
To Date a Dragon Part 2

Night came and like always since Zell achieved godhood, he found himself with no need to sleep. He had not felt tired or any form of exhaustion ever since his ascension. Not wanting to disturb Obsi or Lucille with his alertness he left the manor and sat on the edge of the cliffs.

He watched the flowing waves of the ocean break over the shores below and he could see the lightning illuminating the clouds in the storm surrounding the island.

"Zell!" Camille shouted out. "Long time no see." She was walking from the manor drying her hair with a towel. She had seen Zell sitting on the cliff from a window she passed in the hall on the way to her room. "They told me you looked different now, but dang you got big."

"Ah police girl." Zell said. "I am sorry I forgot about you."


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