avoid observing Iruru while doing his work, in that he also observed her bust size and that it was too huge, his impression was to be expected the young man
『(¡¡¡¡!!!! But what the chi.... is he even human?....)』
He blushed too much but he had to hide it, but rather doubts about her crept in. The boy shook his head slightly and began to speak.
『If something is bothering you isn't it better to solve it quickly? I think it's worse if you let time pass since it makes it harder to make a decision, time won't stop if you hang back』.
The young man commented without further ado where he finished storing the entire purchase, the money had already been received so he proceeded to put it away and register it at the cashier, the sound was heard where the young man continued.
『But if you are going to do that you must do it well and carefully, you must think well the situation and read the environment, I said to act fast but not to act for the sake of acting...』
The young man realizing he had found out that he was talking to himself, his peculiar client Iruru had already left without further ado with the bag and his sweets.
『Eh? He's already gone, sorry I spoke like a fool....well, since』
The young man was still waiting for customers to show up, he looked from side to side and even took out his cell phone to distract himself, you could tell from his face that he wasn't interested in this job. Soon after, the owner appeared who was a granny.
『Takedo, hey Takedo *sigh* You still don't like the job, but anyway even if you don't like it I'm glad you're coming to help me, and well, how's it going so far?』
The grandmother fixed the store and came to supervise, the young cashier's boy who was a student was named Aida Takedo, who was grandson of the grandmother owner Miss Aida.
『How is it going so far? Sorry I spoke to nothing...or maybe not.....No, nothing interesting grandma, all boring and quiet as usual, don't worry, I'll be here until my shift is over』.
The young man consciously responded to his grandmother, within minutes customers started coming in where as much as he and his grandmother were welcoming. Iruru was on the streets walking with the bag where he was starting to eat the sweets he had bought, after thinking about it Iruru smiled.
『Solve it fast.....Time won't stop.....*smile*I got it, thank you very much store boy』.
Iruru had indeed listened to the young man, but only at the beginning, with the words of someone who didn't expect anything, she got an answer to her doubts and thanked the boy for the great help he gave her.
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I was now in the mornings, this was the reason why I wanted to go to bed early so I could take Kanna to her school, I was holding her hand which made Kanna feel much safer.
"When will you come home? I would like to play with you』-Kanna was asking me a question.
『Uhm *I snap my fingers* If you want me to spend the whole day then you'll have to wait a little longer, I still have things to do, but I'm glad in these times I can be with you even a little』. (=^_^=)
『I understand, I'll look forward to it, I have a lot to tell you』-The dragon was cheerful-『Let's go back to that playground』.
『Game place?』
I started to remember that place Kanna was referring to, I think she means that little place where there are play crowds, (;゜○゜) ah! right, that was the first place I went to play with Kanna, I also remember the bad luck I had in that place (#'O`), was it dizziness. ...or was it vomit? the thing is I felt bad on that spinning thing, and especially that swing.....(;~〓~)do you think I forgot about you? it's still engraved in my head the hit it gave me, now the one who's going to be lying down is going to be you! Hahahahaha it's my revenge -̀ o -́ ʔ
『Now you're going to see swing...』-I was already preparing myself from now on-.
While we were walking we finally arrived at her school, at the entrance, at the door I could see how she was meeting with Saikawa and they were greeting each other friendly, while I from outside waved my hand, Saikawa noticed that I was watching and took the opportunity to annoy me a little, he put his hand on Kanna's head and happened to caress him while looking at me type: look what I do to your loli ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)
Faced with these situations all I could do is try to laugh, but no! I already have a very strong friendship bond with Kanna! That's enough for me, as long as she trusts me and wants to hang out with me that's enough.
『Well, let's get to work』
At work at the Spa, I was getting ready to be able to attend to clients, where I met one of my colleagues, you know, the colleague with more relevance to make it easier for him.
『M, why did you decide to work here?』-Out of the blue I wondered-?
『Eh?』-I was somewhat surprised by what he said-.
『You are just a massager, I don't mean to offend just that it's how it is....』-He quickly apologized-『Just that you could take another way, sometimes you showed us your drawings and honestly they are very good, you also showed other kinds of skills like the time you cooked some for us, I know we are just coworkers, but I can tell that you have even more skills that you can take advantage of them better than being here』
It seems like those doubts and words I had already had for a long time.
『Yes, I wonder why that is』-I started to accommodate my words-『It's just the first thing I saw, I know I won't be here for long and getting into a serious job would eventually bring trouble, here they pay well which is rare for me and I can live normally, of course saving up hahaha, take it as the most reliable option for the moment』.
