
Chapter 5: Lovers' Quarrel

The AST were notified of a massive fight happening in the forest, they were dispatched and went to the scene of the battle. Far away a man and a woman watched the AST be sent out, the man smirked as he held a book in his hand.

"Shall we send out Nibelcole?" Ellen asked as she looked at Westcott. "Perhaps she'll be a good distraction for us."

Westcott glanced over to Ellen as he cackled. "We will in due time. We can't afford having a huge fight on our hands. Us, the AST and the spirits. It's just simply too much."

Ellen would lightly nod as she glanced off to the horizon. "Then we should wait for an opening."

Westcott smirked again as he tapped the book. "Indeed we will. Once they tire themselves out. We will make our move and kill Shido."

Ellen grinned widely as she couldn't agree more. The AST were getting closer to the forest, both Scarlet and Nightmare stared each other down as Kurumi started to slowly walk to the side Scarlet followed as both started to run through the forest. Kurumi started shooting at Scarlet as the bullets deflected off of Black Rose.

"And now they're at it." Shido said as he crossed his arms.

"Lovers' quarrel." Nia said as she grinned a bit. "These two are into it, they both need to blow off steam."

Kurumi summoned her angel as the giant clock appeared behind her. Zafkiel!" She moved her Flintlock and musket to two o'clock. "Bet!" She fired at Scarlet again to slow down time on her.

Scarlet smirked as she stopped time with her semblance before Nightmare could stop time on her. She jumped into the trees as she crouched down on a branch before blinking.

Nightmare stopped as she glanced around for her wife. "Damn it. Clever on avoiding my attacks Scarlet... but you can't stay hidden!"

Scarlet stayed silent as she sniffed the air. She could smell the AST coming. She thought of a clever plan. "You had one job! One! But you blew it!" She glanced down to Nightmare. "You're the reason why Marigold was kidnapped! You should've kept a closer eye on her!"

Nightmare glanced around as she could hear her voice but she couldn't make out where she was hiding. "Me?! If you hadn't gone off on your little 'adventures' she would've been home with us both!"

"What the hell?" Kotori asked. "Why are they arguing all of a sudden?"

Shido shrugged as he wondered the same thing. "I don't know... maybe Scarlet is planning something she doesn't want Kurumi to know?"

"It's possible..." Nia said as she adjusted her glasses.


Marigold sat in the gymnasium as she was sitting on the stage, she sighed as she looked down at her hands. They were shaking as she tried to keep them steady.

Doll Master snickered as she walked into the gym, her footsteps echoed through the empty gymnasium. "Well well, look what the cat dragged in. And what pleasures do I owe your visit?"

Marigold glanced up as she saw Doll Master, she jumped up to her feet as she saw her. "What do you want?"

"Oh what's with the stink eye? I didn't do anything to hurt you. Q....I mean your mother sent me to check on you." Doll Master said as she grins. She held a doll in her arms as she was planning something.

Marigold ignored Doll Master as she didn't really feel like talking. Doll Master noticed as she rolls her eyes and groans.

"Wow... the silent treatment." Doll Master said as she giggled. "Well then, I suppose it's time to.... SPICE THINGS UP!" She threw her doll at Marigold as it hit the girl.

Marigold got hit hard by the doll as she fell onto her back. Doll Master scoffed as she found it too easy, she turned around. "That was almost too easy."

"Oh is that what you think?" Marigold asked as she sat up, she caught the doll and tore it's arms off. "That wasn't very nice." She threw the doll back at Doll Master as she jumped off the stage.

"Not my dolly... is what you thought I would say." Doll Master said as she had more dolls come from the ceiling. "I have more. And you won't be getting out alive freak."

Marigold glanced around as she saw how many dolls there were. "This must be her power.... so it's different for everyone."

Doll Master stayed silent as she launched her dolls one by one at Marigold. "Choke and die on my babies!"

Marigold didn't have time to react as she was swarmed by each doll, some swung at her with knived hands and some shot beams from their mouths at her.

Doll Master started laughing as she kept attacking Marigold with her dolls. "Die, die die!!!"

Marigold was trying to get out but one doll dropped down in front of her and slashed at her with its knife had. She stumbled back a bit as she panted.

"Stop it, I haven't done nothing wrong!" Marigold yelled. Her eyes glowed that crimson blood red like every Grimm eye.

Doll Master ignored Marigold as she kept laughing. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my laughing!"

Marigold was getting annoyed and angry, she grabbed one of the dolls attacking her as she snapped its arm off abs used the knife to defend herself from the others. She cut the dolls down to pieces, she grabbed for another knife as she glared at Doll Maker and ran towards her.

"Oooh, someone wants death quickly." Doll Master said with a giggle.

"Raaaar!" Marigold growled as she swing and jabbed the knives at Doll Master. "Raaar!!!!"

