
Chapter 141: Isekai (Kanna's Challenge)

While we were still all listening to Sora's story who she friendly and energetic tone was, one thing came to my mind, something that I have been forgetting despite how important it is.

『(`◎△◎)!?Ah!!』-Everyone stared at me-.

『Something's wrong kid?』-Sora looked at me tilting her head-?

『I had forgotten, though I can't believe you guys forgot too(-_-)ゞ゛』-Everyone kept looking at me confused-『Kanna! Ka-n-na! That Kanna still has the curse!!!』 Σ(・Д・)!!!

Everyone after he said it finally remembered the situation too.

『Wait, Kanna has a curse?』 -Kobayashi was just learning about the situation.

『Yes yes, now that everyone knows, let's go quickly to save her, my loli's life is at stake』-I quickly stood up and with my fist in the sky I was with strength-.

『Wow, but what a memory』. -A voice I was sure I heard before had appeared-『I didn't think my father Kasper was always like that, it seems he was always a grump, you don't know all I had to learn (・∧-)ゞah! this don't tell anyone, when this one was teaching me everything to inherit the title of Sovereign, I really didn't pay attention (^~^) I'd rather wander than be alone signing papers and papers *sigh*』.

The young Sovereign was next to me sitting, he had a calm tone explaining and talking out of nowhere, I stared at him all confused.

『Eh?....(・-・)EHHH??!!!! And you since when are you here?』 ∑(;°Д°)-I was taken aback by his appearance-.

『I came here recently, when I saw you all were paying attention to the story, so I simply stayed to listen too』-The Sovereign casually was-.

『Well, that doesn't matter anymore, we have to go save Kanna, it's our top priority』-Again he was exalted-.

『But what about the story, it would be nice to hear it to the end』-Lucoa with a calm tone said-.

『Surely you know more about it, don't play dumb』 ( ̄^ ̄)-I stared at Lucoa-.

『I see you're very worried, it's okay, no problem, that's easily solved』.

Sora's finger appeared as a small claw, where this was wrapped with a red flame, he traced a circle and threw it, that flame went to each of us piercing our head, quickly I could see the whole story quickly and without any problem. After knowing everything I stared at Sora confused while she was cheerful, where I also replied with a smile.

『Well, where should we start from *I click my fingers* How about we start at the place where Kanna was born, maybe we'll find some clues』-I made the first suggestion-.

『I know where they are』.

Kanna with a soft and unexpected tone said. In her fight with Dux, at the end of it as a reward, the swordsman dragon told her where those people she was looking for were, Dux was always an adventurer and has great information of the world, in one of his travels he met these dragons.

『He said they have been there for a long time, if we go I think we will find them』-Kanna pointed her finger in the direction where they were-.

『Ah! You mean the icy mountains of the abyss?』-The Sovereign spoke-『Yes, since long ago 2 dragons have been there for a long time, protecting the place from terrible invading demons trying to pass into our world』.

With the information already more complete we were all ready now, we were getting ready to go to our last mission which is to save Kanna, but I still had a doubt that was still going on in my head, as if I was forgetting something, the more I thought about it the more my head hurt.

『Well, if I don't remember it's because it must not be important』( ̄ω ̄).

『Hoygan!』-Sora raised her voice-『But how mean they are(>μ<#)They're forgetting their friend, that the one lying on the floor』

We looked to the side of the rubble where I could see a blue Soul Stone, when I looked at it I was still confused, I made little rice eyes to take a better look.

『Ah! Right! Elma! That Elma is dead.....ya I was saying that I had forgotten something (  ̄^ ̄)』

Suddenly Elma's Soul Stone started to rise, we were all shocked at what was happening, but it wasn't because it was moving on its own , as I turned around I saw that it was Sora who was doing it, again black Claws on his fingers appeared which expelled a red and blue fire. These enveloped the Stone and little by little it absorbed the flames. A shockwave raised a red and blue dust, we were covered by what was happening, quickly the flames came out of the Soul Stone and these began to take a form, as if reconstructing a humanoid shape, the flames intertwined and entangled, forming arms, legs, tail, chest and head. These dissipated and finally showed the body, Elma had magically appeared, the flames covered her parts until she finally opened her eyes.

