
Chapter 19 - Different points of view (part 1)

Zoemi knocked on the door to his master's room and tried opening it, but it turned out to be locked.


Zoemi pressed on the handle once more but the door still wouldn't budge.

|What's going on? Miriette would normally be already up and waiting for breakfast...|

He thought to himself furrowing his brows.

After all, he was the one who overslept – did something happen when he wasn't by Miriette's side?!

"My lady...? Are you alright?"

He asked ab bit louder, knocking on the door with a little more haste.


There was no response and Zoemi's face became pale as snow.

|Something must have happened!|

He tensed up as his brain began rapidly producing the images of the worst-case scenarios that could have led to this situation.

Arguably, the most dangerous ones amongst those possibilities would be:

Frist - the assassin from another kingdom who shows up in Arisu's route, who for whatever reason would arrive attacking nine months ahead of time.

Next chapter