
Chapter no.45 That Is Some Shit Coffee

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The Cerulean General Hospital was a sprawling, pristine building situated at the heart of the city, its whitewashed walls gleaming under the midday sun. The glass-paneled facade reflected the clear blue sky, while rows of carefully tended flowerbeds lined the entrance, giving the stark modernity of the hospital a touch of warmth. Inside, the air was sterile but not unfriendly, with soft lighting and soothing murals of water Pokémon—Goldeen, Starmie, and Lapras—adorning the walls to calm anxious patients. The occasional "Chansey!" could be heard as the hospital's resident assistants shuffled about, carrying supplies and comforting patients with their ever-present smiles.

Austin walked briskly through the polished halls, his footsteps echoing faintly as he was escorted by Nurse Chansey. The Pokémon, wearing a nurse's cap slightly askew, chirped a cheerful "Chansey!" as she led him to the room.

"Thank you, Nurse Chansey."

"Chan, Chan!"

When Austin stepped into the room, he couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of Bill lying in the hospital bed. The man was pale, his lanky frame looking even thinner than before. Several IV bags hung beside the bed, their contents steadily dripping into the tubes inserted into his arm. Despite his condition, Bill's face lit up with a tired but genuine smile as he spotted Austin.

"Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes."

"How are you holdin' up?" Austin asked as he walked over and gently placed Pikachu near the foot of the bed. Pikachu immediately perked up and began bouncing up and down, trying to cheer Bill up.

Bill chuckled. "Oh, I'm hangin' in there. Doctors got me hooked up to all these contraptions like I'm some sorta experiment. IVs pokin' every which way, nurses checkin' on me like I'm gonna fall apart any second."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "You went into shock from eating solid food after starving yourself for weeks, Bill. I'd say the doctors have a point."

"I've been through worse. But, yeah, guess I can't argue with 'em too much. Still, they could let me live a little. Only thing keepin' me sane is my coffee."

The scientist motioned toward the corner of the room, where sitting on a small table was an elaborate, gleaming contraption that looked like it belonged in a royal palace rather than a hospital room.

The coffee maker was a work of art. Its design was impossibly intricate, with a bronze water tank and a crystal-clear glass carafe supported by an ornate gold frame etched with delicate Kalosian patterns. A siphon system was prominently featured, connecting the water tank and the carafe with polished metal piping. Tiny gemstones adorned the knobs and levers.

"Pretty, ain't she?" Bill said, a hint of pride in his voice. "That there's a Kalos Royal Coffee Maker. Fancier than a Rapidash at a parade, and she brews coffee so good you'll think you've been blessed by Mew itself. Cost me more than I'd like to admit, but, well, some things are worth the splurge."

Austin and Pikachu exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued. "That thing looks like it could power a spaceship."

Bill chuckled. "Might as well, the way it gets me goin' in the mornin'. Now, how 'bout we whip up a cup? Call one of them nurses—they know how to work it."

Austin waved him off. "Come on, the nurses are busy. Let me try it. How hard can it be?"

Bill raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Alright then, kid. Be my guest. But if ya mess it up, don't come cryin' to me. And no burnin' the place down, alright?"

Austin's excitement barely stayed contained as he moved toward the coffee maker. As he inspected the machine, Bill called out instructions from his bed.

Austin hummed thoughtfully, nodding as Pikachu scrambled onto the table to help. The boy picked up a bag labeled Litten's Roast Coffee.

"This must be your favorite brand," he said, pouring the ground coffee into the carafe.

"Best there is," Bill confirmed. "Smooth as butter, but packs enough of a punch to wake a Snorlax from a nap. You'll see."

Pikachu dutifully poured water into the bronze container, his tiny paws carefully steadying the jug. Once everything was set up, Austin glanced back at Bill, who gave him an encouraging nod.

"Pikachu, you know what to do," Austin said with a grin.

Pikachu let out an enthusiastic "Pika!" before sparking his cheeks and carefully lighting the flame beneath the tank.

Bill explained as they watched the machine come to life. "Now, here's the cool part. That flame's gonna heat the water in the tank nice and steady, buildin' up pressure. Once it's hot enough, the water's gonna flow up through the siphon into the carafe, mixin' with the coffee grounds. After it brews, you take the heat away, and the coffee gets sucked back down into the tank. Fancy, huh?"

Austin and Pikachu were entranced as the process unfolded. The steam rose in gentle curls, and the rich, earthy aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room. Pikachu's nose twitched, and Austin's mouth watered.

"Thanks, Bill."

"Don't mention it," Bill replied, tipping an imaginary hat. "Coffee's like good friends—it's always better when shared."

As the coffee finished brewing, Austin carefully poured it into three delicate porcelain cups that sat on a tray beside the machine. He handed one to Pikachu, who cradled it carefully, one to Bill, and took one for himself.

Bill took a slow sip, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Now that is what I call a cup of joe. You did good, kid."

Austin sipped his own and nearly melted into his chair. "Wow, this really is the best coffee I've ever had."

Bill chuckled. "Told ya. So, what brings ya by? You didn't come all the way here just to make coffee, did ya?"

