
Capitulo 118: Isekai (Arnna)

In the middle of a forest near the Chaos Faction, Kobayashi had an encounter with a pretty young girl, who was sleeping peacefully leaning against a log.

『Kobayashi?.....Kobayashi....』-His gaze fell because he was still sleepy, he managed to see small particles coming out of his chest-『Ah! Kobayashi-san! (≧▽≦) It's nice to meet you, Kobayashi-san』

Apparently the girl was happy, she repeated Kobayashi's name all the time. Her blushing face made the scene even more tender.@^▽^@

『Yes yes, that's me, !!!! What we don't have time for that!!! We have to hide』(゜ロ゜).

Kobayashi looked at the lower part of the girl, her chest and saw that it was just like her, pure slab quality pappa!!!!

『O maybe it's not necessary』-Kobayashi remembered how those skeletons completely ignored him-.

『Ah! if you mean the undead, no problem, they won't be able to do anything to us』(^^)v『Better if how about we chat, have few chances to chat with other girls, especially my kind....,that's why I'm very happy*^_^*Please, yes?』

With a calm attitude, serene but showing his true intentions, Kobayashi could not refuse in front of the girl he just met.

『Yes, sure, then I will also kill time by being with you』.

They both lay down on the soft grass, in this blue sky and the brightness of the sun, the wind was blowing softly, as if that fight between undead and dragons was not happening.

『And what is your name?』 -Kobayashi was addressing that girl.

『My name?.... is it okay for me to tell you? maybe if I tell you you'll distance yourself from me....(*'-`*)』

『Of course not, rather that would make us closer』.

『More close?』-The girl thought about it, you could see her sweat on her face, after thinking about it a lot, with a smile and calmly decided to tell her-『All right (*^_^*) My name is Arnna, and I'm....a dragon!』 (・'ェ`・)

With embarrassment at the end of her words, Arnna ends by saying her name to the human. A horns and tail came out of her body, the horns were small just like her yellow tail was small.

『That I already knew, I don't think any human will be hanging around near the Chaos Faction』. -Kobayashi was sure, Arnna's expression was one of surprise (-゚д゚-)-『It also helped that comment you said before』-『I always thought all dragons would have that part developed, but seeing you I saw that they didn't, and now that we talked even a little, I can tell that you're a good and feminine girl, well....more than me and the ones I know』^^;

Arnna kept thinking that, a third person just told her that, dragons most are characterized and loved for their strength, fortitude and ATTRIBUTES, repeat after me, ATTRIBUTES. Arnna from a young age did not show any of these, she did not have the strength of a dragon, she was too weak, it was hard for her to generate a small flame, dragons in the time of over 100 thousand years ago, treated her as a mistake, that she was the shame of dragons, her behavior was to be friendly, good, help others, humble, compassionate, serene, but this for dragons was wrong, Her life was full of darkness and an evil that she did not want to be part of, if it had not been for King, who found him, surely another would have been Arnna's destiny, with King's teachings, her power increased, she did not give up, and decided to return to the Chaos Faction already grown, she demonstrated her increased power, the dragons were surprised, Arnna was happy, she could have the acceptance of other dragons, but in that moment her companions appeared. ...

『Do you really accept me? You don't care that we just met, but hearing your words .... I feel that we can be friends...』-Arnna spoke in a low tone-.

『I don't accept you』.

Arnna was surprised by Kobayashi's quick response, her cheeks were red and her eyes were trembling.

『But with time, if I get to know you more, it may happen that we even become closer, you know, there are times when you say, this person is the nicest, and with you it's the case』^_^.

Arnna started to touch her chest, her heart was beating more, her cheeks were red, her face marked a cheerful smile with those trembling eyes. She was happy, another person accepted her as she is, in a world she lived in this is a lot for her, Arnna just wants to be friends with everyone, to be able to get along with everyone, looking for the perfect and peaceful solution, not to give up and not to lose hope in a peace for everyone. Arnna wants to be friends with everyone. Her chest throbbed harder, a skeleton passing nearby, managed to perceive it.

Kobayashi started stroking Arnna's head, she was surprised by the action she just did.

『You know, I'm not much for giving affection to others, but people close to you get to change you』(^^).

At that moment, Arnna remembered her family, King and her brothers, how they gave her the hand and friendship she was looking for, a family that would accept her, she remembered the moments she spent with Dux, and of his words, of how that boy taught her so much and gave her the strength she was losing. She saw Dux in Kobayashi, her mind was lost in the pure joy she was feeling.

