
Chapter 248 - It's the result that counts... (part 1)


Aspaekony raised her brow and inquired while sifting her position yet again...

"...cold you be less fidgety...? I don't mean any disrespect and try to act as professional as I directly share senses with that copy and... pardon the rudeness but... you are really making it hard..."


The masked boy lowered his head trying to hide how flushed his face was becoming which made the necromancer's eyes widen and she turned her head to look at the embarrassed copy that was doing his best to hold her down.




Out of nowhere the gray-haired girl pushed her head forward and kissed the exposed left cheek of the masked attendant causing him to tense up... and ended up flinching after getting poked...

"Wait a second.. wait a darn second...! I recognize this shape!"

Although she was surprised a bit, Aspakeony gasped and declared while intensely wiggling in the attendant's lap.


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