『Ah....』-Elma happened to look at her arms and hands, touching her body and tail-『...Щ(º̩̩̩́Дº̩̩̀щ)Why am I naked!!!』

She quickly turned red and tried to cover her parts with hands and tail. We were all still shocked by what just happened, she had come back to life in a simple way.

『This time take better care of your friend, and don't forget her again』 (`・ω・')" -Sora finished her words-.

After a few minutes by Sora's magic, Elma was fully dressed in her casual form.

『How could they forget that she was dead! (⋟﹏⋞) And on top of that they were going to leave without me! They weren't even going to give me a burial( ′~‵) they are so cruel へ(>_<へ)』 -As was obvious, Elma began to complain.

While we were sweating from all of Elma's words waiting for her to calm down.

『And who are these 3? ◟(or ̯ ò, ) The old man that one, the guy of dubious sex and the little deformed girl?』 -Elma looked at the strangers?

『I'm 18 years old.....』 -The sad Hero said-(-∧-;)

『Sex.....what?』 (゜.゜)-Sora was confused-.

『Hum!( ̄ω ̄) I'm the one who will be next to M and the one who will soon fight with Tohru』-Iruru said proudly-『If you're a nuisance then I'll take care of you too』-The little girl was showing her claws fearlessly-『Sora was confused-『Sora was confused-『Sora was confused-『Sora was confused-『Sora was confused.

『What a strange bunch of people they are-.....』-Elma was the first thing she thought of when she saw them, she also saw the Sovereign sitting next to her-『Sovereign! What are you doing here?"』-He cheerfully ran up to him.

『Well since I felt that you had died quickly I came to verify it before, now at the Faction, Hyla will now be setting everything up to come and confront the Anomenos Family, it will probably take a few hours for them to come』-The Sovereign explained-『Don't worry, I will explain when they come that it was all a false alarm and that you are still alive and kicking, yep! It's the easiest solution, I don't want to work-.....』 ('Å`)

『But what a simple guy.....』 -That's what I said as I listened to him.

『Well, could you continue with the story, I'm liking the way you're telling it』 -The Sovereign was addressing Sora.

『Ah! I also want to continue listening, I'm interested to know how the Hero of that time was, if he also appears of course』. -The Hero was excited as well.

『Okay! Sure, have a seat』. -Sora made some cushions appear where these sat-『As I was saying, then there was a BOOM!!! and then KABBOMM!!! and then he said KYAAA! And the other yamete kudasai--------omae wa mou shindeiru and etc etc etc --------』

Sora continued his story where he left off, both the Sovereign and the Hero remained attentive to hear how the story continued. While we were now complete, we would continue with our last mission. I waved my hand as a symbol of our farewell, where the others also did it, Tohru took his Dragon Form where Kobayashi, Lucoa and Fafnir got on, Elma was also about to take her dragon form, but a well-known friend who still finds it difficult to show herself as she is, spoke to her. Tohru in her Dragon Form but without looking at her she told him.

『Elma, you must be tired, you're lucky, you can climb on my back and rest as much as you can until the trip lasts.』

This was too strange, Elma couldn't believe what she was hearing, Tohru, the green lizard with whom she is always in a fight, was trying to do her a favor, this left Elma speechless, who quickly knew what she was really up to .

『I am not going to fall for one of your tricks again, you are looking for an opportunity to make fun of me in front of the Sovereign, no no, one does not fall for the same---』

Elma stopped her words when she saw Tohru turn to look at her, they were both staring into each other's eyes, and at this moment Elma doesn't know how to react at this time.

『The loser pays attention to the one who is left standing at the end』 -『Don't die again, hurry up before I regret it』

Tohru turned her gaze to the front as she made her feelings clear to her friend Elma, who still couldn't believe it, but it was quickly noticeable how her facial expression changed to one that was friendlier than usual.

