
15. Boss Always Wins

Irawan looked at Zee who was now stunned, realizing that the analysis of the man in front of her was very accurate. She knew Irawan was not an ordinary man like in general. Several years of hanging out with him made Zee know the advantages possessed by Irawan. Seeing Zee looking at him intensely, Irawan shook his head. He didn't know what the girl in front of him meant. All he knows now is that he will try to keep offering Zee to live with his mother to avoid the danger that is threatening him.

"Stay in my house with my mother and I hope there you can enjoy some peace even if only for a while. if you want I will also allow you to stay there forever with me. That's if you don't mind."

"I am the main character in this play. Don't ever ask me to hide like a coward who has no guts at all. I didn't do anything wrong so there's no point in you offering me to hide behind your mother's back. I absolutely don't want to bring other people into my troubles and cause them harm because of me. Don't ever think that I don't want to accept your helping hand, But once again I say to you doctor, I am the main character of this play and I also have to end it all."

Irawan nodded his head hearing Zee's answer to his request to live with his mother.

"Take me home and never tell anyone about what happened to me. Let this be a secret for both of us and my responsibility. I will not involve anyone, including Dr. Irawan. Only special subordinates are assigned to handle this matter."

Irawan pouted. He looked away to avoid Zee's eyes.

"Tsk, I know you are a strong woman who will never give up even in big trouble. I understand how you try to save others even though your own life is in danger. But as a friend I don't want my best friend to be trapped in an endless mafia problem. I am afraid that your family will suffer the consequences and you will also be devastated for meddling in their affairs."

"It's not like that actually happened between me and Leo."

"Then?" Zee shook her head at Irawan's question.

"Take me home and let me be with my men in As Syifa. After all, it is my place and no one is allowed to be intimidated there. I founded the Asyifa clinic to help other people not to seek any sensations that exist on this earth.

Irawan nodded. He immediately started his motorbike and drove at a moderate speed. He didn't want to miss his time with Zee. Several times he turned his motorbike to look for directions away from the Assyifa Clinic. Zee, who knew that Irawan was deliberately prolonging his time with her, was silent. there was no point in rebelling and asking the man to speed up the motorbike.

Irawan turned his motorbike into a restaurant and parked it in one corner of the yard. After getting off the motorbike, Irawan reached out to take Zee's hand and followed him into the restaurant, but Zee refused the hand of a man who began to feel he had rights over her without her permission.

"I can walk alone. I actually didn't want to eat at all. I just need to rest and stretch myself on my bed. Not eating."

Irawan did not reply to Zee's refusal. He knew that there was no point in answering Zee's words because he was smarter at giving excuses than accepting other people's opinions. Afternoon, she knew that Irawan had deliberately not answered her words, and finally followed the man who helped her today.

After entering and being greeted by the Family restaurant waiter, Zee and Irawan occupied a special room. The room measuring three by five is the place that Irawan usually uses to spend his free time. The restaurant owner who has a dual position as a doctor at a hospital is now asking the waiters to provide services to them by serving special menus.

Several waiters who served Irawan and Zee immediately prepared food and escorted them to the owner's room. They occasionally glanced at the face of the woman who sat with her boss at one table. They feel jealous of Zee and Irawan closeness. All this time they knew that Irawan was not at all interested in any woman.

"The food please, sir."

Irawan nodded his head and gave a thumbs up to accept the dish. He immediately thrust some menus in front of Zee and asked him to enjoy the dish.

"Why this much, Doctor? I can't possibly spend it all."

"Doctor? You call me Doctor after all this time we studied medical Hacker?'

Zee scratched her head and shook her head. She didn't know how to keep herself away from the handsome young man who always forced her will on him.

"Hah, then what should I say to summon you, Master? I have absolutely no idea what calling is best for you."

The frustrated Zee immediately took the food in front of her and started eating. She continued to focus on the food in front of her without realizing that while she was eating, Irawan took several poses when he was off guard.

Time went on and without realizing it, Zee and Irawan had been together for almost two hours. Zee always wants to end his activities, but Irawan has also been stalling for time.

"I have a lot of business at the clinic. Don't make me sit here too long when I'm at my place queuing up a lot of patients."

' There is already Yudha who handles everything. Don't make excuses because I know what you're doing."

"Mr. . . "


Zee smacked her hand on the table, sending several maids running and coming to visit them as if they had an emergency order.

"S-sorry, sir. Can I help you?"

Zee and Irawan looked at the waiter then they just looked at each other. Irawan, who knew what his servant was going through when he heard the beating on the table, smiled. He wants to teach Zee a lesson not to get angry easily when he is with him. He waved and asked one of the maids to come over. a young woman with fashionable makeup approached Irawan and sat waiting patiently for his boss' orders without protest. Zee looked at the interaction of the two. Silently she analyzed what Irawan would convey to his men.

After five minutes have passed , there was no sign that the man in front of him would give orders.

"Don't upset your maid for waiting for you, Master. Just give your orders quickly to get her out of here."

"Ha ha ha, does that mean you're bothered by her presence?'


"Then? Why are you asking me to immediately give orders and tell her to get out of here? Doesn't that mean you mind when they're here?"

"Huft, boss always wins."

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