
Part 1 Chapter 3: At First Light

Ciaran quickly set up a small camp. A fire crackled in the center, and a couple of blankets laid out on either side of the fire. As he bustled about, doing who knows what, Hesperia stared intently at the blazing fire.

Gingerly reaching her hand out to the flame, Ciaran barks, "I wouldn't if I were you. That's hot."

Hesperia looks at him, arm still outstretched. "What happens if I touch the hot?" Her face filled with wonder.

"It'll hurt, and scar your hand. And I ain't taking care of no wee babe who can't even keep herself from getting hurt."

Pulling her hand back, she continues to stare into the fire, sitting quietly on the blanket Ciaran set out for her.

Dropping a pile of twigs and branches beside the fire, Ciaran sits on the opposite side of the fire. They sit in silence for some time. Finally, Hesperia begins to get anxious and starts fidgeting.

Ciaran lets out a sigh. "What is it?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me about the village we're going to..." She looks down and away, shy.

"It's like any other village really. Houses, shops, people running about. That sort of thing."

Hesperia's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What are shops?"

Ciaran looked at her for a moment, trying to guage if she was joking or not. He hesitantly answered, "shops are places where people sell goods. Things like food, clothes, supplies. All that stuff."

Hesperia looked like she was about to burst with questions, when Ciaran said "That's enough for tonight. It's very late, and we have to leave at first light." He ploped down on the blanket beneath him and turned around. "Get some rest, evening star."

Hesperia looked at him as he lay there, curious about what he meant. She stared for a while, taking in his features. He was tall, barely able to fit on the blanket, and well built with muscle. His hair was a color that entranced her. In the firelight, it almost glowed red. She stared a while more before finally laying down herself. She closed her eyes and fell into a fitful sleep.

What is this? Why is it so dark? The shadows swirled around me, turbulent, hungry for blood. "We want more" they whispered. Raspy voices calling for me to repeat the tragedy I committed. Slaughtering those women was wrong, I know that, but it felt right. They deserved it! How dare they trust me into this world! My rage is growing, and so is the shadow. What do I do? They're closing in. They're going to consume me!

"Wake up!"

With a start, Hesperia bolted upright, her breath heavy, the nightmare still lingering. Taking a deep breath, she looks up at the sky. The bright sun blinds her and she cringes away.

"What's wrong sleeping beauty," Ciaran asks. "Not enough shut eye for ya?"

Hesperia blinks up at him. He's already covered the fire from last night, and folded his blanket.

"Well, c'mon, lass. We said first light and it's well past. If you want to go to this village, we've got to get moving."

She slowly stands, still catching her bearings. "I'm not used to such bright light."

"Well get used to it, it'll only get brighter as the day drags on. Fold your blanket and get a move on." With that, Ciaran turns and starts walking.

Hesperia scrambles, quickly bunching up the blanket and follows after him.

They walk in silence for what Hesperia thinks is the better part of a day when Ciaran stops.

"Alright, lass. Time for lunch," he says. When Hesperia looks at him blankly, he explains. "Yknow, lunch. Food. You've got to be hungry by now."

He rummages in his sack and pulls something out. Handing it to her, he says, "here, eat this. It should be enough to hold a small thing like you over for a bit."

Hesperia takes it carefully. She inspects the object, which appears to be similar to dry bark, but isn't. Hesitantly, she takes a bite. A few moments pass and Hesperia's palor goes green.

"Ciaran, what was that?"

Without turning to look at her, he responds, "Dried deer. Best you're gonna find out here. Why?"

Hesperia, looking worse by the minute, promptly walks over to a nearby bush and heaves.

This causes Ciaran to quickly turn around. "By the gods, lass. What's gotten into you?"

Hesperia continues to heave for a few moments. When she's finished, she sits back on her haunches and takes a deep breath. "Ugh. I don't think I can eat that.." She places her head in her hands and takes a few more deep breaths.

Ciaran lets out a slew of curses. "Are you kidding me? A girl like you can't handle a little dry meat? I swear, if you become much more of a bother, I'm leaving you behind."

Hesperia shakes her head and slowly stands. Without looking at Ciaran, she starts walking. Cursing under his breath, Ciaran follows after her, not taking long to catch up. As he falls in stride beside her, he looks at her from the corner of his eye. His gaze lingers for a while, before he looks forward and looses himself in his thoughts.

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