『Thank you Tohru』

Upon reaching Tohru's back, he could feel the scaly skin and without thinking he touched it without further ado, he was curious about this new experience, but Tohru would quickly complain that he stop groping her without her permission or really put her down. But that doesn't matter now, since who she considers and are her friends, they were happy that she has come back to life one way or another. While M was happy with the situation, at that moment I thought it was going to happen with the Soul of Elma Stone in that fight with Mira, I think I was going to absorb it, rather than arrive on time, I would just go into my God Form to can be of help.

『Come on Kanna』 -I turned to look at Kanna on my back-『If you want to go up of course, I'm not forcing you or anything』.

『If I want to』 -Quickly she answered me.

Hearing her respond made me very happy, the little dragon climbed onto my back where we all quickly took flight. Kanna was bright eyed and excited.

『It's different.....it's a different feeling....I like it』 -Kanna with a tender tone said while looking at the sky.

『I'm really glad, but it doesn't make you uncomfortable right? I'm quite a skeleton in this form (though also in my human form.....)』-Me was also enjoying the ride- 『No, I'm really glad-『No, I'm really glad.

『No, it's not uncomfortable』-Kanna was still contemplating the scenery-『No, it's not uncomfortable』.

『*sigh*I wish I was soft and squishy like in my Lucario Form....』

I quickly felt another weight fall on top of us.

『If you want something soft and squishy then please use me, these big things I have I found out are soft and squishy』-Iruru had fallen on top of me, hid her wings and intertwined her claws with me to hug me-.

I didn't feel Kanna's presence, where she tenderly sneaks out pulling her tender face between Iruru's breasts. It doesn't seem to make her uncomfortable because of how soft and warm she feels, but for me....

『Calm down....Kanna is also a passenger.....you have to show her what an expert you are...』-I found myself suppressing my emotions-『*tsch* damn invader』

Iruru as well as Kanna were happily watching and feeling what this new way of flying among the clouds was like.

『Our destination is the Frozen Mountains of the Abyss, isn't it?』-Tohru had an idea-『I've been close to that place, let's cut through then』.

Some Kuikku Portals appeared among the skies, where we all quickly crossed to reach our destination.


In the rubble of the Demon King's Castle, Sora was happily telling them a bit more of the story. After what happened of Sora being imprisoned in the crystal.

『Dux-nii-chan....』-Arnna looked at her brother who was crying-『(I know it's wrong but...I feel happy for some reason....)』

Arnna happened to look at Sora, she squeezed her chest. Tomorrow came and as planned, the peace treaty was made with both factions and gods, Kasper who was now the Sovereign of Life, and the Emperor of Death made a blood pact and swore to each other before this new world. All in the presence, participation and acceptance of the Gods and other races, with the Demon King dead they saw no need to go after the Anomenos Family, as they showed themselves to be different kids than their father was, they left them alone and the world was slowly changing.

King stood on a cliff watching as the world shone, everyone helped each other and wars were avoided with ingenuity and cunning on the part of those who inhabit it, there was no more blood shed and it could be said that he accomplished his goal, a peace in the world.

『I wish Queen and Sora could see it』-King was happy that he wanted to shed tears-『We succeeded, we were able to protect the future of the smiles of those who inhabit the world, in exchange for ours』-King could not resist anymore and shed tears-『Is the future of the Demon King always suffering?』

In the whole life of the former Demon King, they were always alone and fulfilling their goals, always looking at others as objects and waste, all the dragons that gave birth to the Demon King died, even Queen who seemed to have been saved when she gave birth to Sora, but still, her destiny was to die when she fell in love with King.

『Nonsense, now I'm not the Demon King, the Demon King now is Sora 』-King raised his fist to the sky-『She will change that destiny, she will create her own future as she wants, I did it, but half-heartedly, who do you think we are! We are the Demon King, we always get our way!』-King after giving a shout of encouragement lowered his hand-『We'll all be together again.....just wait a little longer.....』


『My father is always and will always be the person I will always look up to』-Sora fondly remembers all her family and especially her parents, she always for a long time could watch each of them, and share her days to days with her family she always loved-『She always loved them-『She always loved them-『She always loved them-『She always loved them-『She always loved them.

