
Chapter 138: Isekai ( Story Part 5 )

Sax, one of the first dragons to set foot in this world, his job was to maintain the balance with destruction. While every living being fulfilled his role, not having the necessary power to destroy, he decided to create the Demon King. While destroying he completely forgot his true purpose, he was already lost in his own way of thinking. After it was found that he was responsible for all this war, he was imprisoned for many years, he could have easily obtained the death penalty for everything he has done, but it is forbidden or rather kill your own, as this for the dragons of chaos symbolizes a rebellion and betrayal, no matter your status of higher or lower rank, anyway you will be considered one of the most hated beings of the faction and be sure that they will seek in their own way the way to do justice.


In the Demon King's castle everything was quiet and the day to day was to stop the conflicts that arose in the world, but these were already few compared to before, as the Harmony and Chaos Faction were no longer fighting and their peace agreement was expected, the Anomenos Family had free time, time that they would take advantage of it to improve.

『Uhm uhmmm uhmmm!!.....』-Sora was in her room thinking seriously-『Was it right to say those words to Dux?.....posing my ideals to him I feel it's wrong, it's very selfish I think.....he was within his rights to ignore them completely and go on peacefully.....it's okay to think about others.....but it's also not wrong to think about yourself...I think I'll go apologize.....』

Lifting her recumbent body from the bed in one leap, lively and energetic she was going towards Dux's room, without further ado the little girl opened the door.

『Sorry Dux for that time, I think .....eh? It's not here』-The little girl looked back and forth-『Well since』.

Little Sora was now in the living room, where she could see Doge accompanied by Arnna, this scene could be seen thousands of times before, only the difference is that Doge now if paying attention to his friendly companion.

『Look at Dux!(●●>ω<●)I can walk on my hands!』

Little Arnna proceeded to turn around, she could stand on her hands without anyone's help. You could see the happiness and her red cheeks for having succeeded.(*'▽`*)

『Yes yes yes yes, who was the one who summoned me \(^▽^)/』-Mira made her appearance with the help of her portals-.

『Ah, Good morning Mira-chan』-Dux in a friendly manner greeted her friend-.

『Good morning Onii-chan 『? Shi shi shi Onee-chan, from here you can see everything ヾ(。・ω・)シ』

Mira and Dux could see underneath her foul for having turned herself inside out, quickly Arnna before she could even take a step with her hands, out of nerves and embarrassment ended up falling to the floor. She covered her skirt with her hands while her face was extremely red.

『(I was so excited to show you that I forgot that you can see all of me....)(¤﹏¤)(ノдヽ) (*'I`*)』

『Ah! Good morning Sora-chan, you know, the other day I discovered another sword, the place had many traps but I was able to do it by myself anyway』. (∩_∩)

"Yes, good morning Dux-chan, Mira-chan and Arnna-chan』

Sora was waving as he finally arrived with the sibling group, he noticed that Dux was staring at him with excitement and gleam in his eyes, he quickly noticed that he surely wanted him to congratulate him.

『Uhm, and those little eyes that have little stars in them? ( ̄∇ ̄) okay okay, well done Dux-chan, you are getting better every day』.

Sora tried to congratulate him by petting him with her head, she learned it from her father since he always showed affection that way, but even if she squats down she couldn't reach him. Doge without hesitation lowered his head quietly, where he could finally receive Sora's affection.

『Dux-onii-chan has always been attentive to Sora for days now, whether in small predicaments or calm, I wonder what happened, it looks like you saved yourself Arnna-onee-chan』-Mira looked at her little sister sitting on the floor-.

『Yeah, I saved myself hahaha...(I wonder what it takes for Dux to see me the same way he sees Sora-nee-chan....would like to get that attention too.....)』-Oculting her depressed Arnna, she looked at the 2 of them cheerfully-.

『With that they are bears, or rather, bears( -__・)?』-Lami who was on Arnna's back said-.

Quickly Arnna blushed more than she already was, putting her hands behind her back.

『Yes you do have little girl tastes Arnna-chan (」・ω・)』-In a quiet way Lami continued-.

『Well, I'm still a child....but could you please just forget about that topic already』 (☍﹏⁰)

『And tell me Lami-onii-chan, didn't you feel something when you saw her little bears?』 -Mira in a normal way turned to her brother-.

