
Dark Moon Elf

"I thought you were an elf?" Zell questioned Samantha about her appearance to him.

"I am a half elf!" She defended herself. "I just never said what kind…"

"Wait, the lass isn't part high elf?" Kilgon asked. "She looks the part."

"No, I am afraid what you see is a spell cast on me by my mother." Samantha explained. "She did not want anyone to know my true identity as my kind is considered cursed to bring misfortune. I am a dark moon elf. My mother is one as well, although my father still has no idea. It is not a secret my mother has shared with him."

"I care not what type of elf you are lass." Kilgon said. "It is stupid to assume things about you simply based on your race. You are a fine young girl, dark moon elf or not. I am just sad you thought you had to hide that from me."

"I am sorry." Samantha said with a bow to Kilgon. "I just never had a chance to tell you all, nor did I really want to risk our friendship."


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