
Chapter 88: Swordsman

It's been 2 months since the party, Estela and Lam's relationship is that of a loving couple, I won't deny it, it's cute and tender when they are together. He came to visit us several times already, he took a vacation to spend time with Estela, leaving his work aside. Well, he is capable of doing that I guess, he will have thousands of men working for him. And from what I noticed, compared to me, he doesn't feel discomfort or disgust for all the attachment and exaggerated love that Estela gives him, rather, he feels very happy and joyful, until now, I have never seen him say "no" to Estela, he accepts everything with that smile marked only by my friend's words.

I was in my room, sitting on the bed, looking at the floor for .... I don't even know how many times I did this same action. My gaze was downcast, I felt helpless, like a prisoner, that feeling started to grow from one day to the next.

『If only..... would remember. I could....go on with my journey』

I stared at the ceiling, I couldn't think of anything else, my mind was blank.

『Good morning M』。^‿^。

Estela appeared in my room, on top of my bed she was, lowering her gaze so that our eyes were looking at each other.

『Huh?....Ah...Good morning to you too』 -(─‿─)-『Shouldn't you be with Lam? You're always with him』.

『Aww(ᇴ‿ฺᇴ) Are you jealous?』-Paso to sit next to me-.

『Jealous? yes of course (-∀-) I would be jealous of how Lam can put up with you without even complaining, I wish I had that, you make me so annoying with your love hahaha I'm glad you now give your love to someone else』(^~^)-Pass to tap him gently on his head-.

『('・ε・̥ˋ๑) Again being so direct』

Their relationship of those 2 was friends, Estela understood and already knows how to at least talk to M, well, this also influences that now Lam is her true love.

『But really. I'm glad you found someone to support and love you』.

M when he said those words, everyone knew he meant it from his heart, his softness in his words was noticeable from already.

『If it wasn't for you, I surely would never have met Lam, if it wasn't for you saving me, I wouldn't be with this joy every day, sorry for that time, my emotions and feelings took over me, but I can't help it, that's just me. You were uncomfortable and even irritated by my behavior, I only saw at that time my happiness and not the happiness of the person I loved, but now I understood, for there to be love, both people must feel the same, it was something so basic that I just understood, what a fool I am (๑-́ω-̀). But still....』-Estela hugged her and got attached, leaning on my arm-『Although now I love Lam very much and he is my boyfriend,I love you too and I love you very much, not as much as Lam, but you will always have a place in my heart, you are the person who saved me and freed me from my past, you welcomed me with open arms warmly, you were my first love, and that I will never forget』

The atmosphere changed to a calm and serene one, Estela was saying what she was really thinking at that moment. I touched my finger to her forehead, she reacted surprised looking at me.

『Yes you are a fool '・ᴗ・` For mistaking me for the person who would be your partner, you made me feel calm and soothing with your words, although I couldn't help but get a little uncomfortable and blush when I heard you say cheesy words』(;^_^A

『Ewwwhh...(* >ω<)=3 But it can't be helped, for sure you'll also talk cheesy when you fall in love』

『Yeah, I guess, but I can't imagine myself saying cheesy things like yours, although to be honest, I fell in love only once, with Glace it was just attraction, but with Papi, I think if I could consider it love, I don't even remember anymore what words I said when I was going to confess to him hahaha』 (^▽^)

『Ehhh?!(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) You confessed? You? I can't imagine you saying those words as of a confession』

『I was someone small, I was barely about 15 years old if I remember correctly, don't compare my past self with my present self, we are totally different people. That's also for anyone, or tell me, were you like that when you were little?』

『Me when I was little....? yes, I was someone different from the way I am now』

『Right?if you don't notice any changes in your life, it means you didn't grow as a person』.

"『But I'm still curious, the person you were going to confess to, Papi, do you still feel love for her?

That question Estela asked me, it came as a surprise.

『Well, I still love and appreciate her a lot, but if we talk about the term love, I think that under』-〔'∇`〕-『1 of 2. Time played against me, or maybe what I felt for Papi was not love, and it was only attraction as in the case of Glace』-『I wonder. ...if I'll ever get to really fall in love, the only one I felt that feeling for, it's funny, since it doesn't even exist....that's why I don't consider him my first love.But well....I have to go out』

『Ah right, I have to check if Lam has arrived yet, I decided to talk to you to kill time』.

『With that now I'm your second choice hahaha』ɷ◡ɷ.

