
Chapter 128: Isekai ( K VS D )

A portal appeared in the middle of a tower, at the base of one of the 4 towers where great battles between one of the strongest races in this world will happen or are happening. Kanna looked confused at the place, without wasting time, Kanna releases her wings and flies to the top of the tower so she can leave this place.

『Sorry Kanna-chan, I hope you don't mind confronting me with you』.

A voice echoed in the place, it was friendly and somewhat animated, it was as if a friend was talking to you with that tone of voice, a charismatic boy and a slight but big smile , appeared at the base of the tower. The portal he came from was disappearing little by little.

Both dragons stared at each other, Kanna with those huge and tender eyes looked at Doge, and Doge looked at Kanna cheerfully and calmly.

Kanna completely ignored him and continued her flight to the top of the tower, which Dux was surprised and stretched his hand out of confusion.

『(゚ω゚;) Eh?』

Quickly Doge released his wings and was able to overtake the speed of little Kanna in a moment, he summoned his Dragon Sword from his hand and swung it at Kanna, who innocently dodged it by jumping from the sword.


Dux managed to quickly kick Kanna in the stomach, who fell to the ground with force, the impact caused a small crater, at the last moment, Kanna defended herself with her wings from Dux's kick. Who that swordsman dragon was also descending to the ground.

『Oh, you managed to dodge my sword and protect yourself from my kick, you're a girl with a lot of potential, but I still think you're just a little girl』-Dux congratulated Kanna for her little achievement-『(How strange, my opponent was supposed to be Lucoa-chan.....Mira-chan.... I hope it wasn't your doing) *sigh*』

『You are, you're the one who took Kobayashi-san』-Kanna with her tender voice was addressing Dux-.

『¡? Well, it wasn't just me, we all collaborated to make it, the family helps each other, it's something you just learned, right?

『Give me back Kobayashi-san, give me back the person I love, give me back my mother...』-Kanna with a little anger reflected in her words, her eyes were trembling from how determined she was-.

『Mother?....Yes they are very close just like Kobayashi said.....』-Dux said in a low voice-『Be calm, she's fine, I don't want to make others suffer with that issue, especially you Exiled Dragoness....』

Kanna stood in combat pose, while Doge was calm with his eyes closed, he released his body from the worry that came to him.

『Please don't run away from this place again, you would help me a lot if we continue our thing』-Dux's words were hesitant-『Sorry sorry, I'm a bit worried, I don't know how to deal with girls like you.....*sigh* Alright, let's have our combat Kanna Kamui』.

Doge brandishes and maneuvers his sword for combat.

『If I win, will you give me back Kobayashi-san』-Kanna innocently asks Dux-.

『You'll get your prize like any other, at least I know that makes a kid motivated hahahaha』-Dux was addressing the dragon in a friendly manner.

Dux had his worries, the plan still doesn't convince him at all even though it's already happening, if everything had gone as it was, he would have fought Lucoa and for sure it would be a more amazing and exciting fight for him, but fighting against a girl, he doesn't know what he has to do.

Dux softens his grip on his sword and his whole body relaxes.

『Promise it』.

Kanna lunges propelled by her white lightning, passing close to Dux who's target was an electric onslaught.

『I promise』

Being a child, Kanna has this habit of asking and having the certainty to her doubts, she is innocent and is at the age where she needs some concrete words to her questions, easy to understand why of her motives.

Dux with a calm smile, initiates the combat of the dragon swordsman against the white ray. Who does not wait is Kanna, who, seeing that Doge dodged his attack with ease, the little girl quickly decides one of his powerful attacks.

It ran from one end of the world to the other as it ascended, the electricity could be heard in different places, quickly a storm of pure electricity engulfed the place, trapping Dux in a prison.

Doge was impressed by this which could be reflected on his face, Kanna's huge attack enveloped Doge, Kanna reached the top and eye of her electrical storm, with her small arms she embraced. Her attack began to shrink on Doge, lightning bolts shot out from inside the tower.

Kanna quickly after her attack resumed her flight to the top of the tower, flying as fast as her body would allow.


A slash undoes Kanna's attack. An intense wind blew away the entire thunderstorm.

