
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Island

The environment just to see it was completely different, either for more dynamism or to make the mission more difficult for us. That island where we were headed seems to have been infected by a storm that was also coming towards us. It was like changing biome from one moment to another, the calm sun perfect to go for a walk. Now we too were experiencing this storm that seemed to have no calm for a long time. The rain was pounding the ship where we were going and you could hear the energy charged clouds crashing into each other causing thunder.

『I'm already cold just looking outside...』 

Looking out the window is the only entertainment inside the ship. Which was a lie because there were too many things to do. For example, I still don't know why there is a vending machine inside the ship, who really thought of putting this here? To kill some time I stood in front of the vending machine, I guess I'm in the mood for some cookies, or better a candy? or some chips? what can I take?

『What could you recommend kitty?』 

Knowing that Blaze was next to me I didn't avoid asking him, he was also looking at the items he had to give me an answer. But seeing that he is somewhat of a strategist and because of the weather it was outside. He quickly recommended a black coffee.

『Yes, you can already feel the cold even in here, and it will get worse when we get off the ship, we must warm up and prepare the body before a mission』. 

I would choose which item I wanted and without paying or anything that vending machine would give it to you. But I still ask myself the question, why do we have one on the ship? wouldn't it be better if it was in our base? Blaze would go on to brag to me for choosing the coffee.

『Black coffee, don't you crave for it Perro Pelon? if you want I can let you have the first sip 』. 

I knew very well that black coffee for me like this alone is too bitter and even unpleasant. Ever since he knew I didn't like it he had been insisting that I drink it, waving the can in front of my eyes where he quickly pushed it aside.

『Well, I think I know what to choose』.

What I got from the vending machine could be said to be a perfect duo, I had in my hands both some wrapped cookies and a small bottle of milk. I was happy with my purchase but Blaze would quickly emphasize to me that it was to be expected from a small child.

『Kitty, could you do me a little favor?』

Blaze was drinking his coffee in a can while I asked him to lend it to me for a moment. In the end it seems that I am going to try to drink the black coffee that I dislike so much, even the cat was emphasizing that she wants to see if I can overcome this challenge. I was looking closely at that drink where Blaze was suggesting me to do it already.

『If you manage to drink the half I left, then you might have grown up a little』.

It's half, I think I can do it, but just smelling the pure black coffee that came out with the smoke. I literally disliked it and with the bottle of milk I got, I poured it into the coffee while stirring it a bit. To this Blaze complained that he was cheating.

『Yeah, this is much nicer, but it still needs sugar for me to drink it all, here Kitten, you can finish it.』

I think I've found a way to drink my coffee and enjoy it at the same time. I was giving the coffee back to Blaze where she first didn't want it and was forcing me to finish it, which I don't understand why she's supposed to like it more now.

『Like it more? Where did you get that from? You always saw me drinking coffee alone』

『Huh? Really? You didn't try it with milk, you know, milk, don't you like it?

『It's not that I don't like it, I did get to drink it with milk but...』

This was a little weird for me, she did drink milk but for some reason she was refusing to do so. Looking at her she still had that serious look on her face, now that I think about it most of the time she has been like that, or at least she has been with me. But seeing as she wasn't going to drink the coffee, I guess it's my duty to finish it.

『But if you're a cat, how could you not like milk』

『I already told you that I do like milk, and besides that was your reason for offering it to me?』

But before I could drink it I no longer had it in my hand, when we both turned to look, there was Rouge who was drinking it very eagerly indeed, even I don't know how but even her way of drinking it was provocative, you could even see how the milk was falling from her neck. When she finished it she looked at me as if waiting for some different reaction than she is always used to, but quickly the first thing I did was.

『You're also taking refuge behind me lately 』

『I can't help it, there is no Cream, Zeta is piloting the ship, with Amy I don't think we reached such a degree of friendship, so you are my last choice』.

『Chosen by elimination...』

I think I was too sincere with my answer, I could even feel how it made Blaze feel bad about my comment. From what was behind his back, I could quickly see how he grabbed me by my clothes and effortlessly lifted me up to stand in front of him, but at that I quickly remembered something.

『Ah no, the last one is Rouge, because if I go near her, I know I'll be in danger, different thing with you Kitty, I feel safe』.