Doll Master was taken by surprise, she jumped back to avoid the knives. "My word...she's gone mad."


Kurumi's clones laughed as they were chasing Scarlet through the forest. The real one was standing in the middle of the forest. "You left us both alone! And you're talking about failure?! You didn't even consider what effects it would take on us both!"

Scarlet smirked as she swung from tree to tree cutting the branches off as she spun around and threw a dust grenade at the clones. "Well excuse me princess! General James ironshaft had me locked up in Atlas prison!"

Nightmare was about to say something else but glanced around trying to figure out where she'd come next. She looked up and saw the AST hovering over.

"What are they doing here?" Shido asked. "This isn't a disturbing or crisis situation to have them show up."

"Technically it is." Origami said. "Even though this forest is miles away from Tengu City."

"We'll deal with them." Tohka said as she gripped her sword. "I thought we had a truce with them?"

"Wait, they're probably here for Scarlet, considering last time." Kotori said as she put a hand on her hip. "We should really be on the look out for Ellen and Westcott."

Shido nodded as he wondered if Kotori was right. Then again she probably was, Scarlet stopped as she kicked the last clone down and shot it. "Great, the AST is here."

Kurumi wondered what was going on and why they were here, she didn't see Mana anywhere. Which was starting to make her wonder. "Scarlet, I know where Queen is... I can take you to her so we can save Marigold."

The AST all glanced and glared at her. One of them flew down as the gave Scarlet the stink eye. "Scarlet Rose, you are here by under arrest."

"Kihihihi.... me? Oh please." Scarlet said as she jumped up and round house kicked her in the face. "Stay out of the way."

Not far Westcott opened the book as he smirked. "It's time girls... come Nibelcole, go and attack Shido and the others!" He threw the papers up as they started to poof into girls.

"Time to kill Shido." Ellen said as she equipped her armor and flew off towards the forest.

Nibelcole giggled as every single one giggled, they all followed Ellen as Westcott made his way there as well. The AST swarmed Scarlet as they got knocked back as she grabbed two by the throat and slammed them down.

Scarlet sniffed the air as she smelt several new smells. "There's more people coming."

"It's them." Kaguya said. "Westcott, Ellen and Nibelcole." She glanced over to Shido. "You have to hide."

Scarlet heard what Kurumi said as she flew into the air as she glared ahead and saw Ellen and army of Nibelcoles. A grin grew on her face as she licked her lips. "I see me some new toys to play w-"

Scarlet was interrupted as Ellen shot her through the stomach, a gaping hole was in the middle of her abdomen, everyone below saw this. Yet none of them seemed horrified by it, Ellen stopped midair as she wondered why Scarlet's body hasn't fallen to.the ground below.

"What's going on?" Ellen asked confused. "Why hasn't she fallen?"

The gaping hole slowly closed up as Scarlet started laughing. "Hahaha! Did you really think.... that would keep me down?" She grinned widely and cackled.

Ellen was taken by surprise, she wondered if Scarlet was a sprit, but something told her she wasn't. "How the hell did you survive that? You should be dead!"

Scarlet flew towards Ellen as she swung Black Rose at her. "You really want to know that badly?" Her tongue slithered out of her mouth as she grins. "I'm the devil."


Marigold had blacked out after she had lashed out at Doll Master, she slowly regains consciousness as she sat up.

"Ugh...my head hurts." Marigold mumbled, she glanced around seeing the ruined gymnasium as she cocked an eyebrow up. "What the?" She slowly stood up as she stumbled a bit.

Queen slowly clapped as she walked into the gym, she smirks as she put on a fake proude tone. "Amazing, you've managed to do all this against Doll Master."

Marigold was still confused as she had no idea what Queen meant. "Huh? I did this? I don't remember doing it..."

"I see. I'm still impressed." Queen said walking over to Marigold. "Now then, why don't you come with me to my chambers? You've managed to push Doll Master all the way from here and into my chambers."

Marigold blinked, she was still puzzled and confused on what she meant. "Uh....."

Queen led the way to her chambers as Marigold followed behind her. She was still unsure what happened, Queen however had a feeling Marigold would make a perfect candidate to be one of her subordinates and test subjects.

"Now then..." Queen said as she entered her chambers. She turned around and glanced at Marigold.

Marigold entered as she noticed how white everything was. A single chair at in the middle of the room, she hadn't noticed Queen was looking at her. "So much white..."

Queen smirked as she slowly drew her sword out and pointed the tip of it at Marigold. "....You're such a fool you child..."

Before Queen could do anything the air went cold, as the smell of murder and blood filled the air. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter!" Scarlet slowly stepped out through the gaping hole in the wall as she gaze Queen a death glare. "Hello Queen... I'm your worst dream come true."

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