
Chapter 238 - Knight training (part 15)

"N-no...! it was definitely only kidnapping! That guy...! He must have lost his cool or something...!"

The woman backed off against the wall even more and at that point, it looked as if she was attempting to climb it...

"Hmm... Is that so...?"


Zoemi bounced on the mattress and stood up closing the distance between himself and the darkenss magician fast enough to startle her into activating the darkness blade.

She didn't use it though.

"You are still getting used to this line of work, aren't you? Sudden career path change?"

Zoemi glanced at the obsidian blade extending out of the clenched fingertips of the magician's left hand and his expression softened when he looked up at her face.


She didn't respond but the dilation of her pupils was rather telling...

...or was caused by the eeriness of the situation, one of the two...

"It's not maxed out yet, but you seem to be weak-minded enough..."

"Excuse me...?!"

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