『I see』 -The boy began to speak-『I've seen guys like you, young people who work for a short time and then retire to get something better, like now, most of them are young part-timers, students who are preparing themselves, few truly want this, it's not like they say, "I'm going to be a masseur and then open my own Spa!"I realized that I'm the only one....but this is what I like and I want in the future to continue like this and be able to have my own place and be like the Boss, do you think I'll get it? maybe? hehe』
Before my partner opened up to me, I decided to likewise do the same.
『You're right, there are uncommon to say rare guys who want to be this kind of thing, but that's exactly why the world is fine and works the way it is, you're going to see one and then many who care about what they do even if they don't realize it, nobody would like to work at a fast food stand, but there are, nobody would like to be a movie theater employee, but there is, nobody would like to be just an employee, but there is, all those little and insignificant things help us in our day and you even get to have some affection, so stop talking with pity and feel good and even proud, so that in the future they will tell you: El licenciado se la mamo---that's not it, now it is: Thank you very much for your work and effort』.
After that I was ready and after giving him a little pat on the back I retired to do my thing.
『...Thank you...I was right to tell you, hahahaha how licenciado se la mamo? hahahaha』
With laughter, joy and high spirits he was also going to work again another day to please, satisfy and fulfill his role.
A few hours passed and everything was going normal, it was close to lunch time and we would go to rest. There were still a few customers so this would be our last wave of work, but even though we had put up the no service sign for now, the little bell on the door rang anyway and lots of men rushed in, one of our colleagues kindly went to tell them.
『Sorry, you could come back in an hour, we will give you better service』.
Quickly that man who looked like the leader pulled out a knife and pointed it at my companion's neck.
『Don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to die just listen to us』.
Different men covered the windows so that no one could see what was happening, quickly all my colleagues and customers were frightened by what was happening, I could see my boss completely nervous and he was clenching his fist in helplessness. Quickly without hesitation my boss decided to run into the office to alert the police. POM! A knife stuck in the wall stopped his movements.
『We got out fast the sissy, but sorry, we are much more skilled than you』.
With nothing we could do we were all helpless and especially the customers and my colleagues who were scared, they were getting goose bumps. The leader noticed that there were security cameras placed in different places of the place, he took out multiple knives and very sure of himself threw them, although the cameras are in places difficult to locate, he could easily destroy each of these.
『Ha, this is turning out to be very easy, hey, no one is suspecting anything right?』-The leader was enjoying himself- 』.
『No, your plan is going well』. -One peeked out of the windows- 『No, your plan is going well』.
I was a little calmer, but I noticed that these guys had already been preparing this for a while.
『(They use bladed weapons so as not to cause a bigger mess, that guy is good at handling them, plus they caught us on our off hour...what do I do....I'm the strongest....I have the responsibility and all the charge....)』-I was thinking about the situation and what I should do-.
『That's weird, it's weird to me that how this place can generate so much income, it sounds like a joke but it's real, and since it's an easy spot then home, no one will suspect that something bad is happening, they always rest at this time, besides putting the sign they also cover their windows, ha! everything was calculated, now the only difficult thing would come to be that they shut up, threats are the best thing』.
The leader saw a customer, she was really scared, how her mouth was trembling and she kept sweating.
『I'll go with you first, you look like you feel like screaming, I know a perfect remedy, let me give you a little touch up』.
The guy was approaching pulling out a knife from his sleeve, the customer was more scared than he already was and was about to scream, quickly the leader ran to him and covered his mouth.
『Yes.....we urgently need the operation, if you don't stay calm I may cut more』.
Because of the leader's words and threat, the client ended up fainting, he put away his knife without further ado, as he turned his head he noticed someone coming after him.
『Don't scare the customers! Don't come and stain this place!』
My partner I spoke to just now lunged at the leader with a fist, where the leader easily stepped aside, knocking my partner off with his foot.
『Hey calm down old man, I didn't do anything wrong, just a little scare』-The leader was amused-『Also don't make so much noise....』
My partner who was on the floor was slowly getting up.
『Don't take away our effort!!!』
POM!!!! Quickly the leader punched him hard in the stomach, my partner was silently just enduring the pain, the leader looked at his companions.
『Only a few stopped....but we are still safe』
『Fiiuuu....don't scare me like that brave boy, look I just wanted to scare them and go quietly』-He bent down to talk to the boy-『If you keep talking I'll also leave you fainted but in another way.... 』-『Quickly, go quietly to check what little was saved from the cameras and also bring the money』-Again I look at my partner with a downcast gesture, as if trying to hide his face-『...We are trying our best too....』
As he ordered, a few quietly without haste walked into the office, the leader who was calm looked at the boy who was gritting his teeth and again lunged to attack him, the leader again with ease dodges him and proceeds to give him a light punch in the face, where my partner falls to the floor, there was a bit of silence, where my partner wiped the blood from his nose and looked determined at the leader.
『Oh, then continue valientito』.
