
Chapter 124: Isekai (Alone against the .....)

Several days ago, long before our group of protagonists came to this world, a King of a Human Kingdom finally discovered what his family had always investigated, the existence of another world, a more developed one, very different from this one. A King of a Human Kingdom had finally discovered what his family had always investigated, the existence of another world, a more developed one, very different from this one. A smile marked his face, he stood up and his armor could be heard.

『At last, after so long, after so much research, my family would be proud, my father, my mother, grandfathers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, and great-great-grandfathers-....』-The King was excited-『The day is coming when they will stop seeing us as crazy! We will show them that wonderful world, prepare all men! to stop what they are doing, we will assemble the biggest army, but only with our army I don't think we can...let's make a notice! that every adventurer from all over the world who is interested in going to the other world to gather in my Kingdom! I don't care if they are from the lowest to the strongest, every force is welcome, let's go!!!』

That King gave the order, his subjects knelt down, with strength and respect went to do what they were entrusted with.

『But will it be enough? I know they have better weapons and are better prepared than us....I think they call it Artillery Fire....Well, I also need you to call him』-The King said a new order-.

『Are you sure King?...It's true that we would have the best force, but I don't think you will join us if you have such goals.....』-A soldier addressed the King-.

『Don't worry my dear soldier, I will take care of convincing him』-The King confidently and with a smile turned to the soldier.

This more relieved went to do the new errand, despite being an old King, this is friendly and sees others as equals, of course, heeding his words, "if you give me respect, I will also give you respect" if you follow standing that phrase, you can make friends with the King, but if you get to bother him, well, he is tolerant as any normal person, but if you get to irritate him in some way that is impossible, he will attack you with everything he has. His empire is the largest in the world among the human race, it is prosperous and peaceful to live there, he loves his people and those who are not. But yes, what is his empire now was the fruit of his family, his ancestors conquered lands and investigated the incomprehensible, the thirst of wanting to know other places and get it is still in them, always at his side of his people. He plans not to miss this opportunity. The King again sat on his throne and sighed.

『But...discovering that world this way.... I thought it would be more epic』-_-b

The way they discovered what they researched so much, was that just their owl resting around happened to see Elma create the portal.

『How simple....』('・・`)

Days passed and the announcement that adventurers of all kinds were needed was not long in coming, many were interested and from different parts of the world were going to the King's Kingdom. Gradually his army was getting bigger, that the King himself was impressed.

『.....(○`・」0・')」 Incredible..... I didn't expect so much』-The King said-.

He filled up as much as he could, the King was happy that there were many who were interested like him. But not everyone thought alike, among the adventurers had their own purposes.

『(If that world exists, it wouldn't be bad to see it)』『(I'm going to loot whatever I find)』『(I want to see what those people are like.... and kill them...)』『(What weapons will they use to kill! I want to see it already)』『(I plan to bring their women to me)』

There were many with pretentious goals, morbid, greed, in general they were bad. But there were also adventurers who just wanted to investigate and see, they were the ones who used their power to be able to do good.

『(I already want to see that world, maybe we will get along well)』『(Sharing culture, it wouldn't be bad)』『(If there is evil in that world, I will take care of helping them)』『(Maybe I will even get in true love there....)』『(What will be their food, their people, I want to be their friend)』

Among many, people had different purposes, some more good and bad than others. The day came and they set off for the place, you could hear the footsteps of the great army, how the earth seemed to echo with every footstep.

『Are you going too, King? 』-An adventurer who was next to the King asked him.

"Of course, as the King that I am, who else has to lead and stand up for his people? If there is a possible confrontation, I will be there』-The King with a smile and laughter said-.

Those who were nearby and managed to hear the King's words, were left confused and with sweat on their faces. Since the tradition of the King's family is as he said, to be present at the fights, these always returned safe and sound. All his biological line died of age, never in battle. They might be present at battles, but none of them were ever seen fighting.

『(I know, I am aware of it, rather, we are, but for a King to go with his people, encourages the spirit)』.

Days and nights passed, on the way they faced monsters that there was no choice but to kill them. But it would be suicide to see this army and want to face them.

