
See You in a Week

Zell sighed at Maximus's groveling. "The point of the matter remains; the demon lord ordered the capture of my mother." Zell said. "But you are right, I should punish you. It was your choice to steal these peoples from their homes and force them into servitude. That is something I cannot overlook. However, I wish to save your punishment for after I find out if you are lying or not."

"What do you mean?" Maximus asked.

"When I meet with the demon lord." Zell replied. "If my mother is indeed unharmed and well pampered as you said, I shall only punish you for your actions against my friends of the beast kin tribe. However, if I find that you are lying about my mother's wellbeing, then you will wish I would ease your suffering. For the horrors I will inflict upon you will cause the gods to turn their heads in disgust."

Maximus went pale from Zell's threat as he could sense it was the truth. Zell released his barrier around Maximus and the demon general fell to the ground on his knees.


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