I don't know why, but now we seem like a curious thing among animals. Surely you know that a cat grabs its offspring by the neck and carries it wherever it wants, while the offspring was helplessly balled up. Well, that's what we looked like now, I was in a ball while Blaze lifted me up with his hand. I think it was because of my comment, but from what seemed to give me away to Rouge, he quickly left me alone, and as if it was my instinct I went back on Blaze's back.

『How are you going to be in danger with me, come on, I told you a thousand times that I'll always take care of you *smiles*』-『How wrong of you to consider me the last of your options』.

Rouge was approaching me with intentions that just by looking at them I knew I would be in danger, rather my chastity would be in danger. To get him to leave me alone seeing that there was still milk in the bottle, I would then offer it to him to satiate his need to have me. Although I think it was a worse option.

『Will you offer me your milk? *smiles* Next I'd like you to give it directly to me h-e-r-e *wink*』

As if playing and pointing to his mouth again made current run through my whole body and quickly. Just again seeing his body especially his chest caused me to want to vomit the little drink I had earlier.

『Now if we could say we're even, since you don't seem to have realized what it is you've been drinking all this time 』.

『You mean the milk in the refrigerator? Well, it's just plain milk, what's so strange about it?』

I didn't understand what Rouge meant by the latter, but at my innocence she would go on to laugh with an amused smile on her face. I don't know why, but I quickly felt another shock in my body again, and it came to my mind for a moment that....

『(What I just thought.... is not true...right?..)』.

It seems that I have a mission when I return to our home again, I will be very attentive to the refrigerator and see who is the person, who refills the milk again.

『I see you are all having a good time *smiles*』.

Amy had also come over to where we had gathered, she also wanted to chat with us to kill time. We told her what had happened, although she was laughing again because it was already normal for that succubus to try things with me, but what Amy said afterwards left me calmer.

『The milk bottle? The last time I refilled it was me, why do you ask M?』

『Seriously? Thank you, now I'm calmer (it was nothing I thought then)』

I knew that Amy could be said to be the most normal of them all, although she was not so normal either, since the times we trained it seemed that she also demanded more from me. I'm still not going to forget how in our first training, that partner almost made me grind with her hammer. But leaving that aside, the milk issue is already solved.

『On the subject of coffee, it seems that Blaze has been drinking black coffee black since you arrived, which is strange since he always accompanied it with milk and sugar』.

『Hey! Amy! 』

『But it's true Blaze, you like to go with it that way since it makes you bitter to drink it』.

『Don't say too much!!!』

As Amy was commenting on that, watching Blaze get alarmed in an attempt to shut her friend up. Seeing her nervous was something that little managed to watch, I don't know why but I'd like to see more things that cat has to offer. Quickly Rouge noticed all this and commented.

『You were acting tough in front of the kid, you want him to see you as an adult? that's funny *laughs*』.

The Succubus also helped in bringing to light that Blaze was acting tough in front of the new member of the group. She didn't help but laugh at this where now Blaze was the one who was trying to shut Rouge up, I think it was also the rare occasions she saw Blaze blush about something. And now even more so as her friend was bringing more secrets to light.

『He also needs his teddy bear stuffed animal to get to sleep』.


『And when eating an Omurice, he likes us to draw something cute for him, he gets happy when I do it *smiles*』

『Amy you too already stop!!! That you started all this!!! *blushes*』

Blaze couldn't control her 2 friends who were having fun remembering things from the past. I wasn't in those moments so I can't feel the same, imagining it yes but having been present...That you touch the food topic, to me too it made me remember that it made me happy when either my sister or my best friend spoiled me in a certain way and that made me happy. 

It's only been 5 months and so far I can't say that I know them perfectly, which I would like to change as time goes by. But thanks to this I realized that Blaze, just wanted to look cool in front of me, maybe that's why he was always demanding or encouraging me to overcome challenges. 

I looked with an attempt to smile that I want with all my might, to be able to know each of them better than yesterday.

『So shall we have dinner Omurice? I can do the drawing with the Ketchup for everyone, especially you Kitten, I'll try my best to draw something nice *smiles*』

Both Rouge, Amy, and even Zeta who managed to hear this, all agreed that we should eat together. Blaze at this was for some reason red in the face, I guess it was because of the embarrassing moment her friends put her through. But he kind of didn't want to look me in the eye, which was weird. Since that first day he even yelled at me to stare at a person when I talked to him. Right now Blaze was avoiding my gaze.

『Then get yourself a good drawing Hairy Dog for dinner』.