『Ah!(ʘᗩʘ') No way!』

The King cried out in surprise, it seems that he forgot something, it would rather be that he was not sure, before his concern he could see in the distance some flames in the middle of the forest that quickly disappeared. Out of curiosity and to be cautious, they went there. Where they found what the King needed, making this decision was not difficult for him, as he had done it many times in the past.

Finally, after days, they managed to reach their goal, the place where that blue dragoness opened the portal.

『Here is King, right in this forest』- A soldier told him-.

The King without further ado stood up from his carriage, as he walked slowly, everyone else gave him a free pass. As he reached the end and stood at the front of the army. The King stretched out his arms, an aura of magic began to emanate from his body. An embracing wind gushed from his body, the people standing had to take cover if they wanted to continue watching.


A shockwave on the ground came from his body. Animals and creatures were fleeing the scene, trees and bushes dancing and twisting in the strong wind. Quickly, these trees became small, the large vegetation that had been in place gradually disappeared. The King stretched his hands out in front of him, a bolt of lightning shot out of his hands and struck something that seemed to have been there. A small portal,no, traces of portal energy were appearing.

『(Backtracking.....one of the highest magic techniques in existence, as the name suggests, you can turn back time whatever you want, people, plants, objects, and even the ground itself, and also spells)』-An adventurer thought as he watched-『(Here before a portal to the other world was opened, what the King is doing is summoning it back through time. Not for nothing is he the King, he has great magic power and his reserves are gigantic.)』

The King gave a loud cry, he had stopped using his magic, he was agitated and his breathing was heavy.

『(...I'm not cut out for this anymore.....)』

The King looked up, he found in front of him a small transparent portal, he managed to summon traces of energy from the portal, of course, this is useless for traveling to the other world, not even a person or a child could enter. This is where he enters so he worried.

A magical weapon that looked like some sort of cannon, this was on top of the carriage that the King was driving. This cannon was fired, a beam of energy shot out, hitting the portal, it did not stop the beam, from one moment to another, the portal that was small, little by little became bigger, that magic cannon gave him magical power. The earth where the portal was located began to swell, creating a hill in that desert meadow. Traces of light were seen from the canyon, the King looked on with joy, who was back in his carriage to rest.

『....We've made it.....this is the portal....to go to the other world』.

His joy was greater than his agitation. At the front of that army was a portal, it was the biggest portal that could have been seen.


It seems that something fell hard at the top of the hill. The dust made it hard to see who it was that came through. As everyone unraveled they all saw a young man, wearing sportswear and a scarf.

『Well, let's see what happens』

M stood at the top of the hill, I couldn't help but turn to look closely at that portal, it really was gigantic. It was the perfect size for this large army to pass through without any problems.

"Who is he? Aren't his clothes a bit strange? He was the one who fell from the sky, wasn't he?』-The king asked a soldier at his side.

I was straining my eyes to find him.

『.....( ̄^ ̄)There he is.... the one in the carriage and by his clothes that must be the King....』-I was able to locate him-『Excuse me, but could you leave this for another day? rather, couldn't you cancel this? I'm in a bit of a hurry, I'd appreciate it if you'd get out of here』

I was talking from the hill. The army started to look at me funny, they were

『Clear..... have to speak their language.....』-Take a breath and communicate-『WEONNOWEONOEWONWWFAESDAFAFAFAFWEONON?.....』-Me looked down-『(Still can't believe their language is like that....they look like Chileans....)』(-,-)

The adventurers and soldiers on the front line kept looking at me funny.

『[weononwnweongfhgjvvweoonnoweon?(・・?]=[Why did he say he wants to fuck a duck?]』-An adventurer whispered-?

『[onweonweonoeownmvhfhtfhfhf]=[Maybe it fell out of its cradle when it was small]』-His companion answered-.

『(They managed to hear me from here, but the King is too far away, I'll have to shout.....)』-My face showed I didn't want to do this-『[WEONWONNOONEWOWOWOWWNWWWWONGSGSGHRDKLNNJCKNGC!!!]=[WOULD YOU CARE NOT TO CROSS THE PORTAL!!!]』-I was making an attempt to communicate, I thought I said what I wanted to say-.

『[Ags? sfsgonweons....ಠ_ರೃ]=[Eh? now he said he urinates blood....]』-A soldier said-.

