
Battle on the Wall

Samantha charged the demoness with her sword swiping as she got within striking distance. Sarilla laughed as she stepped to the side and dodged the attack. The demoness had a level far exceeding that of a human, Samantha's actions were as if they were in slow motion to her.

Samantha followed through with her swipe and immediately changed directions towards Sarilla. Again, the demoness easily dodged the attack. Kaitlyn joined the fray with a leap attack. Her claws drawn and ready to strike she landed on the demoness's back as she dodged one of the sword swings. Kaitlyn's claws dug deep into Sarilla's flesh drawing the purple blood of the demoness.

Not reacting to the pain, she reached behind herself over her head and grabbed Kaitlyn by the arms. With a single motion she flipped Kaitlyn onto the ground where she landed with a massive thud. She hit with such force that the stones on the wall showed cracks and dust flew up. Kaitlyn coughed up some blood at the time of impact.


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