
Chapter 3

While it is possible to create high-rank add-ons from scratch, due to their complexity and cost, it is much more common to create low-rank add-ons and gradually upgrade them. The main way to upgrade them is to let your world develop in the area of that add-on. Like that, little modifications will appear on them, and we just need to pick the ones that we think will be more useful for our builds.

— Extract from the Builder's Magazine #2, "How to start creating Add-ons" —

While Axel was going to the café, an event was happening inside his world—an event that would mark its future.

By that time, on most of the islands, not even a human remained alive after the evolution of the beasts, aided by Axel's add-on. To be precise, only five islands contained humans.

In one of the villages on one of those islands lived Uno. Since his birth, Uno was smaller than the rest of his companions, and that didn't change when they grew up. In a situation where most of the people would become an outcast due to the inferiority of physical strength, for some unknown reason, he was able to demonstrate strength nearly equal to that of his fellow hunters, as well as the speed that outpaced the majority of them. Due to this, even if he was not the leader of the village, he didn't have a bad position either, and he was never the last to get food.

No one knew why he was able to express those physical abilities with that small and weak-looking body, but since he was useful for the village, nobody complained about it. The truth was that Uno had a habit of taking a long, deep breath and keeping the air inside his chest until he began to feel dizzy, and then he would let it all out and begin again. He would do this whenever he felt tired or cold, and, like magic, he would feel a little better every time. Uno had been doing this since he could remember, and he didn't even know why or when he started doing it, but this exercise had been accompanying him since very little.

But one day, while he was doing his exercises in the morning, he began to feel weird. His whole body began to heat up and shake, and he felt as if his head was about to explode. Suddenly, he began to cough and a bad-smelling black liquid began to come out of his mouth.

"What the hell is this?" he thought.

He had never seen anything like that happen. When he stopped coughing, he felt pretty tired, even though he had just woken up. For some reason, he didn't feel like doing his breathing exercise again, so he entered his hut and began to sleep again.

While he was sleeping, a few unknown people neared the village. They were wounded, and they looked as if they had been running for hours.

"Who are you and what are you doing in our village?", Aed asked, one of the strongest hunters in the village, who acted as the chief most of the time.

"We... We are here to warn you. New kinds of beasts have appeared. Some of them are even capable of using magic. It's as if they are possessed by demons... Our whole village has been wiped out, so the survivors decided to warn the other villages so you can cooperate and fight together against the beast", said one of the wounded.

"Don't you worry, anything that comes will be hunted and used to feed our village", said Aed laughing while holding his white spear.

Aed's spear was made of the bone of a mutated bear. It was a very difficult battle because the bear was stronger and resistant than a normal bear, but this quality made the spear made out of his bones a pretty good weapon that could pierce the hide or armor of almost every other animal.

After listening to everything they said, he lent them a hut to recover from their travel, while some men from the village departed to share this new information with the other tribes.

While they were doing all of this, a small army of beasts was traveling from village to village while being led by a three-tailed fox.

What do you think about the "Extract from the Builder’s Magazine"?

I think doing something like that can help to do a little bit of world-building without making the chapters too dense. It's not something to do in every chapter, but from time to time could be a good addition.

Let me know in the comments what you think.

EdwardPridecreators' thoughts
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