
Chapter 83: Do it at once

Latios was able to say goodbye to his sister, saying his last words to her, phrases to give her strength so that she could continue living as she always did, only this time if he.




I was getting out of bed, I was wearing pajamas with a beanie, I put on my slippers and went downstairs to the kitchen with the little strength I was regaining.

I wasn't fully awake, so I wasn't aware of what I was doing. The kettle was screeching, I went to turn it off and make myself a drink, I don't know if it was because of my carelessness, because I wasn't awake, or because the floor was slippery, I slipped, I was falling and so was the hot water, it was going to fall on my face. I still didn't realize what was happening (*-ω-), it just felt like I was falling from a great height.



My head pounded, I was rubbing myself, I was already fully awake, looking up I was surprised.


The hot water was floating as well as the kettle.

『....But what's going on here.....』-Confused I was by the way I woke up I had-.

『But what are you doing M』-Latias was in the kitchen using Psychic-『-A second later and you would have ended up with a burnt face』.

『....Latias...(*'ο`*)』-I was getting to my feet-.

『Unless we had breakfast together...』(^◇^;).

With her powers, the water molded it and put it back into the teapot.

『\('O`)/('○`)~ゝ( ̄ω ̄) Thank you.....』

I did some stretching first, then felt grateful.


『Are you fully awake yet?』-The legendary one turned to look at me.

『Sip ⊂◉‿◉つ I'm already awake, pfffahhhh(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ every day if anything can happen to you』-Take my cutlery and start eating-.

『You take it very well after you almost got burned』(^^;).

『But it turned out well in the end, that's what matters』-I had a grain of rice on my cheeks- 『(^^;).

『Let me』.

Latias approached me, I stopped my movements, delicately and without my feeling it, he removed a grain of rice from my face, then ate it.

『You had a grain of rice ('ω`*)』

He stared at me for a few seconds, I could feel his nerves and shyness after doing that action.

『Of course, we agreed that we would have breakfast together because you're terrible at cooking』-Suddenly changed the mood-『Although what actually happened was that-----』


『Can I eat every day with you?』(*'∀`*).

I turned in confusion to the legendary one.

『I really liked your food when I tasted it.....so if it's not too much to ask, we could eat every day together』(*'_ゝ`).

『.....(・・)...You don't know how to cook, do you? ( ̄︶ ̄ )』

『Ehh?.....(^◇^;)well...this....sí....tal like you said』( 〃...)

『Yeah yeah, okay, I understand, my food is the best there is, even the palate of a legendary couldn't resist( ̄个 ̄) I understand, well, what can you do, you'll have the honor of me cooking for you every day ヽ(ヅ)ノ』

『Because I feel that you've become cocky....(・・;)』

『But! I'll only make you breakfast, lunch and dinner you'll have to do by yourself』.


『You have to learn to cook on your own stomach, don't worry, I'll teach you (^ω^)』

『⊙﹏⊙We've lived most of it in forests, I think it was obvious we didn't know how to cook.....I like the idea, I'm counting on you M』(*'▽`*).

And that's why Latias and M have breakfast together every day.


『(Since that day I don't try to talk about home cooking with M....(-.- ))』

『Tell me, what did you think of the food?』-I asked the legendary woman kindly.

『Yes, it's normal as usual』(∩_∩).

I dropped my cutlery (〇o〇;) my whole body lost the strength that my arms were left swinging.

『.....Normal...(〇o〇;)Again you answer the same way again...』-『Is it that I lost touch with my food....( 'д`)The only time I heard you say that my food is delicious was the time you woke up..... (;﹏;) since that day I have never heard that word again... "Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal ":('◦ω◦`): that's all I hear.... e been improving arduously in my cooking skills....and again_ノ乙(、ン、)_a "Normal"(_ _||||)...(★-皿-★)9I won't give up! Are they ever going to say my food is delicious again!』

M was bursting with energy, his eyes turned into fire, a great flame was coming out of him.

『(The truth is that your food is the most delicious I've ever tasted, but I dislike seeing that conceited part of you, now I understand why the others stopped saying rich, it's better to see you suffer than to see you all smug (;^ω^))』


Summer came quickly, and as any story touches the cap of the beach. Although where we live there is no beach nearby, but there is a forest that is somewhat far away, that inside it there is a small beach, Lea found it while she was doing her walks, so as the sun is strong, sweating like dogs, and because it's time.

『Here we are!』\\٩( 'ω' )و ///

We already had everything set up on the beach, the chairs, umbrella, refreshments, our bathing suits, swimsuits?

『....Uhm.....( ̄^ ̄)』

『Is something wrong M?』-Sira I wonder-?

『Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've seen them in swimsuits...( ̄ ̄^ ̄)』-I stared-『Yep, they all look good』( ̄ω ̄).

『And what if it fits us well』.

『Doesn't it?』

Sira and Glace approached and attached themselves to me, their spirits and happiness were overflowing.

『Haber.....(-∀-)』-Step over and...-『....Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)(;-з-)=゜.....』

Her breasts bounced in front of me.

『No.....Much breasts( ̄x ̄;)...I'd better back off so I wouldn't take it out on her breasts like I was doing with Syl....(*Л*)』

I was going with my controlled anger elsewhere.

『¿? Did he just turn us down? Well, his loss』-Sira would not decay at such a scene-.

『...Lots of Chest.....(;へ:)』-A Glace if it hurt-『I wanted to be flat, but I ended up growing this out.....it's unfair』

『Uff....I need something to cheer myself up with.....('・`)』-I saw Jolt-『Jolt!』('ヘ`;)

I ventured to her, as if from a child to its mother.

『You really look pretty, you look good, you look beautiful, you look perfect, thank you for being flat』(ノ﹏ヽ)-I rubbed my face on her Jolt's chest-.

『I don't know if he means it or means it as a joke (-"-;A』-Jolt was in doubt-『For the heck of it....』

Jolt pushed me, I fell into the sand.

『I won't fall for your jokes again』-Jolt sat down on a chair-『Jolt was hesitant-『-Jolt was hesitant.

『Jolt...For the first time I go after you and you push me(;'Д`)....Well( ̄个 ̄) so we get along』-Look at Luna-『Luna!』╥﹏╥

I ventured over to Luna and hugged her, rubbing my face on her small chest.

『Thank heaven, thank you for having them small, thank you for being flat ༶ඬ༝ඬ༶』-I kept rubbing myself-『You are going to accept me, aren't you?』

『I don't know what's going on, but of course, you can always count on me』-With her usual determined smile she hugged me too-』.

『WHAT?!(ʘ言ʘ╬)』-Jolt looked-『So if she really meant it.....』

『Didn't you know? M likes small breasts』。^‿^。-Lea told her sister-

『Ah! that time in the labyrinth she said something similar.....I thought she was teasing me.....My small breasts for the first time have been liked....what a fool...(╥_╥)』

『You're just the way I like them Luna』-M was still hugging and leaning on Luna's chest-.

『Haha, since when are you 2 so affectionate』-Shizuna appeared-.

I turned to see, oh, my surprise,(ʘдʘ╬) Shizuna's were big, big, big, big, just like my anger.

『( ̄x ̄;) (;-з-)=゜...No...Big Boobs!!!(╬ಠ益ಠ)』

I threw myself at Shizuna and started lightly and softly beating her breasts with all my anger.

『Eh? And why so much hatred between the 2 of us ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀』-Shizuna whined-.


『Do you beat up all the ones with big chests?』-Maya was sitting on the sand-.

『No, but I feel discomfort and it's like an anger growing inside me "The Boing Boing Anger" yeah, that's what I'm going to call it』( ̄^ ̄)『I'm fine with both of them, but when they exaggeratedly try to make me want to show off and I just see that...that like.... "I know you have big ones! But also don't give me that I only look at that!"like Sira, although there are some who make it look unconsciously and innocently like Glace, but somehow, it makes me angry, although I try to control myself hahahahaha』-M counted-.

『(My sister must have been fine while living with M?( ̄ー ̄;)』

『But one thing I can't deny, they have a nice thigh』-( - ̀ω-́ )✧-.

『(What was that for?)』(; ̄ー ̄A.

『And in your case Maya, you don't have them too small, it's like a little too small, I like it』M gave his opinion-.

『....(-゚д゚-)You can't go around saying that about women's breasts』-Maya was surprised-.

『I'm someone very old, I know what I can do and what I can't do, or what I just said, does that sound wrong to you?』

『Well, it's not wrong...but it's also not something you would hear said in conversation』-Maya watched as the others played in the water.

『And I M?』-Latias appeared-『How do you like me?』(。・・・。).

『Uhm...( ̄ー ̄)』-M was analyzing Latias's chest-『Ethey're big....』

Latias went into worry, it was getting noticeable in his look.

『But they are not as big as the others, we could say that it is passable, your breasts are at the limit, you are fine Latias, just like Lea』.

Latias was glad to hear M's words, who didn't hesitate to do an action that for her is the greatest affection she can give.


M was confused, Latias was stroking her head, moving his delicate hand through M's black hair.

『It feels good. Thank you Latias』-M was grateful for Latias' sudden caress-.

『Eh?; ̄ロ ̄)he's fondling her, just because I accepted her breasts?....』-Jolt looked confused at the scene-.

