
Chapter 13 - Part 2 - Magic examination - before the prince's turn

Seeing her attendant overreact like that, Miriette returned from her own world of dreams and delusions and clench her fists, forcefully pressing her fingernails to the skin so the pain would clear her head and stop her from overthinking...

|Calm down, stupid - if you do something rash you will just scare him off! Is that what you want?|

The dark-haired girl thought to herself.

|Dear god! She's furious!|

Zoemi sneaked a glance at his master and hurriedly looked back down.

Miriette's face was completely red and her jaw was moving slightly, so it was obvious to Zoemi that his master was grinding her teeth in anger.

|I'm so stupid! I selfishly decided that she looks good and because of that, she showed her fiancé the appearance that she thought of as disgraceful! What was I thinking!? I got too confident and haven't considered her feelings! I'm just an attendant and nothing more for her|

The black-haired attendant cursed his mishap.


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