
Chapter 60: Blue and Black

This fire that warmed my whole body is gone, but it will rise again when I have Syl in front of me, I will do my best to tell her those words, you will finally hear what you have been waiting for so long.

I was trying to sleep, the cold in this house was tetric, I kept shivering, I hugged my whole body to get some warmth.

『((;゚ェ゚;)) Que------frío--------』

I was moving my teeth in a rapid manner, these were also shivering from the cold.

『(*'∀`*)(●'艸`) *red*(kyaaa! how embarrassing, I can't believe I acted like that, I even gave him a kiss on his forehead (Ŏ艸Ŏ) calm down, calm down,calm down, don't let shyness win you over after that.... ꈍ .̮ ꈍ that was my first kiss I give to a male (/ω\))』

Glaceon was someone shy, having acted that way must have provoked that reaction, her cheeks were red and her body was turning red, she was blowing smoke from her head while trying to cover her blushes.

『¿?(��.゜) (It got a little warm ('∀`))』


In the next morning, we went from an icy cold, still hot scorching heat, I was sweating by the bucketloads, I felt dehydrated, I didn't understand why this was happening, Glaceon was still sleeping without further ado, his cold body in clash with this heat made him have a stable tempetarature, so it didn't bother him. My sweat drops were falling (;'瓜`) the first thing that came to my mind was to go to the air conditioner, I never had a hard time getting towards the living room before, slowly I got there while winding myself with my hand, when I got there I saw that all the others were collapsed on the floor (◯Δ◯∥) on the couch was Flar comfortable, as if he was at home.

『Ah! Good morning Onee-chan』(^▽^).

I was drinking coffee and playing on a console. I looked over the side, and there was the knob, I just had to turn it to a stable temperature, as Glaceon said yesterday it was at its highest, it felt cold anyway, but now it's like I was in a desert. I was already parched, with all my strength, I walked to the button, I raised my hand to reach it, I passed by the bodies of my fallen teammates, I was close, I couldn't fall at this moment, a few centimeters away from changing it, I ended up collapsed on the floor._ノフ○. I fell like my other classmates who just wanted to change the temperature.

『Do you want to change it? Then I'll do it』(・∀・`;).

Flar appeared at my side, and in a simple way she was the only one of all of us to be able to do this great feat-Change the temperature!

『I'm alive!!!』(ʘᗩʘ')

Already with a normal temperature, I was able to stand up again after so much suffering, the other fallen ones also started to stand up.

『We are alive....』-(゜ロ゜) Jolt was impressed-.

『I thought I was going to die』-(;'Д`)Maya was still afraid-.

『You saved us ,Flar』-(^.^;����Lea thanked her fire sister-.

『Hehehehe (*'∀`*) It was nothing』-Flar felt good-.

Glaceon came down after this near extermination by the air conditioner, she was still with red cheeks, she didn't understand when she came down, why we all thanked and revered Flar as our savior.(〃'∀`)


All prepared, with more supplies than usual, as we were joined on our journey by more people seeking the same goal and desire, we left her house which strangely had an already normal temperature. We were leaving the city to continue our tour.

Here a little event that happened before we left the city. (〃ー〃)

I was walking quietly with all of them through the streets, until I hear a little boy say.

『Incredible!!! A Lucario, and it's taller than others, it must be a very rare and unique one』-(⊙ᗜ⊙)-.

『¿What are you looking at me kid, do I look like something weird to you or what?』( ̄⊿ ̄)- I turned to look at him and it was the first thing I said-.

『(๑✧∀✧๑) It can even talk Cool!』『Excuse me! That Lucario isn't yours, is it!』ヽ(^Д^)ノ

The girls were confused, and told the truth, that it wasn't theirs and that it was someone free.

『What luck!(*≧▽≦) Then it will be mine!』-『Pokeball go!』(★^O^★).

The boy threw his pokeball in my direction, I stood still, staring at the ground as a shadow covered my face, quickly, he grabbed his pokeball with his hand which he threw at me.

『....I'm not here...(ಠ⌣ಠ) To be the slave of a brat!(♯▼皿▼)』

I forcefully threw the pokeball at the boy, it hit his face, I didn't hold back with the force.

『Doesn't he know what the world is like now, didn't his parents tell him? That's why I hate little kids, they are so idiotic and act immature and stupid』


『.....You know that you were once small too...(;^_^A』-Maya turns to me-.

