
Chapter 48: Time Flies By

Spending time with Syl is a lot of fun, the difference between living with someone and living alone is huge, just having someone can make anyone happy. My personality changed when I knew the truth, I became more expressive, more cold than kind, I was not afraid to say what bothered me or what I felt at that moment, and if I wanted to do something, I did it and I did not regret it, I saw for myself and I almost did not care about others, all that forms a strong and determined M, it was like a measure of protection that I created to not drown in the melancholy. Now with her ,well then, I am still like that, but I can smile again and feel the kindness of having a real family.

『Syl! Come down at once, breakfast is ready』-Syl raised her voice from the kitchen.

A few minutes passed.

『Syl!!!』-I shouted louder-.

Syl was in the room next to me.

『Siiiiiiiiiii.....*waking up* *sleepy*I'm comingyyyy.....! *sleepily*』-Syl was waking up in a very childish way.

Syl was slowly making her way down to the dining room. She was rubbing her right eye with her hand, she was still in her pajamas.

『Look, here you go, eat before it gets cold』-I serve her breakfast to her-.

Syl was like the walking dead, her eyes were droopy and a face unwilling to do anything.With what little strength she has she manages to take the first bite.

『*eat*Delicious! *eat eat eat eat eat eat* Buahhhh, I feel energized already』-Syl's body was invaded by strength and joy-『Your food always gives me the energy day by day *happy*』.

『I'm glad to see you eat like this and talk like this, please do it every day, No! , Do it every day, No!, I order you to do it every day』-Start talking very animated-۹(ÒہÓ)۶.

『Of course, whatever you say *smiles*』-Syl finished eating and stopped by to see me-۹(ÒہÓ)۶.

I go out to watch the day on the balcony.

『*open the door*It's a nice day』-I looked at the sky as the wind hit my face-『It's perfect for-------Play games and watch anime!』(^▽^).

I proceeded to close the balcony window and cover it with cloths, I covered all the windows with cloths, everything, everything, absolutely everything, the house looked like a cave, it was so dark even though it was daytime. I quickly went to my room and closed the door.

『Ahhhh....¿M? Is something wrong? It's so dark and it's hard for me to walk....*worried*』-Syl was in front of my door-.

I didn't answer. The minutes passed and Syl was getting more worried and nervous.

『M....really *scared* even if she answers *shuddering*』-Syl was getting more and more and more frightened-.

*weird sound*

It sounded like something falling in the kitchen.

『Kiiiiii...*scared* Please M, open the door please *scared*』-Syl was very nervous, she was begging in a very tender and kind way-.

She noticed something glowing in the hallway, that thing had climbed up the stairs and was walking in Syl's direction, some 2 red colored glowing dots lit up the place.

『Ga---ga--a----a--*scared*Please M, open up...*shuddering*』-Syl was about to cry, but she just kept talking, not knocking on the door, her humble and gentle personality was the dominant ones-『It's getting closer *crying jokingly* M please』.

The sparkling eyes darted at Syl.

『Kyyyaaaaaaaaaa!』-Syl gets really scared and walks into my room without wasting a second-『That was close.....*relieved*』-『(but why didn't M open up to me?)』

She turns and sees M with a blanket on top of him, it looked like an amount of cloth, it covered his whole body, and M was sitting in a weird way, moreover, that wasn't sitting, he was sitting as if he was L in his chair. Syl noticed that he was wearing headphones. The room was just as dark and the only thing that illuminated was M's computer.

『.....*scared* *frustrated*(You were with headphones, that's why you didn't hear me) *decided* (You will also suffer the same as me)....』-Syl wanted to get back at M-.

I grabbed a potato chip from the various snacks and ate it. Syl walked quietly until she was on my back.

『(Okay *nervous* I'm ready *nervous* I guess I have to scream to scare him, yes, that's what I'll do, I'll scream at the top of my lungs and give him a big scare just like I did)』-Come on Syl, you can-『Kkkkyyyyyyaaaaaaaa....』

Syl gave a scream, but it was a very weak and sweet scream at the same time, with that she wouldn't even scare a fly.At that M turns to look at Syl while Syl had a potato in her mouth.

『*eat* *swallows* Is something wrong Syl?』-M was all quiet eating his chips,as he saw Syl had his mouth open he gives him a chip,Syl eats it-『 『¡AAAAA! Look, there's something there *she points* it's a shadow』

Syl all scared turns to look.