From the bushes he could hear something, a skeleton was coming out of the bush, he wielded his sword and was going straight to attack Arnna. Kobayashi quickly caught wind of this and pushed Arnna aside, the undead's sword managed to make a small cut on Kobayashi's arm that he barely managed to dodge.

『Escape Arnna-san!』-Kobayashi shouted-』.


Kobayashi was trembling , she put her feet firmly and decided to face the undead, from one moment to another, flames attacked the undead, these flames took the shape of stems and flowers, trapping the undead and finishing him off in a beautiful way to the eye.

『Are you alright Kobayashi-san?』-Arnna was worried-『(Ah!! my heart beat so much that I released some power.....)』

『Yes, just a small cut on my arm, but nothing more』.

Arnna quickly tore off a part of her clothing, lifted Kobayashi's sleeve and quickly like a makeshift bandage placed it on the wound.

『You're bleeding a lot, so you won't have any problems for now』-Arnna was still worried-』.

『Of course, I forgot you're a dragon, you look so helpless, I already saw you as a human』(^^).

Arnna, after seeing what happened, realized that she was wasting time. It may be quiet in the world now, but the dangers are still there, she has to take Kobayashi with her.

『Kobayashi-san, that the one on your chest....Please come with me, we will help you save your life』.

Arnna held Kobayashi's hand, not pulling her as one would normally do, but simply holding her hand, waiting for Kobayashi's response.

『Eh? Wait, how do you know that?』

Arnna pulled out her wings, these were just as small, but being so close gave the impression of being bigger. Suddenly, an attack of water needles went straight to Arnna, who with her wings defended herself, upon contact with her wings, the needles evaporated slowly. Quickly, with her wings, Arnna protected Kobayashi.

『We felt a faint trace of power, and we came as fast as possible』 -Elma was wielding her trident.

『Wow wow, I didn't think there was another one besides us, strange that we didn't feel it』. -Lucoa had also appeared.

Fafnir just stood there, standing there without saying a word.

『What are you doing to Kobayashi-san』-Elma started asking the questions-.

『Eh? Wait, don't get upset, she's a good girl she just came here to help me, or that's what she said in the end』-Kobayashi wanted to stop this misunderstanding-『The thing is Arnna is not what you think!』

『Arnna, I've heard that name before....』-Lucoa was thoughtful-『I don't know how you knew our location, nor why you want to take Kobayashi-san away, we don't want to fight, so leave Kobayashi-san alone』

『You are wrong, I just came to help Kobayashi-san like you, please....let us go, before...』-Arnna gradually her voice became strained-『Please stay away.....Elma-sama.....Lucoa-sama. ....please....get away...I don't want to....I don't want to go back to...(I thought I could handle it.....but I see I still have a long way to go)』-『Kobayashi-san...get away and go to a safe place....please.....』

Arnna released her wings, Kobayashi was worried about what was happening to the dragoness, Kobayashi was slowly backing away. Slowly, flames were coming out of Arnna's body, she was restraining herself from releasing it, her face was one of effort.

『I knew it...she is one of the sisters, she killed accompanied by another brother a dragon of the Chaos Faction...』-Lucoa was getting serious-『Those flames in the form of flowers.....esa anger and power that is growing...』

A scream gave Arnna, the flames became even bigger, she didn't want to but she couldn't help it, this happens since that time, in the face of her greatest hatred her heart can't refuse, when she returned to the Chaos Faction to show her power, her companions appeared, and just like this case, she exploded with anger and rage when she saw the breasts of her companions, she noticed at that moment, she would always be inferior. The other dragons were looking for great power, in different ways.

『(I see....what's that with...)』『(Dragons only look at that.....)』『(From the beginning I was never going to be accepted....)』『(The world is ruled by that....power....greatness....increase.....tributes....)』『(No! I want to prove otherwise....not everything can be that....I know.....you can change the world.....there are people who will manage to do it even if it's insignificant...)』『(There are people who appreciate it.....)』『(Who want the same thing as me.....)』

The huge flames disappeared, now small flames all over different parts of Arnna's body, they were burning intensely.

『(Those flames....is like what I saw when I came to this world)』-Kobayashi remembered that at the beginning, he managed to see in the distance some flames fading away-.