『Yeah, I hate my little self, but at least I didn't act as idiotic as this one, the only good thing about those memories, was meeting and hanging out with them, my best friends』


We are on top of some goléms of plants and branches, created by Lea, we could move much faster this way, before it's late and for getting up early, we got to another forest, but it was a weird one, more than forest, it looked like a jungle, the atmosphere was strange, it must just be me, since it was the first time I'm in a jungle and no longer in any forest, there were lianas and the sounds of animals could be heard around the place, the fruits stood out, we were in an area that gave oxygen to the whole planet. Until we came across a river, it was calm and quiet, so it wouldn't cause any problems. I looked under the water, it was calm and I even felt like drinking it. That made me think one thing, I will still continue to have the disadvantage of the water, if I touch it I will return to my human form.... I don't know, the Golem put his hand as a platform near the water, that's where I go down, I was on the top, I looked closer to the water, before I touched it I saw something pass quickly through the water.I was confused.

『A mermaid?』

Without realizing it, because I was distracted, a bunch of Pokémons and humans started attacking us in the river, they appeared instantly, the sisters were defending themselves.

『What's wrong....?』(꒪⌓꒪).

They were launching long distance attacks, unexpectedly, the river, from being calm, becomes strong and violent, the goléms were wiggling and it became difficult for them to maintain their posture. I was helping by launching Vacuum Waves, but these were weak, they didn't do much damage to those who attacked us, but the others were controlling the situation, there was nothing to worry about.


A being, no, a mermaid came out of the water, it was so much the impulse that it reached a great height, it began to sing, I felt my body weaken and I lost the strength of my body, I entered a strong sleep.


She suddenly closes her mouth, stopping her singing, her face, I don't remember it well, but it was of being impressed, of seeing something that caused that expression on her face. I could no longer, nor could the other sisters, we fell asleep because of her singing.





I was waking up, when I opened my eyes, I saw that the roof was made of straw or branches, it was strange to me, I got up from a bed where I was, there was no one there when I looked around, I heard laughter and preservations outside, it was strange to me, since I thought that I would not wake up, that the attackers would not stop until they killed us.

『...First of all....Why did they attack us!』"゚Д゚"-『I must go and find the others』.

I quickly got out of the bed made of leaves and branches, as I got out I saw that I was in a hut, but it wasn't just any hut, it was up a tree, I looked all around, there were more houses, more huts, these were connected by hanging bridges from tree to tree, it was amazing what I was seeing.

『Incredible.....A civilization like this.....how cool』(≧▽≦).

I walked along the hanging bridges of the place, looking down to the ground, just crossing over made a great excitement grow inside me. The people and pokémons that had attacked us, calmly walked, talked, played, it was as if what happened before had not happened, everything was peaceful and quiet. Walking I came to hear a familiar voices.

『Those voices.....Girls(ꉺᗜꉺ)』

I entered a large hut, it seemed to be the headquarters of this whole citadel of trees, in there were all the sisters, quietly talking and laughing with a.....

『The mermaid!?』Σ(゚Å゚)

They all fell silent at the shout I made, they passed by to see me, I just pointed at that tail behind her.

『You woke up already, you took too long kid』.

The mermaid just spoke to me, I was the only weird one among all these calm expressions.

『.....Girls.....a mermaid.....the mermaid....why aren't you surprised?』(∂△∂;)

『Because she is. Our sister』(✿◠‿◠).

Glaceon put an end to all my doubts.


『I see, now if I understand, you see talking first is better』( ̄ω ̄).

『.....jajajajaja I'm sorry...I thought it was the other side and they were going to attack us』


Now next I will tell you what happened , and the misunderstanding that happened. This jungle, is divided by 2 sides, 2 groups, 2 areas, when passing the river, that was already the side where Sira is, that's her name of Vaporeon, the "Blue" side ,while the other side is "Green" The pokémons and trainers of the water and plant types did not get along well when these lived together, so they decided to separate half of the land, all conflicts were over, and they lived happily and peacefully. They thought that, as we came with plant Golems, we were from the "Green" side and they attacked us just like that, since we were invading their limit, but as you can see, everything is already settled and understood.

『But what impresses me more is.....that tail you have and those ears or I don't know what to call it, fins you have on top of your head』('エ`;).