『What a nice story the truth』-The Sovereign stood up-『Now that I know the truth, I will disprove the story we know, now if it's my turn to make an effort at something』.

『No no no, there's no need, I can do it by myself, you don't have to take it seriously』-Sora objected to my helping him-』.

『My father always taught me that it's right to do good, and you my dear friend deserve much more for what you've lived through, you and your family, don't worry, I'll tell the true story』-The Sovereign would do the same-.

『Since you're so insistent, thank you, but tell it well, eh? I don't want everyone to hate me more afterwards, well, as revenge I can still tell that you peed in the bed up to the -----』-Sora with a playful tone was-

『Ahh!!!! don't read my mind please!』-The Sovereign quickly covered his ears-.

『Well, since you're like this, I'll also take it upon myself to spread the true story, I wish instead of being rivals you were friends, I really liked you』.

The Hero was also in favor, suddenly the Hero's body started to glow , an armor appeared and he returned to his Normal Form, The Sovereign and Sora were shocked by what just happened, The Hero was also confused.

『Eh?!!!! Wow, I didn't know it regenerated on its own again』.

The Hero took off his helmet where his face could be seen, it was like seeing a beautiful woman with big white hair, his red lips and a white skin, his eyes were also gray like crystal, The Sovereign was surprised, but more so was Sora who was confused.

『..... I didn't know you were a woman....』-Sora asked gently-.

『I'm male...that's why I don't like to take off my helmet.....there were times when even my classmates fell in love with me...I wish I could be more masculine like you Sora』-The Hero looked at Sora-.

『And I wish I could be more feminine like you, Hero』-They both looked at each other and started laughing-『Ah! Right, I'm still surprised at how strong the Hero I faced was, he was at my level even though he was very strong, I wonder why, I also wonder if you're as strong.....』-Sora thought for a few seconds-

『That I do know a little, since we are rivals, The Hero will always have equal strength to his rival, i.e. the Demon King, no matter how strong he is, The Hero will always be at his level, or that's the little I know the truth』-『Ah! But even though I researched I don't know why my armor regenerates.....』

『Maybe it's the same as my Claws, these also regenerate if they get destroyed, they must be linked to us, we have a lot more in common now that I think about it』-Sora stood there thinking for a bit-『-『-『-』-』-『Ah!

『¡¡!! They're already coming....』-The Sovereign felt the strength of his faction approaching-!

『Yes? Well, then let's not waste time』.

Sora cheerfully with a smile was, Soul Stones of different kinds appeared around his crystal, these were the Soul Stones of his family.

『I stole it from our friends who went to save their friend』-Sora commented-.

『I didn't even realize it.....』-Both males were shocked-.

『With the power you've been gathering all this time I'll manage to do it, you recently saw how I brought that dragoness to life right? well now I'll do something even much better, I promised you that there's always a good ending on your path, and if this one brings you doom, then I simply have to create one, the simpler the better』.

Sora's Mythic Claws manifested and were enveloped with red and blue flames, which these enveloped all the Soul Stones, instead of bringing them to life, the Soul Stones became lights and scattered around the world.

『Ready, this should be enough』-Sora was pleased-.

What did you do?"』-The hero wondered.

『Uhm? You'll see if you run into each other, fine! It's time for my turn! I don't plan to stay trapped in that crystal forever, goodbye , or maybe see you soon hahaha!』

Sora with a nice smile and waving his hand waved goodbye, the image we saw of Sora disappeared and merged with the real Sora, a light began to shine and we could see how Sora's body gradually disappeared from this reality, until in the blink of an eye no one was inside the crystal. Time passed and the Harmony Faction had arrived at the place, only The Sovereign was there who explained what had happened easily fixing the problem.

『There is also something else I have to tell you, something that has to do with history and truth』.

The Sovereign was determined to spread the true story of how the world we live in was actually made.




We were now in a place with an extreme environment, a snowstorm that made our journey difficult.

『I'll handle it』

Lucoa confident was, he raised his hand where he created a barrier covering us all, the storm was no longer a problem and we could continue searching calmly.

『That guy...』-Tohru started to think-.

『Uhm? Something's wrong Tohru-Kobayashi asked her friend.

