
Chapter 227 - Guide's guidance (part 2)

"No, my lord. That was great."

The boy hurriedly shook his head and assured.

"Is... is any attribute discriminated by the public...?"

Zoemi felt as if his head was about to explode, but he still asked, this time much more directly, about what he originally wanted to know.

"Not really? Just like me, many people are biased in favor of their own attributes, and there is not a single person who would like everyone so some sort of form of discrimination is bound to happen – but nothing o the level of open hatred or ridicule or anything..."

Ludier furrowed his brows thinking about the question but in the end, he shook his head and declared, clearly biting his own tongue at the end as he was going to add some venomous comment about the attribute that he personally despised.

"Still, it might be that you will not have to worry about any of it because you took after your father who was a martial artist."

The pale-blue-haired man pointed out with a serious expression.

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