
◾️| Chapter 13: Anger |◾️

{West Dark Fire Village: Nargia Hospital}

El was lying on a bed and resting because of the wound he sustained in the unexpected incident in their practice match yesterday in the said forest. Daiki arrives at the hospital along Luxana and Charlie.

"Ohh,its you grandpa"El said.

After he turned to each side as if he looking for something.

"Where is feitan??"El asked.

"He is gone, we have looked for him all over our town but we can't find him"Daiki answered.

"Maybe he thought it was his fault to what happened to me"El said.

"Even me, I was shocked by what happened, because his presence yesterday was different than when he first released that power"Luxana nervous said.

"Yes me too, because before when I used my chain on him he couldn't handle it, but when I used it again he broke it, then his presence was more intense"Charlie replied.

"Surely it's even more dangerous if you did not stop Feitan's power from flaring"Daiki said.

Feitan returned to the forest where they had practiced.

{Teresa Forest}

[Feitan's Mind]

["Forgive me feitan for what happened, I really couldn't control my power because of your emotions"]Rikuo apologizing.

["It's my fault, if I don't prevail my emotions, that won't happen"]Feitan said.

{West Dark Fire Village: Nargia Hospital}

"Lord ninth, we can't find feitan in all corners of town"3rd rank hero report.

"Is that so, thank you"Daiki reply.

"I'll take my leave,sorry"Luxana said.

{Teresa Forest}

Luxana immediately left to go to the place where they practiced because she knew that Feitan was just there. When Luxana arrived at the said forest. She immediately looked around. Soon after. She saw a man with his back turned. Luxana thought it was Feitan. When she approached it. She suddenly faced him and strangled Luxana.

"Who are you?!"Mysterious man asked.

"L-let go of me!!"Luxana shouts.

The mysterious man suddenly released luxana and immediately disappeared.

{West Dark Fire Village: Nargia Hospital}

Charlie was thinking seriously when he's eyes suddenly widened as if he already knew where feitan was.

"Everyone!,I know the place that feitan is likely to go"Charlie said.

"Where?!"Daiki asked.

El's eyes also widened as if he already knew that place.

"In the place where we practice yesterday!!"El and Charlie concurrent said.

They immediately went to Teresa Forest with el to visit Feitan.

{Teresa Forest}

As Luxana walked. She saw Feitan in a large tree.

"Feitan!!"Luxana shouts.

When Feitan heard the voice of the caller. he turned his back and saw Luxana smiling at him with mixed concern on her face.

"L-luxana"Feitan cried reply.

Luxana ran towards Feitan and hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay?, I'm worried about you"Luxana said.

"Luxana, how did you know I was here?"Feitan asked.

"It's my hunch only, Also I think that this is the only place I know you're going"Luxana answered.

In the middle of their conversation Charlie, Daiki and el came.

"Feitan"El worried said.

When Feitan saw them he immediately jumped away.

"Feitan, it's not your fault I know you know that!"El said.

"Master is right, it is not your fault, you just followed what the master said"Luxana say.

"I know what I did, it's my fault if Luxana didn't stop me you might be mourning for me"Feitan reply.

"That's not true!!, you can't do that"Luxana calmly said.

[Feitan's Mind]

["They are right Feitan, it's not your fault"]Rikuo said.

Because of what they said feitan realized that he was not really to blame for what happened so he approached el and apologized.

"Forgive me master for what I did to you"Feitan asked.

"You don't have to worry, I'm fine"El reply.

And in the end it was good that they once returned to normal what happened to them.

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