
Words that needed to be heard

"Zell?" Edna said, having followed Zell into the dungeons only to find him laying down upon the stone floor. "Are you alive?"

The tiny fox sitting on Zell's chest looked content and happy as it jumped off, its face looking as if it were smiling.

"Edna?" Zell said. "Just give me a moment. How long was I gone?"

"By all my estimations, not long." Edna explained. "I have only just arrived, and I followed directly after you."

"I see." Zell said. "Well at least that gives us more time then." He said as he got back up to his feet."

"Judging by the commotion outside I would assume you were successful in bringing back those who were taken?" Edna asked. "Was it so difficult that it caused you to lay down for a moment?"

"If nothing else I learned something." Zell explained. "I need to get stronger, if I don't it won't matter what we do for the kingdom, everything and everyone will be lost."

"That is troubling." Edna said.


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