Zell had teleported himself to the skies above Tarm. "If I remember correctly, this is the same kingdom that my friends conquered while I was away in the original timeline." Zell said to himself as he looked down on it.
"I fear this kingdom will not go as smoothly as the others." Zell said with a sigh.
Zell examined the kingdom and found the palace. He saw a balcony with an open door and flew down to it and landed. He then made his way inside. To his surprise this castle was built like the one in Neuval. He wondered if most castles had a default design or if there was once a famous castle builder.
"You there!" Guards yelled out as Zell walked into the throne room. "Who are you how did you get here?!"
"An Assassin!" One of the aides to the king yelled out.
"No, this man is the king of Neuval." The king said. "I recognize the crown, but I do not recognize the one wearing it. Explain yourself."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: