
Chapter 122: A Threat to the world. 1900 CE


At the port of Belgium, the king and his entourage were waiting impatiently as they waited for King Grodd to arrive at their kingdom. All of his entourage was definitely not happy, he is king, yet he was to be kept waiting by a herd of apes.

"This is madness." Leopold spoke to his advisor. "We have waited for hours, where's the ship? Or don't tell me these apes swam across the ocean?"

"We have been told that they will arrive today, your majesty," said the advisor calmly.


"By… A bird…"

"A bird?"

"There was a message attached to the bird's leg," said the advisor. "They will come soon."

"Let me see—"

But before the king could continue, his entourage started to see something from afar. They were shouting, wondering what that was. The king stood from his seat, and narrowed his eyes, to see the thing that was coming towards them.

As the thing kept getting closer and closer, they could hear noises, buzzing noise coming from the sky.

"What is that?" questioned the king.

"I… don't know, your majesty."

"You don't know?" frowned the king. "Are you telling, that you have no intel on this simian society whatsoever?"

"No one came back, your majesty."

"What? What do you mean no one came back?"

"No one came back from Congo."

The king frowned as he heard it. The thing kept getting closer and closer, it was now hovering just in front of the king's entourage. The thing was shaped like a dragonfly, flapping its wings so quickly that the wind around them made ripples on the water.

The aircraft then turned around, and its backside opened, revealing an 8 ft tall Gorilla, standing inside the aircraft.

"Good afternoon King Leopold." said the Gorilla, who was king Grodd. His voice was clear to King Leopold, the noise of the aircraft made no disturbance whatsoever.

"What is this?!" the king shouted angrily. "Are you trying to show off your power, ape?"

"Well, yes." Grodd shrugged. "Do you like this? I've only just tested this aircraft a couple of days ago, seeing that we don't really have a reason to travel far until now."

"If you want to talk, ape, then come down here," said Leopold. "I have no time for jests."

"Oh, who said I want to talk to you, human?" questioned Grodd, making the king frowned. "No… I wanted to deliver you something."

Another buzzing aircraft then suddenly hovered to the port, and it hovered just near the king and his entourage. The door of the aircraft slowly opened, and one by one, something rolled to the ground, making the entourage pale.

"W-What is the meaning of this?!" the king shouted angrily.

"Your people," said Grodd. "Well, the rest of it anyway… it makes you wonder, how around 200ish men could enslave hundreds of thousands of people…"

"How dare you mock me!" shouted Leopold. "This is my land ape!"

"Your land, and what army?" questioned Grodd calmly. "I have decimated your navy, they have sunk to the bottom of the sea, trespassing our land. Your people hate you, it's just a matter of time before you die, Leopold."

Leopold clenched his fist, he looked around, and saw the uncomfortable looks of his entourage.

"Leopold, may Eshu forgive you for your sins to my nation." spoke Grodd softly. "But I certainly will not."

The doors of the aircrafts then closed down, and the aircraft quickly left Leopold, leaving him with a red face, and a tense atmosphere.

"Chase them," he said.

"I'm sorry your majesty, but with our technology, we couldn't cat—"

"I don't care! Chase them!"

The advisor sighed. "Very well, your majesty."

Grodd was now flying through the English Channel, flying to London, when he suddenly clicked the comms terminal.

"Report." he said.

"All units in position, my king." spoke a voice from the comms. "The Bearded man will be sent to Eshu tonight."

Grodd hummed. "Make it painful."

"Lady Anna will take care of that."

"Good work." Grodd continued. "A thopter will pick you up tomorrow, gather in the rendezvous point."

"Thank you, my king." said the voice in comms as it shut off. Grodd sighed as the thopter kept moving, and sat down.

"I wonder what Wakanda's reaction will be like…" he chuckled to himself as he leaned against the vibranium wall, resting himself.



Let's vote again, cause why not.

Eternal Name(Only these four, choose between one, don't comment on the chapter comments, it won't count.):





Powers (Only these three, choose between one, don't comment on the chapter comments, it won't count.):

-Cosmic Energy Constructs

Users can turn light(In this case, Cosmic Energy) into different shapes, objects, materials and substances of varying complexity, permanence and solidity, ranging from items such as tools and weapons, to other forms such as images, entities and structures. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.

Limited to imagination.

-Atomic Manipulation

The user can control atoms, the building blocks of matter. The user can manipulate matter on an atomic level, and the energy associated with it. They can manipulate atomic structures of matter to achieve a variety of effects.

It allows the user to control almost every physical matters of the universe, manipulate atomic energy and radioactive particles of atoms, rearrange atoms to create a new object, transform matter into energy or whatever the user desires, disintegrate any object, release nuclear radiation to melt, burn matters even from inside, manipulate the pieces of atoms such as electrons, protons and neutrons.

Atoms are the building blocks of almost any kind of matter in the universe. Every physical thing we observe are made up of atoms. Even we, human beings, are made up of atoms. So, as the building blocks of matters, the user needs knowledge of physics to get better control and understanding of it, So is to prevent many side-effects.

May be hard to control (splitting an atom by accident, for example). Since this power doesn't allow manipulation of sub-atomic particles, it can't be used to create completely new elements/atoms. won't work on non-atomic bodies.

-Energy Manipulation

The user can create, shape, and manipulate energy, the capacity or ability to cause change or do work, one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) into a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.

Common physical forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic.


~Anti-Energy Manipulation destroys all forms of energy.

~Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

~May be unable to create energy, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

~May be limited by the amount of energy a person can hold in themselves.

~Extensive use of powers over a long period of time could deplete one's energy reserves.

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