『[gdgd.....rtdnonnowedhd]=[Poor guy....maybe he never had parents]』-The King managed to hear not very well-.

I was trying to communicate as much as I could, I was shouting as hard as I could so that they would hear me and also understand.


『[...hf....gdhweon?益]=[...Ey....why do you want to fuck my wife?益]』- A soldier said-

I kept screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to remember Lucoa's lessons.



It was the translation of what he wanted to say, or rather what he was trying to say. But every time he opened his mouth, the army's anger grew even more.

『[Asgmronoweweon?('◣д◢`+)]=[Like I have a pinga face?]』

『[tsweonnononwemgsbxgs(╬ಠ益ಠ)]=[Better shut up]』

『[afonnnwenowendh? レ(◣益◢#)ヘ]=[That you were the one who killed my father?]』

『[gdmweonoweowengdtrd( ╬◣ 益◢)]=[Fucking pedophile ]』

『[dyrweoneonweonwerstЩ(◣д◢)Щ]=[I can kill him, I'm going to kill him]』

『[dhftfweonjfjfjfjლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ]=[Suck your mother's cock]』

It seems that I was insulting with my words, their faces were of extreme anger, suddenly they started shouting at me in their language. I at this I am left confused.

『Eh?ఠ_ఠ Yours just in case( ̄⊿ ̄)』-Out of instinct I obligingly responded with those words-.

Since I knew this wasn't going anywhere, I didn't even know if the King was listening to me. He is the one I had to talk to and come to a peace agreement. Without further ado I decided to move on to my God Form and flew to him.


The King had his gaze lowered, then looked at me with all the hatred in the world.

『[gsEweonwefwefa....?]=[What did you say about my mommy....?]』

The King had a murderous look in his eyes, suddenly some adventurous mages and swordsmen rushed at me with everything they had, without further ado I backed away.

『[gjjgjweon!!!]=[She was a pure woman!!!』-The King gave a loud shout-『[QLIENSEL HIM!!!]=[KILL HIM!!!]』

Without further ado the whole army came towards me, they were thirsty to kill me, if one insults them to no more power for a long time and insisting, I also surely wouldn't resist it. Without further ado I switched to my Lucario Form in order to save energy.

『(Looks like the plan failed....now how long will it take me to be here....)』

I got into position to protect the portal if anyone dares to cross it. First came for me the army swordsmen, these were normal people with their sword and armor. I watched them run while I was thinking of a way to stop them all.

『(I thought about it in these days of travel, if I don't want anyone to leak into the portal, the best thing will be to expand my aura and with the sensors I will be able to locate everyone, even if they are hiding with invisibility or if they are going at high speeds, but really ...because they make me take the longest and most difficult path... the next time I throw their mother at everyone)』

With Extreme Speed and charged blows I could stop them in short order. I walked around the place while knocking out everything I saw. When I looked at the sky I saw that it was raining magical attacks, I created a shield with my aura to defend myself. But instantly these were broken by the overwhelming and constant attack. As I looked at the portal, I noticed that someone wanted to enter. Again with my speed and using Increment Fist I managed to shake him off.

『Hehehehe.... looks like you're not going to let anyone through....』-It was an adventurer who had daggers as weapons-.

I threw myself at him, the adventurer also threw himself at me with his weapons, he attacked without further ado, he seemed to have hit me, but it was only an illusion, I was behind him with an Aural Sphere, I managed to hit him and take him away with it, causing an explosion that could damage others.

『Even if you didn't understand me, if you don't want to listen to me, then I won't let anyone pass through here!』-Squeezing my fist I said clearly-.

Even if they didn't understand me, I know that they clearly understood me perfectly.

Again a wave of soldiers were going to enter the portal, creating several clones I was able to stop them with my combined attacks. The mages from afar were throwing their spells at me, where I had to dodge them, if I ever take damage even a little bit, I would be too exhausted in the future.

『They're a nuisance....』

With my clones I made my way through the crowd, managing to get to where a group of mages were standing. They tried to defend themselves with their magic, they were throwing ice, fire, rocks, and even water attacks. With my Bō I defended myself against everything.

『If that manages to hit me....I should be dead』-I dodged the water attacks with extreme speed.