That answer I guess if I ended up expecting it. I don't get along with Blaze terribly at all, I don't know at what point but the kind of friendship I currently have with her I really like. I wonder if this type of personality is the one I end up liking the most? But to break the feeling that was happening on the ship, I calmly replied that.

『Okay, I'll draw you a Hairy Dog』.

『Boy, that's not a pretty thing at all』.

Which at her response I also agreed with her, and as if it was a chain reaction, we were all of the same opinion. But now that I think about it at this moment, we just told a very powerful being capable of destroying universes, that he is someone ugly. If this was heard by that being of light, I feel that he would do it to retaliate.


The ship finally landed on the Mysterious Island and you could see that the storm was even louder, even taking away the sound of the ship's engine or traveling in air. You could hear louder thunder, rain crashing against the ship, and even lightning in the distance was falling. Without a doubt, looking outside didn't make me want to go out, I just thought it was a bad weather to start my first mission.

Zeta formed us all up to give us a final briefing on why we were here and what was going on. Apparently this was already for many years a deserted and empty island, that many decades before there was a population but product of what was a hunt of species ended up leaving their native home to escape. Now this island should be the only thing with settlements, houses and buildings that over time have been deteriorating. In short, it is like exploring an abandoned place.

And that's why we are here, there should be no signs of life on this island, but in recent days, we have managed to detect that there is movement or even signs that something was happening here. And I guess to keep our home stable it was necessary to explore this Mysterious Island.

『It looks like the storm is not going to stop, we will have to explore with it, there is no other way』.

Yes, even hours the storm could last, the truth if it was the one before for sure I would like us to go back home and do it another time, or maybe better never. I don't like to leave the house, but now even though there is a storm and I could get all wet, I was eager to go outside and show how much I have improved. I imagined in my mind that I could perform like I always wanted to and better yet save the day.

『Yeah, that would be perfect *laughs*』

『He's already starting to talk to himself』.

『I vote that we explore the Mysterious Island right now!!!』

I really was excited, my little eyes sparkling and I was raising my hand higher to make them notice me. Zeta to this was glad I didn't back out even with the storm. The others also raised their hands that we should explore the island together. 

Already all decided Zeta seemed to have something for us, energetically and also with a huge smile, she presented us all with her latest creation.

『With this we won't have to worry about the rain anymore, let alone getting wet*』

He showed us a raincoat kit that as we all know, this is what you mostly and commonly use when you want to go outside even in heavy rain. It seems that both Amy, Rouge and Blaze acted like it was something new, but the truth this was too everyday, and as if I couldn't hide it I said it too.

『But this is simple raincoat』.

I don't know why, but coming from an android I expected everything coming from her to be much more futuristic or witty so to speak. But I quickly realized my mistake, and I could see how from how happy Zeta was, she slowly went to shutting down, I made a mistake and it's my fault, I wanted to apologize but I didn't know the how, but quickly Amy and others seemed to step in for me.

『Ah! You put embroidery on it! This was what you've been doing this time in your spare time, it looked really pretty on you Zeta *smiles*』

『It's comfortable and it doesn't tighten my chest, this time you did great Zeta 』

『It provides enough warmth even for this cold, it's perfect for exploring in times like these』.

When I took a good look at it I took mine and checked it from head to toe, and yes, I think I spoke too much before, on the outside it looked like a simple raincoat, but inside it had many more things that made it perfect for the occasion, and the too obvious was the embroidery that was on the outside. In my case I had a cat embroidered, Blaze a flame, Rouge a blade and Amy a heart. They all liked that little detail and thanked Zeta for her effort. But what came to mind for me is....


I whispered it without further ado because it really was unavoidable. I don't want to forget the past ever, I want to get better, only seeing the embroidery made me remember that my best friend was also very good at sewing. I smiled for the small detail and was also thanking Zeta for caring about us, to which she replied with a smile.

『I'm glad you liked it *smiles*』

Each and every one of us put on the Raincoats made by Zeta and now we were all ready to start exploring the Mysterious Island. 

It was cold and if you didn't keep your feet steady, you could even imagine that the wind would blow you into the sky. We left the ship on the shore, the island's beach and there was still nothing unusual. There was a path that led us to the settlement that had been there before.

With Zeta in the lead we all lined up to go into the center of the island, I tried to look but I guess the only thing that the rain could hurt our vision was the sound of the leaves and trees moving as if someone was doing it on purpose.