『Wind Technique, Class 2, Wind Shear』

Dux had in raised to the sky his sword, where he quickly manages to reach Kanna and place himself on her forehead.

『Wind Technique, Class 4, Infernal Blast』.

A powerful wind rammed Kanna, the same wind caused cuts all over his body and pushing him again until he reached the base of the tower.

『*sigh*I thought children's promises were of the most reliable, if you don't keep your part, then I won't either, understood?』-Wagging his finger, Dux calmly addressed Kanna-.

Kanna who was lying on the floor, gets up as if nothing after that attack. In her small hand she began to gather electricity and a great amount of power, charging it in order to throw it against Doge. The swordsman seeing this, with his Wind Sword stays still on the ground, waiting for Kanna to finish charging her attack.

The sparks came out of his horns, the attack was ready, Kanna throws it with great force and roar his attack. Who Doge calmly brandishes his sword against the attack, managing to split it in half. With closed eyes and a calm smile this one was.


He was surprised to see back, the attack he split was heading towards him from his back. He took a leap so he could dodge it, the attack split into 2 again became one and was going again towards Dux. Doge in the air was preparing his sword to defend himself, when he was about to give another cut, the same attack of Kanna split, and this time not only in 2, but in a rain of electric attacks. Dux was surprised and the multiple attacks were able to hit Dux. A white electric explosion was in the air. Who was falling Dux but quickly gets back to form on the ground.

『(Incredible, first I create a storm of pure electricity, I take advantage of the shape of the tower so that the attack hits me directly, and second I made me believe that I cut his attack, with the wind that I provoke, I strengthen the attack and manage to deflect it so that it quickly heads back to me, so that in the end it hits me with everything, this little girl knows how to fight)』-Dux was with a smile-.

Dux absorbed his Wind Sword and pulled out his Fire Sword from his hand.

『To make it more exciting, let me use the swords I use the most』.

Doge quickly went up to with his sword wrapped in flames at Kanna, Kanna could see his attack and managed to dodge it by giving a small flutter, lightning bolts come out from Kanna's hand, and tries to magnetize Doge's sword. A small explosion occurred in Doge's sword. He summons his tail and manages to give Kanna a strong blow.

The girl quickly recovers ignoring the damage and begins to throw electricity against Dux, who defends himself with his sword fire, fire glow, small explosions continued to emerge from his sword. Kanna took flight and gathered a sphere of electricity bigger than her and threw it at Doge.

『It's useless』

Dux had a confident tone in his words, he started to embroil his sword with an embracing fire.

『Fire Technique, Class 3, Crimson Glow』

The fire fanned further on Dux's sword, managing to gather a large amount of power in his sword. Before he could make his attack, the sphere at the slightest contact with Dux's sword, there was a loud explosion that echoed in the place. Black smoke with white and red chips, came out a Doge in all this black screen straight for Kanna, he no longer had his Fire Sword, but his Ice Sword.

『Ice Technique, Class 3, Hurtful Blizzard』

Doge was in front of Kanna, and started to swing his sword close to Kanna's body, a cold wind was starting to come out. The cold wind coming from Dux's sword, generated small ice crystals that these would stick to his opponent, chilling and dulling her nerves. Kanna quickly created an electric net that wrapped around his body, the crystals were attracted by the electricity. She maneuvered them in such a way that the electric net threw him towards Dux. He cut the net without any problem.


A white lightning bolt was generated in the body, which for a few seconds flooded the place with an intense white light, Dux screamed in pain but he quickly resisted.

『(This girl.....is using my skills to her advantage, before she was sending her electricity not to me, but towards my Fire sword, with that last sphere of electricity I managed to overload it causing a big explosion and leaving my sword worn out.....now I manage to make Electric Ice, I charge my ice crystals with positive and negative energy to then send them towards me and she suffers a lightning bolt....)*smiles*』

Kanna's classes seem to be doing her some good, the reaction that certain elements have in nature is something that is present in our world, she learned the basics at her school, like not putting water and electricity together, etc. She decided on her own to learn more, especially what electricity can cause if it is mixed with other things.