『If I need help from anyone, you're going to be the first one I'm going to go to』 。^‿^。.

I got ready, put on my red scarf and set off for a visit. Having that conversation with Estela, made my day, sometimes you need someone to say those words to make you feel happy.


At the top of a snowfall, a girl with unruly black hair was going about her daily life, living in the most comfortable way.

『Ready, with this I won't have to go down for at least 3 months』.

Inside a cave, Lux lowers to the ground a large sack, inside was a lot of food, as well as goods.

『Haber, now I'm going to have to put all this stuff in its places』-Lux looked at the big sack that was on the ground-『How tired....』

M was in his God Form, flying towards Lux's home, passing through the clouds and getting higher and higher.

『(¡¡¡) Apparently someone is coming』-Lux realized-.

M reached the top, returning to his Human Form.

『....('ヘ`;)_| ̄|○ I didn't remember that it was so hard to breathe and the pressure it felt, plus I'm in my Human Form, last time I was in my Lucario Form, so it didn't shock me so much.....I must quickly enter the cave...('ヘ`;)』

I walked slowly across the flat surface to get to the cave to feel better, I could easily be in my Lucario Form or even God, but I took it as a sudden test that I had to overcome.

『( ̄Д ̄AAH.....I'm finally here, it feels warmer in here than it does outside in that deadly cold』.

M walked through the corridors of the cave, I felt a few dizzy and also felt like throwing up.

『( ̄x ̄;)It must be the symptoms from being at the top....I'm glad that when I trained here I was in my Lucario Form, otherwise I would have died....』

I felt exhausted, it was like my bones were feeling the extreme cold.

『Almost...almost...almost...reached the center of the cave.....Lux.....』

Before I knew it, a kick was coming towards me, I'm not sure, but I think because I said his name or because he realized who I was, he stopped his attack at the last second.


『Lux....you really are someone amazing for living here so normally....』-('皿`;)-『Buaagggggggggggg』_('ཀ`」 ∠)_.

Don't stand it any longer and end up throwing up in your Lux's living room.

『Hey! Don't mess up my living room! I just cleaned it 7 days ago!』(`Д')


『Here are some more medicines in case you feel sick again』-Lux on the table leaves pills and syrups against Acute Mountain Sickness-.

『Yep...ufffff, I feel much better (��‿─)』-I was covering myself with a blanket, the warmth was returning to my body and I was already feeling much better-『I still can't believe you recognized me』.

『It's a matter of thinking it over quickly, it's not that hard to say either, your voice was the same, plus both in your Lucario Form and your Human Form have similarities, like the blue color of your sports jacket and Lucario's fur, to say one』.

『Analyzing the situation in a second, that's my Master』(^ω^).

『It's no big deal either, just that one time I taught you how to use your skills, that's all, besides the word "Master" doesn't fit me』.

『Of course it does, it fits you perfectly, Master!"』-M was addressing her happily.

『Eh?...(-‿◦)well, I guess it does fit me if you say so』-Luxo ended up agreeing-『And what's the reason for this sudden visit?』

『I just wanted to talk to you, I was feeling bored so I wanted to see old friends』.

『Ho? what were you feeling bored with? so I'm something you only see as a last option to your boredom in your life』.

『Eh?(.ヘ°) no no no no no no no no no no no simply----』

Before I could even finish my words, Lux sent a small shock to my head, I felt my whole body shiver and tingle from the small shock.

『Care better with your words when you're in front of me, I'm not something to make you feel better』-( ̄∇ ̄)-.

Suddenly, I couldn't move a muscle, my whole body was paralyzed.

『Eh?! What?..... what is this..... I can't move...』(⊙_◎)

『I threw a small shock to your brain which then traveled throughout your body, making your brain go into a state between asleep and awake, this makes you unable to move your body, relax, in a while you will be able to move, it's like Sleep Paralysis in other words, I can only do this with those people who are relaxed』-Lux explained-.

『You have interesting abilities Maestra』-('∀`)-『But being awake and not being able to move your body, if you get anxiety and worry』

『If you don't want the same thing to happen to you, you'd better not relax in front of me』-(-‿◦)-『But tell me, what did you really come here for』

『Just to chat and spend time together, like we did before』.

『(With time passing I feel like a grandfather who was left in the corn...)(; ̄ー ̄川)』-Lux said to himself in his mind-『Well, when you can move clean up your vomit and also put away all those things that are in the sack』


『I'll be in my room, cheer up, I'll be waiting for you』(-ω-ゞ

When I finally regained my mobility, I thought of something, I had to get my dick right to use my skills, and that's what I did.