Zeta was yelling at all of us to be on the lookout, as she could sense from her sensor that there was movement nearby. But just at that moment Blaze would look to the side, he saw how the leaf moved in an unruly way and without holding back he would throw a sphere of fire towards that direction, he was serious thinking that he managed to see something, but quickly without him noticing, Zeta had come behind him and mercilessly grabbed him by his tail, which made Blaze scream.

『Do you want to start a fire?』

He was scolding her and claiming for what she did, while Blaze quickly broke free from his partner's grip, and replied that he managed to feel something like Zeta felt it. 

Zeta again used her sensor and this made her worry a lot, as from what she could detect, more quickly appeared. In order not to worry everyone, fighting in these conditions or confronting them would be a disadvantage. So first it is best to go to a free place where hiding is limited.

We continued walking until we could reach a settlement as mentioned before. As I expected, it was completely dilapidated and even the storm had no mercy that destroyed several buildings and homes that were there. I wanted to go explore to find out what was inside, but Zeta quickly caught my attention.

『Wait a minute M, you guys must have noticed it too』.

Quickly Rouge grabbed me by the garment and from one moment to the next I was wrapped between my companions, they seemed to protect me from something which ended up puzzling me more about what was going on.

『Hey! What's going on! I don't want to be protected!!!』

『This is no time to want to be the protagonist child, there are too many enemies...too many...』

Truly with this they showed me that even though I have prepared myself in this time, they still all still saw me as that child who needs to be protected. This really made me feel bad and scared, what was it that had them worried that they would decide to take this action, I only hoped that it would be something really scary.

『They don't seem to be showing up yet, Rouge』

『Yes I know』

Rouge quickly spread and enlarged her wings and Zeta took a big leap at the same time. They had already prepared a plan for this, Zeta quickly charged and took advantage of the rain to serve as a conductor. And from one moment to the next, an electric thunderclap was heard above us. Zeta unleashed a discharge from his whole body where it spread out to a great distance from where we were. I was worried about Rouge but I was sure that her wings were stronger than I thought.

Rouge quickly released her wings and proceeded to take me and Amy with her to fly over the settlement. Blaze stayed and you could still see how the area below was with traces of electricity, quickly with just a small spark from the snap of his fingers, he managed to ignite everything causing explosions in the area.

『Is this the end of them?』

Amy wondered and looked down seriously, I quickly realized what was happening. We were about to be attacked by our enemies but this team measure managed to wipe out most of them, I thought they did a great job. But as if there was no end in sight, finally these enemies appeared where their comrades had already been defeated.

『What are those things? Demons? Devils?』

I managed to get a better look when I was still being held by Rouge, what just appeared seemed to be small red devils, they even had horns and arrow-shaped tails. I don't know what they are doing here or why they are attacking us, but it was obvious they were no good.

『These little devils must have been the movements we detected, they also caused the buildings to look more destroyed than deteriorated』.

『But now with what we have done we ended up destroying them』.

Blaze on the ground commented on what he had discovered, while Zeta on the way down felt a little bad for being the one who demolished the only thing in these homes. The little devils had them surrounded and there were too many of them, with numbers we could not win, but this fact did not worry them at all. Quickly something was falling hard to the ground, when I looked next to me Amy was not there, at what point I lost sight of her.

『They may be much more than we are』

『But we are stronger!!!』

Without any fear they rushed to fight against those creatures, even from the sky fell with force Amy who took out a small object from her pocket, and as if she controlled it completely, she raised it to show her huge hammer. What could be heard nearby was not thunder or lightning, it was how Amy got rid of the little devils with great ease without holding back. Seeing all this display of skill, only made me think.

『Yes they have no mercy when it comes to fighting...(ah!!!!...I'm going to pee!!! it's too loud!!!』

『They were the first ones to show hostility, we are just responding as we should, you too must learn something very important kid, when someone is really bad, you don't have to hesitate to finish them off』.

What Rouge told me was a piece of advice that they hope I will learn as time goes by, but that thing about ending the life of another person or another being. It's definitely something I'm still afraid of, I know it's the right thing to do to get rid of a big problem...but....

『There are too many, there are even more coming』

Rouge thanks to the flight she took managed to watch that from various directions even more imps were coming towards the settlement where we were. While I couldn't think of anything else, it was too high and I wanted to ask, no, I was asking Rouge to put me down because this was really freaking me out.

