
54. Finding Zee

They arrived at Jalan Kenari number 95. After getting out of their car, they entered the courtyard of the house. The dominant classic style house with teak wood looks majestic in front of them. Several times Andi's men looked at each other trying to make sure that the house in front of him was Pambudi and his family's.

One of them then knocked on the door and tried to wake the house people to open and accept them as guests. but until a few minutes passed there was no sign of life in the house.

Andi's men reported to Andi saying that they could not find Zee in that place. Andi who received the report immediately called his men. He was really annoyed at the mistakes they had made. Several times they did the measured thing about misinformation. This time Andi simply could not tolerate the mistake. He immediately called his men and scolded one by one.

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