Austin hesitated, setting his coffee cup down on the small table by the bed. "Actually," he began, "I was hoping you might be able to help me with something."

"Oh? Sounds like you're buildin' up to somethin'. Let's hear it."

Austin took a deep breath and launched into an explanation of the Cerulean City Gym and the tournament he and Misty were trying to organize. He explained the permits they needed, the League approval required to make it legitimate, and the challenges they were facing. As he spoke, Bill sipped his coffee and listened intently, occasionally nodding but keeping his thoughts to himself.

By the time Austin finished, the boy felt a heavy pit of doubt in his stomach. He shifted in his seat, suddenly unsure if he'd made the right call by asking for Bill's help. "I'm sorry," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I know I asked a lot from—"

"Done," Bill interrupted, setting his cup on the tray with a decisive clink.


"I said done. I'll write that letter to the League and get your tournament approved."

Austin and Pikachu both gawked at him, their jaws practically on the floor. "You will?"

"Sure will. Don't see why not. Y'all got a good thing goin', and it sounds like fun. Plus, I like the way you think, kid. You're sharp."

"Thank you! Seriously, thank you, Bill!"

Pikachu chirped happily, raising his cup like a toast. Bill chuckled at the little Pokémon's enthusiasm.

"Don't sweat it, kid. But somethin' tells me that ain't all you're askin' for," Bill added. "Go on, out with it."

"Well… there is one more thing."

Bill raised a brow. "Knew it. What is it?"

"I was also hoping you could help get the League to sponsor the Cerulean Sisters," Austin admitted, wincing slightly as he braced for Bill's reaction.

"Now, the tournament thing? That's fine," Bill said. "League loves these kinds of events, truth be told. Gives 'em good press, gets trainers fired up. But sponsoring some people? That's a whole different kettle of Magikarp. That might not be as easy to swing."

"I'm not asking for a definitive answer," Austin said. "I'm just asking for a chance—a shot at getting them noticed."

"And you think I've got that kind of pull?"

"Well… yeah," Austin said. "You're Bill. One of the core founders of Silph Co. and the guy who created the Pokémon teleportation system. You literally built the PC network the League uses every day. If anyone can make this happen, it's you."

Bill's lips quirked into a crooked grin. "Well, ain't that somethin'. You did your homework, huh?"

"Kinda," Austin admitted. "But would you be willing to help?"

"Well, you did save my life, kid. I reckon I can make it happen."

Austin frowned, sitting up straighter. "Sorry."

"What for?"

"I don't want this to feel like you have to help me just because I saved your life," Austin said.

Bill's lips curled into a smile as he set his coffee cup down. "You're somethin' else, you know that? Very mature for your age. Actually, no—scratch that. I don't think even most adults would've said what you just did."

"Uh, thanks, I guess?"

"Look, let's just say I'm doin' this to help a friend I shared my shit coffee with."

That brought a grin to the boy and Pikachu's face.

"Thanks, Bill. With your letter and Professor Oak's support, I think we've got this tournament in the bag."

At that, Bill raised a surprised brow. "Wait a second… are you tryin' to impress this Misty girl? What, you hopin' she'll be your girlfriend or somethin'?"


Bill didn't look convinced in the slightest, his smirk widening. "Mhm. Sure. Whatever you say, Romeo."

Austin gave him a look.

"Alright, alright, I'll send the letter tonight. Now quit frettin' and drink your coffee before it gets cold."

Austin picked up his cup and took a sip. The flavor hit him immediately—a rich, velvety brew with a complex mix of earthy and slightly fruity undertones. It was smooth but strong, with just the right amount of bitterness to balance the sweetness. The taste lingered on his tongue, warming him from the inside out.

"This is… amazing," Austin said. "Where can I buy this?"

Bill grinned knowingly and gestured to the bedside table, where a small brochure rested. "Take a look."

Austin picked it up and read aloud. "Litten's Coffee, also known as Fire Cat's Coffee, the most expensive coffee in the world, made on a small island in the Alola region." His voice faltered slightly, but he kept reading. "The beans are grown in rich volcanic soil and then fed to a Pokémon known as Litten. The Litten digests the beans and… defecates them. It is the combination of the beans and the Pokémon's gastric juices that gives Litten's Coffee its unique flavor and aroma."

Austin froze, his eyes slowly rising from the brochure to meet Bill's amused gaze. Pikachu turned an unsettling shade of green, his cheeks puffing as though he might vomit.

"You're shitting me," Austin said flatly, hoping against hope that this was some kind of elaborate prank.

"Nope! Cats beat me to it, kid!"

Bill burst out laughing, clutching his stomach as tears streamed down his face.

Austin stared at him, then at his coffee, then back at Bill. He reread the brochure three more times, willing it to say something different, but the words didn't change.

Meanwhile, Pikachu gently pushed his cup away with a trembling paw, looking like he'd just been personally betrayed by the universe.

Bill's laughter echoed through the room as Austin looked on the bright side. At least he had managed to get the tournament approved in this shitty situation.

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