『The truth is that I'm still normal, should something have happened to me?』

『.....Nop, we are still kids so we shouldn't care about these issues, I just know that when this kind of situation happens people get embarrassed, right Arnna-onee-chan』 -In a calm manner she was addressing her sister.

『(-゚д゚-) You guys are the ones who still don't understand, this really is very embarrassing.... 』-Still with red cheeks Arnna stood up-『Our parents should teach them what's right and what's wrong (・'ェ`・)( Although they were hardly at home.....and let's not say they are the best at teaching either....)』

『Dux-chan, I'm sorry』-Sora without further ado said what she came for-『You have your own way of being and thinking, it feels very unfair to me for trying to shove ideas into you that you didn't like in the first place, I'm really sorry, you're well within your rights to be ignorant, after all it's not wrong to see for yourself too』-Sora bowed to Dux to show more regret-』.

Everyone was silent in front of Sora's apology, especially Dux who was hesitating on what to say, he couldn't find the necessary words, but he just smiled.

『No, I appreciate those words and that slap you gave me, they made me open my eyes in this world, you made me see that one can help others, feeling that feeling that you helped others with your power really made me happy』- He remembered when he saved Sora from Kasper's attack-『Also I'm in the Anomenos Family, our goal is to bring peace, how can I achieve it if my thinking is not like that? You gave me a reason in life, even from long before, thank you』.

With an angelic smile Dux was addressing Sora, who the dragoness didn't know how to react to these words, in these complicated moments for her she simply acted as she always would.

『I see, then everything is fine, ufffff, I thought I had done something wrong, I couldn't get it out of my head, but as some people say ,everything is fine if it ends well』(^◇^)o

『Of course, from the beginning I had in mind to help others without even hesitating, and also to have a good time, of course, I'll spend my strength playing .... trying my best! if that』-Mira made a comment-

『For as long as I can remember I only remember to be helping without opposing, so all good』-Lami also gave her opinion-.

『While we're at it』.

Doge turned her gaze, Arnna who was still in her thoughts on Doge and Sora's relationship, felt a warm voice for her where as she looked up she saw Doge on her forehead.

『And you too Arnna-chan, you made me open my eyes and expanded little by little my little world, thank you』-Also warmly smiled Dux to his sister-.

Dux also went on to thank his other siblings, Arnna was frozen by Dux's words, who stayed in her same felt as her body was invaded by another kind of nerves and embarrassment. The parents finally arrived, King and Queen had arrived after another day of agreements.

『But how tiring....I didn't think talking so much would wear you out so much....but isn't it time to rest, although the truth if.....better leave it for tomorrow.....(-.-;)』-King in a worn out way showed it with limp arms-.

『Who says you'll be able to rest? a father's job is 24/7....the time we have left will be for...(ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)』-Queen was still finding himself with strength-.

While Queen was anxious about everything that happened, these last times have not had any kind of rest, Queen only had one thing in mind when he looked at King, and King already knew for many times what Queen wants when he puts that look, he was already scared and sweating his own fear. (・・;)

『Our lovely children who have also tried hard ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ』

Queen without further ado went straight towards the group of children and welcomed them with a hug, the love and affection that overflowed from this dragoness was extremely huge, while King breathed a sigh of relief, as he looked down he saw Arnna shaking her cloak at him.

『Father..... could you please teach us』-Said the little girl-.

『Eh?!(`◎△◎)!?(You know what we are going to teach you?..... they are as smart as their father ie me(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ)』-King for seconds found himself confused- 『Sure, leave everything to me and your mother, we will take care of teaching them everything so that they become like us, big and wise dragons』

Arnna seeing her father so determined with the teachings, did not avoid showing her joy, Arnna with a smile pulled her father by the cloak and took him straight to where the whole family was.

『Eh? They are also going to join, we were ready to play Simon Says ୧| " -̀ ل͜ -́ " |୨』-Queen energetically said-.

『Yes yes yes yes, very interesting and all, but before the fun comes the teachings, how can I say I'm a good father if I don't teach my children anything ヽ( ・∀・)ノ』-King was starting to cheer-.

『That's right father! At last brothers, with our father's teachings we will finally become great dragons like them』-Arnna was also infected by King's encouragement-.

『The truth I had it in mind for tomorrow, but my children come first, listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you, it's not as easy as you think, but if an expert like me is your teacher, you will come out prepared for the world, what I'm going to teach you is-----』 ☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆-King I reach the top of excitement-.