Doge quickly pulls out his Mist Sword and with one slash envelops the whole place with a tense fog. Kanna quickly stealthily runs through the place enveloped in electricity, Doge is left thinking and trying to locate his little opponent. He manages to hear the screech of electricity and with his sword he cuts through the fog.


To his surprise there was no one there. He was confused to have missed that attack. Shrieks could be heard all over the place, again he makes a slash in the mist but this one misses again.

『(.....My senses....me are failing?』

Suddenly his head started like working slowly, it was not calculating at the moment, but like seconds ago, it was taking a long time to process what he wanted to do. It was like he has to cut something, he knows he has to do it now, but his body moves seconds late. Smoke began to come out, he felt strange, he saw his hand and this began to heat up that would gradually start to burn, his clothes also showed signs of wanting to burn.

『(Electric Mist, why didn't I think of it before, it interrupts my nerves in their movements and information steps, and the heating happens if we are too long in contact with this Electric Mist, not that it affects us much, but this girl is taking it to the extreme)*smile*(Hahaha, what is happening to me today)』.

Her clothes were starting to burn from the heat that Kanna was causing, with a strong flapping , Dux made the intense and thick Electric Mist disappear, Kanna was covering her eyes with her arms, her wings were moving slowly that was slowly descending, her clothes were also showing signs of burns, she had also suffered from the consequences of this Electric Mist.

『(What is this, I'm starting to get excited, despite I knew of its existence, it brings me fun and excitement, it's like knowing a new world existed)』

Dux was with a smile on his face, he put away his Mist Sword and took out his Dragon Sword. And with his spirits somewhat up he lunged at Kanna to have a close fight, he decided so that Kanna won't make any elemental reactions with her electricity that worked with this one, Doge was confused and unsure from the start.

Kanna nimbly dodges, but Doge quickly had already calculated his move and was going to hit her with the sword.


An attack stopped Doge's sword, it was a small staff that Kanna had created with her electricity, perfect for her size, she followed as an example the weapon used by M in his Lucario Form. Both dragons continued with their combat, Kanna knew that if she fought close to Dux, she would have the disadvantage, so she switched to her Dragonewt Form, her wings became bigger, her tail and claws too, her plumage showed up to her cheeks.

Weapons clashed back and forth, Dux seemed animated compared to the beginning of the fight, where it seemed he was just doing it for the sake of doing it. Suddenly, while Doge was defending himself, he was caught by Kanna's weapon from around his neck. Kanna's small staff could stretch and shrink. Doge jumped and spun around and managed to free himself from Kanna's attack. And again these start their combat which seemed to be more evenly matched than before.

『(The clash of weapons.....this heartbeat that slowly makes my heart cheer up, that insecurity I had at the beginning, turned into a vague feeling, I haven't experienced that reason for a long time, I didn't have a reason anymore since a long time, I just wanted Sora back, everything else didn't matter to me, I felt like I was missing something.....already the world didn't see it the same way....)』

----------------------------------PASADO DE DUX-----------------------------------------

A young Doge of the Chaos Faction was flying through the world in his own way and aimlessly, the boy flew as if he had nothing to do, as if he had no reason to live but to keep on living.

Ever since he came to his senses, he decided to leave the Chaos Faction on his own, the first thing he remembers is walking through a forest alone, listening to the songs of birds and the playful antics of harmless creatures in the background. When he was hungry he hunted and that was it, when he was thirsty, he drank and that was it, when he was sleepy, he slept and that was it, that was the daily life of a young Doge, if he came across a conflict or if someone needed help, he simply went on his way, it was not that he did not care, but he did not even know what was going on. He had a goal in his boring life, to be able to at least, one day, find something, an object, a hobby, a reason to go on living besides going on living.

One day in his journey in this chaotic world, without realizing it, he arrived at a battle already finished, a human army tried to confront a group of dragons, the result was that both sides died, but anyway the numerical majority of the human dead was greater than that of the dragons. Dux walked all over this pile of corpses as if it were any road at all, *pom* Dux stumbled over a soldier's arm. A drop was coming out of a wound on his cheek, a sword at the moment of the fall managed to make a small cut. That was the first time Dux felt a little bit of pain "it hurts" said the confused young man. For the first time he tried to see something that was not in front of his eyes, he calmly looked around him, looking for what it was that made him feel such pain. When he looked down he saw a sword, it had a little blood from the recent cut, the little boy lifted it up to the sky, he pressed his hand on the sword, his eyes began to shine, the sky began to clear and embrace the world with its warm light "a sword, how incredible" It was also that same day when Dux felt a little piece of happiness.

