
Chapter 008: Young Master Hawthorne, I Didn't Expect You to Be This Kind of Person!

It was said to be a picnic, but in reality, it was a practical lesson for their class.

The weather in Songshan County was already quite hot in April.

As they walked up the not-too-steep slope, the girls were already sweating profusely.

"Behind us is an enclosed wild forest. There's a concrete path as well. Everyone should follow the concrete path inside, observing the courses they need. When finished, we'll gather in the barbecue area ahead. The time is at twelve o'clock. Has everyone heard me clearly?"

Bianca Hunter asked loudly from the front.

Everyone answered that they understood.

"The study committee, class president and vice president should watch everyone carefully and organize the groups to move forward."

As soon as Bianca's words fell, everyone started walking with their backpacks.

The road led in several directions, and the students scattered quickly.

Marcella Thomas was the study committee leader, but she and a few others were absent. Thus, the class president and vice president were in charge of overseeing the students gathering.

Class president Oliver Gordon was responsible for another group of people, while Franklin Walter went to another side.

No one wanted to join Chloe Stephens' team. When she walked from the other side, no one noticed.

The quiet woods were filled with the sounds of insects chirping. The peaceful atmosphere didn't stop Chloe from continuing.

As she ventured further, Chloe saw barbed wire.

Reaching it meant she had arrived at the end. Chloe looked up.


With a powerful leap, her fair hand grasped the sharp-top barbs nine meters high, supporting her body as she horizontally leaped over the barbed wire.


A black cat appeared out of nowhere, elegantly leaping beside the girl as they both hurdled over the barbs.

Chloe landed gracefully.

This undeveloped area was covered in dense vegetation, and even the trees were massive.

Chloe stepped inside and chose a high spot to sit.

As if understanding her intent, the black cat sat next to her.

A luminous white aura swirled around Chloe.

Chloe opened her eyes and furrowed her brows. "The spiritual energy is too weak."


The black cat suddenly stood up; its entire black fur stood on end as its light-colored eyes turned infinitely dark, gazing in one direction.


"Beep beep!"

Inside the moving black car.

Len Hawthorne stared at the red dot on his mobile phone screen; his deep black eyes slightly narrowed. "What is this place?"

Ethan Coates peeked over. "Damn, Young Master Hawthorne, you're impressive, planting a tracking chip in the little girl's phone!"

"That phone was initially for detection purposes. I gave it to the little girl and forgot to remove the chip."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Young Master Hawthorne! I never thought you'd be such a person! You say you forgot to remove the chip. You're playing with me!"

It was clear it had been done intentionally.

With his finger, Len Hawthorne pointed to the location beside the red dot. "There's something happening here. Let's go."

Ethan Coates looked and his face changed slightly. "No way! How could such a thing appear in that kind of place?"

"The little girl is at that location. Drive."

Len Hawthorne squinted his narrow, long black eyes, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.



As a low-pitched cat meow echoed in the air.


Several wild dogs, twice the size of Tibetan mastiffs, bared their teeth. Their eerily black eyes and the mutated aura they emitted stared down Chloe.

Staring at these ferocious creatures, Chloe searched her original memories and her own, discovering no description of these things. It was evident that these dogs were initially normal, but someone had turned them into mutated dogs.

These incredibly fierce mutated dogs could tear off a large chunk of the thick tree trunks. Once a person was caught, they would be swallowed alive.

Chloe stood quietly on a rock, ignoring the danger in front of her.


The black cat transformed into a demonic figure, biting the mutated dogs.

Chloe flicked her fingers at the flying hair from the mutated dogs, her deep-set eyes watching one that was about to pounce on her.

The mutated dog seemed to be stimulated by something. It let out a howl and suddenly turned around to flee.


It was fleeing.

It was terrified.

Chloe didn't bother with the one that had escaped.

"Hurry up, you're as slow as molasses."

"Meow meow."

While biting the mutated dogs, the black cat let out a deep protest.

What a hassle.