『At last you will see that what I told you earlier is really right, what we are going to show you is------』

Arnna plucked up courage with the help of her father to be able to say it with strength and courage. Both father and daughter were at the peak of excitement, nothing would stop them.

『Increase and control their power!』 『On sexuality!』

⸂⸂⸜(ೆ௰ೆ๑)⸝⸃⸃ (ノ。≧◇≦)ノ

Both father of daughter's words collided with each other, a silence was all over the castle, they turned to look at each other King and Arnna, Arnna was extremely red in the face and literally dying of embarrassment.

『Sexuality?.... what is that? is it eaten? I don't know why I feel it sounds very dirty.....('へ')』 -King was confused by his daughter's words.

『Ah, that's what we did that night, remember?』-Queen in a calm way told him-.

『That night?....¡!!!! You don't mean....』-King already remembered-『NO NO NO NO NO, that's too terrifying for little ones like you to learn, it really is a horrible thing, my body still trembles just remembering it, you don't need to learn that in your life hahahahahaha, I don't want you to come out traumatized like me.....』(つ﹏⊂)

『Of course if they need to learn, they have to be better than us』 ٩(๑`н'๑)۶-Queen went to confront King-.

『You crazy woman, I will not teach that to my children, they will always be pure, they don't need that in their life, look at me, I am success』 ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯ -King gave his reasons-.

『I see that you don't learn....now if you will listen to me little lizard-chan.... you learn it is very important, there are many perverts in the world, after that night I have researched more and I can say that we didn't know anything like we thought we did, my children will learn what is the ****** and the ******** and where the ****** goes that goes inside ******** and in general everything from *****』 ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰-Queen didn't hold anything back and said what she had learned-

『Ahhhhh!!! my pure ears.....I don't understand what you are saying but it sounds very dirty....●﹏●children....this is very sudden but...let's run away from this dirty white....⊙△⊙. let's build our own kingdom with purity and peace, walking, of if necessary I will sacrifice myself...I will protect the pure heart of my children!』 (ΩДΩ)-King protected his children at all cost-.

『They have to learn what the ***** is so that they will become responsible adult dragons when they grow up!!』 (gΦ皿Φ)g〃

That day King and Queen fought for the first time for their children, the winner was obvious, the bell rang, in the end Queen ended up teaching the children everything related to the ******** and also to take advantage of everything regarding love. I respect your way of thinking King and it is a very pure motive, but they had to learn this obligatorily the children, for this time I am on Queen's side. The children finally learned why Arnna was embarrassed several times, and apologized to her as a whole.

『Sorry』 (ノ_.)ノ

The other days off just as King said, the children were trained by the parents, they learned much more than the basics they knew, but their fighting level was not as monstrous as they would have in the future, they trained until the day of the peace declaration came, that very day where the gods appeared to interrupt it. Their fathers since that time were always busy and almost never came home, King was too insistent and always went to the gods, while Queen had the job of making sure that the factions and other races still kept the peace treaty. So this time they had took advantage of the siblings to improve themselves, the key was Sora and the true power of the Dragonewt Form.


『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』 『Need destruir』

『I need to do my role, let me do it, get me out of here, I'm going crazy, I need to do my role, let me do my job, why why, if destroy is good, if I destroy everything will be better, people will praise me for the good job I did, destroy destroy destroy destroy, let me destroy!!!!』

Sax was imprisoned for the crimes he committed against the world, but after so many years this was released, chaos dragons cannot kill each other, so just let them die naturally, this was the decision made by The Emperor of Death of the time. Sax came out even older than before.

『You are going to have 96 hours of life in human time from now on, get out of the Chaos Faction, if you want you can still fulfill your role to destroy, but seeing you for sure you can't, you were never meant to destroy』.

The Emperor of Death coldly and without resentment said to his face. Sax without a word this one came out of his cell and detached his wings.

『Die alone and be remembered by no one, that is your price to pay for what you did to everyone and to the world』 -With tremendous anger the Emperor of Death looked at him.

Sax flew away from the Faction, he seemed to be going aimlessly, 96 hours for dragons in too little, it's as if even human told him that he will die in 4 minutes, Sax was still in his thoughts.

『No....after all I did I'm going to end up like this....it was me who changed the world, it was me who destroyed more....it was me who was the most powerful....it was me who did his role best.....and I'm going to die being forgotten by history?...96 hours...4 minutes...ha.....me enough.....』

Sax flew in with a little hope that his plan will go as planned. Days before also something interesting just happened, very interesting, no, something historical we could say, Sora finally became the new Demon King, her father kneeling down showed respect to his daughter for finally overcoming him.