『Remember when we first met, I had a sword stuck in my body?』

『That day.....I was drunk but I remember dimly.....』

『Well, that old man was the one who attacked me and left me in that state』-Tohru affirmed his doubts-『I don't know if he remembers me but he looked very different from the last time I saw him who only thought of killing me, I didn't say anything since it's in the past, he doesn't seem to care either』.

『But now he doesn't attack you, then that means he's good, no.... he was always the good one....』-Kobayashi started to think-.

A loud noise was heard, when we saw the barrier we saw that it was being destroyed little by little, it was like electricity running through it, until it was finally destroyed. Pom! the barrier of Lucoa disappeared, a strong storm much stronger than before attacked us, we could not more than we ended up knocking us down to the snow, in our shock was falling an avalanche, where quickly Tohru to protect Kobayashi gave a strong puff of fire melting it and saving us.

"Are you okay Kobayashi-san? You're not hurt or yes?』-Tohru switched to her Human Form and quickly helped Kobayashi-san.

『No, I'm fine, but what's wrong with this place? This is going over the top....』

All the dragons went into their Human Form, flying in this storm would be a terrible idea and also if they were to walk in their Dragon Form, because of their heavy footsteps another avalanche would surely fall, the best thing to do is to move forward slowly but surely.

『I would have brought a coat if I knew this would happen....』-Kobayashi complained-.

While Tohru with her wings protected Kobayashi from the strong storm as they moved forward.

『Damn storm..... I can't see anything...are you okay Kanna?』-I was moving forward with effort, Kanna was holding on to my tail to be able to move forward-.

『Don't worry, if it bothers you then I'll get rid of it!』

Iruru appeared in front of me, and with her claws she started to cover us from the snow and if necessary she used herself as a shield.

『Well done Iruru, at least you're doing some good』. -I cheerfully turned to her.

Where she found herself laughing contentedly for the congratulations I just gave her, and to if was our journey along the snowy road, but we felt that we were not getting any closer, in the difficult storm we saw electricity running in one part, with that as a guide we walked with a definite route, after much effort and time we had finally apparently arrived. The storm had suddenly calmed down, as we looked up, to a cliff we could finally see our targets.

『...I didn't think I'd see you again.....Kanna』

A depressing looking young guy with dark circles under his eyes and clothes that didn't quite cover him despite where we are, an emo albino guy in short. The guy just stared at us and took his time to look at each of us.

『I have many questions, for example why are there 2 humans from the other world in ours? why are you next to an Ex-Goddess, how did you come back..... but anyway.... don't care about them at all.... whatever you have with me, you have to solve it fast, I'm very busy....』

His tone of voice as if he doesn't care, those reluctance and contempt with which he addresses himself and at the same time the air of narcissist...the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him is....

『I don't like you.....』 -I said directing and staring at him.

『.....Don't look at me like that, you don't want to get dead like them too』.

He fixed his gaze to the side, out of curiosity I also followed him and I could see a pile of corpses being covered by the snow, there were of different types, it was difficult to explain.

『Most of them are demons that tried to cross the border, but there are also humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, and even spirits, I killed them because they spoke ill of me..... and they looked very weak to me, if you are going to be so weak then you don't deserve to live....』 -The young emo spoke coldly, you could also see thousands of Soul Stones scattered around the place-『Also people came to collect those Soul Stones, too bad they were also weak, others died because of the storm and others I just killed them, those Stones are of no use to me but I don't want others to have it either....』

Every time I opened my mouth my hatred for this guy grew even more and more. Kobayashi tried to speak but was quickly interrupted by that emo.

『You better be quiet, I don't want to listen to a human, the only one I'm going to listen to is Kanna』. -I look happily at Kanna-『Tell me one thing.... have you become strong? have you learned your lesson yet? are you still a hopelessly spoiled child? for sure you are still a fool who has no control, I knew it, you were a failure to our legacy, what did I expect from a girl who soon after left her mission, you ran away like a crybaby and did what you want, you are the pest of our family, on top of that you were born as a woman.....ha! but believe it or not I believed in you a little bit, and just for you to disappoint me more, I wish you were never born.....』

『YA CALLLATE!!!!!!』-I was in my Human Form-.