That was the object that brought him and called his attention since he was born, carrying the sword everywhere he went, now the boy looked around, but it was only to see if there was a sword to take. Again, his feet took him to an unknown place, what seemed to be some ancient ruins, there were traps, but the boy easily and calmly managed to overcome them all, at the end his prize was waiting for him, his first magic sword was in his hands, again his eyes shone, the vague destiny he had led him to get another sword. That was the beginning of his journey of the thousands and thousands of swords he would have, he would go to places where no one had ever gone before, he would go to finished wars to see if there was a good sword to take with him. With a piece of cloth from these wars, he took one with him so he could carry all the magic swords he got. "I found my reason to live" Dux's eyes were shining, at many times, there were at least 1 or 2 survivors of these fights, but Dux ignored them, he was only for good swords, the lives of others didn't matter to him at all, these survivors died for a guy who didn't even give them a look.

As Dux walked, he looked still, although his feet walked he did not move at all. As he looked up he saw what the reason was.

『Hahaha you're with concentrate you don't even see around you』.

It was King who had appeared in Doge's life. The Demon King quickly knew that this boy has something wrong with him, it wasn't common to meet someone like this, King already had his sights on Doge, plus the rumors that there is a boy who is only interested in swords was not long in coming.

『Come with me *smiles*』.

King amicably addressed Dux, who simply remains silent and then said, "There are swords?" without hesitation and vague words said the boy.

『Yes yes yes , of course there are many swords, although I think you already have many hahaha....』

King saw that Dux bring in his sword many swords, they were all magical and powerful swords that Dux managed to get over time, while in his right hand he always had a grip on the first sword he saw.

King created a portal that went straight to his castle, Doge as if nothing followed this Demon King, not even crossed his mind that bad things could happen to him or that this guy is not to be trusted, if there are swords he will go to that place. Although what he found were not swords, but something that will eventually take much more importance to him than everything.

『Welcome, from now on this will be your family *smiles* although I think it's too hasty hahahaha.....』

King introduces him to his other companions, 3 boys with the same age as him apparently. "And the swords?" Dux said without hesitation to King, suddenly a boy smaller than Dux approached and grabbed his free hand.

『Nice to meet you, my name is Sora, I hope we'll get along well *smiles*』.

A boy with short hair similar to King approached Dux to welcome him. Dux at this gesture of kindness he simply said "And the swords?"


His early days in the Demon King's castle, which was now his home, were entertaining, he could meet different dragons who like him, were of the Chaos Faction, a cheerful and who would not hesitate to help others, Lami, a tender and sweet girl who wants to be friends with everyone, Arnna, and a girl with a great power that storms him but she pulls out his spirits to forget him, Mira. They would be his siblings in this family that he has just found out that he is. And of course, Sora who is a brave and friendly boy, showing the best smile in critical moments, and a much bigger encouragement than Lami.

"Why do you carry so many swords? Are you a swordsman?

Surprised and encouraged Sora would turn to Dux after seeing that he always walks around with those swords everywhere. "No, I carry them because I like them, they are my reason for living" said Dux as an answer to Sora's question.

『Can I take one?』

Sora was asking Dux, where Dux after thinking it over in his mind decides yes "Sure" Sora looks through all the swords that Dux has, he had a variety of swords in his possession, Sora first saw the magic swords and then saw the sword that Dux always had in his hand.

『I choose this one』.

Sora picked a magic sword from the piles that were there, Dux didn't take any notice of this, he just watched the boy vaguely as the boy tried to even take the sword from the handle.

『I'm sorry if I picked a flashy one, I don't want you to think I'm like that, at first I was thinking of taking the sword you always carry since it's the most normal one, but seeing that you're always grabbing it, I thought it's very important to you *smiles*』.