『Where? ....*scared* ....There's no one....*turn around*』-Syl seemed to be calm,but when she turned around-.

She was facing a being with a red demon face.

『¡KKKYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA! 』-Syl screamed and collapsed on the bed.

『*removes mask* UHmmm, is this really scary? Hahahahaha, apparently the hunter, turned out to be married, well, back to watching anime』-I put the demon mask aside and proceeded to go back to what I was-.


Another day.

『We have to go out M』-Syl was standing in front of M-.

『Go out? What for or what?"』-M was lying on the sofa playing with his Sistendo Pish-.

『We haven't gone out since that time.....Come on, let's go out today shall we?』-Syl again was begging M (〃ω〃)-.

『But I don't want to go out.... that time I went out alone because it was our first meeting, I rarely go out of the house, when I came back from school I used to lock myself in my room, and now that I came back home I can resume that life』-He spoke very relaxed ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)-『If you want to go out then do it by yourself and that's it, problem solved, you happy and I happy』.

『But I wouldn't be happy....』-Syl looked down-『I want to go out with you....』-Syl's words turned sad ╥﹏╥-.

I looked at Syl and a great regret fell on me, I put down the game and stood up.

『All right Syl, Let's go out *smile*』-I reached out my hands to wipe away a few tears she let fall-『(Wait.....*surprised*Have you fallen to the old reliable of women that is crying? *looks at her* Well, if I can see her smiling like that, I guess it's worth it)』

That day we've walked all over the city again.

『I'm going to hold your hand so you don't get lost okay?』-I tell her with great kindness-.

『Yes, please *happy* *content*』-Her smile reflected great happiness, she wanted every day to be like this, it was a nice scene-.

『But it would be impossible for you to get lost with that size hahahahahaha, although knowing you if you are able to get lost *thinking* You're like a little girl in a big girl's body』-And M makes a joke ruining the moment-.

『That's not true *pouting* I'm very mature』-Syl was claiming to M in a childish way (♡ >ω< ♡)-.

『Yeah, yeah, whatever you say hahaha *happy*』-She was walking with great happiness, she kept grabbing Syl's hand-.

『Really, that I am very mature and responsible』-Syl went on and on (♡ >ω< ♡)-.

The 2 of us looked like a couple in love, we understood each other very well. At the end of the day we went again to that hill with the cherry tree and watched the sunset together.


I think it became a routine for us to go out several days a week, I didn't mind going out anymore, on the contrary, I was looking forward to the day when I can walk with Syl again. I was having a quiet and peaceful life, I was no longer transformed at all, I could even say that sometimes I forgot about it. Everything I need is in my home, in my family, in Syl.

『Well Syl , pay attention, today we will do something we haven't done before, and maybe something they didn't show in other stories, series or movies, and everything that has to do with creations made by people, or maybe yes.....』-He spoke very enthusiastically-『The only thing we do when we leave is to walk around nothing else, we have never entered an establishment, for days I have seen one that caught my attention *nervous* And today we are going to face them』.

『Ohhhhhhhh*fascinated*』-Syl was very excited by what M- said.

A light shines on M from above.

『And that's the one! *points out* The Monkey Super God Game! 』-With all my strength I have spoken-『It is an establishment of games of various types, it's all in there, the least you can imagine, surely they have it there, it is attended by monkeys and at the same time they are consumers, they are great players and never lost against anyone, they are all prodigies in this, it is not known how they managed to have all these skills or how this whole company of monkey gamers came to be formed, the only thing that is known is, that if you manage to beat him in the air field hockey game they will give you a very valuable reward, it is not known what it is, but the monkeys protect it at all costs, it must be something very precious』-He spoke very excited-『Syl, today we will take that prize, and maybe a macaque soup *serious* are you ready? 』

People passing by looked at me like I was a weirdo.

『Why are you raising your voice?』

"Is the young man all right?』

『Poor boy, he should stop using drugs』-This is the lady who lives next door to me :v-.

『Yes *cheerful* If I play with you, we will win for sure』-Syl was more than cheerful and cheerful-.


I open the door with great force.

『Your doom macaques has come! I, a young otaku, Syl my childish companion! We challenge you to the game of Air Hockey!』-With great voice and pride I make our introduction-.

The monkeys stared at us and started making noise, they were moving around and around us. We walked in the middle of everything until we reached the game.A spider monkey was waiting for us there.

"So I'm going to fight you! Perfect』-I looked carefully at the monkey.

The 2 of us took our mallets, I had one in each hand, he had 3, 1 in each of his hands, and another in his tail.

『This is where it starts, I'll need you for later Syl *smile*』-I looked at her for a while and then turned my attention to the game.

On the screen above it said that the first one to reach 50 points won, each score was worth one point, so this is going to take a while....

The monkey placed the puck on the platform and....


The monkey hit it with great force, it bounced on several sides to confuse me, in one of those it was going to enter my goal.... but...


I hit the puck with much more force, it bounced around the sides faster and entered the monkeys goal.The spider monkey was shocked, he couldn't believe what he saw.

『*serious* Me from here...I'm leaving with the prize *serious*』-I looked at the monkey while my hair covered me and generated a shadow in my eyes-.

The monkey also looked at me as if he was challenging me, as if he was telling me that I'm not going to hold back with you damn human, well, I don't know if he thought that the truth, I just sensed it by his look xdxdxd.

The monkey put the puck on the platform and hit it very seriously, I was also responding to his monkey attacks, each one was giving it his all. Listen to how the other monkeys were making a fuss all around. I moved my arms in a very fast way, the monkey was not far behind, he also moved his arms and tail. The points were increasing for each side, we were tying each time and again. I give an advantage shot that he didn't expect and the puck was going to enter his goal.


『What....?*scared*』-I was worried about what I had seen-?

The monkey answered my blow with its paw, it had in its paws also mallets ,now it has 5 mallets in its possession.

『(This is bad *shuddering* *worried* but it's not something that is impossible)』-I was still hopeful-.

And we kept playing this demon game, the monkey was responding with his 5 limbs, while I only with 2, but somehow I can still fight. I was winning by several points even with this difficulty.

The monkey gives his hit, I already knew where the direction of the puck was going to go, but the monkey redirects it by stretching his tail, the puck hits the end of the tail mallet, I was unprotected, my hands were in other directions, the puck was going to score another point...

Quickly with my other hand I move it quickly to the left side, it just hit the disc deflecting it, but I hit it so hard that it was more than clear that it was going to bounce on the sides, the monkey already calculated where it was going to bounce and placed all the shock points on his mallets.

But, something was not right, the disc did not make any movement. I had stopped the disc with my other mallet and with the other one I hit it very hard. The monkey had one mallet in the center of the platform holding it with its tail, the other 4 were at the ends of the sides that the monkey had calculated that the disc would hit. The puck I hit bounced on one side very hard, it hit the center mallet and it was free to enter the goal. Enter.

『Don't underestimate someone who is number 1 in OSU and Geometry Dash, my reactions and reflexes...*serious* They are on another level』-I look at the monkey with a look of pride-.

The monkey started to freak out he was letting go of the mallets he was clutching.


On the screen above it said that the second half was coming.

『With that the second half.....』-I said seriously-.

From the background on the monkey side, it sounded like tremors, as if someone was coming. He made his presence known and revealed himself. A gorilla had appeared, the gorilla puts his hand on the shoulder of the spider monkey, the spider monkey also looks at him, dries his tears and more firmly takes back his mallets. The gorilla also picks up his mallets.

『Now it's a 2 vs 2, but I didn't expect this.....*worried* a baboon should have appeared.... not a gorilla....but I think this is better, it must be very slow, and being slow is like losing in this game』-I analyzed the situation-『Well Syl, *smile*It's time for your appearance』.

Syl stood next to me and took her decks that corresponded to her.

『Let's give it our best and take home the prize *seriously* *decided*』-I spoke to give Syl encouragement.

『Yes, I'll give it my best』-Syl was also the same as me-』.

The gorilla left the disk on the platform of his base and.....


He hit it very fast. My reaction was late..... The disc flew past me like it was the fastest speed in the world.

I managed to hold the puck from the end, it was already about to fall into our goal.I had him very much on the end holding him, but I was already running out of strength.I dropped the puck.

『(It's very dangerous the gorilla, he can easily turn the game over.... his strength compensates for his slowness)』-I looked at the gorilla, he also looked at me, he had a kind and determined look, it was as if he was a father.

