

Her vitals were off the charts. Her heart went into AFib. Her blood pressure neared dangerous levels. The Rapid Response Team was called in, and Jardan and Indigo were rushed out of the room.

Jardan called Jasper as Indigo began to go into an anxiety attack. The doctor came out of the room just as his parents and Jasper rushed in. Indigo sat with her head between her knees and Jardan’s hands on her shoulders.

Aubrey waited with an encouraging smile for Indigo to gather herself and look up. “She’s stable.”

Indigo closed her eyes and leaned on Jasper with a loud sigh. Remedio and Joyceta each put a hand on Jardan’s back. Relief flooded the room.

“I’ve sedated her. Her trip back from the coma was a little too much for her body. That happens sometimes. She’ll rest, her body and mind will catch up to each other, and then we’ll ease her back to us.”

Behind Aubrey, the team emptied Callie’s room quietly and efficiently.

Next chapter