Sora's words were sincere, Dux at this simply said "Yes" and proceeded to look at his sword he found the first time, it's a common sword, plus it's worn out because of what happened, Dux didn't even think or care which sword Sora chose, but noticing that detail, even though it's too obvious...he decided for this time, to look at something other than a sword.

『Haber haber, that's how you grab it right? It's kind of complicated hahaha *smiles* let's see how it goes then』.

Sora started to move the sword awkwardly, it was normal, since he is younger than Dux, even though he decided what before, he broke it easily, he just watched the sword as it made awkward movements. But then he became even more interested, his eyes began to shine like the times he found his swords, the sword that moved clumsily, now moved in a perfect and masterful way, Dux was amazed, he did not know that the sword could move like that, his eyes moved a few centimeters, and he saw that the sword did not move just like that, but that Sora was the one who maneuvered it, the way the boy moved, was elegant and as if all his life he had handled it, it was the first time that Dux's eyes shone on something other than a sword, for a long time, he did not take his eyes off Sora.

Time passed and Dux spent most of his time with Sora, managing to have normal conversations and get along well with him. While again Sora was maneuvering the sword at Dux's request, King saw this and approached the boy.

"Wouldn't you like to learn how to wield it too?

King stroked the head of Dux who with his eyes shining said "Yes" King and Dux were alone.

『Well, choose your sword with the one who is going to be your partner』.

There was a pile of swords of which Dux brought on his whole journey, "All of them" He said bluntly, King was confused to hear it and told him that it only has to be one.

『You can only wield one sword, 2 in both hands at most, it would be weird if you can wield all those swords at once 』

Dux confused bows his head, and then says "This one" Dux showed the sword he always carried in his hand, the first sword he found, King looking at it saw that it was worn out, dull and corrupted, and his final verdict was.

『All right』

King instructed Dux in swordplay, achieving in a short time that Dux has a good command with it, but he was still not satisfied, this style of sword was not to his liking.

『Be calm, you will find your own way to handle the sword』-『Let me play a prank *smile*』.

King took the sword from him and with a snap he froze Dux, King looked at the sword closer and confirmed that it was the worst sword he could see in his whole life. Then he smiled and quickly wrapped the sword around him with energy. He looked at Doge who had stretched out his arm in order to retrieve his sword. Then, little by little he embedded the sword in his chest, it was not piercing him, but rather absorbing him, an aura came out of Doge's body that blinded the place. As Doge opened his eyes, he noticed that in his hand he was clenching a sword, a different sword than the one he always carries.

『Easy, it's your usual sword, only now it's much more powerful, I used my arts, magic ,power, etc,etc,etc, and now it's .... your Dragon Sword! *smiles*』

"Yes, I can feel it, it's the same sword as always" Doge at this looked up and saw King face to face "Thank you" At this, the Demon King did not avoid getting sentimental and shedding a few tears.

『.... Did you thank me? me? I was your first time? ...Dux! Let me hug you』

King sobbingly hugged Dux, who left without further ado, his new sword is unique, it has the ability to be absorbed by its bearer, and not only that, but it can also absorb more and more swords than one can imagine, with that new ability, Dux managed to absorb all the swords he encountered and the ones he will encounter in the future. Dux continued to explore with his new power, so he traveled the world, and because of Sora he became more social, managing to have information from every corner of the world. One day while he was in a forest, he met some creatures that terrorized some adventurers, although they fought, they could not beat them, Dux was passing by and saw them for a few moments and simply continued on his way.

The adventurers had already accepted their destiny, that's when Sora appeared, the little young boy Sora, who with his power managed to defeat the monsters, making use of his different skills, and of course, of his handling with the sword as well. Dux was amazed to see this, the adventurers thanked Sora, as they left Dux appeared. "Awesome, you're awesome Sora."


Sora just slapped Dux, the boy was left confused by what just happened.

『Are you not ashamed, having the power to save them, but you decide to leave them to their fate 』.

Sora was outraged by the decision Dux made earlier, Dux simply stroked his cheek and looked at Sora "Why? I don't care about them" Dux said without holding back. Sora didn't resist this much and happened to raise his voice.

