
A New Skill Activates

Meanwhile back in the white abyss a door opened where God sat. Out of the door a man dressed in a suit came out with a clipboard. "Your eminence Our systems indicate that a soul with a level of two million was born on the planet of Xalabar in universe 487." The well-dressed man said. "Was that intentional my lady? I thought the Lord of destruction had already laid claim to that planet and marked it as his next target for destruction."

"Oh, did he?" God smiled. "Must have slipped my mind. I only wanted to bring a bit of goodness to that world, which is so grasped by darkness. The level two million thing was actually a complete mistake. Who knew Earth granted exponentially more experience points than Xalabar? That simple task of factory work on Xalabar would have only granted a tenth of a point of experience not six hundred. But oh well, you live and learn I guess."

"So, you didn't intend to send a god among men to stop the destruction of a planet?" The attendant said.

"No, completely forgot Eddy claimed that world." God said. "How does he intend to destroy it anyway?"

The attendant checked his notes on his clipboard. "Looks like the classic demon lord, mam." He responded. "Also, why must you insist on calling him Eddy, you know that isn't his name."

"Extremely Dumb Destruction Yahoo, or Eddy." God smiled. "That's the best way to describe him so that's his name."

"Right of course." The attendant said with a sigh. "Well, it will surely be an interesting show. By my notes, the demon lord should rise to power in twenty years. That should give the level two million guy some time to enjoy life."

"I can't wait to see it." God said with a grin on her face.

Back on the planet of Xalabar the newborn infant was meeting his mother for the first time. She was unconscious during the birth due to the birthing magic, but the doctors had now awoken her and handed her the baby. She smiled as she looked at her new son with his ice blue eyes and full head of jet-black hair. "Oh, sweet baby Zell, I am so pleased to meet you." She said holding him. I carried you around so long in my womb it's so wonderful to see you."

"Handsome young lad isn't he dear?" The duke spoke up. "I can't believe we have our first child! Just look at him, he has your eyes and my nose! I dare say he will be more attractive than us both!"

"Well of course." The duchess replied. "My darling Kelbor, this child has the best of both of us and none of our bad, he will be the best of us. We must make sure we give him everything he needs to live and love, to grow and prosper, to find his joy and happiness. Nothing in the whole of Xalabar matters to us compared to our son, our baby Zell."

[My dad's name is Kelbor?] Zell thought to himself. [I suppose I should consider myself lucky to have gotten the name Zell if that is the quality of names in the world. Although I must say this scene reminds me of when my wife and I brought our first child into the world. How happy we were to be parents, and how scared I was to be a father. I had no idea how I was going to do it, but my loving wife just smiled and told me everything was going to be okay. It was okay for so long until, until that day that everyone died. How am I supposed to live in this world knowing that pain, that sorrow?! How am I supposed to continue to be apart from my loved ones, knowing that they are waiting for me on the other side?!]

"Wahhh" Zell began to cry.

"Oh, sweet baby it's okay." His mother said while starting to rock him in her arms. "Everything is going to be alright. We are here for you; you have nothing to fear and only happiness awaits you."

*Skill Activated: Selective Memory*

[What did I just hear a woman's voice in my head?] Zell questioned to himself. [Selective Memory? Wait what was I sad about… Why can't I remember? I know it was something, but I cannot place it. I remember God, but only barely, and I can't remember anything else. How strange, it seems this skill or whatever has somehow sealed away my memories. Is it God's doing or my own psyche to defend itself against trauma?]

Zell's face changed to a look of intense thought and his crying ceased. "Look honey, he has calmed down." His mother said. "He knows mommy has him, and that everything will be okay."

"Dearest Elenore, you have such a way with the baby." Kelbor said to his wife. "I just know he will be a great man under your guidance. Oh, a son! I still cannot believe it! I am the luckiest man on the planet right now! Not only do I have the most beautiful and caring woman in the world but also a son!"

"Yes dear," Elenore said. "Now please calm yourself, our son is finally starting to sleep. I am sure being born was a tiring experience."

The years of early childhood would fly by slowly. Zell forgot about his life as Gary, he forgot about his chat with God, and he forgot about his family. He would still get glimpses of the technology of Earth in his dreams although he could not place their origin. He felt he was different growing up. He was faster, smarter, and stronger than anyone he met. It worried him; he did not know where these attributes were coming from since he could not remember his conversation with God. On his fifth birthday his father sat him down in his study and began to have a discussion with him.

"Zell you are now the age of five." Kelbor cleared his throat while talking. "At the age of five we are granted a special privilege in this world, although no one knows from where or what it originated. If you say the word Status aloud you will be able to see your attributes. Some lucky few are born with attributes in the teens, and I think you my boy are one of them. There is no way else to explain it. Go on, say Status and tell me what your attributes are!"

"Alright father." Zell said. "Status!"

That's a harsh skill! But perhaps it is for the best that he doesn't remember that trauma, no one should have to live with that pain. It is a darkness that might have consumed him... Let me know what you think in the comments! Also I need those powerstones for the WPC, or just for love!

Alphachoascreators' thoughts
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