The Mythic Claws were black in Sora's possession, who she was already quite a young lady.

『Whuaaaa! Incredible, I really became the Demon King, I will take the position proudly, and even more so with this power I will follow your example father』. -Sora looked at the Claws in amazement.

『Well, it was only a matter of time, although to be honest..... it really lasted long in my possession...』 -King looked at the ground and then picked it up-『By the way Sora-kun』.


『Yes yes yes yes Sora-chan, sorry son』


『Ah!!!! But how hard, you really look a lot like me hahaha, well then my daughter who looks like boy but is not boy even though I acted like boy and wore my hair short like boy but actually in my Sora-k-----chan! yeah yeah yeah chan sure hahaha』 (;・∀・)-King was confused, Sora just happened to laugh-『What's that power you used before, I've never felt something like that before』

『Ah! this! Isn't it amazing! I've been perfecting it for years and I finally mastered it, I call it Fusion State, fusion because I fused different energies into one, yeah yeah yeah I know, very creative isn't it? ヽ(*'∀`)ノ゙』 -『It's a truly gigantic power, ah! but I'm not the only one who has it, also my other siblings, Dux,Lami,Arnna and Mira , although it's an incomplete state and inferior to mine, but they are still very powerful, I'm sure they could win if a fight is given to the Sovereign of Life and the Emperor of Death, don't you think that's incredible?』 -Excitedly Sora said-『We no longer have the need to use our Dragon Form to expel all our power, we could even overcome that barrier with this state HIIIIIIII I'm really happy』. (*≧▽≦)

The brothers were common dragons of the bunch, but with this power they can reach or even surpass the high level dragons that their powers are also monstrous, in Arnna's cases she became even more powerful with her ability, but it was not the best decision since she could not control her power, worse now that she has an increase, and much more powerful Look that was also the worst mistake, even if her percentage is sealed and reaches only 100%, with the state she got she could even be able to destroy space and dimensions if she gets out of control.

『.....Well, it's done, you're amazing Sora-chan 』-King understood, he stroked his daughter's head-『(When Arnna was little we trained her to master her power, in these times that we haven't been ,she learned a state that puts her in even greater danger. ..all for being busy.....y Mira-chan.....hopefully you never get out of control and break the seal.....I don't want to imagine the level you're at.....)』-King had no choice but to accept the reality-『I don't know if you're aware of what she does or not hahaha』.

King gave a little finger tap to his daughter, who she rubs herself and looks confused at her father.

『Good! Then could you teach me too...now that I'm not the Demon King my power dropped quite a bit, I want to stay strong like the man I once was』.

『Of course Father! come on come on, fusion consists of the energies that each individual possesses------』

King at the hands of Sora also learned the Fusion state, even if he is skilled King would never master it, it is a great wear and tear on the body and mental, it is not as easy as it seemed, fuse energies and keep them as long as you want, where you need a great concentration as the slightest mistake can get to harm you is huge. Sora is the only one in his world that mastered the fusion state to perfection, I say it here already, the Fusion Form of Tohru against his fight with King also became imperfect and maximum will have lasted minutes.


In some forest Sax was wandering around.

『The Anomenos Family? now I have more information than I had in the cell, we lead by King the current Demon King....*tsch* my new puppet making peace.....』-Sax was holding back-『Made up of the brothers.....Ho....if they are still young then maybe if I do something.....I will destroy everything you did defective puppet...』

As Sax was passing by he heard someone prowling the forest, as he went and hid to see who was making such noises, he came across a small red-haired dragon with huge eyes, it was Mira, who was resting and playing quietly with the forest creatures.

『(Ho, huge eyes, small dragon, red hair, a calm attitude.... could it be her?..... one of the brothers? I'll have to find out...)』

Sax switched to her Human Form, Mira was quietly laughing when she heard footsteps, she turned her gaze where she found a friendly old man, he had too many wrinkles and a depressing appearance.

『Excuse me young lady..... I'm lost in this forest, and I can't find my way out...could you help me please?』-The old man said to her in a friendly way-.

"Do you want to get out of the forest? Sure, I'd be glad to』- Mira fearlessly showed her wings.

Mira was in the skies carrying the old man with her arms.

『You're a dragon too, aren't you? Why didn't you fly yourself out of the forest?』-Mira calmly addressed the old man.