I shouted with all my might, I couldn't stand the way he was treating Kanna anymore, the little dragon had her head down and I could see how her arms and legs were shaking from long before.

『You don't know her! You didn't even take the favor of meeting her! Kanna is the nicest and strongest girl I know! She always works hard at what she does, she is interested in many things and has fun, she tries to help others without caring if she will turn out well or not...compared to you! Who only thinks about himself and no one else! Kanna is a being full of light and hope who doesn't deserve everything you've said to her!』 -I shouted at the top of my lungs as I stood next to Kanna.

『...Buagh....tus words and your statements disgust me...I just understood that that thing you defend so much.....is a trash』 -The albino Emo without further ado said.


I shouted with all my might touching Kanna's head to comfort her for everything that happened. Quickly the emo got upset, with a great speed it decided to attack with its claws wrapped in electricity POM!!!! There was a shock, I passed to my arms to his God Shape stopping his blow. I was really annoyed, on the other hand from that young man his expression was disturbing but full of anger.

『For saying that you are going to die.....』 -The guy stared at me-『She's my daughter.....I'm her father...』

A strong shock shot up into the sky, separating both of us, our collision happened above Kanna's head where she could hear everything, The albino emo stepped back and stared at me.

『Shut up...』-Kanna with a tone of voice said-『Shut the hell up!!!』

Kanna looked angrily at the emo who this one without surprise stared at Kanna.

『They were a thousand times better than you, the people you see have given a lot for me, and that makes me very happy, they gave me enough courage and again the desire of why I was born, affection, love, friendship, they are my family, I won't allow you to insult them! don't mess with M who is my father....』-Kanna finished saying what was repressing him-.

『Father?...(My name is father.....ahh!!!!!! I'm happy! very happy! no no no, it's not time to party....ah! but I want to move! my body needs it! yes, that's right Kanna, I'm your father, and I will always watch over you )』

I was very happy for Kanna's words, which I couldn't hide, the albino emo turned to see me where he could see how I was trying to hide my happiness but to no avail.

『What's wrong with him?...Well, you're right, they're the ones who raised you, he's your father and I guess the human is your mother...what a weak family....buagh....』-I looked at me and Kobayashi-『It won't happen again, I acted like a fool I admit it, but just him calling you daughter..... made me want to kill him』.

After our attempts to calm down the guy showed up.

『I guess I have to introduce myself-『It'll be like a reward for Kanna's bravery for saying what she feels, my name is -------』.

『Don't say it please』-Kobayashi interrupted the emo-『There's no need, besides I don't want to remember a name I'll just hate』.

『.....I see.....these people really have a death wish, it's okay, it's your loss』-The emo looked at Kanna's tail-『...I guess you want me to remove your curse, it's okay, this will be another reward for coming back and finding us』.

But despite the fact that I hate it, this guy does recognize the effort of others, or at least those who care a little bit. The guy took out his wings, where these seemed to be battered wings and down to the bones, he gave a strong flap shaking the snow towards us, despite he didn't say it we supposed we had to follow him. But still I was not satisfied, since long before I already had a hatred for this guy, but now that I know him he is determined. The Emo returned to the cliff he came down from, I quickly appeared behind him in my God Form ready to give him a strong blow, the emo realized some time ago and turned his head.

The emo threw some spears of white electricity and a blade of electricity in the other, the spear I managed to dodge it easily, quickly the particles of the spear spread wanting to trap me in a net of electricity, with a movement of my tail I spread a purple powder that quickly destroyed his electricity.

The guy was surprised, he tried to attack with his blade where without caring if he hit me I attacked him with my hand, the blade went through my hand, I quickly felt a strong current running through my body, but that didn't matter, my desire to hit him was stronger. POM!!!!!!!Le managed to hit him with a strong fist in his chest, he quickly flew away and crashed against the snow. The emo was motionless, the blade of electricity in my hand began to disappear, I returned to my Human Form.