『Flar doesn't come back, is something happening to him?』-Lea looked worriedly at the forest-.

『I'll go get her, you guys keep enjoying』-M was trotting away from the beach-『When we get back we'll split the watermelon together』.

Waving his hand M was walking into the forest.


"Where could Flar have gone?』-M was walking through the trees-『Didn't he go crazy again and start burning everything? The first time I ran into her was that time, I ended up with big burns all over my body, it was a horrible experience, to think that that girl would be a nice and friendly girl』.

M will remember how her first encounter with Flar was.


M saw in the distance as Flar ran towards him ,animated and with her hand raised.

『Can I know why you have delayed』.

『Sorry sorry, I was picking fruits so we could eat them together, I got distracted too with how nice this forest is, it makes you want to see everything and know everything, there's even a waterfall』-Happily and with a characteristic cheerfulness of her she spoke-.

『Hurry back, you're worrying everyone, and as for me, I'll do the same as you and go for a walk in the forest』-M I would do the same as Flar-.

『Understood (=゚▽゚)/ and I'll be the one looking for you to come back together』.

『I'll be waiting for you to find me』.

The 2 were going their separate ways.

M walked among the forest, looking at everything around him, he looked at animals and few pokemon.

『Ow! have been the few times I've seen wild pokemon, in the city where I live I didn't see any, it must be because we are farther away than normal』-『Why aren't there any pokemon in the city? now that I think about it, it's weird...』.

As I was walking I came across a river. I followed it haber to where it ended.

『It must be the waterfall Flar was talking about』-I could hear the water falling from the waterfall-『Incredible, it's a beautiful waterfall』.

I was at the top of the waterfall, when I looked down I saw a person and Sharpedo, the pokemon was attacking that person, it had it between its teeth, I could not see well because of the strong and powerful waterfall, which made the water splash and create a kind of smoke. But what happened next made it clear to me. The Sharpedo moved away from the waterfall and I could see what I thought, exactly, it had someone in its teeth. This one dove into the water.

『I'm glad, I took a walk』.

M without hesitation threw himself off the top of the waterfall with all his might, in the fall he switched to his Lucario Form and was preparing an Aural Sphere in his hand.

At the bottom of the river, a girl with blue hair and a white and blue dress, was struggling so that the Sharpedo would not take it to the bottom and eat it, the pokemon was biting hard, blood was coming out of the body of that person, in its hand it seemed that it was accumulating energy, but the pokemon was biting so hard that it could not take it anymore.


M hit Sharpedo with an Aural Sphere, freeing the girl from its teeth, Sharpedo moved away due to the damage of the attack.

M saw that the girl had big bites on her body, before she returned to her Human Form, he used all his power to heal her.

The girl looked confused and surprised that a Lucario was healing her while she was back to human form.

M managed to heal all her wounds in time before she became a simple human again. He took her in his arms and started swimming towards the surface.

『(Damn.... how deep is this river?)』

M looked at the girl and saw that she couldn't hold her breath anymore, so what she did was. He gave her a kiss, M passed her the air he had. The girl turned red in the extreme situation they were in. M kept swimming upwards with the swimming style that Mero taught her. But....

『buagggppuaggg....ggagg.a.』-M couldn't go any further, she had no more air and her strength was slowly fading away.

The girl without hesitation, carried M in her arms and would carry him to the surface. M was already with his eyes closed, he was fainting. The girl swam with all her strength to save the person who saved him.





"He needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation...』-Flar said.

"Who could do it?』-Maya said.

"I can do it』-Glace said.

『No no no, if the first thing he sees when he wakes up is your breasts, he's really dying on us』-Jolt said-.

"It takes them that long to decide』-Latias said.

『Then how about we take a vow』-Lea said.

『A vow? in the situation we're in, I would do it ,but I still don't get what he did to me earlier』-Sira was saying-.

『Just have someone do it』-Shizuna said-

『I'll do it』-Luna said without further ado-

He went on to give her mouth-to-mouth breathing.

M was waking up, Luna's mouth-to-mouth breathing was a success, the others looked blushing at the situation.

『Good thing you woke up already』-Luna said contentedly-.

『Buuagggbuaggggbaubgbgaugabbg 』_('ཀ`」 ∠)_.

I just spit out all the water I had on Luna's face.

『Yes.....I'm fine now....』-M was already getting better-.

『I'm glad』-Muna said contentedly even though M spit all the water on her face-ɷ◡ɷ.

M was getting up in the sand, he saw how they were all worried about him. The ones most worried about Glace,Flar,Jolt,Latias threw themselves at him, making him lie down on the ground, with that push, M spat out the missing water.

『How did I get here?』-M confused said-.