『So what if we don't know them! If you can help then do it! King and all of us, the Anomenos Family are fighting for peace, but even you don't help, and so you belong to our family? Wouldn't you like to live in a peaceful world, where there are no wars and no more death?』-Sora was upset-『Justice, peace, kindness, calm, honesty, gratitude, are many more, but I want everything, it sounds very selfish, but I will fight for the whole world and most especially for you, the people I love the most, would you join me Dux? *smiles*』

Sora's words, Sora's decision, were so perfect for Doge, it was a reach he wanted to reach, it was his goal, as he started with a punch to Doge and ended by giving him a warm smile from his heart. Dux understood, he had already understood, the reason why he was born, the reason why he continued to live, Dux stretched out his hand, his cheeks were red, for the first time he blushed. "Yes *smile*"

That day he decided to follow Sora, the reason for all this, the reason for his past, present and future, was to meet Sora, to hear Sora's words, yes, it was all for Sora.


Time passed and young Doge grew up, he became an expert in the sword and helped Sora in his goal, with Doge's participation, the growth of peace that the Anomenos Family was looking for accelerated, Doge was always by Sora's side at all times, laughing, helping, having fun, playing, crying and enjoying a future new world. Since they returned from visiting the other world, Doge could finally get his own sword style, gaining great improvement and strength. But that moment was also approaching, where happiness would end, one day, Lami returned home, but it was different, her emotions and feelings disappeared, Dux and Arnna could not leave this way, although in a method that they had no choice, they achieved their goal, but at the same time something happened that would mark him forever, there were deaths and deaths, everything they built all this time was destroyed, Sora told Mira to escape, as the strongest of both Factions and Gods would be about to fight.

The combat ended, in the Demon King's Castle Sora was inside a crystal, she would never wake up, she would remain frozen forever, King put on the mystical gloves, happiness had also been destroyed. From that moment on, Dux looked for a way to get Sora back, traveling from place to place, getting information and new swords. He had to recover Sora, that was his only goal, after much effort, Dux managed to get the way to recover Sora, and it is gathering the energy of the Dragons of the Harmony and Chaos Faction, but it is a gigantic one that was impossible, but still they did not give up, the family anomenos although it takes time, would achieve it. From that moment on, everything that Sora taught him, slowly disappeared, slowly returning to a Doge who wandered alone in the world.

------------------------------FIN FROM DUX'S PAST-----------------------------------

Kanna and Doge were fighting fiercely in the tower, Kanna switched to her Dragon Form when she was cornered. She rose up and launched a powerful attack from her mouth. Doge with a grin brandished his sword and made several slashes, the attack scattered again going for Doge. The attack locked him in an electric sphere, where it concentrated giving a strong shock, Dux screamed from the pain.

『You fell *smiles*』

In his hand was no longer the Dragon Sword, but the Dark Sword, Kanna turned around worried, the Doge who was locked up disappeared like a shadow, from the shadows Doge appears.

『Darkness Technique, Class 2, Image Trap』

Managing to give a cut in the center of Kanna's body, the little dragon spits blood and descends from the serious attack she just received. Kanna moved little by little, she had no more strength. Dux was descending until he was in front of Kanna.

『Why....why don't you fight seriously.....』 -Kanna said lightly.

『Eh? If I'm fighting seriously, don't you see?』 -Calm down said Doge-?

『Liar.....from the beginning I saw you tired, unwilling to fight, lazy, as if you don't have a reason why you do this.....』

Doge was surprised by Kanna's words, how this little girl could read through him, it was as if she understood the problems of adults.

『That's right, I didn't fight like you deserve, I'm really sorry, but I didn't think I would have fun with you, thank you Kanna-chan *smiles*』

『Do it...fight with everything.....I don't want to lose in a pathetic way because of my rival, even though I'm a little girl, I'm also a dragon...I'm Kanna Kamui.....please....do it....I'm going to save Kobayashi-san』

Kanna's words were of pure decision and heart, Doge hearing this saw through Kanna to the little Sora he knew long ago, the same determination, not backing down to her words, all her strength and motives lie for the sake of others, not like him, which is for his own benefit.