『*sigh* Yep! I'm already more satisfied *smiles*』

Looking next to me I noticed a small albino girl, she had clothes more in line with the environment where we are, with many coats, she had a look just like the guy I just hit, but the vibe was different, as I looked the first thing I said was.

『.....Una.....una loli!!!!!(m*'∀`)m』

Quickly out of habit I went to hug the little albino girl I had met, I hugged her very tightly, so far she is the only one who didn't object, she just let me do whatever I wanted to her, at the end of my hug she took my hand.

『You have a wound....』

I look at it carefully , a blizzard of ice passed through my hand, on my wound on my hand had been covered by an ice, I was confused and then stared at her.

『Ah....ah....thank you? I guess.....』

Out of manners I ended up thanking her, but what she did is simply freeze my hand, I don't know if it stops the bleeding but her action deserves my thanks.She just smiles friendly, Kanna who had just finished climbing was next to me, now with both of them looking at each other and being able to compare them I was left thinking.

『Uhm....they are both equally cute....they convey that aura of tranquility and tenderness....and besides that their clothes are almost the same....Wait she is!!』

I had finally realized who this little girl is who covered my hand with ice.

『Scum....don't crush my wife!!!!』

The emo had recovered and with strength without holding back, this time it was much faster and stronger than before, it lunged at me, electricity engulfed its hand turning it into a kind of short spear, this time I couldn't react in time, I couldn't protect myself from that attack.

POM!!!!!! A strong fist just received the emo, Tohru came in his Dragonewt Form to hit the emo all over his face, this one again shot out and stamped with the snow. Tohru returned to his Human Form.

『*sigh* Yup! I'm feeling much more satisfied already』.

Tohru also felt good after giving the Emo a strong punch, she also noticed the presence of the little girl, she looked at Kanna and this one and after a while she also knew it.

『Ah! She's the one! Yes, I remember it from that time, well , no exceptions』.

When I turned to look at Tohru again I saw how she hit the little girl all over her face, that girl also got flung out and crashed into the snow, my reaction was not long in coming, first I hit Tohru on the head.

『Silly! What are you doing! How dare you hit a loli!』 -I quickly turned to the green dragon.

『Hey that hurts! Says someone who just killed one』-At Tohru's word I didn't know how to respond-『Besides what's wrong with her, she's also the one who caused Kanna to suffer a lot, she also has to take part of the punishment』 -Tohru quickly explained-『Come on, now it's your turn,ah! you also have to thank me for saving you』.

『Eh?....uhm...well, you're right....even though she looks innocent she also made Kanna suffer.....』 -I was slowly walking closer to the little dragon-『Thank you....』

On the way I thanked the green dragon, where she proudly felt, I had already arrived to where the little dragon was, she had bruises on her face but nothing serious, she was calm and with a smile, I don't know if it was because Tohru hit her weaker or because this dragon is strong, I lowered my head and my arm passed to her Lucario Form.

『I'm sorry.....』

POM!!!! I swung my fist at her face, as I removed my arm and turned it back to normal I saw her face again, this time she had slight wounds and was bleeding little, but she was anyway with that smile and not saying anything.

『.....(I think....something is wrong with her...)』

While the emo was recovering from the 2 hits we just did to him.

『....buagh....what a nuisance.....better get it over with....I don't want to see them anymore.....』

We were now in a place surrounded by mini mountains or snow peaks, where before long both albino dragons were already without any bruises.

『For me to take away your curse all you have to do is beat me in a duel, quick I don't have all the time, death doesn't wait.....』

The emo was walking towards what was the place where the fight would take place, we were all cheering for Kanna to come out victorious, the little dragon slapped her cheeks and proceeded to walk.

Pom.....Ante her walk the Emo quickly caught Kanna off guard, he touched her forehead, a cold air ran through Kanna's entire body, at first there seemed to be no change, but we quickly saw how Kanna's tail was completely burned.

『This is all for the trouble you did to me.....If you don't beat me in 0.5 seconds, death will welcome you 』

With a condition that we didn't expect and with still the situation even more extreme, Kanna would face the man who since she was born always abhorred her existence. Kanna's challenge would be just about to begin.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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