With blows of my weapon I left them defeated on the ground. When I looked at the large portal again, I noticed that it became transparent, and its large size was reduced. I was glad to see this, maybe that's all it had to be. Stop them until the portal itself disappears. Looking again, I noticed a group of adventurers running for the portal.

『Quickly! As it moved away we must take advantage!』-An adventurer was saying-.

Without further ado with my Extreme Speed I approached as fast as I could, I was preparing my fist to stop them, where an adventurer used his magic to create a shield. Believe it or not, he was able to stop my punch.

『Hahaha....I'm a Diamond Rank adventurer, I'm much stronger than you...quick! don't just stand there! Quickly enter the portal!』-he shouted to his companions who stood still in shock-.

M began to emanate a blue and brown, red and yellow light. Bonds enveloped his body, the shield of magic gradually cracked, the adventurer did not help but worry. M switched to his Megalucarian Form and destroyed the shield, he quickly moved on to hit those who tried to pass the portal.

『You bastard....You still had power!』

He lunged with his sword where I quickly appeared in front of him and gave him a strong slap that sent him away. The army for a moment stood still, looking at me with anger and concern at the top of the hill. I felt a great power coming towards me, so without further ado I believed in an aura shield. As I turned around I noticed that it was not its target, but the portal. The portal absorbed the energy beam, again regaining its color and increasing in size.


As I looked, I saw a kind of magic cannon, the King was in the carriage with that weapon. With that weapon they made the gateway stronger, and with it itself they will hold it as long as possible until the army makes it through.

『Every time they see the portal shrink, they will use that weapon to hold it again..... I thought this would be simple....』

The King looked at me determined and hateful, I was thwarting his and all these people's plans. But that's necessary, I don't plan to let these people cross, in all this crowd, how many hearts are black as darkness. I created several clones to protect the portal. While I threw myself with force to the carriage where the King was, my goal was to destroy that weapon. A few meters away from hitting him, my fist hit the ground, causing a crater.

『Eh? Disappeared?』

Again the army came after me to attack me, where I defended myself with fists and skills. Taking a big leap, I noticed that the King was somewhere else, propelling me into the air with a Void Wave. He was preparing a POMM Aural Sphere! Again I ended up hitting the ground.

『...I knew it, with that you can teleport』.

I watched the King as with the carriage and the cannon this one moved back and forth with teleportation.

『(Even if I used Backlash, I still have magic left to teleport, I won't let you destroy my gun, I won't let you destroy my wish)』.

Now I was surrounded by adventurers, they had different types of weapon, without further ado they came at me to fight with everything. Their skills were incredible, they could match my Megalucario Form. Using their best physical and magical attacks. They managed to hit me and hurt me, which hurt me a lot. As I looked around, I noticed that they were receiving help from their companions, giving support and maximizing their strength. I was agitated, there were too many of them for me to fight alone. Without further ado, I took another big leap. I looked at the portal and how my clones were defending it with no more power, their blood was running but they were still defending it.

『I'll try....I see that I am resistant』.

As I flew to look, I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the sky, the same adventurers were with wings, again their supports were helping them. Because of my carelessness they managed to cause me great damage with their weapons, my blood was coursing through my body.

『They are Sapphire Rank adventurers, they are the strongest of the ranks』-The King said when he saw me-.

I could only defend myself, with all my strength I accumulated a great Empty Wave and threw it to the ground, where it hit and I was able to hit some of the army, because of the momentum I shot even further, going so far that the adventurers could not follow me. As I rose above the clouds, I became calm and closed my eyes, my body began to glow, my wounds and cuts were healing little by little. In the sky the adventurers were waiting for me, casting their best magic techniques against me. I opened my eyes, an aura came out of my body which was Ki, I created an Aural Sphere and made my attack absorb into it. I found myself in front of them in full fall and unleashed the attack. A great attack of magic fell from the sky, causing a strong explosion, where on the ground, the adventurers were already badly wounded, having serious injuries, if it wasn't for their supports, I would have killed them for sure.

The adventurer blinked, looking at his other companions on the ground, his blood was flowing. In between those blinks he saw me next to him, I put my hand on his chest.

『(Eh?.....My wounds.....don't hurt so much anymore....)』

I got up and continued my fight against the army. Where that adventurer simply fainted because he had run out of strength.