『You are someone amazing Kanna-chan, no....Kanna Kamui, fine! you will have your last fight with me, I don't want you to regret later if you happen to lose』

『I'll be proud that I lost to you giving it my all, but as a selfish girl, I won't let you win』.

Doge exchanged his Dark Sword for his Dragon Sword, in both hands he wielded his 2 most powerful swords in his possession. Kanna on the other hand began to gather power in her claw, it was light, she needed more. Dux at the moment of seeing her well, noticed her tail, it was burned and on the verge of reaching the end. He closed his eyes to go back to the way he was before, to not look at what was in front of him. Kanna shifted to her human form.

『Here I come!』 -Dux brandished both swords-『Serious Mode 100%! Dragon Technique! Class 1! Peace....』

Doge disappeared from one moment to another, Kanna was surprised by what just happened, from one moment to another, Kanna received several blows, both kicks and blows, she couldn't even react, it was a speed beyond unimaginable, from one moment to another ,Kanna was in the center of the tower, in the air, thin lines traveled through the place, leaving traces of blue flashes wherever she passed. Blows, thousands, hundreds of kicks hit Kanna's small body, not even giving her a thousandth of a second to defend herself, but still Kanna kept gathering energy in her palm. Her body began to have cuts all over, the speed was sublime, it was as if her attack conveyed peace, all was silence and tranquility. Dux descended, it could be seen that he was panting and extremely tired, his body expelled a large soft smoke, with both swords he made a cut in x to Kanna, the blood splashed out, Kanna stopped gathering energy in his palm, his eyes were blank, his body did not react. She just fell to the ground, Doge who was flying, was panting and looked extremely tired.

There was a small rumble as Kanna fell, quickly there was a pool of blood, Kanna was unresponsive, Doge seeing this simply closed his eyes.


Kanna said lightly, the energy she accumulated in her hand returned.


Doge before this was surprised, he thought he was done with the fight. The energy that Kanna began to gather, from being electric white, turned to having a blue and green aura. Because of the great power she gathered, Kanna was put on her feet, all her hair, clothes were raised by the static of her power, the bracelet on her wrist danced, having the colors of the people she loves the most.

『I will put all my energy into this strike』.

Kanna's wings manifested and she quickly flew to where Doge was, Doge couldn't move his body for a few moments from the fatigue of using all his power, he only had his swords equally worn out of power.

『I'll run you through!!!』

Kanna as if it were a white, blue and green lightning was going with everything she had for Dux, who instinctively tried to protect himself with both swords, a strong clash occurred between them, *crack* Dux's swords that defended him broke to later break, Dux screamed in pain, the scream of Kanna's attack in his hand resounded in the place, managing to impact in Dux's chest, a strong electric shock of magic and power succumbed Dux, causing him the greatest damage he had ever received physically. At the end of the attack, Doge was in a pitiful state, Kanna's attack could not get through him, only left him with a serious wound in his chest to Doge, who fell to the ground. Kanna tired also falls to the ground slowly.

『...Well...well done...but...』

Doge flew and stood in front of Kanna in full fall.

『I'm sorry...』

With the last of Dux's strength, summoning another sword he slashed Kanna's wings in a single cut, and then mutilated the wings.


Both dragons giving their best have fallen to the ground, the feathers of Kanna's no longer existing wards were falling on the combat stage, Kanna was crying her eyes out, she had no strength to hide or dry them.

『I'm sorry....Kobayashi-san.....』

Kanna cried like never before when she lost this fight, she couldn't move a muscle, just lying there while tasting the taste of defeat. Doge who appears in front of Kanna, holding himself and helping himself with his swords this one smiles at Kanna.

『Thanks, it's been so long since I've had fun, Sora *smiles*』.

He couldn't take it anymore and Doge ended up sitting on the ground, he was fatigued and very tired from the fight that at the end of it all if ended up impressing him more than he thought.

『And now ..... here's your reward *smiles*』

Kanna was still crying on the floor while Doge was with a smile.

『And it's regarding your tail *smiles*, if you keep crying.....you're going to make me comfort you *smiles*』

Dux looked at Kanna like Sora, they may not be as similar as possible, but to Dux, back then, those little ones were just as determined. Result of the fight, Dux comes out victorious.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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