『Flar found you on the river bank, and brought you 2 here』-Maya counted-.

『2?...Right! Where's the girl?』-M worriedly turned to turn everywhere-.

『Here I am』

An unfamiliar voice said quietly. M turned around and saw a beautiful girl with short light blue hair, she had a blue dress with white, her eyes were red, she looked like a whole lady ready to get married.

『That's the girl you saved』-Luna said.

『My name is Estela, thank you for saving me』-The girl thanked M-.

『Lucky I decided to take a walk and thus have saved you, otherwise you would surely be sunk in the river』-M said calmly-.


『That hurts...』-M she said rubbing her head-.

『Don't say that to the person you saved M』-Jolt hit me in the head- 』-M said.

『Hahahahahaha, hearing that makes me happy, M. again, thank you for saving me 』-The girl looked at M with eyes of desire and warm love-.

『Yes(^ω^)See, my comment made her glad, you didn't have to hit me ( ̄⊿ ̄)』

M turned to Jolt, they went on to argue as almost always, the others laughed at such a daily scene.

『(They must be from the 3rd Generation.....and the one with a tail and a horn on her head, must be from the 2nd Generation...But the boy....I don't know what he could be....but...I still like him)』(♡'艸`)-Estela thought as she saw everyone-.

『Since we're here you could hang out with us, so we have fun while we learn more about you』-M offered her hand to Estela-.

『....Yes(Ŏ艸Ŏ)』-The blushing Estela grabs M's hand-.

They all go back to spending the day at the beach having fun all together. Playing and eating all together.

『Hey, is water your weakness?』-Estela addressed M-.

『Yes, water makes me return to my Human Form』-M replied amicably-.


『I did it!』

Shizuna just split the watermelon with a stick, we all moved on to eat.

『Why was that Sharpedo attacking you?』-M spit out the seeds of the watermelon.

『I fell off a branch into the river and the Sharpedo attacked me, it's survival, so it's normal that it wanted to eat me』. -Estela said calmly.

『(That side of Pokemon I didn't know)』 -(・・)-『(Pokemons eating humans and other Pokemons)』

Since Estela didn't have a swimsuit, I decided to accompany her all this time,while the others were playing in the water, so I could know about her and why she was in this forest.


The sun was already setting, and we were retiring, we walked to a road, a stop to catch a bus.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?』-M asked him.

『No no, I'm fine like this, rather, thank you again for saving me, really, I thank you very much (♡'艸`)』-Estela looked at M with love and much affection-.

『All right, get home safely and take care of yourself』.

The bus arrived and we all got on after this day. Estela looked cheerful and even a little flirtatious at the bus, her red eyes happened to glow and her body started to rise.

『(Estela, she told me that she was camping with friends, that they were coming home today, it was more than obvious that she was lying,but...why did she say that? I insisted several times that she come with us, and every time she refused...the way she looked at me....)』

I remembered on the bus what I had talked about with Estela.


It was already dark, everyone was in their rooms. M was still thinking about Estela, why she lied and why she was looking at him like that.

『(Tomorrow if or if I find her and force her to tell everything)』-M was covering herself with her blanket-『(To mimir)』.

M was in her pajamas and cap sleeping peacefully. A girl in a white and blue dress was flying up the building, climbing several floors quickly.Her red eyes kept glowing.

M felt something, something wet, something not right. He began to feel cold and very wet.

『(I must have peed myself? yes it's a lot because I feel my whole body wet, but.... am I not too big to pee myself? well)』-M kept sleeping-『(Of course something is wrong!!!』

M woke up, he saw that he was in his room, trapped in some kind of water bucket that was levitating. The bucket was only up to his neck, but everything else was wet and trapped.

『What is this? A bucket of water?』-M was trying to move-『(I can't move a muscle)....Wait....Because I'm naked!!!!』

M was naked trapped inside the bucket of water. A footsteps could be heard approaching, the person introduced himself.

『Estela?』 -M said confused.

Estela's eyes were shining.

『(She must have been one of the ones affected by the waves, a pokemon to a human, is using Psychic in the water to trap me.....I'm in big trouble, I shouldn't have been so friendly...now.....what are you going to do to me..... 』

Estela was approaching M quietly.

『(What's he going to do...I'm getting worried...he's going to attack me?.....dammit..I'm getting nervous....)』

Estela got into the bucket of water along with M they were both close together.

『Whatever you're going to do, do it at once...』

M said with a worried smile, he had Estela in front of him, Estela's Eyes were shining even brighter, M closed his eyes not to see the worst.


M was confused, it was as if time was passing slowly, Estela just kissed M, their lips caressed each other warmly, Estela was happy and with a smile full of love,affection and desire.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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