『Leave him alone, if you have to hit someone, let it be me』.
The boss walked to the front and stood in front of my partner protecting him. Where my partner was confused but no longer strong enough to speak.
『Leave it to me, a boss's job is to look out for his employees, after all I am the one in charge here and I must take full responsibility, everyone is important and I will not let them be mistreated, not in my workplace!』-The boss came out to defend the partner-.
PPOMM!!!!! Quickly the Chief received a punch in the face.
『I told them not to yell.....this is getting dangerous.....we have to leave quickly』.
The Boss would risk giving the leader a fight too, where it was useless anyway, the leader dodged everything without any problem, it was normal, none of them know how to fight while the other one seems to have already a great experience. Quickly the leader got fed up with dodging and went on to hit the Boss, Pom pom pom pom pom pom pom the Boss was inundated with various blows that none of them could dodge.
『But they really are insistent』.
Their other colleagues arrived with their targets already made, they wiped the memories from the cameras and had the money in some white sacks to pass them off as props. As they were leaving the office I quickly went to greet them with blows to the face.
『(NO! I am the one responsible and the one who will take all the consequences!)』
Before I even realized it, a punch was coming at my face. POM!!! I fell to the ground without further force.
『Nah, really that was a punch? the only thing that hurt was your bones』 -Just said the guy who hit me.
『(What? But.....even in my Human Form once I was able to fight off some bandits who were harassing Syl.....why not now!.....although that time I was all grown up and now I have a body of 17....)』
Without further thought I threw myself against the thieves, they tried to hit me where I was able to dodge by little, to one I was able to poke his eyes with my fingers, I took the bag and threw it towards the office, so I continued with the others where I was able with much effort and tiredness to get the bags and throw them.
『(My reflexes....still the same.....)』
POM!!!!!! I couldn't react to his blow, the leader hit me all over my stomach, the blow I could feel it as if it was bouncing all over my body, I was on the ground, I felt short of breath and my strength declined, I knew my body was weak but not that weak.
The Boss seeing that I was hit did not hesitate to go for the leader, where this with a simple back kick that hit his jaw ended up fainting him, the leader happened to look at me, it seems no longer endure more than it already was.
『I knew it would be a bit troublesome....but I didn't think this would happen either.....they play the heroes and can't save themselves, the money is scattered....don't give us any more trouble...』
POM!!! The leader kicked me in the face, again he continued to hit me, it seems that he was really irritated by all this and he got angry with me, his other companions began to collect the money, in the place there was finally silence, the only thing that could be heard was his fists and kicks that he gave me, until he finally stopped.
『Eh?....ya there is no noise, it seems that they finally understood, but the bruises that those have that cause us problems, let's clean their blood and cover the bruises with makeup, and if we can heal them a little, we don't want people to suspect things when we go out, don't worry, when it is discovered what we did we will already be far away, we need all the time possible....』
The leader was retiring to rest while his other companions would take care of us, he was on the floor and with my last strength I grabbed his foot.
『(I do? I pass on to my other it the right thing to do?.....I don't know how people will react....wait.....after all someday I'll be gone.....transforming won't be a problem since it will be forgotten..... I will have to find another way to earn money, I will not be able to come back here or to this city anymore...or just let them go and get over this problem together....pero.....I have the strength,I can avoid it from long before....and that bothers me a lot....jajaja with it being a 1 out of 2.....)』
POM!!!! The guy kicked me in the face, I was extremely tired, but I still squeezed his foot hard.
『(I've made up my mind....)』
I lifted my face as much as I could to look at him, while squeezing with my shaking hand, the guy looked at me as if already tired and to stop, I lowered my head and stopped making force on my hand, I ended up releasing him without further ado.
『(I can' this world I can't reveal myself.....)』-At the end I came to that conclusion-.
『Eh?』『Eh?』『Eh?』『What?』『What is that?』『Ah?』『Eh?』『But what...?』
Everyone who was robbing us was left confused for a reason, just like my companions and customers who were able to hold on and not faint, I couldn't see who it was, my head had no strength to stand up, the only thing I managed to see was feet, bare feet?
『What is a girl..... a woman doing here?』
Confused one of the robbers asked the same question.
『Hoygan, you guys are not leaving here, I've seen enough』-Iruru with an annoyed tone was addressing the robbers-.
Everyone present were confused and worried about what they were seeing, the Chief and my partner were waking up and also saw that girl, they were wondering what she was, since her arms were claws, she had horns and a tail, plus huge eyes and menacing teeth.
『.....Claws? I'm already getting scared..... somehow I feel intimidated just by her presence...』- A thief was trembling just to see her, besides that she was dressed again with that terrifying cloth, the thief looked down and did not avoid looking that she had a huge bust despite her small body- 『Oh! Now I'm getting horny, do you think we should exchange phone numbers----』
SLASH!!!!!!! Instantly the guy's face was cut in half, the blood fell to the floor where there was starting to be a pool of blood, while his split head you could see his brains. People started to scream because of what they had just seen, it was more than clear, the cause was the one who had just appeared, Iruru showed her teeth threateningly.