Are you done yet?"』-Lux asked me in confusion.

『Yes, of course, everything is under control』(●・ω・)b I was in my Lucario Form-.

Lux had his suspicions, so he went to the room to check.

『Ha, this kid....』('∀` )

He saw a bunch of Lucarios, some were cleaning up the vomit while others were putting away the sack things in their places.

『These more like clones than the "Double Team" movement itself...』

『Come on Lux, I'm really looking forward to spending time with you』(≧▽≦).


Time passed by, they talked and played in Lux's house. They told each other their things and talked as friend to friend.

『Hey Lux, I already came with what you asked me 4 months ago』-Mewtwo just entered Lux's room-.

『Ah! It was fast this time, last time you took 2 years』.

Lux received a new console that he apparently asked Mewtwo to bring it to him already 4 months ago.

『Ah, what is M doing here?』-Mewtwo said when he saw me-.

『Ah! hello Mewtwo, it sure has been a while since we last met』-I greeted the legendary cheerfully-『Since you're here, why don't you stay a while』.

『I have things to do, I'm glad to see you too, sorry but I have to leave』-Mewtwo was about to leave-『No, I'm sorry, but I have to leave』-Mewtwo was about to leave.

『No, wait』-Passed my God Form and appeared in front of Mewtwo-『Please, yes...I also feel like talking to you』.

『Este.....』-Mewtwo wanted to leave, as he was someone busy-『Please?

『Come on, stay, who knows when the 3 of us will be together again』-Lux was also telling him to stay-.

Mewtwo stared at M, the boy returned to his Human Form.

『I guess I can stay for a while....』-Mewtwo ended up agreeing-.

『That's great! We're sure going to have a good time』.

M without thinking, took both of Mewtwo's hands.

『....No....don't touch me so freely....( 。〃..。)』

And that's how the 3 of them went on to talk and spend the day together. Telling each other what they lived and the different experiences they went through.

『Right! Why didn't you tell me that you were from the 2nd Generation and you were from Generation 0』-I told them dissatisfied-.

『Eh? I thought you knew, that I was 2nd Generation and Mewtwo was 0』-Lux pointed to then point at Mewtwo-.

『I just came to know about that a few months ago, it was already weird to me that the first time I saw you you had a tail and that hair style hahaha, but Mewtwo has those things on his head and tail despite being from Generation 0, that explains only one thing, you can also get your Released Form, right?』

『You're right, just like Lugia, I can also attain the Released Form』-Mewtwo was saying-.

『Unleashed Form, what's that? I never heard of it』-Lux was intrigued.

『It's something that only Generation 0's can do, specifying only Pokémons that became human, they can only get it-------』

Mewtwo I'll go on to explain how the Released Form thing works, rest assured, at the end of this volume, I'll explain it myself in more detail and complete.


While they spent it all quietly talking, other kinds of things were going on in the building.

『Sorry I'm late, I'm here』(^^ゞ-Lam was getting out of an ultra-expensive and fine carriage.

『No problem, come on in, let's go in』-Estela greeted him at the entrance of the building.

The 2 of them were entering the building, some guys in the alleys were watching hiddenly.

『This is the day, we will kill you, Lam』.


Estela would have Lam come into her apartment, like every day, they spent all their time together.

『You know, this day I woke up wanting to play with Cordel, let's see what figures we get』-Estela was happy-(★^O^★).

『The Cordel game? I've never played it, but it sounds interesting, well, let's try it』(^^ゞ

While the couple would do their things, a group of people entered the building, being at the reception, the people were so many 2nd Generation and 3rd Generation.

『Lam....this time you will really see them with us, we won't forgive what you have done to our classmates.....never!』-A slender guy said, he had red hair and white clothes with red, he was an Infernape from the 3rd Generation-.

『Hey Qwile, what do we do with the old lady?』-One of his friends spoke to him-.

The receptionist was scared.

『Leave her alone, we didn't come here to hurt anyone, keep that in mind, but in Lam's case....We won't forgive what she did to our friends and family....never....』

The Infernape, Qwile had a grudge for some strange reason against Lam.

『Go to all the departments! We will threaten Lam to appear unprotected』.

Qwile was giving the orders to his companions. His friends quickly went upstairs and entered the different apartments.

『¿? A fire button? it's perfect for me to increase the tension』.