Chloe took two steps forward, raised her hand and pointed downwards lightly.

An invisible oppressive force spread from her palm.

The black cat meowed and twisted its body midair, jumping high onto a large tree. Then it forcefully pounced down again, sitting on the mutated dog and continuing its biting attack.


Chloe's palm pressed down, and several mutated dogs turned into a meat paste in an instant.

A nauseating smell stimulated her nose, so Chloe took out a clean handkerchief from her backpack to wipe her hands.

At this time, the black cat was also gently licking the blood-stained fur on its body.

Chloe glanced at the mutated dogs that were now on the ground and frowned slightly: "This world is getting crazier and crazier, even daring to create such things."

One of them managed to escape.

Chloe looked in a certain direction.


"Ah! Help!"

"Teacher, save me... Ah..."

The screams travelled far.

People around scattered in all directions.

Seeing the crowd screaming and fleeing, the mutated dog's eyes turned instantly dark red.


Oliver dodged just in time to avoid being bitten, although he was still knocked off his feet.

"Oliver!" Mason, who had run far, turned back to help, but the giant, frenzied beast charged towards Oliver first.

Chloe sped up, leaped back over the barbed wire from behind it.

As everyone else fled without caring about Oliver's life or death, a petite, slender figure appeared in front of him, crouching down, her back facing Oliver, and reaching out to try to push the massive beast away.

Oliver, looking at the silhouette of the girl in the backlight, felt a shiver down his spine!

Staring blankly at the girl's back, it seemed that something in the depths of his heart had broken loose.

As the mutated dog was about to bite the girl, a slender leg stretched out horizontally and kicked.


The huge mutated dog was kicked far away.

Another figure quickly rushed up, flung the mutated dog out of the net, followed it by leaping out, and took it away from the scene.

Before anyone could react, a group of people quickly opened the fence, entered, and dealt with the situation.

Medical staff also arrived successively at the scene.

Two female students, whom Chloe had been staring at, were now severely injured—one had her hand bitten off, and the other was covered in blood.

The bloody scene scared the students.

Chloe stopped her movements and stared at the man who had suddenly appeared before her eyes.

"How are you, scared you, didn't I?"

A tall burly guy stood in front of her, casting a shadow.

It was him again.

Chloe's gaze passed him, looking into the space behind the barbed wire.

Len Hawthorne looked her up and down, "If you're alright, go with everyone else and forget about what happened here."

Chloe took a deep look at the place behind the net, then turned to see Oliver sitting there in a daze.

"Chloe, Oliver!"

Mason ran over, his legs still a little soft.

"Team Hawthorne!"

Someone behind the barbed wire called out to Len.

Len raised his hand to signal that he was aware.

"Is your mobile phone just a decoration?"

Chloe turned to stare at him, "How did you know I was here?"

Len pointed his finger behind him, face unblushing and heart not beating fast, "I followed these things here. Call me next time you're in danger."

After saying that, Len turned around and walked towards the place inside.

Chloe pursed her lips, staring at the man's back.

"Chloe, do you know this soldier?"

Mason came to his senses, walked to her side, and followed her gaze inside.

Chloe indifferently said: "I don't know him."


The scene was controlled by local staff, and all the teachers and students were asked to leave.

Psychiatrists soon arrived at the scene.

The two injured female students were sent for emergency treatment, and Bianca, as headteacher, had to bear the responsibility of their injuries.

Now she felt overwhelmed and her legs were still weak, thinking back to the scene.

Students were gathered in a grand lounge, some still crying.

The scene was chaotic.

Oliver endured the pain from the impact and looked towards Chloe, who was quietly leaning against the door.

"Chloe, Chloe!"

An anxious, beautiful woman burst in, and, seeing Chloe, hugged her with tearful eyes, "Chloe, you must have been scared, but it's all right now, Mum is here."

When Yvette received the call, she put down her work and rushed over.

On her way, her whole body trembled with anxiety.

Chloe frowned slightly but didn't push the woman away.

"I'm fine."

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