
Baby No More

"I mean I guess you can't?" Magnus said. "But I have no reason to lie to you, after all you both freed me from my eternal prison. Do you know how much it sucks to be trapped in a crystal with your mind still functioning? I was awake for every second of my imprisonment. The crippling boredom, you have no idea!

But sure, of course I would want to hurt the people who just saved him from my eternal suffering. Yeah, that makes sense. Do you want my help or not? Cause if you don't, I got a whole two thousand years' worth of living to do."

"I will accept your help." Zell said. "Please age me up kind sir. Just know that if you do betray me you will have to face the wrath of this dragon here. If that happens you will wish you were still trapped in the crystal."

"I get it." Magnus said. "You two worry way too much. I can't imagine what happened in your lives to make you so distrustful of others."

"The gods." Zell and Obsi said in unison.


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