I gave instructions to Syl, and proceeded to hit the Disk. Even though it bounced many times the spider monkey managed to stop it and the gorilla proceeded to hit it. It was another point for them....

『...*scared*..... is an amazing team the 2 of them...they trust each other, help each other and form an unbreakable duo, but we.....have our own thing too』-I analyze the situation-.

I talk to Syl for a while and we plan a strategy. Now it will be Syl who hits the Disk, Syl hits the disk and.....was a weak one.

The gorilla with great force hits it and scores yet another point.

『Este...Syl? What was that? .....was very weak ....』-I looked at her(●__●)-.

『Este.....hit him like you said....』-Syl was confused(✿╹◡╹)-

『(So it was always a 1 vs 2!!!!!!!!!)』-My head was very upset-.

I then proceeded to hit the puck, they did it again- the spider monkey stopped my hit and the gorilla proceeded to hit it. Again the puck was about to fall into our goal.

『*tired* *giving it my all* AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG』-I managed to stop the puck from falling, somehow I got it out by holding it from the end, with the mallet I hit it on the end and it flew out. I make a big jump and gather strength in my arm and hit it hard, the puck was surrounded by fire, it goes smoothly into his goal. we have scored another point.

『*crggg* *He grabs my arm*』-Syl holds me in his arms-『My arm.... stretched and numb..... I can't move it.... 』-I was very tired and exhausted-『I leave it in your hands....Syl.....』-I close my eyes-

Syl after seeing how I was struggling she also decided to give it her all. Her look was very determined. She left me with some monkeys that were holding me.

The gorilla and the spider monkey were looking at Syl.

The gorilla shows a golden disk, in the center was the number 50, I guess it would be worth 50 points if someone scored it, they want to end this once and for all.

The gorilla hits the disc. But, unbelievably Syl stops it very easily. Her scarf started to stretch and move ,from the 2 ends they held my mallets that were there. She was going to play with 4 mallets. And the fight begins, Syl incredibly could keep up with them, no..... well they were trying to keep up with her. Syl was overwhelming them with her hits, at the right time the spider monkey and the gorilla who also went to defense were blocking the puck from entering her goal. The gorilla takes a big leap, the spider monkey hits the puck from the end that sends it flying. The bouncer hits the puck with all his might, it was the same technique I had used. But Syl manages to block the puck with the mallets in his hands, the puck bounces and goes through the air, Syl appears above in front of the puck and with the mallets that held his scarf hits the puck with great force, no one knows how fast the puck was going, when it entered his goal, the platform, the air field hockey game ended up destroyed. The impact was so much that it ended up destroying the game, the puck was nailed to the floor.we just...winrrrr!

"We won! Syl! We did it! 』-I jumped in and hugged Syl.

『Yes *smiles* Just like you said』-Syl also hugged me-

『Thank you Syl, thank you so much, now we'll know it's the prize so coveted by the world』-My joy overflowed-.

The gorilla and the spider monkey lifted the curtain. A light was coming out of it, it was a golden light. I was very excited. I had finally won something.

『What is this?.....』-The curtain lifted and I saw what the prize was-『Exclusive high-class bananas brought from the Caribbean beaches? and on top of that for our whole life?』-I couldn't believe what I was seeing-』-『I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The gorilla proceeded to give me a banana from the many he had won, the spider monkey gave one to Syl. I tasted it.

『It's very tasty, the banana. Surely that guy from El Salvador would like this prize, it's called something with an F, right? I ate my banana.

The gorilla put his fist in front of me. The gorilla was like proud of us.

『Yes, it was an amazing battle, we'll come back another day *smiles* *I answer his fist* but this time put another prize that is precious for everyone and not only for you, yes? hahahahahaa』-The gorilla moved his face saying a yes, I was more than proud for the victory, a victory made by Syl-.


It was night and we were just entering the house. It was all dark.

『Kyaaaaaaaa There it is!』-Syl was scared, she was pointing her finger at something-.

Two red lights could be seen in the distance and they were approaching. Syl was afraid and did not move from the entrance. I approach and see that....

『Syl. This is a cat』-I was in my arms the cat, I introduce it to Syl-.

『A cat? Isn't it a demon?』-Syl stopped covering herself with her arms and slowly petted the cat-.

『Demon? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *happy*』-I laughed in a very kind and funny way-.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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