『Ah, this, it's nothing to worry about, it's part of me, only we keep some parts of our pokémon form in human form』(^ω^).

『¿?Only you guys....But I see that the others are fine, they don't have anything weird, they look human like anyone else』ȏ.̮ȏ

『Ah, that, we just hid it, you lived with Syl, we should know by now, to her, when she didn't have her scarf on, it still made its presence known to her right?』

Maya was addressing me.

『That's true.....I always found that strange』(∩╹□╹∩).

『Actually they were spears that I kept from his pokémon form, we can hide them or show them, as one wants』-Maya was answering me the doubt I had years ago-.

『I like to be more in my form, that's why I show it』。^‿^。.

『It's much more comfortable, I'm going to do it too』-Maya toward if comment-.

『Me too, I haven't done it in a while』-Lea would do it too-.

『Since they all do it, I'll do it too』-(〃'∀`) Glaceon was shy but she was going to do it-.

All of them didn't undergo many changes, Maya got longer ears on top of her head, a tail, and a gem on her forehead.

Lea also got ears and a tail that looked like plant leaves.

To finish, Glaceon also had ears and a tail appear, the part of her hair on the side also took that shape.

『Well...it's not a big deal their true shapes either』-(; ̄ー ̄川-『And you Flar? since they're all like that, you do it too right? I'm curious how your little change is』.

『Eh(;^ω^) But I've been like this since we met』-Flar looks at me in a disappointed way-.

『Seriously?....for some there must be no relevant change I guess...hahahahahahaha.... (;'∀`)hahahaha.....I'm sorry Flar!』○几

Flar was pouting with red cheeks, she was being swallowed by disgust and nerves.

『...Moving on to another topic....how about you Jolt, I'd like to see your true form yes?』 (;'∀`)

『...(^◇^;) I am too since we met』.

『Hey, you too!!!』 (◯Δ◯∥)

『Look closely, look at my head, what I have up here』. (>Д<)ゝ"

『These strange pointed hooves....what's wrong with them?』 (・∩・)

『It's my ears!』 ('∀`)ゝ"

『EHHHHH!"』 -(゚д゚;)-『How was that supposed to know they were your ears and not simple hooves』

『What helmet would be shaped like this!』 Σ(꒪ȏ꒪)

I started to argue with Jolt, I think this will become a normal thing between us.

『I see Syl found a very lively boy』 (^∀^)-Sira was looking at the scene I and Jolt were making.

"And what's your decision going to be? -Maya asked her sister a question.

She didn't have the answer yet. Sira told us that today they were going to celebrate the moon, she invited us to stay just for tonight, we didn't see anything wrong with that, so we decided to stay and celebrate mother moon. I spent the time walking around the place, exploring everything, the people were very kind, they apologized to me for having attacked us out of the blue, people like that are worth millions. I met some kids and some pokémons, we decided to play, we went to a big platform at the top, there we played all kinds of games, after a while Jolt joined us and we all played together, Glaceon and Flar also came and joined us, while the older people of the village, began to make preparations for the Moon Party, Sira, Maya and Lea also helped the people to make it much faster and to be able to celebrate earlier.

The sun had set, we were tired from playing so much, it was time for the Moon Party, our tiredness vanished, and we went to another big platform, much bigger than the other one, where there was the good one, a monument was seen of a girl, sculpted entirely of wood, they lit a big bonfire and the party began. All the people began to dance and have a good time, the sisters were also happy, the children smiled as they turned to each side, I am not much of a party person and this where there are many people, I just stood, all the seats were occupied. I walked over to where Jolt was, she was sitting.

『Would you like to dance?』 ^ω^

I raised my hand and said formally, she turned red and nervous.

『Huh?...('∀`-).....ClearCOPY01(*ノ∀`*) Why not haha(*≧∀≦*)』

I took her hand, lifted her up from her seat and proceeded to sit on it.

『Ah, that's good, I just want to rest (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ』

『...HEH!!!(-゚д゚-).....But!.....*nervous* I thought we were going to dance.....(〃∀〃)ゞ』

『At what point did I say I would dance (〃▽〃) I asked "Do you want to dance?" right?』

( ̄ω ̄)

Jolt was annoyed, it was a cambination of being annoyed, nervous, shy and blushing at the same time.