『(I think after all.....my dream is impossible...)』-『(I won't succeed.....become friends with everyone.....someone like me, can't bring peace...)』

Everyone was shocked and on guard, Arnna's friendly face could still be felt, flames abounded on her body, but without burning her.

『Belonging to the Anomenos Family, Third Sister, Blooming Blaze, Arnna』-With a dejected face, that dragoness introduces herself, little by little, her face marked her friendly smile, where it quickly changed to a full anger-『Why.....!!! Why of all the dragons!!!! You guys have to show up!!!! IT'S AGOBITING!!! I told them to leave!!! BUT NOBODY LISTEN TO ME.....I don't want to do this...I don't want war, I want to make peace.....』-Arnna turns to look at Kobayashi, Arnna was scared, depressed, she didn't want him to see that part of her, she lowered her gaze to then raise it again-『(I have to leave as soon as possible, I shouldn't cause disasters....)』

Arnna was going with fear and trembling to Kobayashi, the human was sweating, Arnna placed herself in front of the human and shook her hand.

『Please come with me Kobayashi-san』-Her face was serious, but the softness of how she passed to a smile quality was just as tender-.

Kobayashi knew, she wasn't bad, she was going to shake his hand, but a screen of water separated them, where some shadows quickly caught Kobayashi, it was Fafnir who did it, they were going to take her to a safe place.

『Since we have the advantage, we won't miss the chance to finish off a brother』-Elma was wielding her trident and forcefully attacks Arnna-.

Arnna raised her hand, from which appeared a flower of fire that acted as a shield. From the leaves, branches of fire came out, which trapped Elma.

Elma struggled to get free, the branches squeezed even tighter, making Elma's breasts even more noticeable.

『.....It wasn't a good idea to do this....』

Arnna proceeded to throw some flames towards Elma, who with her trident spinning it was able to defend herself. Behind Arnna's back, was Lucoa who already had an energy fist ready, at the moment of spinning, Arnna managed to see how her weas moved by her movement. It made her more enraged that with her tail she managed to grab Lucoa's fist. It touched the ground before Arnna disappeared, from the ground emerged a flower of fire that trapped Lucoa, from the center prepared a powerful fire attack, Lucoa opened his eyes, where there was a great illumination, managing to free himself from that attack.

Arnna flew quickly, following the sphere of darkness where Kobayashi-san was inside. She passed by, Fafnir was further ahead, Arnna was carrying a fist just like Fafnir, their fists collided causing a gust of wind, from Arnna's sleeve came out branches of fire, while Fafnir's came out darkness, these attacks came together causing a beautiful explosion of flame flowers in the darkness. Quickly, Fafnir stepped in front of Arnna, surprising her.

『Very slow』

Arnna was frozen, she saw that from around her shadows were coming from all directions, they were going to penetrate her, she defended herself with her wings, the darkness enveloped Arnna, she was in complete darkness, she could not feel her body, nor what was happening, her senses disappeared, through her mind went the most painful moments she lived, she was screaming for them to stop, her heart was slowly being consumed by the darkness.


I manage to hear the voice of King, Lami, Mira and at the end Dux.

『Arnna』 『Onee-san.....』 『Arnna-nee』 『Arnna-chan』 (^-^) (^ ^) (^○^) (^^)v

She saw how everyone was there with her, the darkness in her heart disappeared, Dux shook her hand, Arnna was happy, almost about to cry.

Before taking Dux's hand, an arm pierced her brother's face, it was Fafnir who from outside, with his claws managed to penetrate Arnna's hot wings, the image of her family disappeared. She begged them not to leave. She managed to feel the pain and the light of real life, she woke up and increased her flames, Fafnir retreated, from the dark ball, some powerful flames come out to the air, Arnna rises showing the wound on her wings, this dripped blood.

『(Kobayashi-san, where is it)』

He quickly searched for her and found her, he quickly went to her, with his flames I believe blade swords and gently and delicately managed to destroy the sphere that held Kobayashi. He quickly took her arms and decided to leave the place. Kobayashi was confused, the flames that Arnna sprouted, were not hot at all. A water snake followed Arnna, she dodged with agility, but also came a dragon of darkness, of pure shadow for her, she managed to dodge grazing her, but the darkness took the form of spikes, managing to tear Arnna's wings, looking back, she saw that Elma and Fafnir were following her, Fafnir threw even more darkness from afar. Elma took advantage of this and made an idea, she also threw her water snake at Fafnir's dragon oscuri, these collided.

"Hey, what are you doing you idiot』-Fafnir called Elma's attention.