One lunged for the death of his companion, wielding a knife he lunged at Iruru, who she with a stroke of her claws cut him in half.
『Even in this world there are humans who take advantage of others and also mistreat them until they can't anymore.....perfect, the truth had a little grudge with what happened before, they will pay for what they are』.
Iruru showed her claws and that disturbing look, one by one Iruru killed without hesitation each of the thieves, they were sliced and cut in half and dismembered, I could see how Iruru was having fun with this, but unlike with Mira that she also laughed and showed joy, Iruru does it consciously and was really enjoying it, she was tearing mercilessly everyone and the fight was stained with corpses and blood bathed the place in a grotesque way, Until one of them took out a gun that he had just in case, he shot without hesitation where Iruru stopped the bullet easily with the tip of his claws, he observed it well and without much effort he returned it with his fingers, the bullet hit the neck of the guy where later Iruru appeared in front of him and bit off his head, the blood flowed all over the place, Iruru continued without further ado with his massacre without mercy. The others who did nothing wrong it was already too late, in their minds was engraved the most horrible thing they will ever see in their lives.
『're a monsterCOPY00get away!』
The leader seeing all his friends died in a devastating way, he was really in fear that he even dropped the knife he was carrying.
『Monster? I recently learned that monster is an offense, I won't let a human like you say that to me!』
Iruru completely bathed in blood lunged at the leader with her claws, where he was already crying plaintively at her death. POMM!!!!! A clash ensued, M in his Lucario Form parried Iruru's blow with his arms.
『If you're on my back, nothing will happen to you』.
I was resisting Iruru's attack, when there was the shock I could feel how a blast pierced my chest, but my feet felt blood, when I turned around I saw that the guy had a huge hole in his body, without further ado the leader's body fell to the ground.
『As I expected, you can easily withstand these hits, you are not weak like those humans, you are really amazing M』.
Iruru looked from side to side to see if there was a thief left to kill, but he had left no one alive, they were all dead made by Iruru's massacre. While I was shocked by what had happened.
『Don't worry, I put a barrier in this place so no one will know what happened here, I can also erase the memories so there is no problem, now we have to heal you from those wounds, let's quickly go home』-Iruru finished with her words in a lively and little girl-like way.
I returned to my Human Form and still couldn't process what happened here.
"Why did you do it?』-I was still in shock.
『Why? I couldn't stand how they were beating you anymore, the others don't matter to me, so nah, but I'm still weirded out...why didn't you transform, you could have easily finished them off, but in the end it turned out well, e came *smiles*』-Iruru was acting like she always did-.
『You're wrong, you didn't have to do this!』-I shouted at Iruru without further ado-『I told you that life is important!』
『....But you also told me that .....』
Days ago, when Iruru realized I was watching her, she appeared in front of me with her huge eyes and sharp teeth.
『Hey M, what do you do when people are in danger, I recently saw some boys bullying a student...』-Iruru in a curious way said to me-.
『It's easy, in those situations if you have the power, go save them and give them a hand, protect the weaker one, if it's a stranger it's okay, but if it's someone you care about then don't hesitate』-I told him what I thought about it-』.
『Ha! Like you did with me, we were complete strangers and you still gave everything to save me, you're like a Hero M』-Iruru was happy-.
『Hero? I don't go around saving lives or protecting all the time, just if the situation arises I do it, you also do the same, protect them *smiles*』
『...You told me to protect them! and save even more people I care about! I thought I was doing something right....』-Iruru had her head down-.
At that moment I realized the mistake I made, I have the biggest fault, I shouldn't have seen her as a child, she's all grown up and I should have taught her as such, all this time when she didn't do anything and I was seeing her calm made me forget her true nature, Iruru is a dragon.
『No..... what you did was wrong, I.....』-I was exhausted by the blows I received-『Iruru.....forget that you are a dragon....』-I was already without strength that Iruru took me in his arms-『I should not have treated you like a child...』
I fell without further fainting, the whole place was silent and the blood was still flowing around the place, the customers and my companions as well as the Boss some were fainting and others were hiding so as not to suffer the same fate as those already dead. Iruru felt bad, he knew that what he did is one of the many things that are wrong in this world, M's words at the end hurt him a lot.
『I just.....wanted to return the favor』.
It would be that one of the reasons why she was happy at the moment of making her massacre, she thought that after this M would congratulate her for now she had saved him, she couldn't stand the desire to finally have M caress her head as she did several times with the other dragons.
-------------------------------------------→ Continuara