『Not yet kid, soon it will be your moment in the limelight』.

The succubus told me that, as if they were aware of what was going on. Rouge already told them that even more reinforcements of the devils were coming. Quickly Zeta, Rouge and Amy knew what they had to do, they quickly deployed in 3 directions, all this while they continued defeating the devils on their way. What it was they wanted to accomplish, I still didn't understand, Rouge didn't want to tell me anything either. But quickly from the directions where the reinforcements were coming from, I saw how they turned off to chase after my companions, at that moment I realized something.

『I see, they want to gather everyone at the settlement to------』

『Finish them off, you're going to put an end to this *smile*』.

Rouge finished my words where I could already understand what they had planned, knowing that I am the key piece, this made me nervous but at the same time happy, it was what I wanted wasn't it? To be the protagonist of the story, with a lot of fear and insecurities, I was determined to do it.

In the forest, Zeta used her prostheses and other gadgets to kill the little devils and make them follow her where she wanted them to go. Blaze likewise, so that none of them would escape, frightened them and attracted their attention with his flames to lure them. While Amy with simple brute force pushed with her huge hammer all the little devils to the settlement. Where the 3 of them quickly coincided by having them all together. Rouge quickly spread her wings and created a strong blast, powerful enough to cause momentary pressure on all the imps.


『You heard M, finish them』.

It was time, they created the perfect opportunity for me, they literally left me with the golden platter all to myself. I didn't like this very much, because even having these powers and being someone different, it seems that for my achievements I must depend on my close ones. Which...I hope to change one day. 

"Okay, I'm ready Rouge』

『Leave none of them alive, and taking advantage *smile*』.

I thought Rouge would keep me flying with her, but at her response she quickly gave me a spank that again sent electricity coursing through my body. And when I opened my eyes again, I was falling from a height towards the confused little devils.

What???? Wait, what? This is how it was? Wasn't it supposed to be easy for me? I was scared as I was falling carelessly to the ground, if I crashed it was all worth it. At that moment I could hear my companions encouraging me to finish with them, to pass to my God Form. I know, I know I should do it...but....

『Ah!!!!!! Just die already!!!!!』

You could see how amidst my fear and crying, I tried to pass into my God Form, you could see how I was expelling purple energy, no...you could see how I was only trying. Since when I least realized, nothing had happened, nothing had happened, I was still the same child as always. The only thing that changed was that ....

Quickly after my mistake, Rouge flew as fast as she could to avoid falling into the wolf's mouth, the little devils quickly got in shape and were ready to attack us. It was like a cumulus of what they have been running so much, what to fight in these conditions for sure....


Zeta gave the order while they were all running away. Blaze was quickly trying to escape while launching his attacks, likewise Zeta was launching electric spheres, but that cluster of little devils they made were really withstanding their attacks. Amy was determined to throw herself to help her friends, but on Zeta's advice she didn't.

『We're running in the opposite direction of the ship, Rouge did you see a place where we can hide?』

『Let's go to the castle, it looks like that place won't get in』.

『How can you be sure, they will surely destroy it』.

『No, they won't be able to get through....(I feel something inside that castle)』

From what everyone was escaping, quickly at Rouge's suggestion, we all headed towards the castle so we could take shelter. As we entered and closed the door, we didn't think that we would get rid of our enemies just like that. 

All the danger seemed to be gone, we were all wet and a little tired. They were sighing and I was really worried, but Blaze would quickly go to me to tell me what happened.

『Hey M!!! Why didn't you kill them to ...why do you smell horrible?』

Blaze was going to complain at me and for sure grab my garment, but he quickly sensed that I was giving off a peculiar smell from my body....

But as if that wasn't enough, quickly something was appearing on the castle floor, like a small dark portal was being generated, and out of it seems to be coming out what appears to be a noble royalty. You had the ears prickly like an elf, he was dressed elegantly and the first thing he said upon seeing us was.

『At last! Awww!!! I thought I would never talk to anyone again! I tried many things although they were few when I saw that I provoked...the only thing I wanted was to talk! (Finally people, now I have someone to tell my exploits to!)』

That demon, because it even had horns and a tail, seems not to be like the others, you could even easily say that it is his father or who created them. That demon was happy for some reason, he didn't look dangerous at first sight, rather, even curious. 

The demon would politely pass by to bow and introduce himself properly.

『My name is Carmis, and please listen to what I have to tell you』.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara

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