
Chapter 196 - Fateful meeting (part 7)


Zoemi realized that he could actually be falling for whatever the youngest member out of the Great Ram sect was planning and certainly didn't like the idea... but his doubts soon turned into shock when the defeated dark sect member at his feet started literally melting, and his gelatine-like flesh began making strange sounds as it was stripping itself out of his bones!

"What the fuck?!"

Zoemi gasped in genuine shock, moving back away from the rather gruesome sight.

"What did you do to him?!"

"Shut up, Bob. You are talking as if you never saw someone get consumed by the law of Scorpius before."

A man from the Great Ram sect shouted in terror

at the confused Zoemi but got instantly silenced by the youth that did not seem to be particularly bothered by the demise of their companion...

"But... "

"I told you to shut up."

The man called Bob tried to argue, but the youth cut him off without sparing him a glance.

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