
Chapter 35

I nod at Claire's words and Iris looks at me anxiously.

"E-elder sister, the way you say it makes it sound like he'll kill someone if they piss- I mean if they annoy him."

"Well about that..."

I looked at the two women incredulously, they seemed to be forgetting that I was right fuckibg there. Sure I had committed mass genocide and had attempted to commit omnicide but that was in a different world.

I sighed, Claire was the first to head out, the maids bowed respectfully and opened the doors. The doors were made of gold, yes fucking golden doors, the Elves seemed to be extremely extravagant people. But strangely enough the King and Queen were extremely lax, they were in PJs when I met them today. Maybe it's an attempt to get me to lower my guard?

I cast my thoughts away, I hoped that I wouldn't have to make an enemy of the Elves. In this era the Elves and humans weren't on horrible terms, there were even attempts at closing our relationship.


As we headed over to the guild we started talking, well it was mainly just Claire and Iris talking. I started looking around, attempting to memorize the layout of the place just incase anything happened.

However, a voice broke me out of my thoughts, I looked around to see that it was Iris who was talking.

"Hey uhm, Joker? I've been wondering for a while now, but why do you wear a mask?"

"Everyone has their own secrets."

Iris pouted a bit, maybe she was hoping to become friends with me? All the heroines seemed to have this longing for companionship or friendship.

"That's fair enough then, everyone has their own secrets. I won't pressure you to tell me about yourself, but I think its for the best if we get along."

I took a deep breath, she was a rather simple person huh? I guess I can play along.

"I see, I will try to get along with you then."

Iris Aegis POV:

'Tsk, I don't want to get close to this damn monster. But... when I use 'The Eyes Of Fate' on him, it doesn't work. Maybe I'll use it one more time? Yeah just to be sure.'

When I noticed that he wasn't paying attention, I willed Mana into my eyes, I looked at the fucker- I mean the weirdo. Then I felt 'something.' I felt an inhuman presence, it was as if there was a monster inside him?

No there wasn't a monster inside him, he was the monster. Normally when I looked into someone's fate I can see what they'll do and the possible outcomes of their actions.

But that inhuman monster, I couldn't see anything again. It was like he was oppressing the very concept of Fate?

I felt something drip down my eyes cheeks, I touched my cheek and felt a liquid.

It was blood, if I overused my eyes they could start bleeding and eventually lead to blindness. But I had trained myself to the point where I could look at the Fates of people for hours upon hours on end. Yet I've already exhausted my power? It's been less than a minute?-

I quickly wiped the blood of my face and started using a healing spell, my healing magic wasn't the best out there but it could get the job done.

I needed to report back to father, if we were to make this 'Joker' an enemy, he would be nearly unstoppable. Even 'The Night Angel' said he was a monster, we should try and get him on our side.

But... If we can't get him on our side I suppose we can just make sure he isn't an enemy.


Narrator POV:

Somewhere, in a dark room a man was sat down on a throne. He his facial features were hidden by shadows, he wore a simple white robe that bore black markings all over it, infront of him a certain man was kneeling.

The man who was kneeling was dressed like an assassin, the assassin was at least 6'3. He was dressed in black and he wore a cloth mask and had hood on. His clothing had no noticeable symbols or markings, there wasn't even a spec of dust on it

The man on the throne had a terrifying pressure around him, he looked down at the assassin.

"Have you investigated the child?"

The assassin took a deep breath before responding.

"The information around him... it was well guarded, the Sword Saint doesn't seem to be the one hiding his information. I believe that should we dig any deeper into his identity, we should be prepared to take some losses."

The on the throne released a wave of killing intent, "You're assessment of the situation is likely to be accurate. But... that was not my question, I asked for you tell me whether or not you investigated him. But I did not ask for your opinion."


Reinhardt POV:

I was on a rooftop, Iris was behind me, I crouched on the very edge of the rooftop. Iris was frantically looking around, seemingly worried that we'd be found.

"They're bellow us, i can sense five of them on the first floor, I'll go in first."

The mission we were being sent on was a simple one, it was the extermination of a bandit base. The bandits here trafficked drugs, humans etc.

I enhanced my body, I jumped from the rooftop and landed safely on the floor. The bandits were using this place as a base, or so the quests description said. The base was a fairly worn out house, the door was rotting and bits of the walls were cracked, but it made sense since we were in the slums. I looked down at the ground, the ground was all muddy.

I searched for their presences once more, I felt that one of them was leaning against the door. I plunged my hand through the door and eventually through his body. I pulled my hand back after letting go of his body. The door had a giant hole in it, I kicked the door and sent it flying into another bandit.

"Three to go."

I dashed forward and grabbed the bandits throat, I threw him at the other two bandits, one of the bandits dodged but the other one was sent flying into a wall. Four of the bandits were either dead or knocked out, I took a good look at the final bandit. He was using a simple Western style sword, he charged at me, but I sent a kick to his head which made go flying into a wall.

"Iris... You can come in now."

Iris walked into the room, I had tried to keep the blood and gore to a minimum, she was only 8 years old after all. If she was traumatised to early then it'd be annoying.

I looked around the room, there wasn't anything unordinary about it, there was a bookshelf. I sighed to myself, it was painfully obvious as to what was going to happen.

I went over to it and started pushing each and every book, Iris looked at me as if I was completely fucking retarded.

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