A red button was on the wall, he thoughtfully pressed it, as he really wanted to put tension and fear into the Swordsman.


The alarm sounded throughout the building in all the apartments, just as he said, his Qwile friends entered the apartments abruptly.Only to the second floors.

The girls also heard the alarm and felt confused and shocked.

『Eh? What's going on?』-Jolt wondered in his room.

"A fire?』-Latias wondered.

『I don't know what's going on, but I'm already excited』-Luna clenched her fists-.

The other girls also heard the alarms and drew their own conclusions.

『An alarm?』

Estela wondered, her whole room was red from a light that appeared from the ceiling.Lam looked suspiciously at the situation.

『Do you hear me? I guess so』

It was Qwile's voice, he was in a camera room talking on the loudspeaker, the voice reached all departments.

『This is for you Lam, we have attacked the building, my friends are holding many people hostage right now, if you want nothing to happen to them, come to -2 floor, only you have to come.....only you..... I will also be only me, I will be waiting for you.....』-Qwile gave his message, threatening him-『You have 15 min to come, if you don't, you will be killing many innocent people,m-----Eh? was cut off, well, never mind, I will be waiting for you』.

At Estela's apartment.

『What are you going to do Lam?』-Estela was worried.

『(^^ゞ-I'm going to go of course, I can't let these fuckers get away with this, relax, I'll be right back and we'll continue with the Cordel』.

Lam was retreating from the apartment, not a hint of fear or tension could be seen on his face, he was taking it in a calm, very calm manner.

He was already on floor -1, floor -1 and -2 were for storing people's cars, it was a large and almost dark space, where there was little lighting.

『If you came, at least you listened to me, I like that』.

Qwile was standing in the middle, Lam had already reached floor -2.

『Now you also keep your word, don't kill any hostages』-Lam was looking seriously at Qwile-.

『Easy, you kept what we said, they are safe, now.....Die』

Lam turned to look back, there were lots of men throwing themselves at him, all those people launched their ranged attacks, whether it was Hyper Lightning, HydroBomb, Leaf Rain, Flamethrower, Impactrueno, a lot of people launched their attacks at Lam.


An explosion was seen at the scene, the smoke was fading away.

『You deserve it you bastard. Well, I'm satisfied, quick friends we don't want to go on as-------』-Qwile was speechless and surprised to see that Lam was gone-『What?....Where is he』

Lam appeared kicking one of the guys who attacked him.

『That was a close call, too bad, the least they got is to stain my suit with dust』.

『You bastard, don't do that to my friend!』

Someone shouted, quickly all the men went to attack Lam melee, Lam dodged them and responded with only his kicks, he was much stronger than them, you could tell, his speed, reflexes, power, he was more superior than the others.

『Eh? You finished them all so fast?』-Qwile looked at his friends on the ground-『There are only 30.....we were total 60, where is half of them?』

『That's all?』-Lam went on to create his energy sword-『Quickly, the fun is coming』.

『*tsch tsch *....ARRGGGGGG.... Damn!』

Qwile lunged with all his anger at Lam, the swordsman simply made a confident smile.

No matter how many Qwile hit nor how fast they were, Lam easily dodged them.

『Because...Because! Because I can't hit you! I've been training so hard for this day, at least take a hit!』


Qwile was able to hit Lam, the swordsman was dragged away a few meters.

『I made it, I could, I could hit him...』

『That's it? your strength is weak, I don't feel any pain, huh? look, you managed to burn a part of my suit with your fist, it was my favorite suit....』

『Eh?....so just that? my strength only goes so far as to achieve that.....』

Before he knew it, Lam was in front of Qwile and kicks him in the face.

『It hurts.....It hurts.....much...』-Qwile was bleeding from his nose and face-.

『I'm someone who has trained since I was little, practically all my life, don't compare my effort, with yours, you damned villain』.

Quickly, he delivers a series of kicks to Qwile, the Infernape couldn't defend itself against such a difference in power. Qwile was on his knees, he still couldn't fall like his companions and friends.

『Why.....tell me why.....Why did you do that!』-Qwile remembered his days with his family, where everyone was smiling and cheerful-『Tell me why.....you did that to us....』

Qwile's eyes lit up, a fire burned from within Qwile that ended up enveloping him completely, he activated the ability, Sea of Flames.

『I won't spare you, I won't spare you』.

The Infernape went on to attack with powerful punches and fire kicks, Lam became more serious and was dodging his enemy's attacks with difficulty.