Big explosions were all over this desert, the best mages were launching their best attacks, I was also countering with my attacks. How long has it been, 1,2,3,4 hours?....I don't know, but it's probably more.

『It's good that simple army men went after the portal, the strongest and even greedy ones went after me』.

He looked from afar at the portal.

『They won't last long, I have to finish this』.

During all this time, between every so often, every time I saw that the portal became small and lost power, the King with his cannon again gave life to the portal, making that seem eternal, I tried several times to go after him, but he always ended up escaping. It is a very correlón.... but what is that weapon, perhaps it does not spend power? it is as if it had infinite energy, or maybe someone is providing power to work.....

I was falling from the sky, my body was glowing and I was recovering as much as I could. I was in my Phantom Form watching the situation. I returned to my body determined.

"I will do it!』

With my Empty Wave I propelled myself, to confuse everyone, I threw it several times, changing my course randomly, it was like watching me zic zac in the sky. With force I was going for the King and the Cannon, where he smiled and again disappeared in my eyes. The King was in a safe place again.

『Hahaha, you're too slow,...huh? wait, where is it?』

The King looked at the place where he was supposed to be. He was searching so much with his eyes and mind.

『(I detect everyone's power....but that guy's is huge, where can you be...)』-The King looked back and forth-『(....What is this?....¡!!! It can't be!)』

The King looked up in confusion. I was falling from the sky in my Human Form.


I greeted with a smile, the King was worried, I knew it, he can detect others by his strength and magic, and since in my Human Form I have none of that, I was practically invisible to him. To stop the fall, I quickly transformed my hands into my Megalucario Form. I managed to grab hold of the carriage before the King made his move, I watched as I teleported with everything and carriage, the cannon, the carriage, the King and I moved from one place to another.

『I have to put an end to this...』

With my Megalucario Form and at my reach, with an Increment Fist I hit the back of the cannon, which with my sensors I detected that this was where the portal power was coming from. The King was yelling at me not to do it.


Since I didn't understand him, I simply hit with all my might, the cannon started to crack the back, where what I saw left me shocked and confused.

『.....What's a girl doing inside?...』

Inside the cannon and a little girl, the girl was the center of the cannon's power, it absorbed her power, when I saw her she was emaciated, without strength and fainted. Her breathing was weak and everything about her was terrible.

Some adventurers took advantage of my surprise, with their magic attacks they managed to throw me out of the carriage, where the King quickly teleported to a safe place.

Quickly a purple light rose in the sky. A wind and power could be felt. Those present were surprised and even frightened. Quickly that light headed for the portal, stopping those who wanted to cross.

『....what ....what is this power.....looks like that of a dragon.....no...even more.....』

An adventurer did not shy away from comparing what he had in front of him to one of the greatest dangers in this world, a Dragon. M was in his God Form.

『....How..... how dare they make a little girl suffer!!』

I gave a loud shout, an expansion of aura and wind was all over the place, the pressure was too strong, the adventurers were being blown away by the boy's power. But they quickly got up wounded but still with strength to fight.

Without further ado, I faced them all. Although I defeated one, 10 came to the next, but my power was now superior, I left them out of combat in a short time, but I'm still tired, I'm not giving the best of me, attack that came for me, I destroyed it with force, I still can not believe that they use a girl as a source of power.

While I was facing the adventurers and the army, a white light came to the battlefield. Every hit I landed was a closer approach to this light.

『This ends now』

With all the speed I was allowed to go, before the King has time to react, I threw myself against the carriage, I was going to destroy that cannon once and for all, talk seriously to this King and all these people. My fist charged it with power.


There was an impact, the light came for the right moment of my shock. My fist was shaking and spilling blood.

『You've finally arrived!』

The King looked so happy that he couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

At the moment of the clash, a sword intercepted my fist, causing a loud explosion. The sword was shaking and so was my fist. All the adventurers and soldiers who were still standing knelt before this being that just arrived.

『Please save us, Hero-sama』

The King said with joy and in tears, all the adventurers had respect for him, I was simply with my defiant and even annoyed look. To me, the one in front of me was just a guy with a sword and armor more creative than the others.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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