『Wow.... you found me out ahahahaha, my wings are already too old and can't lift my body.....I really thank you for your help, please let me thank you』.

The old man reached out his hands and touched Mira's cheeks, quickly Sax entered Mira's mind without her noticing.

『Shi shi shi shi do you like my cheeks old man-san?』-Mira didn't seem to notice-.

While Mira laughed, Sax could see all of Mira's mind, Sax has the ability to enter the mind of others by having physical contact, he quickly became much more informed and found out what the Anomenos Family was like and also what Mira was like.

『(Looks like my luck can't get any better....)』

One of the things why Sax could not fulfill his role well, because he was not made to destroy, he did not have a huge destructive power like others, rather he had another kind of ability, he can enter others mind as we saw, but with the only condition that there is physical contact close to the head, the other person will not notice anything when Sax does this, the truth is a very interesting ability if used well, but he also has another ability, he makes some small configurations or small fixes to someone's head making them do things that they think they should do, like fixing a pc, configuring it to go well and respond perfectly, but Sax will use it to do what he always does, destroy. In simple words Sax stimulates what you most hide and what you most want to do, like if you want to cook but you can't, Sax with his ability will make you cook, if you feel love towards a person but you can't say it, with Sax's ability your feelings won't be hidden and you will be able to express it without fear. If you want to play and have fun but can't, then Sax will make you can get excited like never before.

『Play! Play! come on, just let yourself go and play! you'll have fun』『Play!』『Juega!』『Juega!』『Have fun!』『That's what your heart wants, it's bad to hold back, let it flow, play...』

『Eh? How weird.....I feel like playing even though I'm being forbidden....』-Mira looked confused, Sax was with a smile-『Uhm....do I do or don't I do....is that he wants to play until he wears me out!.....but whenever I'm with my family I can't, if I know I do it will end up like before.....』

『Then why don't you do it with other people? so you won't feel bad, besides you're the kind that helps others, playing with the people you help is good for me』-The old man in a friendly way was saying-.

"You're right! I've been hiding it all this time, I know that's bad, but I want to live by being myself, fine! after our trip tomorrow I'll play until I get tired! out west there's a village, I get along well with people, yep! there I'll play tomorrow!』-Mira was with a smile- 『-『How can I play?

『Eh? Tomorrow? (Usually when I stimulate someone it's done in seconds....his family is more important that he wants to spend time with them...)』

Sax's plan is simple, have Mira kill innocent beings and the other races oppose the peace treaty originally said by the Anomenos Family, their leader King. If it is known that the savior makes its members kill uncontrollably no one wanted to support it because of fear and the fact that it will happen again. But that would not be all, a few small deaths of unknown people is given to talk a lot, but if someone important gets to die would be all the worse.

Mira left him out of the forest and proceeded with the help of her powers to teleport to the castle. Sax said goodbye with his hand and quickly seeing that this only took out a jewel that this glowed a blue color.

『Yes, there was a small change of plans, the threat will appear tomorrow, I will tell you the place and time, tomorrow will be the biggest event of our world, please I need your help, only you can stop it』.

The jewel stopped glowing and Sax looked at the sky with a smile.

『I was originally thinking of being that threat, I am a dragon, with my fangs and claws I can easily destroy villages, and that he would end up killing me or else I would kill myself, it would cause a big problem and knowing my faction, he would seek justice in his own way and again start a small war..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA But if he is the one who gets to die then destruction will surely return! the opportunity was given to me and I'm taking advantage of it! this is my moment of my life!』-Sax laughed at how fate benefited him-『Come on, tomorrow you have to have a lot of fun, release that demon with macabre smile you have inside!!!!I trust you little girl, don't let me down....』

A day earlier Sax had shown up at the Harmony Faction, being a first generation dragon he was given a pass and was in the main hall, warning that a catastrophe would appear like never before and kill thousands. He didn't have much information and much sustenance his words, but for the listener it is enough for his way of thinking.

『All right, I will put an end to that threat, I will not allow more death in our world, even if it is a joke I can't ignore it...the lives of innocents are at stake』.

Kasper raised his voice and in a non-denial manner accepted Sax's request, just this once just this once Kasper will trust another Chaos Faction dragon again, he's going to test Sora's words, but if it turns out to be a joke, Kasper had already decided to kill him, with something like this you don't joke...it's not a joke.

------------------------------------------- → To be continued

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