
Chapter 255 - Magic examination (part 7)

"I'm joking. I wanted you to wait because I wanted to show you how I compare to magicians, so you and Aspie would have a frame of reference."

"Oh. You could have told me from the start."

The scarred attendant snickered and reassured the gold-haired corpse puppet who let out a soft gasp and mellowed down.

"Esteemed teachers!"

The three examiners were also about to leave, but Zoemi called out and jogged to them.

"In case I picked your attention with that little earthwork, is it possible for you to provide me with a set of targets to test my own power? Preferably at a distance just like the ones for the students earlier~!"

The boy cheered out rather lightheartedly which didn't seem to be to teacher Ikarveth's liking...

"Why would we pull out more of the expensive equipment meant for measuring the elemental damage for a martial artist of all things?!"

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