『Oh! I recognize that you are stronger now, it's hard for me to dodge your attacks.....pero』

With his free fist, Lam punched Qwile hard in the stomach, sending him away. Qwile spat blood from the powerful blow as he stood up.

『I won't forgive you, we won't forgive you, this is....for our friends....our dear family.....why did you have to kill them!』

In a memory of Qwile. Qwile was returning home after a day of high school, he walked in and greeted them properly, it was night, but what he saw left him speechless.

『Mom?.....Dad?....Sister?....』-He looked at the corpses of his family, it was a scene of murder, blood and brains were everywhere-『Who are you?...』

In fear Qwile said, a guy in the dark was, you couldn't see him well because of the darkness, only his red eyes and that devilish smile could be seen.

『WhyEE!!!!』-Qwile jumped into the darkness of his house to attack that guy-.

Without much effort the guy manages to hit and kick Qwile.

『What's wrong with that look? They are full of anger and anger, I don't like them.....you should be scared to death and give me a pitiful face』.

The guy quickly left, with the darkness again I repeat, you couldn't tell who he was, but those red eyes and that devilish grin were recognizable.

『You are』-On the floor -2-『Not only with me, but also with all those people you knocked down, killed their friends and family, they all claimed to have seen those red eyes and smile, I know it's you!』

『You're not getting the wrong person...yes I have red eyes, but I don't think that makes me that person anymore, don't you think?』6("ー )-Lam answered-

『This is for everyone you killed! Die!!!』

Qwile balled up his fist from all the fire burning in it, throwing himself with all his power at Lam. Lam clenched his sword and lunged to attack as well. In the end, Lam turned to look back.


Qwile's fist was slashed, Qwile endure the pain not to scream.

『Maybe I got the wrong person?.....no...I never make mistakes.....but ....then we have attacked someone innocent?』-Qwile was wondering-?

Lam maneuvered his sword to cut off all the lights on the floor, leaving everything in darkness. Footsteps approached in all this darkness.

『Nooooo.....si....is he』-Qwile was totally scared and crying-.

The Infernape looked the same as he did that day, those red eyes glowing in the dark and that devilish grin marked.

『(Sorry folks, sorry Dad, Mom, Sister)』


The others arrived at Floor -2.Maya illuminated the place with an energy light that sent them all over the place. Many people were seen on the floor. In the middle, and the only one standing was Lam.


Estela ran and threw him into Lam's embrace.

『You're all right, aren't you? Nothing bad happened to you, some injury maybe?』-Concerned, Estela looked after her boyfriend's health-?

『It looks like it was a tough battle here』-Maya said when she saw the scene.

『Yes, I even came to the necessity of cutting my opponent's hand to end the fight』(^^ゞ-Lam said calmly-.

『We helped too, we finished off some guys from the apartments, they didn't see it coming that we would enter through the balconies』-Luna said-.

『And what are we going to do with all of them』-Glace said seeing all the people on the ground-.

『Ah, don't worry, I'll take care of them, remember I'm the Head of an Organization that fights evil, that's what a hero does, right?』(^^ゞ-Lam said calmly-.

Jolt was walking around and bumped into Qwile who was passed out.

『Why did this guy, cry?』

Jolt wondered as he saw Qwile's face was completely filled with tears.


A few hours passed, Lam ordered some trucks to come and take away all these people who did the attack, they were taking them to his castle, since that was his home.

『Well, Estela, shall we go on?』(^^ゞ

Lam and Estela were going back to their apartment, as if this hadn't happened.

『But how strange.....』-Luna wondered-.

"What's that, sis? 』-Maya asked.

『That the guys we defeated in the apartments, they weren't threatening the hostages, it was like....if they were just hiding to go around and catch someone by surprise....』-Luna analyzed as she saw- 『Si?

『Yeah, I thought that was weird too.... 』


At the top of the Mountain or Nevada.

『Well, I think it's time for me to go』-Mewtwo was about to get up from the couch-.

"Wait! Tell me, are you feeling relaxed?』-I asked him in a friendly way.

『Eh...? yes.... why are you asking me that question?』-Mewtwo was confused-

Without him expecting it, Lux threw a small shock to his head.

『Eh?...what is this?..... I can't move.....』-The legendary could not move-.

『You're going to leave when we tell them』( ̄ω ̄).

Lux and M spoke at the same time. In the end Mewtwo ended up staying the whole day in Lux's cave.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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