『Sorry, but look, now don't you think it looks better』-Elma apologizes and points with her eyes.

That water and darkness came together, forming a dragon snake in the sky, sends to attack Arnna, where she without more would fail to dodge.

"Kobayashi-san! Hold on to my back』

She did as Arnna asked, quickly, to counterattack, Arnna throws some powerful flames towards the snake dragon of darkness and water. The flames were shaped like flowers about to bloom, she resisted with all her might, she flapped her wings, from where fire seeds fell and quickly grew on the ground. They connected with the flame flower, strengthening her attack. She would manage to be able to beat that combined attack.

『Don't forget about me』.

Lucoa appeared from the skies, she was happy as always, she was descending with speed, getting inside that combined attack, she put on a light shield to be able to defend herself from the flames. With some difficulty, she managed to get through that flower of fire and hit Arnna hard in the face. The fist sent him to the ground with a strong impact. The dragon snake of darkness and water attacked Arnna without holding back, while Arnna was inside the attack, spikes of water and darkness wanted to pierce her body, they did not succeed, when everything disappeared, Arnna was bleeding all over her body, full of wounds and serious scratches.

Elma, Lucoa and Fafnir were already together, Arnna was on the ground with her body in pieces. Kobayashi who was on Lucoa's back, watched as her friend lay limply on the ground.

『Arnna-san.....Hoygan! This is too much, do they want to kill her?』-Kobayashi was moaning.

"She's one of the brothers of the Anomenos Family, killing her would be the best option』-Elma was serious.

『Her outbursts of anger brought a lot of chaos at the time, she's a danger』-Lucoa was affirming- 『Lucoa said- 『Lucoa is a danger』.

『But she tries to help me, she didn't want to fight, she even held back so she couldn't explode, she wants to be a good girl, but the world won't let her-....』-Kobayashi was outraged by what just happened-


Arnna said in a light voice, she was standing up, drops of her blood were falling on the floor.

『I'm going to save you Kobayashi-san....I swear.....』

Flames burst out of its body, even more powerful than before, its small tail, its small horns and wings, began to grow like flames, just as its claws took on the appearance of flames. A hot breeze of ashes accompanied by sheets of fire suddenly appeared. Lucoa was surprised.

『Ohhh...now you're really going all out』.

Kobayashi was no longer in Lucoa's arms, but in Arnna's, the atmosphere was surrounded by a hot breeze, where sheets of fire fell to the ground without doing any harm. Arnna left Kobayashi on the ground and walked in front of those who attacked him.

Little by little the flames completed their true form, little by little the flames made their horns, wings and claws and tails bigger.

Arnna raised her hands and began to gather a great ball of fire, as the petals of fire gathered into one, ready to launch a beautiful flower.

Fafnir, Lucoa and Elma, were preparing their best attacks as well.

『I'll take care of saving Kobayashi-san』-Lucoa was calm.

Each one was preparing their best attacks, Arnna turned to look at Kobayashi, and again smiled warmly towards her.

『I'll save you Kobayashi-san....I swear.....because we are friends, aren't we?』*^_^*.

Both attacks were launched with great force, an explosion was in place, at the end of that explosion, Arnna would complete her transformation.

『Dragon Technique, Class 5, Thousand Strikes!』

A few slashes were quickly made in the sky, destroying the attacks of both dragons, it was like watching a beautiful scene of ghost swords in the sky. Arnna was confused.


Arnna was surprised, as the wind disappeared, the figure of a boy could be seen, one with short blue hair and a light-faced scout's clothing, wielding a sword in his right hand.

『I will always come to help you when you are in trouble, I already told you, I won't let you make that transformation』-『Please think a little more about your life, yes?』(^-^).

Arnna hearing Dux's words, how he saved her and prevented her from making that transformation for the second time, she started to cry for joy, those flames on her horns, wings ,claws and tail disappeared. Back to being small, she had a smiling face as she cried , cheeks flushed to no more power.

『You did well Arnna-chan』-Dux caressed his sister affectionately-『Well, we don't look for battles, but what you just did to my sister, I'm afraid I can't let it go』.

Doge shook Arnna's hand.

『Let's do it together, Arnna-chan』


Arnna took her brother's hand, she was crying with happiness, now one more joined the fight, all this was happening while Tohru, Kanna and M were still in the castle of the Emperor of Death, they didn't know that soon events would happen that would tear them apart completely.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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