
Pirates Part 3

"It is simple economics." Skel said. "The pirates have a vast network of routes they use to traverse the known galaxy and outposts everywhere. The federation wants to establish a safe harbor for traders to be able to do their business. Pirates hurt their bottom line, so they are spending money on trying to stop it."

"Go on." Yun said. "I still don't see how this is going to help us."

"If we can get the pirates to have trade rights, they will be well paid and no longer have to do crime." Skel said. "The federation would end up saving money in the long run as pirates know all the best routes and no one would dare attack their vessels. So, a faster movement of goods and no funds used to guard them."

"But how are you going to get the pirates to agree to that?" Yun asked. "I mean it all sounds well and good, but the likelihood of that going over well with the council of admirals is slim to none."


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