
Chapter 51 - The not so angry headmaster... (part 1)

Burdoff Mekhior Vereq – even as a corpse - could walk faster than some people could sprint so it didn't take him long to arrive at the headmaster's office.

"Now, then – let's deal with you."


The corpse puppet declared and threw Zoemi on the armchair before locking the door and activating the seal by using the magic crystal embedded into a wall.

"Oh, shit – and I thought I could trust you - you want to kill me now, don't you!?"

Zoemi had to twist his body around because he landed on the armchair upside down - he made a furious expression and glared at the headmaster already reaching towards the shadows to activate a shadow spell, but then the headmaster's body just fell to the floor and the black-haired boy clearly saw the shadow of the teenage girl detaching from it.

"What the...?"

Zoemi was taken aback and he started to look around the office when suddenly...



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