
Chapter 92 - Banemor territory - part 1 - Entrance (part 1)

The expensive carriage passed by the agricultural area surrounding the main city of the Banemor territory where the Banemors mansion was built – Learen.

Yes, the city in its current state that was completely different from a town it was sixteen years before, had been renamed after the missing daughter of the late lord of the region – not the other way around.

The name change was something that lord Banemor had come up with as his dying wish – he wanted his child to not fear to return to her rightful home – no matter why she ran away, no matter what she had done to get by after that – she would always had a place to get back to, no matter what.

An occasional farm worker would look up at the carriage, snickering to themselves because of the local joke going around for more than a decade already – if a fancy carriage is going to the city, the crown will try their luck with Benevirau again.

Funnily enough, unaware to them, this time it really was the truth.


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