
Chapter 5: Can you became our Commander?


After arriving in the base Lucas helps the ship girls that are injured

Damn this place is crippled to the ground' Lucas said as he look around

Then suddenly Lucas heard someone call his name

You're Lucas... Right?' said Whales

Ah... yes I am Lucas' said Lucas

First of all thank you for helping Hornet's fleet and... What might be your purpose' said Whales

What do you mean?' said Lucas

I mean there's a reason why you help us right?' said Whales

...Well how can I say these... To be honest I just came across into Hornet's fleet and coincidentally they are being attack so I decided to help' said Lucas

Is that so? Then how come you know about us?' said Whales

So Belfast informs you huh' said Lucas

You know our names too... I don't remember meeting someone like you' said Whales

Well I rather say the information later once the girls are in good condition' said Lucas as he looks at the ship girls

Oh yeah! May I ask which year we are right now? It's been so long that lost count of years' said Lucas

...The current year right now is 1954' said Whales

So it's been 40 Years huh' Lucas murmur

Did you just say something?' curiously said Whales

Oh it's nothing at all!' said Lucas

Well you said you will wait for the girls to get better before you said who you are right? Then follow me' said Whales

Lucas follows Whales after a moment they arrive in a building and Whales lead Lucas into some sort of room

Please rest here for now I'll send someone to accompany you and after a hour or so I will invite you in a meeting' said Whales

Is that so? Then thank you you can leave me alone now rest assured I will not leave' said Whales

After that Whales leave Lucas alone since she still has things to do

Then Lucas see's a chair near a window so he decided to rest there since he is still quite sleepy

Hmm... It's quite breezy here' said Lucas

He can also see the shipgirls from the window, Lucas watches them and without knowing it Lucas fall asleep



Lucas can feel that someone is poking his cheeks but since Lucas is still sleepy he didn't flinch

Then he feel that someone is still poking his cheeks but this time he finally wakes up

What might you be doing Belfast?' said Lucas

Pardon me but master looks really cute while sleeping so I can't help myself' said Belfast

Whales sends me to accompany master but when i arrive here master is sleeping... Anyways you need to prepare master you don't forget about the meeting right?' said Belfast

Yeah thanks for waking me out can you please lead me to the meeting room?' said Lucas


Meanwhile At The Meeting Room...

Some girls are in the meeting room waiting for Lucas and another shipgirl while they are waiting Whales engage a conversation

About Enterprise she save the base and Hornet's fleet too there's no doubt that she is extremely powerful' said Whales

But our expectations are met too... If Lucas doesn't arrive who knows what would happen' said Illustrious

Are you concerned about her?' said Whales

Illustrious nods

She saved Unicorn, I do not wish to see her get ground down over the course of the war' said Illustrious

In that case perhaps we should have a word with her majesty' said Whales as she looks into Queen Elizabeth

What do you think your majesty?' said Whales

I understand what you had to tell me but isn't that an issue to be dealt with by the Eagle Union? I don't feel it is appropriate for us to chime in' said Queen Elizabeth


There's a moment of silent in the room until Illustrious break the silence

But her strength will be surely needed in the upcoming battles we cannot let her perish here' said Illustrious

You sound quite determine may I ask why?' said Hood

The holy light guides me' Illustrious happily said

That again?' said Warspite

We cannot underestimate her intuition don't you agree' said Hood

Then suddenly someone knocks the door

Enter' said Whales

Then Enterprise enters thee meeting room and sits beside Cleveland

Then after Enterprise enters the room Lucas and Belfast arrives

Now then moving to the main subject' said Whales as Lucas arrives

Lucas then sits at the end of the table with Belfast beside her

As you promise Lucas may you introduce yourself?' said Whales

With pleasure' said Lucas


I have many names but you guys already know that my name is Lucas and I prefer you call me Lucas... If I have to be honest I'm just passing by when I met Hornet's fleet and decided to help... As you know I'm a unique one being able to switch between ships whenever I want to and more importantly I'm a boy...' said Lucas

And for my origin... Well I rather not talk about it' said Lucas with a sarcastic smile

Which kinda scared some of the girls

A some sort of bystander huh? But your knowledge about us says a different story's said Queen Elizabeth

It's because I'm much older than any of you' said Lucas

A tea for you master' said Belfast as she gave Lucas a tea

Thank you very much' said Lucas as he take a long sip

Is that so? Then mind to say how old are you?' said Queen Elizabeth

After hearing Queen Elizabeth question Lucas stops drinking his tea and place it in the table

I'm 58 years old' said Lucas with smile

58 years old?!' Said All Of Them

All the girls that are present cannot believe what they just heard

Now it make sense why you are so strong you must be had way more battle experience than any of us not even the oldest ships' said Enterprise

My strength not only comes from my ship... As you know I have a unique kind of ship that you guys never seen before which some of you my think that's why I'm strong. If you do then your not that wrong but my main strength came purely from my skill' said Lucas

And believe it or not I already took this statement into extreme and killed a high ranking Siren using my bare hands and somehow came out alive' said Lucas


All of them are simply too stunned to speak and the room is in silence once again

Then Whales finally break the silence because she taught this is the perfect time to ask Lucas to became their Commander

These may seem not the perfect time but Lucas... Can you became our commander?' said Whales

As Whales says that the room became quite once again

The girls knew that Lucas is powerful and they needed his strength to win this war and they're also needed a commander

After a moment and deep thinking Lucas broke the silence

I'm sorry but I decline' said Lucas

May I know why?' said Whales kinda disappointed

Well I don't entirely decline the idea, but I don't have much relationship with you guys to begin with and so on you didn't still earn my trust, but I promise that I will protect you guys until all things came back to normal and who knows... I might change my mind later on and became your commander... That is my answer' said Lucas as he took another sip from his tea

Is that so... So can I call you commander?" said Whales

Honestly... Call me whatever you want' said Lucas

Very well... Commander...' said Whales with a smile

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