
Chapter 261 - Cleaning up (part 4)

The door to the dining room opened and two young men entered. An earth magician and a black-haired martial artist with obsidian eyes.

Xeonith Zarble Derizno and Zoemi Benevi Banemor

Well, technically there three men entered – Zoemi was dragging an armless and legless torso of a beaten-up man with a vacant expression, leaving a trail of blood like some sort of demonic slug.


At first, Aedlier stared between two Zoemis but soon enough her full attention focused on the mutilated man.

It was the head of the Derizno family, the very person who was behind the assassination of her parents and who later fooled her into surrendering the Galamroze territory to him...

"Young lady Galamroze."

Xeonith bowed his head to the amaranth-haired girl and spoke out.

"My father's schemes escaped my attention for far too long. Please accept this small token of good will on top of this."

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