『...Come on....come on.....Let's go dancing whether you want to or not!』(*ノωノ).

From standing still while shaking with red cheeks, she takes my hand and lifts me up, she led me to the center of the platform, she didn't let go of my hands, and started to dance. Her cheeks were red, I wanted to look down because of embarrassment, but she was trying hard not to.

『All right, let's dance Jolt』米^-^米.

In the end I gave in and did what she wanted, to be able to dance happily , even though I'm not good at dancing, but seeing that she was clumsy too made me feel good, we seemed right for each other at the moment. As I turned I saw Glaceon was sitting down, she was playing with her fingers, she wanted to dance, but she didn't dare, her shyness wouldn't let her, I understand, there are many people here and it overwhelms quite a lot, I went to her and said.

"Come on, let's dance, shall we?

I raised my hand, she raised her gaze, her eyes were shining, and shyly tells me yes, I took her hand and led her along with Jolt, the 3 of us danced together in this "Blue" side festivity I was talking to her and I was the first one to make the moves, to make her feel good, at the end of our conversation, she asked me to give her a name, with joy I said.

『Glace, that will be your name』(∩_∩).

She looked much happier and could finally, at last, keep up with us in the dance, we managed to make her shyness by this time, being surrounded by so many people, go away.


A loud sound was heard nearby, a hut had fallen from the top, we did not know who attacked it, but in the distance we could see it, it was the "Green" side who made a sudden attack. Their leader was on top of the other platform, looking with a defiant and confident look at us.

『Tonight we will dominate the whole Jungle!』

That was the order, their whole army went on to destroy the chocas, they were coming for us over the suspension bridges.

"Quick! We have to defend our home! These bastards!

Sira was giving the orders to make the counter-offensive, we all became alert, let's help them protect their home. They were all attacking and helping the villagers, the invaders were going after some children, we ran towards them to defend them, with me come Jolt and Glace, with our attacks we managed to defeat them, but more were coming from this side, we decided and told the others that we would take care of this part.

"『We will take care of this part! You do your thing and be victorious!

The 3 of us, Jolt , Glace and M, would defeat all the invaders on our side, plant type attacks were coming for us, but they were no match for the attacks of the 2 sisters, who with their ice and electric attacks, defeated everyone.

『Well, I can't stay behind take this!』(`・ω・')9.

I threw my Empty Wave at an opponent, the attack was so incredible that the opponent was shocked.

『(○□○)But what a weak ....』

『(-。-;....you didn't have to say it.....』

Jolt appeared and kicked him, sending him flying and falling from the height where we were. She came by to see me.

『....What a weakling...(ーー;)』

『You don't interfere either!』(¤﹏¤).

Already having defeated all the invaders on our side, we voted to look at the others, as I guessed, the other sisters had defeated everyone on their side.

『.....Damn....who are they....You ruined my whole plan! you're going to see, now it's my time.....To act!』(╬ಠ益ಠ)

Before he moved from the place where he was, a being had come from above, and with a Shadow Ball attacks the leader, the leader didn't see it coming and was hit squarely.


The explosion was heard all over the place, the leader, before even making his move, was defeated by the incognito. We all went to the other platform where the explosion had occurred, as the smoke cleared, we saw a girl in black attire.

『It's already defeated, we won tonight』.

It was none other than the last of the sisters, Umbreon. Her look was always defiant and confident,to feel that way she must be very strong. The rest of the "Green" side seeing their leader defeated, escaped from the lands of the "Blue."

『Don't forget this, catch him』.

Umbreon grabbed the leader's body and threw it from the heights to his side.

One of the people who organized the party was also here, seeing Umbreon he was shocked.

『...It's her...Luna-sama!』

I was confused and surprised, seeing her well and comparing her with the wooden sculpture, if they looked alike, but it's not as if, "if they look alike alv" besides that sculpture is so old that it lost much of its original form.

The other villagers were joyful and gave a shout of war and joy, since Luna had come to help them and end this once and for all, and with more joy, they returned to celebrate, but this time with the real Luna.

『.....She's not the guy in the sculpture is she?』(; ̄ー ̄川

The other sisters beside me shook their heads from side to side saying a no (-.-;).

Well, be that as it may, this day has been interesting, I finally met all of Syl's sisters, and I also realized something very important.

『I'm so weak!!!』(●Ω●;)

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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