
Chapter 230 - Nothing can keep them apart (part 2)

"It was not bad at all until that person showed up...!"

The child on the right leaned over the one in the middle and said to the one on the left.

"...could you get out of my face? It's bad enough that you insisted that we come here, Grazio..."

The child in the middle got annoyed and grabbed the face of the one leaning over them and pushed them back in their place.

As they did, long strands of black hair with green luster arose from under the hood and bristled like needles showing off the anger of the middle one...


Zoemi's eyes widened.

Even without seeing her face or hearing the other two saying her name out loud, he knew who she was.

Somehow, Miriette ended up being in the same place at the same time as Zoemi.

Surprisingly, it seemed like in this timeline she would keep her hair long despite its liveliness and unruliness that always gave her so much trouble before.

The black-haired child had to use all of his strong will just to not rush to her side.

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