
Zell meet Zell

Inside of the sphere was a pure white void, a blinding light that made it difficult to see. It was impossible to tell where the floor ended, and the walls began.

"Where is the center?" Zell asked, squinting his eyes because of the light blinding him. He walked forward a few steps and decided it was about as center as he was going to get and sat down on his knees. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay empty my mind." He strained trying to free his mind of any thoughts, but the act of trying to clear his mind was causing him to think.

"Hard to clear your mind huh?" A voice said to him.

"Yeah, it is…" Zell stopped mid answer and opened his eyes. Another him stood next to him in the void, looking down on him with his hands on his hips. "Wait, are you the magical essence the dragons told me about?"

"I am you." The other Zell said. "The real you, stripped away from your phony heroism and sacrifice for others. I am what you could be."


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